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2024-01-21 10:45:21 -05:00

767 B

#Speaker/Ray #Jonah


[!bible]- Jonah 1 !Jonah 1

[!bible]- Jonah 2 !Jonah 2

Jonah knew scripture: psalm 18, 31, 116

Jonah at his lowest he prayed scripture. When our minds are filled with scripture we pray scripture. We are not use to converse with God. Scripture is one side of a conversation with us!

God will complete the work that He has started with us! philp 1:6 ^5bee88

Prayer of repentance: Psalm 51

Focus on: V 7 & V8 (forsake the grace that could be theirs) #TODO find this translation.

Idol is anything we place/love more than God! Entertainment, drama, news, doom scrolling. We put all of our time and energy into these things and we end up looking no different than the world. Jesus talking about idols: matt 10