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!S2E4 - Donna VanLiere The End Times and The Younger Generation.mp3

Todd: Hey everybody, welcome to the podcast. Today, we have an amazing guest, Donna van Leer. Shes a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author with six novels turned into made-for-TV movies, including The Christmas Shoes. A long time student of Bible prophecy, she is passionate about speaking, teaching and revealing the hope of scripture and what it has to say about todays headlines. Donna, welcome to the podcast.

Donna: Thank you, Todd. Thank you, Jeff. Great to be here with you.

Todd: Were just so honored to have you on here. We had a chance to read your book and really love it. Well definitely unpack a few things about that, but first, why dont you tell us a little bit about your story, how you came to Christ and how you became an author?

Donna: Well, I came to Christ as a young girl. I grew up in northeast Ohio, and I was very young at the time. My church where I grew up, we would hear that Jesus was coming back. That was a message that was taught either by the pastor or visiting pastor, even missionaries when they would come. They would just weave it into their message. Christ is returning. Jesus is coming. So it was something that I was used to hearing. But then as I became an adult, I realized that that message wasnt being taught anymore. But I grew up in a church that taught it, in a church that still teaches it in Ohio. So, thats my background. I just started writing in college really. I was always just writing something on the side, doing something freelance and even when I got married, just continuing to write something on the side. Then one day I thought, “Hey, maybe I should actually sit down and write a book.” So I started writing books is basically how it all came together.

Jeff: Its amazing just how God leads different people down different paths to come to an intersection in their life where they go, “Wait a minute. This is converging for me. This is a place where I feel like my voice is being heard,” and that type of thing. And you find yourself doing what Gods pleasure is in your life. Its just wonderful to see, Donna, just how God has led you down this path and brought you to where you are today. Its amazing to me, as you said, not a lot of pastors are preaching about Bible prophecy. Oddly enough, were living in it right now, living in the last days, and yet it seems like a lot of people are missing it. But what has been, Im interested to see just your response from your fans, your readers, because going from the genre that you were writing in to Bible prophecy had to feel like in some ways a dramatic switch for them. Whats been the feedback that youve gotten?

Donna: I think it was dramatic for some of them. The book that I had written is called The Time of Jacobs Trouble, and its about two-thirds novel and one-third biblical teaching. I did get some pushback at the very beginning. Readers were emailing me and one woman said, “Whats with all the Bible stuff?” And she said she stopped reading, which is unfortunate, because I wrote it for people who really didnt grow up with it, who dont know it. Because as I said, as I became an adult, I realized that that message wasnt being taught anymore at church. And one Sunday, it was like an epiphany for me. And I thought, “If it has been decades for me since I have actually heard a message about the return of Christ, what about the millennials? What about generation Z? What do they know?”

So thats why I wanted to write this book. I wanted to write it. Jesus spoke in parables so that people could understand. So I wanted to write this book part story form so that Generation Z or the millennials who arent going to pick up a book strictly about Bible prophecy. Theyre just not going to do it. Theyre going to find it boring. Its going to be too taxing or whatever. So I wanted to write this in story form so that it would draw them in but the Bibles in there, that scripture teaching is in there in the back. And I heard from one woman, she said, “Oh, this is too scriptured for me.” I didnt even know scriptured was a word.

Todd: Yeah, thats an inventive term there.

Donna: But I did hear recently from one woman. And she said, “My 16 year old has read through this book twice and she has said to me, Mom, I had no idea this was in the Bible.'” I heard last week from a grandmother. She said, “I gave this book to my 14 year old grandson and he actually read it.” She said, “And then he came to me and he had questions and we sat down and had a conversation about it.” So, hey, I am so pleased with that because theres a lot of people, particularly in our realm, in the Christian realm who would pick it up and say, “Oh, this is fiction. Im not going to read it.” And they wouldnt even get to the back of it where all the Bible teaching is, but everything I wrote, even in the story part, is from scripture. I wanted it to be scripture.

Jeff: I was going to say, I think its very strategic, Donna, that youve done that because I know a lot of millennials, like my daughters in laws, my kids who are married to them, they love historical fiction. And its crazy because theyre reading books on World War II right now. And they would never pick up a book on history on World War II, but this historical fiction where theres a storyline, it takes them all these places. It draws them in. So I think doing something like this with apocalyptic fiction really does bring people in to the story. And as my wife said, its like breadcrumbs leading them to the truth, and they finally get there in the end. So I applaud you for putting together this book in this form.

Donna: Oh, thank you, Jeff.

Todd: Yeah. Thats fantastic that youre trying to reach that demographic. And youre right, its almost like the teaching of eschatology has skipped a generation and Jeff and I are noticing the same thing. As a matter of fact, thats one of the main goals of this podcast is to reach millennials and generations beyond that because theyre not hearing it. And yeah, I commend you as well just for using story to connect with them, because everybody loves a good story. Even if a few of them end up turning it off because they say theres too much, what was the verb you made up?

Jeff: Scriptured. Yes.

Todd: Its too scriptural? Too scriptured.

Donna: It was too scriptured, yes.

Todd: Yeah. But those frontline stories that you shared about the 14 year old reading it and other young people, I bet that just really encouraged you a lot. So I commend you for taking the risk, and we know thats obviously something that the Lord had to make really clear to you that, that was what you were to write on. What are some of the specific things where he nudged you in that direction and opened up the door and made it clear that you were to write this book?

Donna: Well, I dont know if there was a definite clear day, but there were things that were leading up to it. I had already been studying it for a long time. Because again, Id been sitting in a church service week after week, and I would find myself saying to myself, saying things like, “I think Ive heard this same message at least 25 times in my life,” but I would have to check my spirit and say, “Okay, somebody here may have never heard the story of the prodigal son or of the Good Samaritan.” And at the particular church that we were going to, we heard the message of the Good Samaritan twice in 13 months, because we have several pastors. So it was things like that. It was like, “Oh my word, I keep hearing the same messages over and over, but theres no word about the return of Christ. Theres no hope in the return of Christ. Theres no mention of sin.”

There literally is no mention of sin from a lot of pulpits and how sin separates us. People dont want to hear about Gods wrath. They dont want to hear about Gods judgment. They just want to hear about his love and his kindness and his goodness, his mercy and his grace, which is awesome. But he cant be a loving God if there is no wrath, if there is no retaliation and judgment on sin. There has to be a judgment on sin. Otherwise rape, murder, trafficking, racism, its just going to go on and on and on forever. So those messages were missing. So one Sunday, I was just sitting there and it just felt like God deposited the idea into my heart. Write a book, have it be story form, but also have it be teaching. Teaching to draw people into the word. And so when I do get those emails of people who are reading The Time of Jacobs Trouble, and theyre saying, “I had no idea this was in the Bible,” I love that. Its awesome for me.

Todd: That means youre hitting the nerve. Yes. Hitting the bullseye there. And also just, I mean, the timing is everything in book publishing and obviously 2020 has been the most crazy mad year that weve had in recent history. How do you think that just God bringing this book to you at this time and having it published at this time, what are you seeing in terms of the books success and peoples lives, Christians that are giving you positive feedback from it? I mean, in terms of whats going on in the world today, are you seeing a parallel between us leading up to The Time of Jacobs Trouble?

Donna: Well, yes, but I dont recommend releasing a book the very same week that your country shuts down with a pandemic. I dont recommend that.

Jeff: Yeah, a lot of fun. Yeah, we understand the speaking engagements are like, “Well, were going to put that off for a year.” Oh, thanks.

Donna: Yeah. And Amazon literally stopped shipping books for a while, if you remember that.

Todd: Yeah, I remember that.

Donna: They stopped shipping books. So I dont recommend that, but I always go back to, hey, God knew this from the beginning. He knew when the book was going to come out. He knew who was going to read it. And I do keep hearing from believers who are reading it and they are encouraging me, saying, “Hey, please keep doing this. Please keep writing.” As a matter of fact, I have an author Facebook page and then I have a personal Facebook page. And on my personal one, I put a lot more of the Revelation type stuff on there. I had a pastor from Pennsylvania, he contacted me last week. And he said, “Your posts has encouraged me to teach Revelation.” He said, “The only thing Ive ever taught out of Revelation has been the letters to the seven churches.” And he said, “I think its time that I start.”

So he asked me if I would actually teach some of those messages, record them, because they cant meet right now, to record them and share them with his congregation. So, thats awesome. And I think that there are more and more spiritual leaders who are seeing and sensing the season that were in. And theyre saying we have got to start blowing those trumpets. It reminds me of Numbers 10. I dont know the exact verses. I know its like six, seven, and eight, something like that, six through 10 maybe of Numbers 10 where they blow the trumpet and the camps to the east, they get ready first. And when they hear that trumpet, theyre like, “Okay, its time to get ready. Were going to set out. Weve got to get ready.” And in verse 10, I think it is, of Numbers 10, Numbers 10:10, it says that the sons of Aaron blew the trumpets. It was the spiritual leaders who blew the trumpets as that warning to get people ready.And Jeff and Todd, I think thats what you do. Youre blowing those trumpets. Youre saying, “Hey people, it is time to get ready.” And I think there are other pastors. My own pastor is teaching through Revelation right now. I think theyre starting to sense it more and more the, “Hey, weve got to blow these trumpets. We have got to get people ready,” because so much of the church, theyre not ready. They have no idea. Theyre like Eutychus in the book of Acts. If you remember him, he fell asleep listening to Paul. Much of the church is sleeping and they have no idea whats happening in the world. If you dont believe that, just read through your Facebook or your social media posts. Its like, are these people aware of whats happening in the world? So, thank you, men, for blowing the trumpet and getting people ready.

Jeff: You bet. Its definitely our calling. Absolutely. And we appreciate that. And one of the things that I love about your book is that it is so solid. Theres a lot of apocalyptic literature out there. And I tell people, “You go to Amazon, youre going to get everything from A to Z. Every bird in the air is going to be flocking to this bush.” But youve got such solid biblical material in here and it just tells me that you have a great solid scriptural found … Youre very, scriptured, Donna.

Donna: Yeah, right. Ive heard that.

Todd: Were going to work that into our regular lingo now.

Jeff: That ought to be a book title, Scriptured.

Todd: Scriptured.

Jeff: Calling people back to the word of God. But no, seriously, I mean, really it flows through the fiction element and then of course in the back of the book as well. But thats one of the things that I think that, and we believe that, our opinions ultimately are just our opinions, but what does God really say? We want to know what God says. When someone blows that trumpet, we want to make sure its a trumpet thats blown on key and its something that is calling people to the right things and not to sensationalism or not to panic or anxiety or worry, but to the comfort and confidence that is found in the word of God. And your book does that. Its a powerful tool for people to take in their hands, and like you said, to be able to give to someone else who may be just dipping their toe in Christianity or the Bible or Bible prophecy. So we highly recommend this book, The Time of Jacobs Trouble.A lot of women that I know personally have read it. And so they are just telling me, “Jeff, its entertaining and it draws you in. But at the same time in the back, you get the meat of the word.” So thank you for doing that.

Donna: Oh, thats awesome. Thanks. I actually like to say because of Jesuss words in Luke 21, when you begin to see all these things, look up. So I like to say that it does feel like the world is spiraling out of control, but we know that things are looking up and we have much to anticipate. I even did a short series podcast called that, Things Are Looking Up, where we actually discuss what our generation is seeing that previous generations couldnt understand when they read those prophecies in the Bible. They thought, “What in the world? That doesnt make any sense.”

Jeff: Exactly. Yeah.

Donna: But were the generation that is seeing so much stuff, and we just have to tell people about it. We have to say, “Were it.” We are the generation that is seeing all of these things being fulfilled, and thats why things are looking up.

Todd: I agree 100%, and I think thats why the enemy has gotten so much of the church to fall asleep and so many people to shy away from Bible prophecy. And its interesting. One of the most common emails I get is, “Hey, theres nobody around that I can talk to about Bible prophecy. Nobody seems to see what Im seeing.” So, books like yours, and I pray that even though it launched during a pandemic, thats one reason were thrilled to have you on the show. We pray that this will really get many of your books into the hands of people because this book is amazing. I mean, I read it, I was riveted the whole time. Of course, I was a big fan of Left Behind series back in the day. I love the narrative form of that, but in my opinion, youre a little more real and raw than even that was.

This isnt just some churchy Bible book. You really made it raw and real to where I feel someone whos not even a believer would pick this up and be engaged by it and resonate with it as this feels real, and then hopefully engage with the message of Bible prophecy and the lateness of the hour. So thank you so much for writing this book. I cant wait for us to tell everybody about it and try to get this into more hands of people.

Donna: Well, I appreciate that and I did want to make it real, but we all know that whatever I wrote in there is not going to be probably half of what the tribulation period is going to be like, because when the Bible says that mens hearts will fail them from fear, thats a really hard time to be alive, when you are so afraid that you literally have a heart attack and die. So I dont think Ive probably even scratched the surface of what that time is going to be like, but I did want people to get some sort of image of what it would be like, because when we see anarchy and violence in the streets right now, thats with law enforcement still intact, thats with some parameters still built in, but one day those arent going to be there anymore. And its just going to be anarchy and violence on an unprecedented scale. So I dont think I probably did that time justice, but I do hope, again, to paint some sort of picture so that people can get some sort of idea of what it might possibly be like during that time.

Jeff: Well, and I think that too, Donna, its one of the reasons why this is prime time for Bible prophecy. I mean, this is a moment in history that God has positioned us, hes planted us, hes put us in these places for such a time as this. So I think thats just one of the reasons why we have to continue to trumpet those alarms and to get the message out. And its crazy because all the hope that we find in Christ is Jesus being the arc of our salvation, hes the answer, hes the way, the truth and the life, but this message is like hidden in plain sight. I mean, all the comfort and hope we get from Bible prophecy is just sitting right there in front of us. And even the churches, theyre ignoring this precious jewel of hope that we have.

So thats one of the reasons why we arent shy or we dont apologize or back down about talking about it because everything in scripture has a timing, and I think right now is the time where we need to be heralding this message of not only warning, but also of hope. I mean, these days are coming. These days of trouble are coming upon the whole world, as it says in Revelation. So were just excited about the opportunity that we have in this hour. And just like Churchill said in World War II, “This may be our finest hour,” and this truly may be the opportunity, I think, for the church to rise up and have a voice. And however we go out when the rapture comes, whether its in a moment of revival or a moment of great contrast between good and evil, either way, we need to have our ears open, our hearts open, our mouths open to declare that message.

So, its just so cool for us to know that we have partners in ministry like you, and were all in our own deployments fighting the battle, but were all on the same team of wearing the same uniform for Christ.

Donna: And Jesus, he told us to watch and to be aware. So as believers, we have to watch and pay attention to what is going on. Just last week I was visiting my mom in Ohio and there was a news program on. During that news program, they talked about the safety of kids going back to school. They talked about peace of mind for parents, peace of mind for others at this time. Then they switched to commercials, and the very first commercial said, “Your safety is our top priority.” The second commercial also talked about safety. We take your safety very seriously. So in a moment, in a manner of 10 or 15 minutes, I kept hearing the words over and over, peace and safety.

Todd: Peace and safety.

Donna: Peace and safety. And again, its just one of those things Jesus says to watch. And there I was, it was like, “Oh my word, we keep hearing the same words over and over again. Peace and safety, peace and safety.” What does the Bible say about that? When we hear those words, peace and safety, and then sudden-

Todd: Sudden destruction.

Donna: Right, sudden destruction. But its just one of those things where it can slip by you because we hear those words so often now. Theyre out there all the time in newscasts, on internet sites, in commercials. We hear it all the time.

Jeff: Yeah. Its a part of the cultural narrative now and people are buying into it because obviously of fear and they dont want to live like this forever, but if they have somebody, an authority telling them its going to be okay, were going to take care of you, then all of a sudden its like they can relax and they dont really need to work on their eternal destiny or anything like that because the governments going to take care of us or whoever it is out there. The Bible just seems to get lucky a lot on those kinds of things.

Donna: Youre right.

Jeff: Its just like these divine coincidences. Its like, how does the Bible do that? I mean, its just every single time it gets it right. So yeah, its amazing. God is in charge and hes in control, and we have obviously comfort in that. But as Martin Luther said, “If Christ were coming back tomorrow, I would plant a tree today.” Meaning I think, weve just got to keep living our lives and keep being faithful to what Gods called us to do. And yeah, we make plans and we submit them to the Lord, but we have things coming up in our lives and working on things. And speaking of, are you working on some new projects right now?

Donna: Im actually in the editing phase of the second book. Its called The Day of Ezekiels Hope. We wanted this just to be a three book series. So again, itll be part novel and then part biblical teaching. And that will come out, I think, in March. And this October, I have a book, completely unrelated, but its called The Christmas Table. And that is a fiction book, but it also includes recipes, which sounds like such a strange thing to be talking about in a prophecy podcast, a book that has recipes in it.

Todd: Thats good though because it gives our listeners a full gamut of your body of work. So thats great. And I think it adds more punch to the fact that youre writing about Bible prophecy, because here youve got a woman whos a great author, mom, whole nine yards, has had made for TV movies, and then you switch gears and do a series of books on Bible prophecy. To me that shows the importance of it. And I do think its funny how God is really handpicking people whose hearts are open and are watching these things to use any means necessary to get this message out. So I appreciate you, as Jeff said, just rising to the occasion for such a time as this. It definitely seems like were late in the hour, and that seems to be the sense by solid believers all over the world right now.

Donna: Right. And Ive had people say before, “Oh, I dont think I can study Bible prophecy.” Well, anybody can study Bible prophecy. You just have to read the Bible. My 19 year old, whos going off to college her freshman year next Friday, she told me out of the blue, she said, “Mom, Im reading Revelation right now and its really hard to understand because theres so much symbolism in there.” And I explained to her that its like you cant start at the end of a book when youre reading a book because you dont understand anything. You have to have a grasp of everything prior to that. You dont pick up a novel and turn to the ending chapter because you think, “Well, whos this guy? Where did he come from? How did he end up in Montana?” You know, that sort of thing. You have to know the beginning chapters. And God weaves that prophetic timeline all through scripture, so anybody can study it.Anybody can read. If you dont like to read, you can listen to it. Revelation is the only book that gives you that threefold blessing. One of them is because of listening to it.

Todd: Thats right.

Donna: So listen to it, read it out loud, but just begin the study because were in the season and theres so much good stuff in there. Theres so much goodness. And it eases our fears and it comforts our hearts because we do see that things are looking up and we do see that were so close to the return of Jesus, but we have to blow those trumpets wherever you are on what social media platform you have and whatever corner of the world you live in, you have to blow those trumpets because the time is near.

Jeff: Yeah, absolutely. And you think about the fact that God had one book to write and he had one closing chapter to write, and he chose that chapter to be Revelation. God wanted to end with this crescendo of history and to be able to give us something that, like you said, every person can grasp. I mean, the Bible is for everyone. Its not beyond peoples understanding. They just need to buy a Todd Hampson book, is what they need. Right, Todd?

Todd: [inaudible] a bundle of all of our books. Yeah.

Jeff: There you go, the trilogy. Well do the trilogy here with the Todd, Donna, Jeff thing there. Well, Donna, Todd, and I both know what its like to drop off your precious child at college, and just the kick in the gut that that feels like, the heartache that that feels. And well certainly be praying for you as that occurs in your life and your familys life and stuff. But tell us how can people find out more about your books and more about your ministry and more about your life?

Donna: I have a website, I am on social media, really just only Facebook, and Ive been told I dont do that very well. Apparently you have to hire people to do it well or whatever, but I mean, I can go weeks and Im not on there. But I am on Facebook and its under my name. And I do have that limited podcast, wherever you listen to podcasts, and it is called Things Are Looking Up. And again, its about what our generation is seeing that previous generations couldnt understand. And its exciting stuff. These are exciting days.

Jeff: Absolutely. They sure are. Donna, we thank God that he has put you in a place and given you the platform that he has given you to reach out. And obviously God has been orchestrating your life, bringing you to this point and leading you to write this book. And we praise God for it. Its called The Time of Jacobs Trouble by Donna Van Leer. You can get it anywhere books are sold. So Donna, we want to thank you so much for coming on the Prophecy Pros podcast. Thank you for your life, your ministry, what youre doing. And we just pray Gods richest blessings on you as you move forward.

Donna: Thank you, Jeff. Thank you, Todd. So appreciate your time today.

Todd: Youre so welcome.

Jeff: Thank you.

Todd: Well have to do it again when some new books come out, if the Lord hasnt returned yet.

Donna: Thats right. Awesome.

Jeff: Absolutely. Well, thank you guys for joining us on the Prophecy Pros podcast. Were in season two right now. Were very excited about the guests that are coming up, plus the other shows that Todd and I will be doing. So, you keep listening and keep following Jesus Christ. God bless.Hey for more resources and show notes, how to contact us, how to ask questions, go to Well see you next episode, or maybe not. Maybe well see you in the air.