2024-03-24 11:28:06 -04:00

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#Luke #Speaker/Ray

Luke 22 39-53

[!bible]- Luke 22-39-53 !Luke 22#39..53

Home work: John 17

Jesus has great compassion for us even in his great agony!

Jesus is oh so compassionate!

What temptation was he asking to pray against? Could be doubt, or to run from Jesus, or denying they knew Him.

Do I understand the the compassion that Jesus has for me? No matter what I am struggling with Jesus is fully aware and loves me through it all. The deepest love that i have only felt in fleeting moments on earth.

2 corth 1:3

In in my sin Christ has compassion and says rise and pray again

v42: we see his fully human side pray. That the cup will not pass onto him. and yet he said , not my will but yours be done!