2023-12-17 15:08:46 -05:00

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<p>Note, 1. We speak wisely when we speak seasonably: <i>The answer of the mouth</i> will be our credit and joy when it is pertinent and to the purpose, and is <i>spoken in due season</i>, when it is needed and will be regarded, and, as we say, hits the joint. Many a good word comes short of doing the good it might have done, for want of being well-timed. Nor is any thing more the beauty of discourse than to have a proper answer ready off-hand, just when there is occasion for it, and it comes in well. 2. If we speak wisely and well, it will redound to our own comfort and to the advantage of others: <i>A man has joy by the answer of his mouth</i>; he may take a pleasure, but may by no means take a pride, in having spoken so acceptably and well that the hearers admire him and say, “<i>How good is it</i>, and how much good does it do!”</p>