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<p>We have here the story of Peters denying his Master, and it comes in as a part of Christs sufferings. Our Lord Jesus was now in the High Priests hall, not to be tried, but baited rather; and then it would have been some comfort to him to see his friends near him. But we do not find any friend he had about the court, save Peter only, and it would have been better if he had been at a distance. Observe how he fell, and how he got up again by repentance.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. His sin, which is here impartially related, to the honour of the penmen of scripture, who dealt faithfully. Observe,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. The immediate occasion of Peters sin. He sat without in the palace, among the servants of the High Priest. Note, Bad company is to many an occasion of sin; and those who needlessly thrust themselves into it, go upon the devils ground, venture into his crowds, and may expect either to be tempted and ensnared, as Peter was, or to be ridiculed and abused, as his Master was; they scarcely can come out of such company, without guilt or grief, or both. He that would keep Gods commandments and his own covenant, must say to evil-doers, <i>Depart from me</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.119.115" href="/passage/?search=Ps.119.115">Ps. 119:115</a>. Peter spoke from his own experience, when he warned his new converts to <i>save themselves from that untoward generation</i>; for he had like to have ruined himself by but going once among them.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. The temptation to it. He was challenged as a retainer to Jesus of Galilee. First one maid, and then another, and then the rest of the servants, charged it upon him; <i>Thou also wert with Jesus of Galilee</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Matt.26.69" href="/passage/?search=Matt.26.69">Matt. 26:69</a>. And again, <i>This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Matt.26.71" href="/passage/?search=Matt.26.71">Matt. 26:71</a>. And again (<a class="bibleref" title="Matt.26.73" href="/passage/?search=Matt.26.73">Matt. 26:73</a>), <i>Thou also art one of them, for thy speech betrayeth thee</i> to be a Galilean; whose dialect and pronunciation differed from that of the other Jews. Happy he whose speech betrays him to be a disciple of Christ, by the holiness and seriousness of whose discourse it appears that he has been with Jesus! Observe how scornfully they speak of Christ-Jesus <i>of Galilee</i>, and <i>of Nazareth</i>, upbraiding him with the country he was of: and how disdainfully they speak of Peter—<i>This fellow</i>; as if they thought it a reproach to them to have such a man in their company, and he was well enough served for coming among them; yet they had nothing to accuse him of, but that he was with Jesus, which, they thought, was enough to render him both a scandalous and a suspected person.</p>
<p class="tab-1">3. The sin itself. When he was charged as one of Christs disciples, he denied it, was ashamed and afraid to own himself so, and would have all about him to believe that he had no knowledge of him, nor any kindness or concern for him.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(1.) Upon the first mention of it, he said, <i>I know not what thou sayest</i>. This was a shuffling answer; he pretended that he did not understand the charge, that he knew not whom she meant by <i>Jesus of Galilee</i>, or what she meant by being <i>with</i> him; so making strange of that which his heart was now as full of as it could be. [1.] It is a fault thus to misrepresent our own apprehensions, thoughts, and affections, to serve a turn; to pretend that we do not understand, or did not think of, or remember, that which yet we do apprehend, and did think of, and remember; this is a species of lying which we are more prone to than any other, because in this a man is not easily disproved; for <i>who knows the spirit of a man, save himself</i>? But God knows it, and we must be restrained from this wickedness by a fear of him, <a class="bibleref" title="Prov.24.12" href="/passage/?search=Prov.24.12">Prov. 24:12</a>. [2.] It is yet a greater fault to be shy of Christ, to dissemble our knowledge of him, and to shift off a confession of him, when we are called to it; it is, in effect, to <i>deny</i> him.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(2.) Upon the next attack, he said, flat and plain, <i>I know not the man</i>, and backed it with an oath, <a class="bibleref" title="Matt.26.72" href="/passage/?search=Matt.26.72">Matt. 26:72</a>. This was, in effect, to say, I will not own him, I am no Christian; for Christianity is the knowledge of Christ. Why, Peter? Canst thou look upon yonder Prisoner at the bar, and say thou dost not know him? Didst not thou quit all to follow him? And hast thou not been the man of his counsel? Hast thou not known him better than any one else? Didst thou not confess him to be the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? Hast thou forgotten all the kind and tender looks thou hast had from him, and all the intimate fellowship thou hast had with him? Canst thou look him in the face, and say that thou dost not know him?</p>
<p class="tab-1">(3.) Upon the third assault, <i>he began to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Matt.26.74" href="/passage/?search=Matt.26.74">Matt. 26:74</a>. This was worst of all, for the way of sin is down-hill. He cursed and swore, [1.] To back what he said, and to gain credit to it, that they might not any more call it in question; he did not only <i>say</i> it, but <i>swear</i> it; and yet what he said, was false. Note, We have reason to suspect the truth of that which is backed with rash oaths and imprecations. None but the devils sayings need the devils proofs. He that will not be restrained by the third commandment from mocking his God, will not be kept by the ninth from deceiving his brother. [2.] He designed it to be an evidence for him, that he was none of Christs disciples, for this was none of their language. Cursing and swearing suffice to prove a man no disciple of Christ; for it is the language of his enemies thus to <i>take his name in vain</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">This is written for warning to us, that we sin not after the similitude of Peters transgression; that we never, either directly or indirectly, deny Christ the Lord that bought us, by rejecting his offers, resisting his Spirit, dissembling our knowledge of him, and being ashamed of him and his words, or afraid of suffering for him and with his suffering people.</p>
<p class="tab-1">4. The aggravations of this sin, which it may be of use to take notice of, that we may observe the like transgressions in our own sins. Consider, (1.) Who he was: an apostle, one of the first three, that had been upon all occasions the most forward to speak to the honour of Christ. The greater profession we make of religion, the greater is our sin if in any thing we walk unworthily. (2.) What fair warning his Master had given him of his danger; if he had regarded this as he ought to have done, he would not have run himself into the temptation. (3.) How solemnly he had promised to adhere to Christ in this night of trial; he had said again and again, “<i>I will never deny thee</i>; no, I will die with thee first;” yet he broke these bonds in sunder, and his word was yea and nay. (4.) How soon he fell into this sin after the Lords supper. There to receive such an inestimable pledge of redeeming love, and yet the same night, before morning, to disown his Redeemer, was indeed <i>turning aside quickly</i>. (5.) How weak comparatively the temptation was; it was not the judge, nor any of the officers of the court, that charged him with being a disciple of Jesus, but a silly maid or two, that probably designed him no hurt, nor would have done him any if he had owned it. This was but <i>running with the footmen</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.12.5" href="/passage/?search=Jer.12.5">Jer. 12:5</a>. (6.) How often he repeated it; even after the cock had crowed once he continued in the temptation, and a second and third time relapsed into the sin. Isa. this Peter? <i>How art thou fallen</i>!</p>
<p class="tab-1">Thus was his sin aggravated; but on the other hand there is this to extenuate it, that, what he said he said <i>in his haste</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.116.11" href="/passage/?search=Ps.116.11">Ps. 116:11</a>. He fell into the sin by surprise, not as Judas, with design; his heart was against it; he spoke very ill, but it was unadvisedly, and before he was aware.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. Peters repentance for this sin, <a class="bibleref" title="Matt.26.75" href="/passage/?search=Matt.26.75">Matt. 26:75</a>. The former is written for our admonition, that we may not sin; but, if at any time we be overtaken, this is written for our imitation, that we may make haste to repent. Now observe,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. What it was, that brought Peter to repentance.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(1.) <i>The cock crew</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Matt.26.74" href="/passage/?search=Matt.26.74">Matt. 26:74</a>); a common contingency; but, Christ having mentioned the crowing of <i>the cock</i> in the warning he gave him, that made it a means of bringing him to himself. The word of Christ can put a significancy upon whatever sign he shall please to choose, and by virtue of that word he can make it very beneficial to the souls of his people. The crowing of a cock is to Peter instead of a John Baptist, the voice of one calling to repentance. Conscience should be to us as the crowing of the cock, to put us in mind of what we had forgotten. When <i>Davids heart smote him</i> the cock crew. Where there is a living principle of grace in the soul, though for the present overpowered by temptation, a little hint will serve, only for a memorandum, when God sets in with it, to recover it from a by-path. Here was the crowing of a cock made a happy occasion of the conversion of a soul. Christ comes sometimes in mercy <i>at cock-crowing</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(2.) <i>He remembered the words of the Lord</i>; this was it that brought him to himself, and melted him into tears of godly sorrow; a sense of his ingratitude to Christ, and the slight regard he had had to the gracious warning Christ had given him. Note, A serious reflection upon the words of the Lord Jesus will be a powerful inducement to repentance, and will help to break the heart for sin. Nothing grieves a penitent more than that he has sinned against the grace of the Lord Jesus and the tokens of his love.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. How his repentance was expressed; <i>He went out, and wept bitterly</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(1.) His sorrow was secret; he went out, out of the High Priests hall, vexed at himself that ever he came into it, now that he found what a snare he was in, and got out of it as fast as he could. He went out into the porch before (<a class="bibleref" title="Matt.26.71" href="/passage/?search=Matt.26.71">Matt. 26:71</a>); and if he had gone quite off then, his second and third denial had been prevented; but then he came in again, now he went out and came in no more. He went out to some place of solitude and retirement, where he might <i>bemoan</i> himself, <i>like the doves of the valleys</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.7.16,Jer.9.1,Jer.9.2" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.7.16,Jer.9.1,Jer.9.2"><span class="bibleref" title="Ezek.7.16">Ezek. 7:16</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Jer.9.1">Jer. 9:1</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Jer.9.2">2</span></a>. He went out, that he might not be disturbed in his devotions on this sad occasion. We may <i>then</i> be most free in our communion with God, when we are most free from the converse and business of this world. In mourning for sin, we find <i>the families apart, and their wives apart</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Zech.12.11,Zech.12.12" href="/passage/?search=Zech.12.11,Zech.12.12"><span class="bibleref" title="Zech.12.11">Zech. 12:11</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Zech.12.12">12</span></a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(2.) His sorrow was serious; <i>He wept bitterly</i>. Sorrow for sin must not be slight, but great and deep, like that for an only son. Those that have sinned sweetly, must weep bitterly; for, sooner or later, sin will be bitterness. This deep sorrow is requisite, not to satisfy divine justice (a sea of tears would not do that), but to evidence that there is a real change of mind, which is the essence of repentance, to make the pardon the more welcome, and sin for the future the more loathsome. Peter, who wept so bitterly for denying Christ, never denied him again, but <i>confessed</i> him often and openly, and in the mouth of danger; so far from ever saying, <i>I know not the man</i>, that he made all the house of <i>Israel know assuredly that this same Jesus was Lord and Christ</i>. True repentance for any sin will be best evidenced by our abounding in the contrary grace and duty; that is a sign of our weeping, not only bitterly, but sincerely. Some of the ancients say, that as long as Peter lived, he never heard a cock crow but it set him a weeping. Those that have truly sorrowed for sin, will sorrow upon every remembrance of it; yet not so as to hinder, but rather to increase, their joy in God and in his mercy and grace.</p>