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<p>Here, I. Abner breaks with Ish-bosheth, and deserts his interest, upon a little provocation which Ish-bosheth unadvisedly gave him. God can serve his own purposes by the sins and follies of men. 1. Ish-bosheth accused Abner of no less a crime than debauching one of his fathers concubines, <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.7" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.7">2 Sam. 3:7</a>. Whether it was so or no does not appear, nor what ground he had for the suspicion: but, however it was, it would have been Ish-bosheths prudence to be silent, considering how much it was his interest not to disoblige Abner. If the thing was false, and his jealousy groundless, it was very disingenuous and ungrateful to entertain unjust surmises of one who had ventured his all for him, and was certainly the best friend he had in the world. 2. Abner resented the charge very strongly. Whether he was guilty of the <i>fault concerning this woman</i> or no he does not say (<a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.8" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.8">2 Sam. 3:8</a>), but we suspect he was guilty, for he does not expressly deny it; and, though he was, he lets Ish-bosheth know, (1.) That he scorned to be reproached with it by him, and would not take reproof at his hands. “What!” says Abner, “<i>Amos I a dogs head</i>, a vile and contemptible animal, that thou exposest me thus? <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.8" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.8">2 Sam. 3:8</a>. Isa. this my recompence for the kindness I have shown to thee and thy fathers house, and the good services I have done you?” He magnifies the service with this, that it was against Judah, the tribe on which the crown was settled, and which would certainly have it at last, so that, in supporting the house of Saul, he acted both against his conscience and against his interest, for which he deserved a better requital than this: and yet, perhaps, he would not have been so zealous for the house of Saul if he had not thereby gratified his own ambition and hoped to find his own account in it. Note, Proud men will not bear to be reproved, especially by those whom they think they have obliged. (2.) That he would certainly be revenged on him, <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.9,2Sam.3.10" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.9,2Sam.3.10"><span class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.9">2 Sam. 3:9</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.10">10</span></a>. With the utmost degree of arrogance and insolence he lets him know that, as he had raised him up, so he could pull him down again and would do it. He knew that God had sworn to David to give him the kingdom, and yet opposed it with all his might from a principle of ambition; but now he complies with it from a principle of revenge, under colour of some regard to the will of God, which was but a pretence. Those that are slaves to their lusts have many masters, which drive, some one way and some another, and, according as they make head, men are violently hurried into self-contradictions. Abners ambition made him zealous for Ish-bosheth, and now his revenge made him as zealous for David. If he had sincerely regarded Gods promise to David, and acted with an eye to that, he would have been steady and uniform in his counsels, and acted in consistency with himself. But, while Abner serves his own lusts, God by him serves his own purposes, makes even his wrath and revenge to praise him, and ordains strength to David by it. <i>Lastly</i>, See how Ish-bosheth was thunder-struck by Abners insolence: He <i>could not answer him again</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.11" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.11">2 Sam. 3:11</a>. If Ish-bosheth had had the spirit of a man, especially of a prince, he might have answered him that his merits were the aggravation of his crimes, that he would not be served by so base a man, and doubted not but to do well enough without him. But he was conscious to himself of his own weakness, and therefore said not a word, lest he should make bad worse. His heart failed him, and he now became, as David had foretold concerning his enemies, like a bowing wall and a <i>tottering fence</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.62.3" href="/passage/?search=Ps.62.3">Ps. 62:3</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. Abner treats with David. We must suppose that he began to grow weary of Ish-bosheths cause, and sought an opportunity to desert it, or else, however he might threaten Ish-bosheth with it, for the quashing of the charge against himself, he would not have made good his angry words so soon as he did, <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.12" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.12">2 Sam. 3:12</a>. He <i>sent messengers to David</i>, to tell him that he was at his service. “<i>Whose is the land</i>? Isa. it not thine? For thou hast the best title to the government and the best interest in the peoples affections.” Note, God can find out ways to make those serviceable to the kingdom of Christ who yet have no sincere affection for it and who have vigorously set themselves against it. Enemies are sometimes made a footstool, not only to be trodden upon, but to ascend by. The earth helped the woman.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. David enters into a treaty with Abner, but upon condition that he shall procure him the restitution of Michal his wife, <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.13" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.13">2 Sam. 3:13</a>. Hereby, 1. David showed the sincerity of his conjugal affection to his first and most rightful wife; neither her marrying another, nor his, had alienated him from her. Many waters could not quench that love. 2. He testified his respect to the house of Saul. So far was he from trampling upon it, now that it was fallen, that even in his elevation he valued himself not a little on his relation to it. He cannot be pleased with the honours of the throne unless he have Michal, Sauls daughter, to share with him in them, so far is he from bearing any malice to the family of his enemy. Abner sent him word that he must apply to Ish-bosheth, which he did (<a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.14" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.14">2 Sam. 3:14</a>), pleading that he had purchased her at a dear rate, and she was wrongfully taken from him. Ish-bosheth durst not deny his demand, now that he had not Abner to stand by him, but took her from Phaltiel, to whom Saul had married her (<a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.15" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.15">2 Sam. 3:15</a>), and Abner conducted her to David, not doubting but that then he should be doubly welcome when he brought him a wife in one hand and a crown in the other. Her latter husband was loth to part with her, and followed her <i>weeping</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.16" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.16">2 Sam. 3:16</a>), but there was no remedy: he must thank himself; for when he took her he knew that another had a right to her. Usurpers must expect to resign. Let no man therefore set his heart on that to which he is not entitled. If any disagreement has separated husband and wife, as they expect the blessing of God let them be reconciled, and come together again; let all former quarrels be forgotten, and let them live together in love, according to Gods holy ordinance.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. Abner uses his interest with the elders of Israel to bring them over to David, knowing that whichever way they went the common people would follow of course. Now that it serves his own turn he can plead in Davids behalf that he was, 1. Israels choice (<a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.17" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.17">2 Sam. 3:17</a>): “<i>You sought for him in times past to be king over you</i>, when he had signalized himself in so many engagements with the Philistines and done you so much good service; no man can pretend to greater personal merit than David nor to less than Ish-bosheth. You have tried them both, <i>Detur digniori—Give the crown to him that best deserves it</i>. Let David be your king.” 2. Gods choice (<a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.18" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.18">2 Sam. 3:18</a>): “<i>The Lord hath spoken of David</i>. Compare <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.9" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.9">2 Sam. 3:9</a>. When God appointed Samuel to anoint him he did, in effect, promise that by his hand he would save Israel; for for that end he was made king. God having promised, by Davids hand, to save Israel, it is both your duty, in compliance with Gods will, and your interest, in order to your victories over your enemies, to submit to him; and it is the greatest folly in the world to oppose him.” Who would have expected such reasonings as these out of Abners mouth? But thus God will make the enemies of his people to know and own <i>that he has loved them</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Rev.3.9" href="/passage/?search=Rev.3.9">Rev. 3:9</a>. He particularly applied to the men of Benjamin, those of his own tribe, on whom he had the greatest influence, and whom he had drawn in to appear for the house of Saul. He was the man that had deceived them, and therefore he was concerned to undeceive them. Thus the multitude are as they are managed.</p>
<p class="tab-1">V. David concludes the treaty with Abner; and he did wisely and well therein; for, whatever induced Abner to it, it was a good work to put an end to the war, and to settle the Lords anointed on the throne; and it was as lawful for David to make use of his agency as it is for a poor man to receive alms from a Pharisee, who gives it in pride and hypocrisy. Abner reported to David the sense of the people and the success of his communications with them, <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.19" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.19">2 Sam. 3:19</a>. He came now, not as at first privately, but with a retinue of twenty men, and David entertained them with <i>a feast</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.20" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.20">2 Sam. 3:20</a>) in token of reconciliation and joy and as a pledge of the agreement between them: it was a feast upon a covenant, like that, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.26.30" href="/passage/?search=Gen.26.30">Gen. 26:30</a>. <i>If thy enemy hunger, feed him</i>; but, if he submit, feast him. Abner, pleased with his entertainment, the prevention of his fall with Sauls house (which would have been inevitable if he had not taken this course), and much more with the prospect he had of preferment under David, undertakes in a little time to perfect the revolution, and to bring all Israel into obedience to David, <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.3.21" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.3.21">2 Sam. 3:21</a>. He tells David he shall <i>reign over all that his heart desired</i>. He knew Davids elevation took rise from Gods appointment, yet he insinuates that it sprang from his own ambition and desire of rule; thus (as bad men often do) he measured that good man by himself. However, David and he parted very good friends, and the affair between them was well settled. Thus it behoves all who fear God and keep his commandments to avoid strife, even with the wicked, to live at peace with all men, and to show the world that they are children of the light.</p>