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<p>Absalom is no sooner restored to his place at court than he aims to be in the throne. He that was unhumbled under his troubles became insufferably proud when they were over; and he cannot be content with the honour of being the kings son, and the prospect of being his successor, but he must be king now. His mother was a kings daughter; on that perhaps he valued himself, and despised his father, who was but the son of Jesse. She was the daughter of a heathen king, which made him the less concerned for the peace of Israel. David, in this unhappy issue of that marriage, smarted for his being unequally yoked with an unbeliever. When Absalom was restored to the kings favour, if he had had any sense of gratitude, he would have studied how to oblige his father, and make him easy; but, on the contrary, he meditates how to undermine him, by stealing the hearts of the people from him. Two things recommend a man to popular esteem--greatness and goodness.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. Absalom looks great, <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.15.1" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.15.1">2 Sam. 15:1</a>. He had learned of the king of Geshur (what was not allowed to the kings of Israel) to multiply horses, which made him look desirable, while his father, on his mule, looked despicable. The people desired a king like the nations; and such a one Absalom will be, appearing in pomp and magnificence, above what had been seen in Jerusalem. Samuel had foretold that this would be <i>the manner of the king</i>: He shall <i>have chariots and horsemen, and some shall run before his chariots</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.8.11" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.8.11">1 Sam. 8:11</a>); and this is Absaloms manner. Fifty footmen (in rich liveries we may suppose) running before him, to give notice of his approach, would highly gratify his pride and the peoples foolish fancy. David thinks that this parade is designed only to grace his court, and connives at it. Those parents know not what they do who indulge a proud humour in their children; for I have seen more young people ruined by pride than by any one lust whatsoever.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. Absalom will seem very good too, but with a very bad design. Had he proved himself a good son and a good subject, and set himself to serve his fathers interest, he would have done his present duty, and shown himself worthy of future honours, after his fathers death. Those that know how to obey well know how to rule. But to show how good a judge and how good a king he will be is but to deceive himself and others. Those are good indeed that are good in their own place, not that pretend how good they would be in other peoples places. But this is all the goodness we find in Absalom.</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. He wishes that he were a judge in Israel, <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.15.4" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.15.4">2 Sam. 15:4</a>. He had all the pomp and all the pleasure he could wish, lived as great and in as much ease as any man could; yet this will not content him, unless he have power too: <i>O that I were a judge in Israel</i>! He that should himself have been judged to death for murder has the impudence to aim at being a judge of others. We read not of Absaloms wisdom, virtue, or learning in the laws, nor had he given any proofs of his love to justice, but the contrary; yet he wishes he were judge. Note, Those are commonly most ambitious of preferment that are least fit for it; the best qualified are the most modest and self-diffident, while it is no better than the spirit of an Absalom that says, <i>O that I were a judge in Israel</i>!</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. He takes a very bad course for the accomplishing of his wish. Had he humbly petitioned his father to employ him in the administration of justice, and studied to qualify himself for it (according to the rule, <a class="bibleref" title="Exod.18.21" href="/passage/?search=Exod.18.21">Exod. 18:21</a>), no doubt he would have been sure of the next judges place that fell; but this is too mean a post for his proud spirit. It is below him to be subordinate, though to the king his father; he must be supreme or nothing. He wants to be such a judge that every man who has any cause shall come to him: in all causes, and over all persons, he must preside, little thinking what a fatigue this would be to have every man come to him. Moses himself could not bear it. Those know not what power is that grasp at so much, so very much. To gain the power he aims at, he endeavours to instill into the peoples minds,</p>
<p class="tab-1">(1.) A bad opinion of the present administration, as if the affairs of the kingdom were altogether neglected, and no care taken about them. He got round him all he could that had business at the council-board, enquired what their business was; and, [1.] Upon a slight and general enquiry into their cause, he pronounced it good: <i>Thy matters are right</i>. A fit man indeed to be a judge, who would give judgment upon hearing one side only! For he has a bad cause indeed that cannot put a good colour upon it, when he himself has the telling of the story. But, [2.] He told them that it was to no purpose to appeal to the throne: <i>There is no man deputed of the king to hear thee</i>. The king is himself old, and past business, or so taken up with his devotions that he never minds business; his sons are so addicted to their pleasures that, though they have the name of chief rulers, they take no care of the affairs committed to them. He further seems to insinuate what a great want there was of him while he was banished and confined, and how much the public suffered by his exile; what his father said truly in Sauls reign (<a class="bibleref" title="Ps.75.3" href="/passage/?search=Ps.75.3">Ps. 75:3</a>) he says falsely: <i>The land and all the inhabitants of it are dissolved</i>, all will go to wreck and ruin, unless <i>I bear up the pillars of it</i>. Every appellant shall be made to believe that he will never have justice done him, unless Absalom be viceroy or lord-justice. It is the way of turbulent, factious, aspiring men, to reproach the government they are under. <i>Presumptuous are they, self-willed, and not afraid to speak evil of dignities</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="2Pet.2.10" href="/passage/?search=2Pet.2.10">2 Pet. 2:10</a>. Even David himself, the best of kings, and his administration, could not escape the worst of censures. Those that aim to usurp cry out of grievances, and pretend to design nothing but the redress of them: as Absalom here.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(2.) A good opinion of his own fitness to rule. That the people might say, O that Absalom were a judge! (and they are apt enough to desire changes), he recommends himself to them, [1.] As very diligent. He rose up early, and appeared in public before the rest of the kings sons were stirring, and he stood beside the way of the gate, where the courts of judgment sat, as one mightily concerned to see justice done and public business despatched. [2.] As very inquisitive and prying, and desirous to be acquainted with every ones case. He would know of what city every one was that came for judgment, that he might inform himself concerning every part of the kingdom and the state of it, <a class="bibleref" title="2Sam.15.2" href="/passage/?search=2Sam.15.2">2 Sam. 15:2</a>. [3.] As very familiar and humble. If any Israelite offered to do obeisance to him he took him and embraced him as a friend. No mans conduct could be more condescending, while his heart was as proud as Lucifers. Ambitious projects are often carried on by <i>a show of humility</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Col.2.23" href="/passage/?search=Col.2.23">Col. 2:23</a>. He knew what a grace it puts upon greatness to be affable and courteous, and how much it wins upon common people: had he been sincere in it, it would have been his praise; but to fawn upon the people that he might betray them was abominable hypocrisy. <i>He croucheth, and humbleth himself, to draw them into his net</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.10.9,Ps.10.10" href="/passage/?search=Ps.10.9,Ps.10.10"><span class="bibleref" title="Ps.10.9">Ps. 10:9</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Ps.10.10">10</span></a>.</p>