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<div2 id="Ps.xlvii" n="xlvii" next="Ps.xlviii" prev="Ps.xlvi" progress="37.51%" title="Chapter XLVI">
<h2 id="Ps.xlvii-p0.1">P S A L M S</h2>
<h3 id="Ps.xlvii-p0.2">PSALM XLVI.</h3>
<p class="intro" id="Ps.xlvii-p1">This psalm encourages us to hope and trust in God,
and his power, and providence, and gracious presence with his
church in the worst of times, and directs us to give him the glory
of what he has done for us and what he will do: probably it was
penned upon occasion of David's victories over the neighbouring
nations (<scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p1.1" osisRef="Bible:2Sam.8.1-2Sam.8.18" parsed="|2Sam|8|1|8|18" passage="2Sa 8:1-18">2 Sam. viii.</scripRef>),
and the rest which God gave him from all his enemies round about.
We are here taught, I. To take comfort in God when things look very
black and threatening, <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p1.2" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.1-Ps.46.5" parsed="|Ps|46|1|46|5" passage="Ps 46:1-5">ver.
1-5</scripRef>. II. To mention, to his praise, the great things he
had wrought for his church against its enemies, <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p1.3" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.6-Ps.46.9" parsed="|Ps|46|6|46|9" passage="Ps 46:6-9">ver. 6-9</scripRef>. III. To assure ourselves that God
who has glorified his own name will glorify it yet again, and to
comfort ourselves with that, <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p1.4" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.10-Ps.46.11" parsed="|Ps|46|10|46|11" passage="Ps 46:10,11">ver.
10, 11</scripRef>. We may, in singing it, apply it either to our
spiritual enemies, and be more than conquerors over them, or to the
public enemies of Christ's kingdom in the world and their
threatening insults, endeavouring to preserve a holy security and
serenity of mind when they seem most formidable. It is said of
Luther that, when he heard any discouraging news, he would say,
Come let us sing the forty-sixth psalm.</p>
<scripCom id="Ps.xlvii-p1.5" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46" parsed="|Ps|46|0|0|0" passage="Ps 46" type="Commentary"/>
<scripCom id="Ps.xlvii-p1.6" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.1-Ps.46.5" parsed="|Ps|46|1|46|5" passage="Ps 46:1-5" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Ps.46.1-Ps.46.5">
<h4 id="Ps.xlvii-p1.7">God the Protection of His
<div class="Center" id="Ps.xlvii-p1.8">
<p id="Ps.xlvii-p2">To the chief musician for the sons of Korah. A song upon
<p class="passage" id="Ps.xlvii-p3">1 God <i>is</i> our refuge and strength, a very
present help in trouble.   2 Therefore will not we fear,
though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried
into the midst of the sea;   3 <i>Though</i> the waters
thereof roar <i>and</i> be troubled, <i>though</i> the mountains
shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.   4 <i>There is</i> a
river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the
holy <i>place</i> of the tabernacles of the most High.   5 God
<i>is</i> in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall
help her, <i>and that</i> right early.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Ps.xlvii-p4">The psalmist here teaches us by his own
<p class="indent" id="Ps.xlvii-p5">I. To triumph in God, and his relation to
us and presence with us, especially when we have had some fresh
experiences of his appearing in our behalf (<scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p5.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.1" parsed="|Ps|46|1|0|0" passage="Ps 46:1"><i>v.</i> 1</scripRef>): <i>God is our refuge and
strength;</i> we have found him so, he has engaged to be so, and he
ever will be so. Are we pursued? God is our refuge to whom we may
flee, and in whom we may be safe and think ourselves so; secure
upon good grounds, <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p5.2" osisRef="Bible:Prov.18.10" parsed="|Prov|18|10|0|0" passage="Pr 18:10">Prov. xviii.
10</scripRef>. Are we oppressed by troubles? Have we work to do and
enemies to grapple with? God is our strength, to bear us up under
our burdens, to fit us for all our services and sufferings; he will
by his grace put strength into us, and on him we may stay
ourselves. Are we in distress? He is a help, to do all that for us
which we need, <i>a present help, a help found</i> (so the word
is), one whom we have found to be so, a help on which we may write
<i>Probatum est—It is tried,</i> as Christ is called a <i>tried
stone,</i> <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p5.3" osisRef="Bible:Isa.28.16" parsed="|Isa|28|16|0|0" passage="Isa 28:16">Isa. xxviii.
16</scripRef>. Or, <i>a help at hand,</i> one that never is to seek
for, but that is always near. Or, a <i>help sufficient,</i> a help
accommodated to every case and exigence; whatever it is, he is a
very present help; we cannot desire a better help, nor shall ever
find the like in any creature.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Ps.xlvii-p6">II. To triumph over the greatest dangers:
<i>God is our strength and our help,</i> a God all-sufficient to
us; <i>therefore will not we fear.</i> Those that with a holy
reverence fear God need not with any amazement to be afraid of the
power of hell or earth. <i>If God be for us, who can be against
us;</i> to do us any harm? It is our duty, it is our privilege, to
be thus fearless; it is an evidence of a clear conscience, of an
honest heart, and of a lively faith in God and his providence and
promise: "<i>We will not fear, though the earth be removed,</i>
though all our creature-confidences fail us and sink us; nay,
though that which should support us threaten to swallow us up, as
the earth did Korah," for whose sons this psalm was penned, and,
some think, by them; yet while we keep close to God, and have him
for us, we will not fear, for we have no cause to fear;</p>
<verse id="Ps.xlvii-p6.1">
<l class="t1" id="Ps.xlvii-p6.2">——Si fractus illabatur orbis,</l>
<l class="t1" id="Ps.xlvii-p6.3">Impavidum ferient ruinæ.</l>
<l class="t1" id="Ps.xlvii-p6.4"/>
<l class="t1" id="Ps.xlvii-p6.5">—Let Jove's dread arm With thunder rend the spheres,</l>
<l class="t1" id="Ps.xlvii-p6.6">Beneath the crush of worlds undaunted he appears.</l>
<attr id="Ps.xlvii-p6.7">—Hor.</attr>
<p class="indent" id="Ps.xlvii-p7">Observe here, 1. How threatening the danger
is. We will suppose the earth to be removed, and thrown into the
sea, even the mountains, the strongest and firmest parts of the
earth, to lie buried in the unfathomed ocean; we will suppose the
sea to roar and rage, and make a dreadful noise, and its foaming
billows to insult the shore with so much violence as even to
<i>shake the mountains,</i> <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p7.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.3" parsed="|Ps|46|3|0|0" passage="Ps 46:3"><i>v.</i>
3</scripRef>. Though kingdoms and states be in confusion, embroiled
in wars, tossed with tumults, and their governments incontinual
revolution—though their powers combine against the church and
people of God, aim at no less than their ruin, and go very near to
gain their point—yet will not we fear, knowing that all these
troubles will end well for the church. See <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p7.2" osisRef="Bible:Ps.93.4" parsed="|Ps|93|4|0|0" passage="Ps 93:4">Ps. xciii. 4</scripRef>. If the earth be removed, those
have reason to fear who have laid up their treasures on earth, and
set their hearts upon it; but not those who have laid up for
themselves treasures in heaven, and who expect to be most happy
when <i>the earth and all the works that are therein shall be burnt
up.</i> Let those be troubled at the troubling of the waters who
build their confidence on such a floating foundation, but not those
who are led to <i>the rock that is higher than they,</i> and find
firm footing upon that rock. 2. How well-grounded the defiance of
this danger is, considering how well guarded the church is, and
that interest which we are concerned for. It is not any private
particular concern of our own that we are in pain about; no, it is
the city of God, <i>the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most
High;</i> it is the ark of God for which our hearts tremble. But,
when we consider what God has provided for the comfort and safety
of his church, we shall see reason to have our hearts fixed, and
set above the fear of evil tidings. Here is, (1.) Joy to the
church, even in the most melancholy and sorrowful times (<scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p7.3" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.4" parsed="|Ps|46|4|0|0" passage="Ps 46:4"><i>v.</i> 4</scripRef>): <i>There is a river the
streams whereof shall make</i> it <i>glad,</i> even then when the
waters of the sea roar and threaten it. It alludes to the waters of
Siloam, which <i>went softly by Jerusalem</i> (<scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p7.4" osisRef="Bible:Isa.8.6-Isa.8.7" parsed="|Isa|8|6|8|7" passage="Isa 8:6,7">Isa. viii. 6, 7</scripRef>): though of no great depth
or breadth, yet the waters of it were made serviceable to the
defence of Jerusalem in Hezekiah's time, <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p7.5" osisRef="Bible:Isa.22.10-Isa.22.11" parsed="|Isa|22|10|22|11" passage="Isa 22:10,11">Isa. xxii. 10, 11</scripRef>. But this must be
understood spiritually; the covenant of grace is the river, the
promises of which are the streams; or the Spirit of grace is the
river (<scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p7.6" osisRef="Bible:John.7.38-John.7.39" parsed="|John|7|38|7|39" passage="Joh 7:38,39">John vii. 38,
39</scripRef>), the comforts of which are <i>the streams, that make
glad the city of our God.</i> God's word and ordinances are rivers
and streams with which God makes his saints glad in cloudy and dark
days. God himself is to his church a place of <i>broad rivers and
streams,</i> <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p7.7" osisRef="Bible:Isa.33.21" parsed="|Isa|33|21|0|0" passage="Isa 33:21">Isa. xxxiii.
21</scripRef>. The streams that make glad the city of God are not
rapid, but gentle, like those of Siloam. Note, The spiritual
comforts which are conveyed to the saints by soft and silent
whispers, and which come not with observation, are sufficient to
counterbalance the most loud and noisy threatenings of an angry and
malicious world. (2.) Establishment to the church. Though heaven
and earth are shaken, yet <i>God is in the midst of her, she shall
not be moved,</i> <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p7.8" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.5" parsed="|Ps|46|5|0|0" passage="Ps 46:5"><i>v.</i>
5</scripRef>. God has assured his church of his special presence
with her and concern for her; his honour is embarked in her, he has
set up his tabernacle in her and has undertaken the protection of
it, and therefore she shall not be moved, that is, [1.] Not
destroyed, not removed, as the earth may be <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p7.9" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.2" parsed="|Ps|46|2|0|0" passage="Ps 46:2"><i>v.</i> 2</scripRef>. The church shall survive the
world, and be in bliss when that is in ruins. It is <i>built upon a
rock,</i> and the <i>gates of hell shall not prevail against
it.</i> [2.] Not disturbed, not much moved, with fears of the
issue. If God be for us, if God be with us, we need not be moved at
the most violent attempts made against us. (3.) Deliverance to the
church, though her dangers be very great: <i>God shall help
her;</i> and who then can hurt her? He shall help her under her
troubles, that she shall not sink; nay, that the more she is
afflicted the more she shall multiply. God shall help her out of
her troubles, <i>and that right early</i>—when the morning
appears; that is, very speedily, for he is <i>a present help</i>
(<scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p7.10" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.1" parsed="|Ps|46|1|0|0" passage="Ps 46:1"><i>v.</i> 1</scripRef>), and very
seasonably, when things are brought to the last extremity and when
the relief will be most welcome. This may be applied by particular
believers to themselves; if God be in our hearts, in the midst of
us, by his word dwelling richly in us, we shall be established, we
shall be helped; let us therefore trust and not be afraid; all is
well, and will end well.</p>
</div><scripCom id="Ps.xlvii-p7.11" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.6-Ps.46.11" parsed="|Ps|46|6|46|11" passage="Ps 46:6-11" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Ps.46.6-Ps.46.11">
<h4 id="Ps.xlvii-p7.12">Confidence in God.</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Ps.xlvii-p8">6 The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he
uttered his voice, the earth melted.   7 The <span class="smallcaps" id="Ps.xlvii-p8.1">Lord</span> of hosts <i>is</i> with us; the God of
Jacob <i>is</i> our refuge. Selah.   8 Come, behold the works
of the <span class="smallcaps" id="Ps.xlvii-p8.2">Lord</span>, what desolations he
hath made in the earth.   9 He maketh wars to cease unto the
end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in
sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire.   10 Be still, and
know that I <i>am</i> God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I
will be exalted in the earth.   11 The <span class="smallcaps" id="Ps.xlvii-p8.3">Lord</span> of hosts <i>is</i> with us; the God of
Jacob <i>is</i> our refuge. Selah.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Ps.xlvii-p9">These verses give glory to God both as King
of nations and as King of saints.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Ps.xlvii-p10">I. As King of nations, ruling the world by
his power and providence, and overruling all the affairs of the
children of men to his own glory; he does according to his will
among the inhabitants of the earth, and none may say, <i>What doest
thou?</i> 1. He checks the rage and breaks the power of the nations
that oppose him and his interests in the world (<scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p10.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.6" parsed="|Ps|46|6|0|0" passage="Ps 46:6"><i>v.</i> 6</scripRef>): <i>The heathen raged</i> at
David's coming to the throne, and at the setting up of the kingdom
of the Son of David; compare <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p10.2" osisRef="Bible:Ps.2.1-Ps.2.2" parsed="|Ps|2|1|2|2" passage="Ps 2:1,2">Ps. ii.
1, 2</scripRef>. <i>The kingdoms were moved</i> with indignation,
and rose in a tumultuous furious manner to oppose it; but God
<i>uttered his voice, spoke to them in his wrath,</i> and they were
moved in another sense, they were struck into confusion and
consternation, put into disorder, and all their measures broken;
the earth itself melted under them, so that they found no firm
footing; their earthly hearts failed them for fear, and dissolved
like snow before the sun. Such a melting of the spirits of the
enemies is described, <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p10.3" osisRef="Bible:Judg.5.4-Judg.5.5" parsed="|Judg|5|4|5|5" passage="Jdg 5:4,5">Judg. v. 4,
5</scripRef>; and see <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p10.4" osisRef="Bible:Luke.21.25-Luke.21.26" parsed="|Luke|21|25|21|26" passage="Lu 21:25,26">Luke xxi. 25,
26</scripRef>. 2. When he pleases to draw his sword, and give it
commission, he can make great havoc among the nations and lay all
waste (<scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p10.5" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.8" parsed="|Ps|46|8|0|0" passage="Ps 46:8"><i>v.</i> 8</scripRef>):
<i>Come, behold the works of the Lord;</i> they are to be observed
(<scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p10.6" osisRef="Bible:Ps.66.5" parsed="|Ps|66|5|0|0" passage="Ps 66:5">Ps. lxvi. 5</scripRef>), and to be
sought out, <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p10.7" osisRef="Bible:Ps.111.2" parsed="|Ps|111|2|0|0" passage="Ps 111:2">Ps. cxi. 2</scripRef>. All
the operations of Providence must be considered as the works of the
Lord, and his attributes and purposes must be taken notice of in
them. Particularly take notice of the <i>desolations he has made in
the earth,</i> among the enemies of his church, who thought to lay
the land of Israel desolate. The destruction they designed to bring
upon the church has been turned upon themselves. War is a tragedy
which commonly destroys the stage it is acted on; David carried the
war into the enemies' country; and O what desolations did it make
there! Cities were burnt, countries laid waste, and armies of men
cut off and laid in heaps upon heaps. Come and see the effects of
desolating judgments, and stand in awe of God; say, <i>How terrible
art thou in thy works!</i> <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p10.8" osisRef="Bible:Ps.66.3" parsed="|Ps|66|3|0|0" passage="Ps 66:3">Ps. lxvi.
3</scripRef>. Let all that oppose him see this with terror, and
expect the same cup of trembling to be put into their hands; let
all that fear him and trust in him see it with pleasure, and not be
afraid of the most formidable powers armed against the church. Let
them gird themselves, but <i>they shall be broken to pieces.</i> 3.
When he pleases to sheathe his sword, he puts an end to the wars of
the nations and crowns them with peace, <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p10.9" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.9" parsed="|Ps|46|9|0|0" passage="Ps 46:9"><i>v.</i> 9</scripRef>. War and peace depend on his word
and will, as much as storms and calms at sea do, <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p10.10" osisRef="Bible:Ps.107.25 Bible:Ps.107.29" parsed="|Ps|107|25|0|0;|Ps|107|29|0|0" passage="Ps 107:25,29">Ps. cvii. 25, 29</scripRef>. <i>He makes wars to
cease unto the end of the earth,</i> sometimes in pity to the
nations, that they may have a breathing-time, when, by long wars
with each other, they have run themselves out of breadth. Both
sides perhaps are weary of the war, and willing to let it fall;
expedients are found out for accommodation; martial princes are
removed, and peace-makers set in their room; and then the bow is
broken by consent, the spear cut asunder and turned into a
pruning-hook, the sword beaten into a ploughshare, and the chariots
of war are burned, there being no more occasion for them; or,
rather, it may be meant of what he does, at other times, in favour
of his own people. He makes those wars to cease that were waged
against them and designed for their ruin. He breaks the enemies'
bow that was drawn against them. <i>No weapon formed against Zion
shall prosper,</i> <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p10.11" osisRef="Bible:Isa.54.17" parsed="|Isa|54|17|0|0" passage="Isa 54:17">Isa. liv.
17</scripRef>. The total destruction of Gog and Magog is
prophetically described by the burning of their weapons of war
(<scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p10.12" osisRef="Bible:Ezek.39.9-Ezek.39.10" parsed="|Ezek|39|9|39|10" passage="Eze 39:9,10">Ezek. xxxix. 9, 10</scripRef>),
which intimates likewise the church's perfect security and
assurance of lasting peace, which made it needless to lay up those
weapons of war for their own service. The bringing of a long war to
a good issue is a work of the Lord, which we ought to behold with
wonder and thankfulness.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Ps.xlvii-p11">II. As King of saints, and as such we must
own that <i>great and marvellous are his works,</i> <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p11.1" osisRef="Bible:Rev.15.3" parsed="|Rev|15|3|0|0" passage="Re 15:3">Rev. xv. 3</scripRef>. He does and will do great
<p class="indent" id="Ps.xlvii-p12">1. For his own glory (<scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p12.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.10" parsed="|Ps|46|10|0|0" passage="Ps 46:10"><i>v.</i> 10</scripRef>): <i>Be still, and know that I
am God.</i> (1.) Let his enemies be still, and threaten no more,
but know it, to their terror, that he is God, one infinitely above
them, and that will certainly be too hard for them; let them rage
no more, for it is all in vain: <i>he that sits in heaven, laughs
at them;</i> and, in spite of all their impotent malice against his
name and honour, he will be exalted among the heathen and not
merely among his own people, he will be exalted in the earth and
not merely in the church. Men will set up themselves, will have
their own way and do their own will; but let them know that God
will be exalted, he will have his way will do his own will, will
glorify his own name, and <i>wherein they deal proudly he will be
above them,</i> and make them know that he is so. (2.) Let his own
people be still; let them be calm and sedate, and tremble no more,
but know, to their comfort, that the Lord is God, he is God alone,
and will be exalted above the heathen; let him alone to maintain
his honour, to fulfil his own counsels and to support his own
interest in the world. Though we be depressed, yet let us not be
dejected, for we are sure that God will be exalted, and that may
satisfy us; he will work for his great name, and then no matter
what becomes of our little names. When we pray, <i>Father, glorify
thy name,</i> we ought to exercise faith upon the answer given to
that prayer when Christ himself prayed it, <i>I have both glorified
it and I will glorify it yet again.</i> Amen, Lord, so be it.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Ps.xlvii-p13">2. For his people's safety and protection.
He triumphs in the former: <i>I will be exalted;</i> they triumph
in this, <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p13.1" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.7" parsed="|Ps|46|7|0|0" passage="Ps 46:7"><i>v.</i> 7</scripRef> and
again <scripRef id="Ps.xlvii-p13.2" osisRef="Bible:Ps.46.11" parsed="|Ps|46|11|0|0" passage="Ps 46:11"><i>v.</i> 11</scripRef>. It is
the burden of the song, "<i>The Lord of hosts is with us;</i> he is
on our side, he takes our part, is present with us and president
over us; <i>the God of Jacob is our refuge,</i> to whom we may
flee, and in whom we may confide and be sure of safety." Let all
believers triumph in this. (1.) They have the presence of a God of
power, of all power: <i>The Lord of hosts is with us.</i> God is
the Lord of hosts, for he has all the creatures which are called
<i>the hosts of heaven and earth</i> at his beck and command, and
he makes what use he pleases of them, as the instruments either of
his justice or of his mercy. This sovereign Lord is with us, sides
with us, acts with us, and has promised he will never leave us.
Hosts may be against us, but we need not fear them if the Lord of
hosts be with us. (2.) They are under the protection of a God in
covenant, who not only is able to help them, but is engaged in
honour and faithfulness to help them. He is the God of Jacob, not
only Jacob the person, but Jacob the people; nay, and of all
praying people, the spiritual seed of wrestling Jacob; and he is
our refuge, by whom we are sheltered and in whom we are satisfied,
who by his providence secures our welfare when without are
fightings, and who by his grace quiets our minds, and establishes
them, when within are fears. The Lord of hosts, the God of Jacob,
has been, is, and will be with us—has been, is and will be our
refuge: the original includes all; and well may <i>Selah</i> be
added to it. Mark this, and take the comfort of it, and say, <i>If
God be for us, who can be against us?</i></p>