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<div2 id="iCh.xxix" n="xxix" next="" prev="iCh.xxviii" progress="78.82%" title="Chapter XXVIII">
<h2 id="iCh.xxix-p0.1">F I R S T   C H R O N I C L E
<h3 id="iCh.xxix-p0.2">CHAP. XXVIII.</h3>
<p class="intro" id="iCh.xxix-p1">The account we have of David's exit, in the
beginning of the first book of Kings, does not make his sun nearly
so bright as that given in this and the following chapter, where we
have his solemn farewell both to his son and his subjects, and must
own that he finished well. In this chapter we have, I. A general
convention of the states summoned to meet, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p1.1" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.1" parsed="|1Chr|28|1|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:1">ver. 1</scripRef>. II. A solemn declaration of the
divine entail both of the crown and of the honour of building the
temple upon Solomon, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p1.2" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.2-1Chr.28.7" parsed="|1Chr|28|2|28|7" passage="1Ch 28:2-7">ver.
2-7</scripRef>. III. An exhortation both to the people and to
Solomon to make religion their business, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p1.3" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.8-1Chr.28.10" parsed="|1Chr|28|8|28|10" passage="1Ch 28:8-10">ver. 8-10</scripRef>. IV. The model and materials
delivered to Solomon for the building of the temple, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p1.4" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.11-1Chr.28.19" parsed="|1Chr|28|11|28|19" passage="1Ch 28:11-19">ver. 11-19</scripRef>. V. Encouragement
given him to undertake it and proceed in it, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p1.5" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.20-1Chr.28.21" parsed="|1Chr|28|20|28|21" passage="1Ch 28:20,21">ver. 20, 21</scripRef>.</p>
<scripCom id="iCh.xxix-p0.1_1" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28" parsed="|1Chr|28|0|0|0" passage="1Ch 28" type="Commentary"/>
<scripCom id="iCh.xxix-p0.2_1" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.1-1Chr.28.10" parsed="|1Chr|28|1|28|10" passage="1Ch 28:1-10" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:1Chr.28.1-1Chr.28.10">
<h4 id="iCh.xxix-p1.8">David's Charge to the
People. (<span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p1.9">b. c.</span> 1015.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="iCh.xxix-p2">1 And David assembled all the princes of Israel,
the princes of the tribes, and the captains of the companies that
ministered to the king by course, and the captains over the
thousands, and captains over the hundreds, and the stewards over
all the substance and possession of the king, and of his sons, with
the officers, and with the mighty men, and with all the valiant
men, unto Jerusalem.   2 Then David the king stood up upon his
feet, and said, Hear me, my brethren, and my people: <i>As for
me,</i> I <i>had</i> in mine heart to build a house of rest for the
ark of the covenant of the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p2.1">Lord</span>, and
for the footstool of our God, and had made ready for the building:
  3 But God said unto me, Thou shalt not build a house for my
name, because thou <i>hast been</i> a man of war, and hast shed
blood.   4 Howbeit the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p2.2">Lord</span> God
of Israel chose me before all the house of my father to be king
over Israel for ever: for he hath chosen Judah <i>to be</i> the
ruler; and of the house of Judah, the house of my father; and among
the sons of my father he liked me to make <i>me</i> king over all
Israel:   5 And of all my sons, (for the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p2.3">Lord</span> hath given me many sons,) he hath chosen
Solomon my son to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p2.4">Lord</span> over Israel.   6 And he said
unto me, Solomon thy son, he shall build my house and my courts:
for I have chosen him <i>to be</i> my son, and I will be his
father.   7 Moreover I will establish his kingdom for ever, if
he be constant to do my commandments and my judgments, as at this
day.   8 Now therefore in the sight of all Israel the
congregation of the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p2.5">Lord</span>, and in the
audience of our God, keep and seek for all the commandments of the
<span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p2.6">Lord</span> your God: that ye may possess
this good land, and leave <i>it</i> for an inheritance for your
children after you for ever.   9 And thou, Solomon my son,
know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart
and with a willing mind: for the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p2.7">Lord</span> searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all
the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be
found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for
ever.   10 Take heed now; for the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p2.8">Lord</span> hath chosen thee to build an house for the
sanctuary: be strong, and do <i>it.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p3">A great deal of service David had done in
his day, had <i>served his generation according to the will of
God,</i> <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p3.1" osisRef="Bible:Acts.13.36" parsed="|Acts|13|36|0|0" passage="Ac 13:36">Acts xiii. 36</scripRef>. But
now the time draws night that he must die, and, as a type of the
Son of David, the nearer he comes to his end the more busy he is,
and does his work with all his might. He is now a little recovered
from the indisposition mentioned <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p3.2" osisRef="Bible:1Kgs.1.1" parsed="|1Kgs|1|1|0|0" passage="1Ki 1:1">1
Kings i. 1</scripRef>, when they covered him with clothes, and he
got no heat: but was cure is there for old age? He therefore
improves his recovery, as giving him an opportunity of doing God
and his country a little more service.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p4">I. He summoned all the great men to attend
him, that he might take leave of them all together, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p4.1" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.1" parsed="|1Chr|28|1|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:1"><i>v.</i> 1</scripRef>. Thus Moses did
(<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p4.2" osisRef="Bible:Deut.31.28" parsed="|Deut|31|28|0|0" passage="De 31:28">Deut. xxxi. 28</scripRef>), and
Joshua, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p4.3" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.23.2 Bible:1Chr.24.1" parsed="|1Chr|23|2|0|0;|1Chr|24|1|0|0" passage="1Ch 23:2,24:1"><i>ch.</i> xxiii. 2;
xxiv. 1</scripRef>. David would not declare the settlement of the
crown but in the presence, and to the satisfaction, of those that
were the representatives of the people.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p5">II. He addressed them with a great deal of
respect and tenderness. He not only exerted himself to rise from
his bed, to give them the meeting (the occasion putting new spirits
into him), but he rose out of his chair, and <i>stood up upon his
feet</i> (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p5.1" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.2" parsed="|1Chr|28|2|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:2"><i>v.</i> 2</scripRef>), in
reverence to God whose will he was to declare, and in reverence to
this solemn assembly of the Israel of God, as if he looked upon
himself, though <i>major singulis</i><i>greater than any
individual among them,</i> yet <i>minor universis</i><i>less than
the whole of them together.</i> His age and infirmities, as well as
his dignity, might well have allowed him to keep his seat; but he
would show that he was indeed humbled for the pride of his heart
both in the numbers of his people and his dominion over them. It
had been too much his pleasure that they were all his
<i>servants</i> (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p5.2" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.21.3" parsed="|1Chr|21|3|0|0" passage="1Ch 21:3"><i>ch.</i> xxi.
3</scripRef>), but now he calls them his <i>brethren,</i> whom he
loved, his people, whom he took care of, not his servants, whom he
had command of: <i>Hear me, my brethren, and my people.</i> It
becomes superiors thus to speak with affection and condescension
even to their inferiors; they will not be the less honoured for it,
but the more beloved. Thus he engages their attention to what he
was about to say.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p6">III. He declared the purpose he had formed
to build a temple for God, and God's disallowing that purpose,
<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p6.1" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.2-1Chr.28.3" parsed="|1Chr|28|2|28|3" passage="1Ch 28:2,3"><i>v.</i> 2, 3</scripRef>. This he
had signified to Solomon before, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p6.2" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.22.7-1Chr.22.8" parsed="|1Chr|22|7|22|8" passage="1Ch 22:7,8"><i>ch.</i> xxii. 7, 8</scripRef>. <i>A house of rest
for the ark</i> is here said to be <i>a house of rest for the
footstool of our God;</i> for heaven is his throne of glory; the
earth, and the most magnificent temples that can be built upon it,
are but his footstool: so much difference is there between the
manifestations of the divine glory in the upper and lower world.
Angels surround his throne, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p6.3" osisRef="Bible:Isa.6.1" parsed="|Isa|6|1|0|0" passage="Isa 6:1">Isa. vi.
1</scripRef>. We poor worms do but <i>worship at his footstool</i>
<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p6.4" osisRef="Bible:Ps.99.5 Bible:Ps.123.7" parsed="|Ps|99|5|0|0;|Ps|123|7|0|0" passage="Ps 99:5,123:7">Ps. xcix. 5; cxxxii.
7</scripRef>. As an evidence of the sincerity of his purpose to
build the temple, he tells them that he had made ready for it, but
that God would not suffer him to proceed because he had appointed
other work for him to do, which was enough for one man, namely, the
managing of the wars of Israel. He must serve the public with the
sword; another must do it with the line and plummet. Times of rest
are building times, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p6.5" osisRef="Bible:Acts.9.31" parsed="|Acts|9|31|0|0" passage="Ac 9:31">Acts ix.
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p7">IV. He produced his own title first, and
then Solomon's, to the crown; both were undoubtedly <i>jure
divino</i><i>divine.</i> They could make out such a title as no
monarch on earth can; the Lord God of Israel chose them both
immediately, by prophecy, not providence, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p7.1" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.4-1Chr.28.5" parsed="|1Chr|28|4|28|5" passage="1Ch 28:4,5"><i>v.</i> 4, 5</scripRef>. No right of primogeniture
is pretended. <i>Detur digniori, non seniori</i><i>It went by
worth, not by age.</i> 1. Judah was not the eldest son of Jacob,
yet God chose that tribe to be the ruling tribe; Jacob entailed the
sceptre upon it, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p7.2" osisRef="Bible:Gen.49.10" parsed="|Gen|49|10|0|0" passage="Ge 49:10">Gen. xlix.
10</scripRef>. 2. It does not appear that the family of Jesse was
the senior house of that tribe; from Judah it is certain that it
was not, for Shelah was before Pharez; whether from Nahshon and
Salmon is not certain. Ram, the father of Nahshon, had a elder
brother, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p7.3" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.2.9" parsed="|1Chr|2|9|0|0" passage="1Ch 2:9">1 Chron. ii. 9</scripRef>.
Perhaps so had Boaz, Obed, and Jesse. Yet "<i>God chose the house
of my father.</i>" 3. David was the youngest son of Jesse, yet God
liked him to make him king; so it seemed good unto him. God takes
whom he likes, and likes whom he makes like himself, as he did
David, a man after his own heart. 4. Solomon was one of the
youngest sons of David, and yet God chose him to sit upon the
throne, because he was the likeliest of them all to build the
temple, the wisest and best inclined.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p8">V. He opened to them God's gracious
purposes concerning Solomon (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p8.1" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.6-1Chr.28.7" parsed="|1Chr|28|6|28|7" passage="1Ch 28:6,7"><i>v.</i> 6, 7</scripRef>): <i>I have chosen him to be
my son.</i> Thus he declares the decree, that the Lord had said to
Solomon, as a type of Christ, <i>Thou art my son</i> (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p8.2" osisRef="Bible:Ps.2.7" parsed="|Ps|2|7|0|0" passage="Ps 2:7">Ps. ii. 7</scripRef>), the son of my love; for he
was called <i>Jedidiah,</i> because the Lord loved him, and Christ
is his beloved Son. Of him God said, as a figure of him that was to
come, 1. <i>He shall build my house.</i> Christ is both the founder
and the foundation of the gospel temple. 2. <i>I will establish his
kingdom for ever.</i> This must have its accomplishment in the
kingdom of the Messiah, which shall continue in his hands through
all the ages of time (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p8.3" osisRef="Bible:Isa.9.7 Bible:Luke.1.33" parsed="|Isa|9|7|0|0;|Luke|1|33|0|0" passage="Isa 9:7,Lu 1:33">Isa. ix.
7; Luke i. 33</scripRef>) and shall then be delivered up to God,
even the Father, yet perhaps to be delivered back to the Redeemer
for ever. As to Solomon, this promise of the establishment of his
kingdom is here made conditional: <i>If he be constant to do my
commandments, as at this day.</i> Solomon was now very towardly and
good: "If he continue so, his kingdom shall continue, otherwise
not." Note, If we be constant to our duty, then, and not otherwise,
we may expect the continuance of God's favour. Let those that are
well taught, and begin well, take notice of this—if they be
constant, they are happy; perseverance wears the crown, though it
wins it not.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p9">VI. He charged them to adhere stedfastly to
God and their duty, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p9.1" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.8" parsed="|1Chr|28|8|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:8"><i>v.</i>
8</scripRef>. Observe, 1. The matter for this charge: <i>Keep, and
seek for all the commandments of the Lord your God.</i> The Lord
was their God; his commandments must be their rule; they must have
respect to them all, must make conscience of keeping them, and, in
order thereunto, must seek for them, that is, must be inquisitive
concerning their duty, search the scriptures, take advice, seek the
law at the mouth of those whose lips were to keep this knowledge,
and pray to God to teach and direct them. God's commandments will
not be kept without great care. 2. The solemnity of it. He charged
them in the sight of all Israel, who would all have notice of this
public charge, and in the audience of their God. "God is witness,
and this congregation is witness, that they have good counsel given
them, and fair warning; if they do not take it, it is their fault,
and God and man will be witnesses against them." See <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p9.2" osisRef="Bible:1Tim.5.21 Bible:2Tim.4.1" parsed="|1Tim|5|21|0|0;|2Tim|4|1|0|0" passage="1Ti 5:21,2Ti 4:1">1 Tim. v. 21; 2 Tim. iv. 1</scripRef>.
Those that profess religion, as they tender the favour of God and
their reputation with men, must be faithful to their profession. 3.
The motive to observe this charge. It was the way to be happy, to
have the peaceable possession of this good land themselves and to
preserve the entail of it upon their children.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p10">VII. He concluded with a charge to Solomon
himself, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p10.1" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.9-1Chr.28.10" parsed="|1Chr|28|9|28|10" passage="1Ch 28:9,10"><i>v.</i> 9,
10</scripRef>. He was much concerned that Solomon should be
religious. He was to be a great man, but he must not think religion
below him—a wise man, and this would be his wisdom. Observe,</p>
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p11">1. The charge he gives him. He must look
upon God and the God of his father, his good father, who had
devoted him to God and educated him for God. He was born in God's
house and therefore bound in duty to be his, brought up in his
house and therefore bound in gratitude. <i>Thy own friend, and thy
father's friend, forsake not.</i> He must know God and serve him.
We cannot serve God aright if we do not know him; and in vain do we
know him if we do not serve him, serve him with heart and mind. We
make nothing of religion if we do not mind it, and make heart-work
of it. Serve him with a perfect, that is, an upright heart (for
sincerity is our gospel perfection), and with a willing mind, from
a principle of love, and as a willing people, cheerfully and with
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p12">2. The arguments to enforce this
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p13">(1.) Two arguments of general inducement:—
[1.] That the secrets of our souls are open before God; he searches
all hearts, even the hearts of kings, which to men are
unsearchable, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p13.1" osisRef="Bible:Prov.25.3" parsed="|Prov|25|3|0|0" passage="Pr 25:3">Prov. xxv. 3</scripRef>.
We must <i>therefore</i> be sincere, because, if we deal
deceitfully, God sees it, and cannot be imposed upon; we must
<i>therefore</i> employ our thoughts, and engage them in God's
service, because he fully understands all the imaginations of them,
both good and bad. [2.] That we are happy or miserable here, and
for ever, according as we do, or do not, serve God. <i>If we seek
him diligently, he will be found of us,</i> and that is enough to
make us happy, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p13.2" osisRef="Bible:Heb.11.6" parsed="|Heb|11|6|0|0" passage="Heb 11:6">Heb. xi. 6</scripRef>.
If we forsake him, desert his service and turn from following him,
he will cast us off for ever, and that is enough to make us
miserable. Note, God never casts any off till they have first cast
him off. Here is,</p>
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p14">(2.) One argument peculiar to Solomon
(<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p14.1" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.10" parsed="|1Chr|28|10|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:10"><i>v.</i> 10</scripRef>): "<i>Thou
art to build a house for the sanctuary;</i> therefore seek and
serve God, that that work may be done from a good principle, in a
right manner, and may be accepted."</p>
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p15">3. The means prescribed in order hereunto,
and they are prescribed to us all. (1.) Caution: <i>Take heed;</i>
beware of every thing that looks like, or leads to, that which is
evil. (2.) Courage: <i>Be strong, and do it.</i> We cannot do our
work as we should unless we put on resolution, and fetch in
strength from divine grace.</p>
</div><scripCom id="iCh.xxix-p0.3" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.11-1Chr.28.21" parsed="|1Chr|28|11|28|21" passage="1Ch 28:11-21" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:1Chr.28.11-1Chr.28.21">
<h4 id="iCh.xxix-p15.2">David's Charge to Solomon. (<span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p15.3">b. c.</span> 1015.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="iCh.xxix-p16">11 Then David gave to Solomon his son the
pattern of the porch, and of the houses thereof, and of the
treasuries thereof, and of the upper chambers thereof, and of the
inner parlours thereof, and of the place of the mercy seat,  
12 And the pattern of all that he had by the spirit, of the courts
of the house of the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p16.1">Lord</span>, and of all
the chambers round about, of the treasuries of the house of God,
and of the treasuries of the dedicated things:   13 Also for
the courses of the priests and the Levites, and for all the work of
the service of the house of the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p16.2">Lord</span>, and for all the vessels of service in the
house of the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p16.3">Lord</span>.   14 <i>He
gave</i> of gold by weight for <i>things</i> of gold, for all
instruments of all manner of service; <i>silver also</i> for all
instruments of silver by weight, for all instruments of every kind
of service:   15 Even the weight for the candlesticks of gold,
and for their lamps of gold, by weight for every candlestick, and
for the lamps thereof: and for the candlesticks of silver by
weight, <i>both</i> for the candlestick, and <i>also</i> for the
lamps thereof, according to the use of every candlestick.   16
And by weight <i>he gave</i> gold for the tables of showbread, for
every table; and <i>likewise</i> silver for the tables of silver:
  17 Also pure gold for the fleshhooks, and the bowls, and the
cups: and for the golden basons <i>he gave gold</i> by weight for
every bason; and <i>likewise silver</i> by weight for every bason
of silver:   18 And for the altar of incense refined gold by
weight; and gold for the pattern of the chariot of the cherubims,
that spread out <i>their wings,</i> and covered the ark of the
covenant of the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p16.4">Lord</span>.   19 All
<i>this, said David,</i> the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p16.5">Lord</span>
made me understand in writing by <i>his</i> hand upon me,
<i>even</i> all the works of this pattern.   20 And David said
to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do
<i>it:</i> fear not, nor be dismayed: for the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p16.6">Lord</span> God, <i>even</i> my God, <i>will be</i>
with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast
finished all the work for the service of the house of the <span class="smallcaps" id="iCh.xxix-p16.7">Lord</span>.   21 And, behold, the courses
of the priests and the Levites, <i>even they shall be with thee</i>
for all the service of the house of God: and <i>there shall be</i>
with thee for all manner of workmanship every willing skilful man,
for any manner of service: also the princes and all the people
<i>will be</i> wholly at thy commandment.</p>
<p class="indent" id="iCh.xxix-p17">As for the general charge that David gave
his son to seek God and serve him, the book of the law was, in
that, his only rule, and there needed no other; but, in building
the temple, David was now to give him three things:—1. A model of
the building, because it was to be such a building as neither he
nor his architects ever saw. Moses had a pattern of the tabernacle
shown him in the mount (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.1" osisRef="Bible:Heb.8.5" parsed="|Heb|8|5|0|0" passage="Heb 8:5">Heb. viii.
5</scripRef>), so had David of the temple, by the immediate hand of
God upon him, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.2" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.19" parsed="|1Chr|28|19|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:19"><i>v.</i>
19</scripRef>. It was given him in writing, probably by the
ministry of an angel, or as clearly and exactly represented to his
mind as if it had been in writing. But it is said (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.3" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.12" parsed="|1Chr|28|12|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:12"><i>v.</i> 12</scripRef>), <i>He had this
pattern by the Spirit.</i> The contrivance either of David's
devotion or of Solomon's wisdom must not be trusted to in an affair
of this nature. The temple must be a sacred thing and a type of
Christ; there must be in it not only convenience and decency, but
significancy: it was a kind of sacrament, and therefore it must not
be left to man's art or invention to contrive it, but must be
framed by divine institution. Christ the true temple, the church
the gospel temple, and heaven the everlasting temple, are all
framed according to the divine councils, and the plan laid in the
divine wisdom, ordained before the world for God's glory and ours.
This pattern David gave to Solomon, that he might know what to
provide and might go by a certain rule. When Christ left with his
disciples a charge to build his gospel church he gave them an exact
model of it, ordering them to observe that, and that only, which he
commanded. The particular models are here mentioned, of the porch,
which was higher than the rest, like a steeple,—then the houses,
both the holy place and the most holy, with the rooms adjoining,
which were for treasuries, chambers, and parlours,—especially
<i>the place of the mercy-seat</i> (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.4" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.11" parsed="|1Chr|28|11|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:11"><i>v.</i> 11</scripRef>),—of the courts likewise, and
the chambers about them, in which the dedicated things were laid
up. Bishop Patrick supposes that, among other things, the
tabernacle which Moses reared and all the utensils of it, which
there was now no further occasion for, were laid up here,
signifying that in the fulness of time all the Mosaic economy, all
the rites and ceremonies of that dispensation, should be
respectfully laid aside, and something better come in their room.
He gave him a table of the courses of the priests, patterns of the
vessels of service (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.5" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.13" parsed="|1Chr|28|13|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:13"><i>v.</i>
13</scripRef>), and a pattern of the chariot of the cherubim,
<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.6" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.18" parsed="|1Chr|28|18|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:18"><i>v.</i> 18</scripRef>. Besides the
two cherubim over the mercy-seat, there were two much larger, whose
wings reached from wall to wall (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.7" osisRef="Bible:1Kgs.6.23-1Kgs.6.28" parsed="|1Kgs|6|23|6|28" passage="1Ki 6:23-28">1
Kings vi. 23</scripRef>, &amp;c.), and of these David here gave
Solomon the pattern, called a <i>chariot;</i> for the angels are
the chariots of God, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.8" osisRef="Bible:Ps.68.17" parsed="|Ps|68|17|0|0" passage="Ps 68:17">Ps. lxviii.
17</scripRef>. 2. Materials for the most costly of the utensils of
the temple. That they might not be made any less than the patterns,
he weighed out the exact quantity for each vessel both of gold and
silver, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.9" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.14" parsed="|1Chr|28|14|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:14"><i>v.</i> 14</scripRef>. In
the tabernacle there was but one golden candlestick; in the temple
there were ten (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.10" osisRef="Bible:1Kgs.7.49" parsed="|1Kgs|7|49|0|0" passage="1Ki 7:49">1 Kings vii.
49</scripRef>), besides silver ones, which, it is supposed, were
hand-candlesticks, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.11" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.15" parsed="|1Chr|28|15|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:15"><i>v.</i>
15</scripRef>. In the tabernacle there was but one table; but in
the temple, besides that on which the show-bread was set, there
were ten others for other uses (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.12" osisRef="Bible:2Chr.4.8" parsed="|2Chr|4|8|0|0" passage="2Ch 4:8">2
Chron. iv. 8</scripRef>), besides silver tables; for, this house
being much larger than that, it would look bare if it had not
furniture proportionable. The gold for the altar of incense is
particularly said to be <i>refined gold</i> (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.13" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.18" parsed="|1Chr|28|18|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:18"><i>v.</i> 18</scripRef>), purer than any of the rest;
for that was typical of the intercession of Christ, than which
nothing is more pure and perfect. 3. Directions which way to look
for help in this great undertaking. "Fear not opposition; fear not
the charge, care, and trouble; fear not miscarrying in it, as in
the case of Uzza; fear not the reproach of the foolish builder,
that began to build and was not able to finish. Be not dismayed.
(1.) God will help thee, and thou must look up to him in the first
place (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.14" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.20" parsed="|1Chr|28|20|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:20"><i>v.</i> 20</scripRef>):
<i>The Lord God, even my God,</i> whom I have chosen and served,
who has all along been present with me and prospered me, and to
whom, from my own experience of his power and goodness, I recommend
thee, he will be with thee, to direct, strengthen, and prosper
thee; he will not fail thee nor forsake thee." Note, We may be sure
that God, who owned our fathers and carried them through the
services of their day, will, in like manner, if we be faithful to
him, go along with us in our day, and will never leave us, while he
has any work to do in us or by us. The same that was Joshua's
encouragement (<scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.15" osisRef="Bible:Josh.1.5" parsed="|Josh|1|5|0|0" passage="Jos 1:5">Josh. i. 5</scripRef>),
and Solomon's, is given to all believers, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.16" osisRef="Bible:Heb.13.5" parsed="|Heb|13|5|0|0" passage="Heb 13:5">Heb. xiii. 5</scripRef>. <i>He will never leave thee,
nor forsake thee.</i> God never leaves any unless they first leave
him. (2.) "Good men will help thee, <scripRef id="iCh.xxix-p17.17" osisRef="Bible:1Chr.28.21" parsed="|1Chr|28|21|0|0" passage="1Ch 28:21"><i>v.</i> 21</scripRef>. The priests and Levites will
advise thee, and thou mayest consult them. Thou hast good workmen,
who are both willing and skilful;" and these are two very good
properties in a workman, especially in those that work at the
temple. And, <i>lastly,</i> "The princes and the people will be so
far from opposing or retarding the work that they will be wholly at
thy command, every one in his place ready to further it." Then good
work is likely to go on when all parties concerned are hearty in
it, and none secretly clog it, but all drive on heartily in it.</p>