2023-12-17 15:08:46 -05:00

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<p>This may include a double sense:—1. That wicked people are scornful people, and put <i>contempt</i> upon others. <i>When the wicked comes</i> into any company, comes into the schools of wisdom or into the assemblies for religious worship, <i>then comes contempt</i> of God, of his people and ministers, and of every thing that is said and done. You can expect no other from those that are profane than that they will be scoffers; they will be an <i>ignominy</i> and <i>reproach</i>; they will flout and jeer every thing that is serious and grave. But let not wise and good men regard it, for the proverb of the ancients says, such <i>wickedness proceeds from the wicked</i>. 2. That wicked people are shameful people, and bring <i>contempt</i> upon themselves, for God has said that those <i>who despise him shall be lightly esteemed</i>. As soon as ever sin entered shame followed it, and sinners make themselves despicable. Nor do they only draw contempt upon themselves, but they bring <i>ignominy</i> and <i>reproach</i> upon their families, their friends, their ministers, and all that are in any way related to them. Those therefore who would secure their honour must retain their virtue.</p>