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<div2 id="Num.xxxiv" n="xxxiv" next="Num.xxxv" prev="Num.xxxiii" progress="80.60%" title="Chapter XXXIII">
<h2 id="Num.xxxiv-p0.1">N U M B E R S</h2>
<h3 id="Num.xxxiv-p0.2">CHAP. XXXIII.</h3>
<p class="intro" id="Num.xxxiv-p1">In this chapter we have, I. A particular account
of the removals and encampments of the children of Israel, from
their escape out of Egypt to their entrance into Canaan, forty-two
in all, with some remarkable events that happened at some of those
places, <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p1.1" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.1-Num.33.49" parsed="|Num|33|1|33|49" passage="Nu 33:1-49">ver. 1-49</scripRef>. II. A
strict command given them to drive out all the inhabitants of the
land of Canaan, which they were not going to conquer and take
possession of, <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p1.2" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.50-Num.33.56" parsed="|Num|33|50|33|56" passage="Nu 33:50-56">ver.
50-56</scripRef>. So that the former part of the chapter looks back
upon their march through the wilderness, the latter looks forward
to their settlement in Canaan.</p>
<scripCom id="Num.xxxiv-p1.3" osisRef="Bible:Num.33" parsed="|Num|33|0|0|0" passage="Nu 33" type="Commentary"/>
<scripCom id="Num.xxxiv-p1.4" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.1-Num.33.49" parsed="|Num|33|1|33|49" passage="Nu 33:1-49" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Num.33.1-Num.33.49">
<h4 id="Num.xxxiv-p1.5">Encampments of the
Israelites. (<span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xxxiv-p1.6">b. c.</span> 1452.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Num.xxxiv-p2">1 These <i>are</i> the journeys of the children
of Israel, which went forth out of the land of Egypt with their
armies under the hand of Moses and Aaron.   2 And Moses wrote
their goings out according to their journeys by the commandment of
the <span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xxxiv-p2.1">Lord</span>: and these <i>are</i> their
journeys according to their goings out.   3 And they departed
from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first
month; on the morrow after the passover the children of Israel went
out with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians.   4
For the Egyptians buried all <i>their</i> firstborn, which the
<span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xxxiv-p2.2">Lord</span> had smitten among them: upon
their gods also the <span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xxxiv-p2.3">Lord</span> executed
judgments.   5 And the children of Israel removed from
Rameses, and pitched in Succoth.   6 And they departed from
Succoth, and pitched in Etham, which <i>is</i> in the edge of the
wilderness.   7 And they removed from Etham, and turned again
unto Pi-hahiroth, which <i>is</i> before Baal-zephon: and they
pitched before Migdol.   8 And they departed from before
Pi-hahiroth, and passed through the midst of the sea into the
wilderness, and went three days' journey in the wilderness of
Etham, and pitched in Marah.   9 And they removed from Marah,
and came unto Elim: and in Elim <i>were</i> twelve fountains of
water, and threescore and ten palm trees; and they pitched there.
  10 And they removed from Elim, and encamped by the Red sea.
  11 And they removed from the Red sea, and encamped in the
wilderness of Sin.   12 And they took their journey out of the
wilderness of Sin, and encamped in Dophkah.   13 And they
departed from Dophkah, and encamped in Alush.   14 And they
removed from Alush, and encamped at Rephidim, where was no water
for the people to drink.   15 And they departed from Rephidim,
and pitched in the wilderness of Sinai.   16 And they removed
from the desert of Sinai, and pitched at Kibroth-hattaavah.  
17 And they departed from Kibroth-hattaavah, and encamped at
Hazeroth.   18 And they departed from Hazeroth, and pitched in
Rithmah.   19 And they departed from Rithmah, and pitched at
Rimmon-parez.   20 And they departed from Rimmon-parez, and
pitched in Libnah.   21 And they removed from Libnah, and
pitched at Rissah.   22 And they journeyed from Rissah, and
pitched in Kehelathah.   23 And they went from Kehelathah, and
pitched in mount Shapher.   24 And they removed from mount
Shapher, and encamped in Haradah.   25 And they removed from
Haradah, and pitched in Makheloth.   26 And they removed from
Makheloth, and encamped at Tahath.   27 And they departed from
Tahath, and pitched at Tarah.   28 And they removed from
Tarah, and pitched in Mithcah.   29 And they went from
Mithcah, and pitched in Hashmonah.   30 And they departed from
Hashmonah, and encamped at Moseroth.   31 And they departed
from Moseroth, and pitched in Bene-jaakan.   32 And they
removed from Bene-jaakan, and encamped at Hor-hagidgad.   33
And they went from Hor-hagidgad, and pitched in Jotbathah.  
34 And they removed from Jotbathah, and encamped at Ebronah.  
35 And they departed from Ebronah, and encamped at Ezion-gaber.
  36 And they removed from Ezion-gaber, and pitched in the
wilderness of Zin, which <i>is</i> Kadesh.   37 And they
removed from Kadesh, and pitched in mount Hor, in the edge of the
land of Edom.   38 And Aaron the priest went up into mount Hor
at the commandment of the <span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xxxiv-p2.4">Lord</span>, and
died there, in the fortieth year after the children of Israel were
come out of the land of Egypt, in the first <i>day</i> of the fifth
month.   39 And Aaron <i>was</i> an hundred and twenty and
three years old when he died in mount Hor.   40 And king Arad
the Canaanite, which dwelt in the south in the land of Canaan,
heard of the coming of the children of Israel.   41 And they
departed from mount Hor, and pitched in Zalmonah.   42 And
they departed from Zalmonah, and pitched in Punon.   43 And
they departed from Punon, and pitched in Oboth.   44 And they
departed from Oboth, and pitched in Ije-abarim, in the border of
Moab.   45 And they departed from Iim, and pitched in
Dibon-gad.   46 And they removed from Dibon-gad, and encamped
in Almon-diblathaim.   47 And they removed from
Almon-diblathaim, and pitched in the mountains of Abarim, before
Nebo.   48 And they departed from the mountains of Abarim, and
pitched in the plains of Moab by Jordan <i>near</i> Jericho.  
49 And they pitched by Jordan, from Beth-jesimoth <i>even</i> unto
Abel-shittim in the plains of Moab.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Num.xxxiv-p3">This is a review and brief rehearsal of the
travels of the children of Israel through the wilderness. It was a
memorable history and well worthy to be thus abridged, and the
abridgment thus preserved, to the honour of God that led them and
for the encouragement of the generations that followed. Observe
<p class="indent" id="Num.xxxiv-p4">I. How the account was kept: <i>Moses wrote
their goings out,</i> <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p4.1" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.2" parsed="|Num|33|2|0|0" passage="Nu 33:2"><i>v.</i>
2</scripRef>. When they began this tedious march, God ordered him
to keep a journal or diary, and to insert in it all the remarkable
occurrences of their way, that it might be a satisfaction to
himself in the review and an instruction to others when it should
be published. It may be of good use to private Christians, but
especially to those in public stations, to preserve in writing an
account of the providences of God concerning them, the constant
series of mercies they have experienced, especially those turns and
changes which have made some days of their lives more remarkable.
Our memories are deceitful and need this help, that we may
<i>remember all the way which the Lord our God has led us in this
wilderness,</i> <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p4.2" osisRef="Bible:Deut.8.2" parsed="|Deut|8|2|0|0" passage="De 8:2">Deut. viii.
<p class="indent" id="Num.xxxiv-p5">II. What the account itself was. It began
with their departure out of Egypt, continued with their march
through the wilderness, and ended in the plains of Moab, where they
now lay encamped.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Num.xxxiv-p6">1. Some things are observed here concerning
their departure out of Egypt, which they are reminded of upon all
occasions, as a work of wonder never to be forgotten. (1.) That
they <i>went forth with their armies</i> (<scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p6.1" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.1" parsed="|Num|33|1|0|0" passage="Nu 33:1"><i>v.</i> 1</scripRef>), rank and file, as an army with
banners. (2.) Under the hand of Moses and Aaron, their guides,
overseers, and rulers, under God. (3.) <i>With a high hand,</i>
because God's hand was high that wrought for them, <i>and in the
sight of all the Egyptians,</i> <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p6.2" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.3" parsed="|Num|33|3|0|0" passage="Nu 33:3"><i>v.</i> 3</scripRef>. They did not steal away
clandestinely (<scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p6.3" osisRef="Bible:Isa.52.12" parsed="|Isa|52|12|0|0" passage="Isa 52:12">Isa. lii.
12</scripRef>), but in defiance of their enemies, to whom God had
made them such a burdensome stone that they neither could, nor
would, nor durst, oppose them. (4.) They went forth while the
Egyptians were burying, or at least preparing to bury, their
first-born, <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p6.4" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.4" parsed="|Num|33|4|0|0" passage="Nu 33:4"><i>v.</i> 4</scripRef>.
They had a mind good enough, or rather bad enough, still to have
detained the Israelites their prisoners, but God found them other
work to do. They would have God's first-born buried alive, but God
set them a burying their own first-born. (5.) To all the plagues of
Egypt it is added here that <i>on their gods also the Lord executed
judgments.</i> Their idols which they worshipped, it is probable,
were broken down, as Dagon afterwards before the ark, so that they
could not consult them about this great affair. To this perhaps
there is reference, <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p6.5" osisRef="Bible:Isa.19.1" parsed="|Isa|19|1|0|0" passage="Isa 19:1">Isa. xix.
1</scripRef>, <i>The idols of Egypt shall be moved at his
<p class="indent" id="Num.xxxiv-p7">2. Concerning their travels towards Canaan.
Observe, (1.) They were continually upon the remove. When they had
pitched a little while in one place they departed from that to
another. Such is our state in this world; we have here no
continuing city. (2.) Most of their way lay through a wilderness,
uninhabited, untracked, unfurnished even with the necessaries of
human life, which magnifies the wisdom and power of God, by whose
wonderful conduct and bounty the thousands of Israel not only
subsisted for forty years in that desolate place, but came out at
least as numerous and vigorous as they went in. At first they
pitched <i>in the edge of the wilderness</i> (<scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p7.1" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.6" parsed="|Num|33|6|0|0" passage="Nu 33:6"><i>v.</i> 6</scripRef>), but afterwards in the heart of
it; by less difficulties God prepares his people for greater. We
find them in the wilderness of Etham (<scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p7.2" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.8" parsed="|Num|33|8|0|0" passage="Nu 33:8"><i>v.</i> 8</scripRef>), of Sin (<scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p7.3" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.11" parsed="|Num|33|11|0|0" passage="Nu 33:11"><i>v.</i> 11</scripRef>), of Sinai, <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p7.4" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.15" parsed="|Num|33|15|0|0" passage="Nu 33:15"><i>v.</i> 15</scripRef>. Our removals in this world are
but from one wilderness to another. (3.) They were led to and fro,
forward and backward, as in a maze or labyrinth, and yet were all
the while under the direction of the pillar of cloud and fire. He
led them about (<scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p7.5" osisRef="Bible:Deut.32.10" parsed="|Deut|32|10|0|0" passage="De 32:10">Deut. xxxii.
10</scripRef>), and yet led them the right way, <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p7.6" osisRef="Bible:Ps.107.7" parsed="|Ps|107|7|0|0" passage="Ps 107:7">Ps. cvii. 7</scripRef>. The way which God takes in
bringing his people to himself is always the best way, though it
does not always seem to us the nearest way. (4.) Some events are
mentioned in this journal, as their want of water at Rephidim
(<scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p7.7" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.14" parsed="|Num|33|14|0|0" passage="Nu 33:14"><i>v.</i> 14</scripRef>), the death
of Aaron (<scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p7.8" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.38-Num.33.39" parsed="|Num|33|38|33|39" passage="Nu 33:38,39"><i>v.</i> 38,
39</scripRef>), the insult of Arad (<scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p7.9" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.40" parsed="|Num|33|40|0|0" passage="Nu 33:40"><i>v.</i> 40</scripRef>); and the very name of
<i>Kibroth-hattaavah—the graves of lusts</i> (<scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p7.10" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.16" parsed="|Num|33|16|0|0" passage="Nu 33:16"><i>v.</i> 16</scripRef>), has a story depending upon it.
Thus we ought to keep in mind the providences of God concerning us
and our families, us and our land, and the many instances of that
divine care which has led us, and fed us, and kept us, all our days
hitherto. Shittim, the place where the people sinned in the matter
of Peor (<scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p7.11" osisRef="Bible:Num.25.1" parsed="|Num|25|1|0|0" passage="Nu 25:1"><i>ch.</i> xxv. 1</scripRef>),
is here called <i>Abel-shittim. Abel</i> signifies <i>mourning</i>
(as <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p7.12" osisRef="Bible:Gen.50.11" parsed="|Gen|50|11|0|0" passage="Ge 50:11">Gen. l. 11</scripRef>), and
probably this place was so called from the mourning of the good
people of Israel on account of that sin and of God's wrath against
them for it. It was so great a mourning that it gave a name to the
</div><scripCom id="Num.xxxiv-p7.13" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.50-Num.33.56" parsed="|Num|33|50|33|56" passage="Nu 33:50-56" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Num.33.50-Num.33.56">
<h4 id="Num.xxxiv-p7.14">The Canaanites Doomed. (<span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xxxiv-p7.15">b. c.</span> 1452.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Num.xxxiv-p8">50 And the <span class="smallcaps" id="Num.xxxiv-p8.1">Lord</span>
spake unto Moses in the plains of Moab by Jordan <i>near</i>
Jericho, saying,   51 Speak unto the children of Israel, and
say unto them, When ye are passed over Jordan into the land of
Canaan;   52 Then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of
the land from before you, and destroy all their pictures, and
destroy all their molten images, and quite pluck down all their
high places:   53 And ye shall dispossess <i>the
inhabitants</i> of the land, and dwell therein: for I have given
you the land to possess it.   54 And ye shall divide the land
by lot for an inheritance among your families: <i>and</i> to the
more ye shall give the more inheritance, and to the fewer ye shall
give the less inheritance: every man's <i>inheritance</i> shall be
in the place where his lot falleth; according to the tribes of your
fathers ye shall inherit.   55 But if ye will not drive out
the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to
pass, that those which ye let remain of them <i>shall be</i> pricks
in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the
land wherein ye dwell.   56 Moreover it shall come to pass,
<i>that</i> I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Num.xxxiv-p9">While the children of Israel were in the
wilderness their total separation from all other people kept them
out of the way of temptation to idolatry, and perhaps this was one
thing intended by their long confinement in the wilderness, that
thereby the idols of Egypt might be forgotten, and the people aired
(as it were) and purified from that infection, and the generation
that entered Canaan might be such as never knew those depths of
Satan. But now that they were to pass over Jordan they were
entering again into that temptation, and therefore, 1. They are
here strictly charged utterly to destroy all remnants of idolatry.
They must not only <i>drive out the inhabitants of the land,</i>
that they may possess their country, but they must deface all their
idolatrous pictures and images, and <i>pull down all their high
places,</i> <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p9.1" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.52" parsed="|Num|33|52|0|0" passage="Nu 33:52"><i>v.</i> 52</scripRef>.
They must not preserve any of them, no, not as monuments of
antiquity to gratify the curious, nor as ornaments of their houses,
nor toys for their children to play with, but they must destroy
all, both in token of their abhorrence and detestation of idolatry
and to prevent their being tempted to worship those images, and the
false gods represented by them, or to worship the God of Israel by
such images or representations. 2. They were assured that, if they
did so, God would by degrees put them in full possession of the
land of promise, <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p9.2" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.53-Num.33.54" parsed="|Num|33|53|33|54" passage="Nu 33:53,54"><i>v.</i> 53,
54</scripRef>. If they would keep themselves pure from the idols of
Canaan, God would enrich them with the wealth of Canaan. Learn not
their way, and then fear not their power. 3. They were threatened
that, if they spared either the idols or the idolaters, they should
be beaten with their own rod and their sin would certainly be their
punishment. (1.) They would foster snakes in their own bosoms,
<scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p9.3" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.55" parsed="|Num|33|55|0|0" passage="Nu 33:55"><i>v.</i> 55</scripRef>. The remnant
of the Canaanites, if they made any league with them, though it
were but a cessation of arms, would be <i>pricks in their eyes and
thorns in their sides,</i> that is, they would be upon all
occasions vexatious to them, insulting them, robbing them, and, to
the utmost of their power, making mischief among them. We must
expect trouble and affliction from that, whatever it is, which we
sinfully indulge; that which we are willing should tempt us we
shall find will vex us. (2.) The righteous God would turn that
wheel upon the Israelites which was to have crushed the Canaanites:
<i>I shall do to you as I thought to do unto them,</i> <scripRef id="Num.xxxiv-p9.4" osisRef="Bible:Num.33.56" parsed="|Num|33|56|0|0" passage="Nu 33:56"><i>v.</i> 56</scripRef>. It was intended that
the Canaanites should be dispossessed; but if the Israelites fell
in with them, and learned their way, they should be dispossessed,
for God's displeasure would justly be greater against them than
against the Canaanites themselves. Let us hear this, and fear. If
we do not drive sin out, sin will drive us out; if we be not the
death of our lusts, our lusts will be the death of our souls.</p>