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<div2 id="Jer.xxxvii" n="xxxvii" next="Jer.xxxviii" prev="Jer.xxxvi" progress="42.26%" title="Chapter XXXVI">
<h2 id="Jer.xxxvii-p0.1">J E R E M I A H.</h2>
<h3 id="Jer.xxxvii-p0.2">CHAP. XXXVI.</h3>
<p class="intro" id="Jer.xxxvii-p1" shownumber="no">Here is another expedient tried to work upon this
heedless and untoward people, but it is tried in vain. A roll of a
book is provided, containing an abstract or abridgment of all the
sermons that Jeremiah had preached to them, that they might be put
in mind of what they had heard and might the better understand it,
when they had it all before them at one view. Now here we have, I.
The writing of this roll by Baruch, as Jeremiah dictated it,
<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p1.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.1-Jer.36.4" parsed="|Jer|36|1|36|4" passage="Jer 36:1-4">ver. 1-4</scripRef>. II. The reading
of the roll by Baruch to all the people publicly on a fast-day
(<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p1.2" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.5-Jer.36.10" parsed="|Jer|36|5|36|10" passage="Jer 36:5-10">ver. 5-10</scripRef>), afterwards
by Baruch to the princes privately (<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p1.3" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.11-Jer.36.19" parsed="|Jer|36|11|36|19" passage="Jer 36:11-19">ver. 11-19</scripRef>), and lastly by Jehudi to the
king, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p1.4" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.20-Jer.36.21" parsed="|Jer|36|20|36|21" passage="Jer 36:20,21">ver. 20, 21</scripRef>. III.
The burning of the roll by the king, with orders to prosecute
Jeremiah and Baruch, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p1.5" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.22-Jer.36.26" parsed="|Jer|36|22|36|26" passage="Jer 36:22-26">ver.
22-26</scripRef>. IV. The writing of another roll, with large
additions, particularly of Jehoiakim's doom for burning the former,
<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p1.6" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.27-Jer.36.32" parsed="|Jer|36|27|36|32" passage="Jer 36:27-32">ver. 27-32</scripRef>.</p>
<scripCom id="Jer.xxxvii-p1.7" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36" parsed="|Jer|36|0|0|0" passage="Jer 36" type="Commentary"/>
<scripCom id="Jer.xxxvii-p1.8" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.1-Jer.36.8" parsed="|Jer|36|1|36|8" passage="Jer 36:1-8" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Jer.xxxvii-p1.9">
<h4 id="Jer.xxxvii-p1.10">The Roll Written by Baruch. (<span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p1.11">b. c.</span> 607.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Jer.xxxvii-p2" shownumber="no">1 And it came to pass in the fourth year of
Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, <i>that</i> this word
came unto Jeremiah from the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p2.1">Lord</span>,
saying,   2 Take thee a roll of a book, and write therein all
the words that I have spoken unto thee against Israel, and against
Judah, and against all the nations, from the day I spake unto thee,
from the days of Josiah, even unto this day.   3 It may be
that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to
do unto them; that they may return every man from his evil way;
that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.   4 Then
Jeremiah called Baruch the son of Neriah: and Baruch wrote from the
mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p2.2">Lord</span>, which he had spoken unto him, upon a roll
of a book.   5 And Jeremiah commanded Baruch, saying, I
<i>am</i> shut up; I cannot go into the house of the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p2.3">Lord</span>:   6 Therefore go thou, and read in
the roll, which thou hast written from my mouth, the words of the
<span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p2.4">Lord</span> in the ears of the people in
the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p2.5">Lord</span>'s house upon the fasting
day: and also thou shalt read them in the ears of all Judah that
come out of their cities.   7 It may be they will present
their supplication before the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p2.6">Lord</span>,
and will return every one from his evil way: for great <i>is</i>
the anger and the fury that the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p2.7">Lord</span>
hath pronounced against this people.   8 And Baruch the son of
Neriah did according to all that Jeremiah the prophet commanded
him, reading in the book the words of the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p2.8">Lord</span> in the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p2.9">Lord</span>'s house.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p3" shownumber="no">In the beginning of Ezekiel's prophecy we
meet with <i>a roll</i> written <i>in vision,</i> for discovery of
the things therein contained to the prophet himself, who was to
receive and digest them, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p3.1" osisRef="Bible:Ezek.2.9-Ezek.2.10 Bible:Ezek.3.1" parsed="|Ezek|2|9|2|10;|Ezek|3|1|0|0" passage="Eze 2:9,10,3:1">Ezek.
ii. 9, 10; iii. 1</scripRef>. Here, in the latter end of Jeremiah's
prophecy, we meet with <i>a roll</i> written <i>in fact,</i> for
discovery of the things contained therein to the people, who were
to hear and give heed to them; for the written word and other good
books are of great use both to ministers and people. We have
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p4" shownumber="no">I. The command which God gave to Jeremiah
to write a summary of his sermons, of all the reproofs and all the
warnings he had given in God's name to his people, ever since he
first began to be a preacher, in the thirteenth year of Josiah,
<i>to this day,</i> which was in the fourth year of Jehoiakim,
<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p4.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.2-Jer.36.3" parsed="|Jer|36|2|36|3" passage="Jer 36:2,3"><i>v.</i> 2, 3</scripRef>. What had
been only spoken must now be written, that it might be reviewed,
and that it might spread the further and last the longer. What had
been spoken at large, with frequent repetitions of the same things,
perhaps in the same words (which has its advantage one way), must
now be contracted and put into less compass, that the several parts
of it might be better compared together, which has its advantage
another way. What they had heard once must be recapitulated, and
rehearsed to them again, that what was forgotten might be called to
mind again and what made no impression upon them at the first
hearing might take hold of them when they heard it the second time.
And what was perhaps already written, and published in single
sermons, must be collected into one volume, that none might be
lost. Note, The writing of the scripture is by divine appointment.
And observe the reason here given for the writing of this roll
(<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p4.2" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.3" parsed="|Jer|36|3|0|0" passage="Jer 36:3"><i>v.</i> 3</scripRef>): <i>It may be
the house of Judah will hear.</i> Not that the divine prescience
was at any uncertainty concerning the event: with that there is no
peradventure; God knew certainly <i>that they would deal very
treacherously,</i> <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p4.3" osisRef="Bible:Isa.48.8" parsed="|Isa|48|8|0|0" passage="Isa 48:8">Isa. xlviii.
8</scripRef>. But the divine wisdom directed to this as a proper
means for attaining the desired end: and, if it failed, they would
be the more inexcusable. And, though God foresaw that they would
not hear, he did not tell the prophet so, but prescribed this
method to him as a probably one to be used, in the hopes that they
would <i>hear,</i> that is, heed and regard what they heard, take
notice of it and mix faith with it: for otherwise our hearing the
word, though an angel from heaven were to read or preach it to us,
would stand us in no stead. Now observe here, 1. What it is hoped
they will thus hear: <i>All that evil which I purpose to do unto
them.</i> Note, The serious consideration of the certain fatal
consequences of sin will be of great use to us to bring us to God.
2. What it is hoped will be produced thereby: <i>They will hear,
that they may return every man from his evil way.</i> Note, The
conversion of sinners from their evil courses is that which
ministers should aim at in preaching; and people hear the word in
vain if that point be not gained with them. To what purpose do we
hear of the evil God will bring upon us for sin if we continue,
notwithstanding, to do evil against him? 3. Of what vast advantage
their consideration and conversion will be to them: <i>That I may
forgive their iniquity.</i> This plainly implies the honour of
God's justice, with which it is not consistent that he should
forgive the sin unless the sinner repent of it and turn from it;
but it plainly expresses the honour of his mercy, that he is very
ready to forgive sin and only waits till the sinner be qualified to
receive forgiveness, and therefore uses various means to bring us
to repentance, <i>that he may forgive.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p5" shownumber="no">II. The instructions which Jeremiah gave to
Baruch his scribe, pursuant to the command he had received from
God, and the writing of the roll accordingly, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p5.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.4" parsed="|Jer|36|4|0|0" passage="Jer 36:4"><i>v.</i> 4</scripRef>. God bade Jeremiah write, but, it
should seem, he had not the <i>pen of a ready writer,</i> he could
not write fast, or fair, so as Baruch could, and therefore he made
use of him as his amanuensis. St. Paul wrote but few of his
epistles with his own hand, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p5.2" osisRef="Bible:Gal.6.11 Bible:Rom.16.22" parsed="|Gal|6|11|0|0;|Rom|16|22|0|0" passage="Ga 6:11,Ro 16:22">Gal. vi. 11; Rom. xvi. 22</scripRef>. God
dispenses his gifts variously; some have a good faculty at
speaking, others at writing, and neither can say to the other, We
have <i>no need of you,</i> <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p5.3" osisRef="Bible:1Cor.12.21" parsed="|1Cor|12|21|0|0" passage="1Co 12:21">1 Cor.
xii. 21</scripRef>. The Spirit of God dictated to Jeremiah, and he
to Baruch, who had been employed by Jeremiah as trustee for him in
his purchase of the field (<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p5.4" osisRef="Bible:Jer.32.12" parsed="|Jer|32|12|0|0" passage="Jer 32:12"><i>ch.</i>
xxxii. 12</scripRef>) and now was advanced to be his scribe and
substitute in his prophetical office; and, if we may credit the
apocryphal book that bears his name, he was afterwards himself a
prophet to the captives in Babylon. Those that begin low are likely
to rise high, and it is good for those that are designed for
prophets to have their education under prophets and to be
serviceable to them. Baruch wrote what Jeremiah dictated in a
<i>roll of a book</i> on pieces of parchment, or vellum, which were
joined together, the top of one to the bottom of the other, so
making one long scroll, which was rolled perhaps upon a staff.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p6" shownumber="no">III. The orders which Jeremiah gave to
Baruch to read what he had written to the people. Jeremiah, it
seems was <i>shut up,</i> and <i>could not go to the house of the
Lord</i> himself, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p6.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.5" parsed="|Jer|36|5|0|0" passage="Jer 36:5"><i>v.</i>
5</scripRef>. Though he was not a close prisoner, for then there
would have been no occasion to send officers to seize him
(<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p6.2" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.26" parsed="|Jer|36|26|0|0" passage="Jer 36:26"><i>v.</i> 26</scripRef>), yet he was
forbidden by the king to appear in the temple, was shut out thence
where he might be serving God and doing good, which was as bad to
him as if he had been shut up in a dungeon. Jehoiakim was ripening
apace for ruin when he thus silenced God's faithful messengers.
But, when Jeremiah could not go to the temple himself, he sent one
that was deputed by him to read to the people what he would himself
have said. Thus St. Paul wrote epistles to the churches which he
could not visit in person. Nay, it was what he himself had often
said to them. Note, The writing and repeating of the sermons that
have been preached may contribute very much towards the answering
of the great ends of preaching. What we have heard and known it is
good for us to hear again, that we may know it better. To preach
and write the same thing is safe and profitable, and many times
very necessary (<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p6.3" osisRef="Bible:Phil.3.1" parsed="|Phil|3|1|0|0" passage="Php 3:1">Phil. iii.
1</scripRef>), and we must be glad to hear a good word from God,
though we have it, as here, at second hand. Both ministers and
people must do what they can when they cannot do what they would.
Observe, When God ordered the reading of the roll he said, <i>It
may be they will hear and return from their evil ways,</i>
<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p6.4" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.3" parsed="|Jer|36|3|0|0" passage="Jer 36:3"><i>v.</i> 3</scripRef>. When Jeremiah
orders it, he says, <i>It may be they will pray</i> (they will
<i>present their supplications before the Lord</i>) and will
<i>return from their evil way.</i> Note, Prayer to God for grace to
turn us is necessary in order to our turning; and those that are
convinced by the word of God of the necessity of returning to him
will present their supplications to him for that grace. And the
consideration of this, that <i>great is the anger which God has
pronounced against us</i> for sin, should quicken both our prayers
and our endeavours. Now, according to these orders, Baruch did read
<i>out of the book the words of the Lord,</i> whenever there was a
<i>holy convocation,</i> <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p6.5" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.8" parsed="|Jer|36|8|0|0" passage="Jer 36:8"><i>v.</i>
</div><scripCom id="Jer.xxxvii-p6.6" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.9-Jer.36.19" parsed="|Jer|36|9|36|19" passage="Jer 36:9-19" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Jer.xxxvii-p6.7">
<h4 id="Jer.xxxvii-p6.8">Baruch Reads the Roll to the
Princes. (<span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p6.9">b. c.</span> 607.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Jer.xxxvii-p7" shownumber="no">9 And it came to pass in the fifth year of
Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, in the ninth month,
<i>that</i> they proclaimed a fast before the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p7.1">Lord</span> to all the people in Jerusalem, and to all
the people that came from the cities of Judah unto Jerusalem.
  10 Then read Baruch in the book the words of Jeremiah in the
house of the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p7.2">Lord</span>, in the chamber of
Gemariah the son of Shaphan the scribe, in the higher court, at the
entry of the new gate of the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p7.3">Lord</span>'s
house, in the ears of all the people.   11 When Michaiah the
son of Gemariah, the son of Shaphan, had heard out of the book all
the words of the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p7.4">Lord</span>,   12
Then he went down into the king's house, into the scribe's chamber:
and, lo, all the princes sat there, <i>even</i> Elishama the
scribe, and Delaiah the son of Shemaiah, and Elnathan the son of
Achbor, and Gemariah the son of Shaphan, and Zedekiah the son of
Hananiah, and all the princes.   13 Then Michaiah declared
unto them all the words that he had heard, when Baruch read the
book in the ears of the people.   14 Therefore all the princes
sent Jehudi the son of Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of
Cushi, unto Baruch, saying, Take in thine hand the roll wherein
thou hast read in the ears of the people, and come. So Baruch the
son of Neriah took the roll in his hand, and came unto them.  
15 And they said unto him, Sit down now, and read it in our ears.
So Baruch read <i>it</i> in their ears.   16 Now it came to
pass, when they had heard all the words, they were afraid both one
and other, and said unto Baruch, We will surely tell the king of
all these words.   17 And they asked Baruch, saying, Tell us
now, How didst thou write all these words at his mouth?   18
Then Baruch answered them, He pronounced all these words unto me
with his mouth, and I wrote <i>them</i> with ink in the book.
  19 Then said the princes unto Baruch, Go, hide thee, thou
and Jeremiah; and let no man know where ye be.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p8" shownumber="no">It should seem that Baruch had been
frequently reading out of the book, to all companies that would
give him the hearing, before the most solemn reading of it
altogether which is here spoken of; for the directions were given
about it in the <i>fourth year of Jehoiakim,</i> whereas this was
done <i>in the fifth year,</i> <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.9" parsed="|Jer|36|9|0|0" passage="Jer 36:9"><i>v.</i> 9</scripRef>. But some think that the writing
of the book fairly over took up so much time that it was another
year ere it was perfected; and yet perhaps it might not be past a
month or two; he might begin in the latter end of the fourth year
and finish it in the beginning of the fifth, for <i>thee ninth
month</i> refers to the computation of the year in general, not to
the year of that reign. Now observe here, 1. The government
appointed a public fast to be religiously observed (<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.2" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.9" parsed="|Jer|36|9|0|0" passage="Jer 36:9"><i>v.</i> 9</scripRef>), on account either of
the distress they were brought into by the army of the Chaldeans or
of the want of rain (<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.3" osisRef="Bible:Jer.14.1" parsed="|Jer|14|1|0|0" passage="Jer 14:1"><i>ch.</i> xiv.
1</scripRef>): <i>They proclaimed a fast to the people;</i> whether
the king and princes or the priests, ordered this fast, is not
certain; but it was plain that God by his providence called them
aloud to it. Note, Great shows of piety and devotion may be found
even among those who, though they keep up these <i>forms of
godliness,</i> are strangers and enemies to <i>the power</i> of it.
But what will such hypocritical services avail? Fasting, without
reforming and turning away from sin, will never turn away the
judgments of God, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.4" osisRef="Bible:Jonah.3.10" parsed="|Jonah|3|10|0|0" passage="Jon 3:10">Jon. iii.
10</scripRef>. Notwithstanding this fast, God proceeded in his
controversy with this people. 2. Baruch repeated Jeremiah's sermons
publicly in the house of the Lord, on the fast-day. He stood in a
chamber that belonged to Gemariah, and out of a window, or balcony,
read to the people that were in the court, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.5" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.10" parsed="|Jer|36|10|0|0" passage="Jer 36:10"><i>v.</i> 10</scripRef>. Note, When we are speaking to
God we must be willing to hear from him; and therefore, on days of
fasting and prayer, it is requisite that the word be read and
preached. <i>Hearken unto me, that God may hearken unto you.</i>
<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.6" osisRef="Bible:Judg.9.7" parsed="|Judg|9|7|0|0" passage="Jdg 9:7">Judg. ix. 7</scripRef>. For our help in
suing out mercy and grace, it is proper that we should be told of
sin and duty. 3. An account was brought of this to the princes that
attended the court and were now together in the secretary's office,
here called <i>the scribe's chamber,</i> <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.7" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.12" parsed="|Jer|36|12|0|0" passage="Jer 36:12"><i>v.</i> 12</scripRef>. It should seem, though the
princes had called the people to meet in the house of God, to fact,
and pray, and hear the word, they did not think fit to attend there
themselves, which was a sign that it was not from a principle of
true devotion, but merely for fashion sake, that they proclaimed
this fast. We are willing to hope that it was not with a bad
design, to bring Jeremiah into trouble for his preaching, but with
a good design, to bring the princes into trouble for their sins,
that Michaiah informed the princes of what Baruch had read; for his
father Gemariah so far countenanced Baruch as to lend him his
chamber to read out of. Michaiah finds the princes sitting in
<i>the scribe's chamber,</i> and tells them they had better have
been where he had been, hearing a good sermon in the temple, which
he gives them the heads of. Note, When we have heard some good word
that has affected and edified us we should be ready to communicate
it to others that did not hear it, for their edification. <i>Out of
the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.</i> 4. Baruch is sent
for, and is ordered to sit down among them and read it all over
again to them (<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.8" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.14-Jer.36.15" parsed="|Jer|36|14|36|15" passage="Jer 36:14,15"><i>v.</i> 14,
15</scripRef>), which he readily did, not complaining that he was
weary with his public work and therefore desiring to be excused,
nor upbraiding the princes with their being absent from the temple,
where they might have heard it when he read it there. Note, God's
ministers must <i>become all things to all men, if by any means
they may gain some,</i> must comply with them in circumstances,
that they may secure the substance. St. Paul preached privately to
those of reputation, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.9" osisRef="Bible:Gal.2.2" parsed="|Gal|2|2|0|0" passage="Ga 2:2">Gal. ii.
2</scripRef>. 5. The princes were for the present much affected
with the word that was read to them, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.10" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.16" parsed="|Jer|36|16|0|0" passage="Jer 36:16"><i>v.</i> 16</scripRef>. Observe, <i>They heard all the
words</i> they did not interrupt him, but very patiently attended
to the reading of the whole book; for otherwise how could they form
a competent judgment of it? And, <i>when they had heard all, they
were afraid,</i> were all afraid, <i>one</i> as well as
<i>another;</i> like Felix, who trembled at Paul's reasonings. The
reproofs were just, the threatenings terrible, and the predictions
now in a fair way to be fulfilled; so that, laying all together,
they were in a great consternation. We are not told what
impressions this reading of the roll made upon the people
(<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.11" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.10" parsed="|Jer|36|10|0|0" passage="Jer 36:10"><i>v.</i> 10</scripRef>), but the
princes were put into a fright by it, and (as some read it)
<i>looked one upon another,</i> not knowing what to say. They were
all convinced that it was worthy to be regarded, but none of them
had courage to second it, only they agreed to <i>tell the king of
all these words;</i> and, if he think fit to give credit to them,
they will, otherwise not, no, though it were to prevent the ruin of
the nation. And yet at the same time they knew the king's mind so
far that they advised Baruch and Jeremiah to hide themselves
(<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.12" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.19" parsed="|Jer|36|19|0|0" passage="Jer 36:19"><i>v.</i> 19</scripRef>) and to
shift as they could for their own safety, expecting no other than
that the king, instead of being convinced, would be exasperated.
Note, It is common for sinners, under convictions, to endeavour to
shake them off, by shifting off the prosecution of them to other
persons, as these princes here, or to another <i>more convenient
season,</i> as Felix. 6. They asked Baruch a trifling question,
<i>How he wrote all these words</i> (<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.13" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.17" parsed="|Jer|36|17|0|0" passage="Jer 36:17"><i>v.</i> 17</scripRef>), as if they suspected there
was something extraordinary in it; but Baruch gives them a plain
answer, that there was nothing but what was common in the manner of
the writing—Jeremiah dictated and he wrote, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.14" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.18" parsed="|Jer|36|18|0|0" passage="Jer 36:18"><i>v.</i> 18</scripRef>. But thus it is common for
those who would avoid the convictions of the word of God to start
needless questions about the way and manner of the inspiration of
</div><scripCom id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.15" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.20-Jer.36.32" parsed="|Jer|36|20|36|32" passage="Jer 36:20-32" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.16">
<h4 id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.17">Jeremiah's Roll Consumed. (<span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p8.18">b. c.</span> 607.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Jer.xxxvii-p9" shownumber="no">20 And they went in to the king into the court,
but they laid up the roll in the chamber of Elishama the scribe,
and told all the words in the ears of the king.   21 So the
king sent Jehudi to fetch the roll: and he took it out of Elishama
the scribe's chamber. And Jehudi read it in the ears of the king,
and in the ears of all the princes which stood beside the king.
  22 Now the king sat in the winter house in the ninth month:
and <i>there was a fire</i> on the hearth burning before him.
  23 And it came to pass, <i>that</i> when Jehudi had read
three or four leaves, he cut it with the penknife, and cast
<i>it</i> into the fire that <i>was</i> on the hearth, until all
the roll was consumed in the fire that <i>was</i> on the hearth.
  24 Yet they were not afraid, nor rent their garments,
<i>neither</i> the king, nor any of his servants that heard all
these words.   25 Nevertheless Elnathan and Delaiah and
Gemariah had made intercession to the king that he would not burn
the roll: but he would not hear them.   26 But the king
commanded Jerahmeel the son of Hammelech, and Seraiah the son of
Azriel, and Shelemiah the son of Abdeel, to take Baruch the scribe
and Jeremiah the prophet: but the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p9.1">Lord</span> hid them.   27 Then the word of the
<span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p9.2">Lord</span> came to Jeremiah, after that
the king had burned the roll, and the words which Baruch wrote at
the mouth of Jeremiah, saying,   28 Take thee again another
roll, and write in it all the former words that were in the first
roll, which Jehoiakim the king of Judah hath burned.   29 And
thou shalt say to Jehoiakim king of Judah, Thus saith the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p9.3">Lord</span>; Thou hast burned this roll, saying,
Why hast thou written therein, saying, The king of Babylon shall
certainly come and destroy this land, and shall cause to cease from
thence man and beast?   30 Therefore thus saith the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jer.xxxvii-p9.4">Lord</span> of Jehoiakim king of Judah; He shall
have none to sit upon the throne of David: and his dead body shall
be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost.
  31 And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for
their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the
inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil
that I have pronounced against them; but they hearkened not.  
32 Then took Jeremiah another roll, and gave it to Baruch the
scribe, the son of Neriah; who wrote therein from the mouth of
Jeremiah all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah
had burned in the fire: and there were added besides unto them many
like words.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p10" shownumber="no">We have traced the roll to the people, and
to the princes, and here we are to follow it to the king; and we
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p11" shownumber="no">I. That, upon notice given him concerning
it, he sent for it, and ordered it to be read to him, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p11.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.20-Jer.36.21" parsed="|Jer|36|20|36|21" passage="Jer 36:20,21"><i>v.</i> 20, 21</scripRef>. He did not
desire that Baruch would come and read it himself, who could read
it more intelligently and with more authority and affection than
any one else; nor did he order one of his princes to do it (though
it would have been no disparagement to the greatest of them), much
less would he vouchsafe to read it himself; but Jehudi, one of his
pages now in waiting, who was sent to fetch it, is bidden to read
it, who perhaps scarcely knew how to make sense of it. But those
who thus despise the word of God will soon make it to appear, as
this king did, that they hate it too, and have not only low, but
ill thoughts of it.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p12" shownumber="no">II. That he had not patience to hear it
read through as the princes had, but, when he had heard <i>three or
four leaves</i> read, in a rage he <i>cut it with his penknife,</i>
and threw it piece by piece <i>into the fire,</i> that he might be
sure to see it <i>all consumed,</i> <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p12.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.22-Jer.36.23" parsed="|Jer|36|22|36|23" passage="Jer 36:22,23"><i>v.</i> 22, 23</scripRef>. This was a piece of as
daring impiety as a man could lightly be guilty of, and a most
impudent affront to the God of heaven, whose message this was. 1.
Thus he showed his impatience of reproof; being resolved to persist
in sin, he would by no means bear to be told of his faults. 2. Thus
he showed his indignation at Baruch and Jeremiah; he would have cut
them in pieces, and burnt them, if he had had them in his reach,
when he was in this passion. 3. Thus he expressed an abstinent
resolution never to comply with the designs and intentions of the
warnings given him; he will do what he will, whatever God by his
prophets says to the contrary. 4. Thus he foolishly hoped to defeat
the threatenings denounced against him, as if God knew not how to
execute the sentence when the roll was gone in which it was
written. 5. Thus he thought he had effectually provided that the
things contained in this roll should spread no further, which was
the care of the chief priests concerning the gospel, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p12.2" osisRef="Bible:Acts.4.17" parsed="|Acts|4|17|0|0" passage="Ac 4:17">Acts iv. 17</scripRef>. They had told him how
this roll had been read to the people and to the princes. "But,"
says he, "I will take a course that shall prevent its being read
any more." See what an enmity there is against God in the carnal
mind, and wonder at the patience of God, that he bears with such
indignities done to him.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p13" shownumber="no">III. That neither the king himself nor any
of his princes were at all affected with the word: <i>They were not
afraid</i> (<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p13.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.24" parsed="|Jer|36|24|0|0" passage="Jer 36:24"><i>v.</i> 24</scripRef>),
no, not those princes that <i>trembled at the word</i> when they
heard it the first time, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p13.2" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.16" parsed="|Jer|36|16|0|0" passage="Jer 36:16"><i>v.</i>
16</scripRef>. So soon, so easily, do good impressions wear off.
They showed some concern till they saw how light the king made of
it, and then they shook off all that concern. They <i>rent not
their garments,</i> as Josiah, this Jehoiakim's own father, did
when he had the <i>book of the law</i> read to him, though it was
not so particular as the contents of this roll were, nor so
immediately adapted to the present posture of affairs.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p14" shownumber="no">IV. That there were three of the princes
who had so much sense and grace left as to interpose for the
preventing of the burning of the roll, but in vain, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p14.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.25" parsed="|Jer|36|25|0|0" passage="Jer 36:25"><i>v.</i> 25</scripRef>. If they had from the
first shown themselves, as they ought to have done, affected with
the word, perhaps they might have brought the king to a better mind
and have persuaded him to bear it patiently; but frequently those
that will not do the good they should put it out of their own power
to do the good they would.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p15" shownumber="no">V. That Jehoiakim, when he had thus in
effect burnt God's warrant by which he was arrested, as it were in
a way of revenge, now that he thought he had got the better, signed
a warrant for the apprehending of Jeremiah and Baruch, God's
ministers (<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p15.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.26" parsed="|Jer|36|26|0|0" passage="Jer 36:26"><i>v.</i> 26</scripRef>):
<i>But the Lord hid them.</i> The princes bade them abscond
(<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p15.2" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.19" parsed="|Jer|36|19|0|0" passage="Jer 36:19"><i>v.</i> 19</scripRef>), but it was
neither the princes' care for them nor theirs for themselves that
secured them; it was under the divine protection that they were
safe. Note, God will find out a shelter for his people, though
their persecutors be ever so industrious to get them into their
power, till their hour be come; nay, and then he will himself be
their hiding place.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p16" shownumber="no">VI. That Jeremiah had orders and
instructions to write in another roll the same words that were
written in the roll which Jehoiakim had burnt, <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p16.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.27-Jer.36.28" parsed="|Jer|36|27|36|28" passage="Jer 36:27,28"><i>v.</i> 27, 28</scripRef>. Note, Though the
attempts of hell against the word of God are very daring, yet not
one iota or tittle of it shall fall to the ground, nor shall the
unbelief of man make the word of God of no effect. Enemies may
prevail to burn many a Bible, but they cannot abolish the word of
God, can neither extirpate it nor defeat the accomplishment of it.
Though the tables of the law were broken, they were renewed again;
and so out of the ashes of the roll that was burnt arose another
Phoenix. <i>The word of the Lord endures for ever.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p17" shownumber="no">VII. That the king of Judah, though a king,
was severely reckoned with by the King of kings for this indignity
done to the written word. God noticed what it was in the roll that
Jehoiakim took so much offense at. Jehoiakim was angry because it
was <i>written therein, saying,</i> Surely <i>the king of Babylon
shall come and destroy this land,</i> <scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p17.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.29" parsed="|Jer|36|29|0|0" passage="Jer 36:29"><i>v.</i> 29</scripRef>. And did not <i>the king of
Babylon</i> come two years before this, and go far towards <i>the
destroying of this land?</i> He did so (<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p17.2" osisRef="Bible:2Chr.36.6-2Chr.36.7" parsed="|2Chr|36|6|36|7" passage="2Ch 36:6,7">2 Chron. xxxvi. 6, 7</scripRef>) in his third year,
<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p17.3" osisRef="Bible:Dan.1.1" parsed="|Dan|1|1|0|0" passage="Da 1:1">Dan. i. 1</scripRef>. So that God and
his prophets had <i>therefore become his enemies because they told
him the truth,</i> told him of the desolation that was coming, but
at the same time putting him into a fair way to prevent it. But, if
this be the thing he takes so much amiss, let him know, 1. That the
wrath of God shall come upon him and his family, in the first
place, by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar. He shall be cut off, and in a
few weeks his son shall be dethroned, and exchange his royal robes
for prison-garments, so that <i>he shall have none to sit upon the
throne of David;</i> the glory of that illustrious house shall be
eclipsed, and die in him; <i>his dead body</i> shall lie unburied,
or, which comes all to one, <i>he shall be buried with the burial
of an ass,</i> that is, thrown into the next ditch; it shall lie
exposed to all weathers, <i>heat and frost,</i> which will occasion
its putrefying and becoming loathsome the sooner. "Not that his
body" (says Mr. Gataker) "could be sensible of such usage, or
himself, being deceased, of aught that should befal his body; but
that the king's body in such a condition should be a hideous
spectacle, and a horrid monument of God's heavy wrath and
indignation against him, unto all that should behold it." Even
<i>his seed and his servants</i> shall fare the worse for their
relation to him (<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p17.4" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.31" parsed="|Jer|36|31|0|0" passage="Jer 36:31"><i>v.</i>
31</scripRef>), for they shall be punished, not for his iniquity,
but so much the sooner for their own. 2. That all the evil
pronounced against Judah and Jerusalem in that roll shall be
brought upon them. Though the copy be burnt, the original remains
in the divine counsel, which shall again be copied out after
another manner in bloody characters. Note, There is no escaping
God's judgments by struggling with them. <i>Who ever hardened his
heart against God, and prospered?</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="Jer.xxxvii-p18" shownumber="no">VIII. That, when the roll was written anew,
<i>there were added</i> to the former <i>many like words</i>
(<scripRef id="Jer.xxxvii-p18.1" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.32" parsed="|Jer|36|32|0|0" passage="Jer 36:32"><i>v.</i> 32</scripRef>), many more
threatenings of wrath and vengeance; for, since they will yet
<i>walk contrary to God,</i> he will <i>heat the furnace seven
times hotter.</i> Note, As God is in one mind, and none can turn
him, so he has still more arrows in his quiver; and those who
contend with God's woes do but prepare for themselves heavier of
the same kind.</p>