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<p>Here, 1. David prays for restraining grace, that he might be prevented and kept back from that which would hinder him in the way of his duty: <i>Turn away my eyes from beholding vanity</i>. The honours, pleasures, and profits of the world are the vanities, the aspect and prospect of which draw multitudes away from the paths of religion and godliness. The eye, when fastened on these, infects the heart with the love of them, and so it is alienated from God and divine things; and therefore, as we ought to <i>make a covenant with our eyes</i>, and lay a charge upon them, that they shall not wander after, much less fix upon, that which is dangerous (<a class="bibleref" title="Job.31.1" href="/passage/?search=Job.31.1">Job 31:1</a>), so we ought to pray that God by his providence would keep vanity out of our sight and that by his grace he would keep us from being enamoured with the sight of it. 2. He prays for constraining grace, that he might not only be kept from every thing that would obstruct his progress heaven-ward, but might have that grace which was necessary to forward him in that progress: “<i>Quicken thou me in thy way</i>; quicken me to r 8000 edeem time, to improve opportunity, to press forward, and to do every duty with liveliness and fervency of spirit.” Beholding vanity deadens us and slackens our pace; a traveller that stands gazing upon every object that presents itself to his view will not rid ground; but, if our eyes be kept from that which would divert us, our hearts will be kept to that which will excite us.</p>