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<p>We have here, I. Tidings brought to Christ of the death of some Galileans lately, whose blood <i>Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Luke.13.1" href="/passage/?search=Luke.13.1">Luke 13:1</a>. Let us consider,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. What this tragical story was. It is briefly related here, and is not met with in any of the historians of those times. Josephus indeed mentions Pilates killing some Samaritans, who, under the conduct of a factious leader, were going in a tumultuous manner to mount Gerizim, where the Samaritans temple was; but we can by no means allow that story to be the same with this. Some think that these Galileans were of the faction of Judas Gaulonita, called also <i>Judas of Galilee</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.5.37" href="/passage/?search=Acts.5.37">Acts 5:37</a>), who disowned Caesars authority and refused to pay tribute to him: or perhaps these, being Galileans, were only suspected by Pilate to be of that faction, and barbarously murdered, because those who were in league with that pretender were out of his reach. The Galileans being Herods subjects, it is probable that this outrage committed upon them by Pilate occasioned the quarrel that was between Herod and Pilate, which we read of in <a class="bibleref" title="Luke.23.12" href="/passage/?search=Luke.23.12">Luke 23:12</a>. We are not told what number they were, perhaps <i>but a few</i>, whom Pilate had some particular <i>pique</i> against (and therefore the story is overlooked by Josephus); but the circumstance remarked is that he <i>mingled their blood with their sacrifices</i> in the court of the temple. Though perhaps they had reason to fear Pilates malice, yet they would not, under pretence of that fear, keep away from Jerusalem, whither the law obliged them to go up with their sacrifices. Dr Lightfoot thinks it probable that they were <i>themselves</i> killing their sacrifices (which was allowed, for the priests work, they said, began with the <i>sprinkling of the blood</i>), and that Pilates officers came upon them by surprise, just at the time when they were off their guard (for otherwise the Galileans were mettled men, and generally went well-armed), and mingled the blood of the sacrificers with the blood of the sacrifices, as if it had been equally acceptable to God. Neither the holiness of the place nor of the work would be a protection to them from the fury of an unjust judge, <i>who neither feared God nor regarded man</i>. The altar, which used to be a sanctuary and place of shelter, is now become a snare and a trap, a place of danger and slaughter.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. Why it was related <i>at this season</i> to our Lord Jesus. (1.) Perhaps merely as a matter of news, which they supposed he had not heard before, and as a thing which they lamented, and believed he would do so too; for the Galileans were their countrymen. Note, Sad providences ought to be observed by us, and the knowledge of them communicated to others, that they and we may be suitably affected with them, and make a good use of them. (2.) Perhaps it was intended as a confirmation of what Christ had said in the close of the foregoing chapter, concerning the necessity of making our peace with God in time, before we be <i>delivered to the officer</i>, that is, to <i>death</i>, and so <i>cast into prison</i>, and then it will be too late to make agreements: “Now,” say they, “Master, here is a fresh instance of some that were very suddenly <i>delivered to the officer</i>, that were taken away by death when they little expected it; and therefore we have all need to be ready.” Note, It will be of good use to us both to explain the word of God and to enforce it upon ourselves by observing the providences of God. (3.) Perhaps they would stir him up, being himself of Galilee, and a prophet, and one that had a great interest in that country, to find out a way to revenge the death of these Galileans upon Herod. If they had any thoughts of this kind, they were quite mistaken; for Christ was now going up to Jerusalem, to be <i>delivered into the hands of Pilate</i>, and to have his blood, not mingled with his sacrifice, but itself made a sacrifice. (4.) Perhaps this was told Christ to <i>deter</i> him from going up to Jerusalem, to worship (<a class="bibleref" title="Luke.13.22" href="/passage/?search=Luke.13.22">Luke 13:22</a>), lest Pilate should serve him as he had served those Galileans, and should suggest against him, as probably he had insinuated against those Galileans, in vindication of his cruelty, that they came to sacrifice as Absalom did, with a <i>seditious</i> design, under colour of sacrificing, to raise rebellion. Now, lest Pilate, when his hand was in, should proceed further, they think it advisable that Christ should for the present keep out of the way. (5.) Christs answer intimates that they told him this with a spiteful <i>innuendo</i>, that, though Pilate was unjust in killing them, yet without doubt they were secretly bad men, else God would not have permitted Pilate thus barbarously to cut them off. It was very invidious; rather than they would allow them to be martyrs, though they died sacrificing, and perhaps suffered for their devotion, they would, without any colour of proof, suppose them to be malefactors; and it may be for no other reason than because they were not of their party and denomination, differed from them, or had difference with them. This fate of theirs, which was capable not only of a favourable, but an honourable construction, shall be called a <i>just judgment</i> of God <i>upon them</i>, though they know not for what.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. Christs reply to this report, in which,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. He seconded it with another story, which, like it, gave an instance of peoples being taken away by sudden death. It is not long since <i>the tower of Siloam fell</i>, and there were eighteen persons killed and buried in the ruins of it. Dr Lightfoots conjecture is that this tower adjoined to the <i>pool of Siloam</i>, which was the same with the pool of Bethesda, and that it belonged to those <i>porches</i> which were by the <i>pool</i>, in which the <i>impotent folks</i> lay, that <i>waited for the stirring</i> of the water (<a class="bibleref" title="John.5.3" href="/passage/?search=John.5.3">John 5:3</a>), and that they who were killed were some of them, or some of those who in this pool used to purify themselves for the temple-service, for it was near the temple. Whoever they were, it was a sad story; yet such melancholy accidents we often hear of: for <i>as the birds are caught in a snare, so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falls suddenly upon them</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.9.12" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.9.12">Eccl. 9:12</a>. Towers, that were built for safety, often prove mens destruction.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. He cautioned his hearers not to make an ill use of these and similar events, nor take occasion thence to censure <i>great sufferers</i>, as if they were <i>therefore</i> to be accounted <i>great sinners: Suppose ye that these Galileans</i>, who were slain as they were sacrificing, <i>were sinners above all the Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you nay</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Luke.13.2,Luke.13.3" href="/passage/?search=Luke.13.2,Luke.13.3"><span class="bibleref" title="Luke.13.2">Luke 13:2</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Luke.13.3">3</span></a>. Perhaps they that told him the story of the Galileans were Jews, and were glad of any thing that furnished them with matter of reflection upon the Galileans, and therefore Christ retorted upon them the story of the <i>men of Jerusalem</i>, that came to an untimely end; for, <i>with what measure</i> of that kind <i>we mete</i>, it <i>shall be measured to us again</i>. “Now suppose ye that <i>those eighteen</i> who met with their death from the tower of Siloam, while perhaps they were expecting their cure from the pool of Siloam, were <i>debtors</i> to divine justice <i>above all men that dwelt at Jerusalem? I tell you nay</i>.” Whether it make for us or against us, we must abide by this rule, that we cannot judge of mens <i>sins</i> by their <i>sufferings</i> in this world; for many are thrown into the furnace as gold to be purified, not as dross and chaff to be consumed. We must therefore not be harsh in our censures of those that are afflicted more than their neighbours, as Jobs friends were in their censures of him, lest we condemn <i>the generation of the righteous</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.72.14" href="/passage/?search=Ps.72.14">Ps. 72:14</a>. If we will be judging, we have enough to do to judge ourselves; nor indeed can we <i>know love or hatred by all that is before us</i>, because <i>all things come alike to all</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.9.1,Eccl.9.2" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.9.1,Eccl.9.2"><span class="bibleref" title="Eccl.9.1">Eccl. 9:1</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Eccl.9.2">2</span></a>. And we might as justly conclude that the <i>oppressors</i>, and Pilate among the rest, <i>on whose side are power</i> and success, are the greatest saints, as that the <i>oppressed</i>, and those Galileans among the rest, who are all in tears and have no comforter, no, not the priests and Levites that attended the altar, are the <i>greatest sinners</i>. Let us, in our censures of others, do as we would be done by; for as we do we shall be done by: <i>Judge not, that ye be not judged</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Matt.7.1" href="/passage/?search=Matt.7.1">Matt. 7:1</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">3. On these stories he founded a call to repentance, adding to each of them this awakening word, <i>Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Luke.13.3-Luke.13.5" href="/passage/?search=Luke.13.3-Luke.13.5">Luke 13:3-5</a>. (1.) This intimates that we all deserve to <i>perish</i> as much as <i>they did</i>, and had we been dealt with according to our sins, according to the <i>iniquity of our holy things</i>, our blood had been long ere this mingled with our sacrifices by the justice of God. It must moderate our censure, not only that we are <i>sinners</i>, but that we are as great sinners as they, have as much sin to repent of as they had to suffer for. (2.) That therefore we are all concerned to <i>repent</i>, to be sorry for what we have done amiss, and to do so no more. The judgments of God upon others are loud calls to us to <i>repent</i>. See how Christ improved every thing for the pressing of that great duty which he came not only to <i>gain room</i> for, and <i>give hopes</i> to, but to enjoin upon us—and that is, to <i>repent</i>. (3.) That repentance is the way to escape perishing, and it is a sure way: <i>so iniquity shall not be your ruin</i>, but upon no other terms. (4.) That, if we repent not, we shall certainly perish, as others have done before us. Some lay an emphasis upon the word <i>likewise</i>, and apply it to the destruction that was coming upon the people of the Jews, and particularly upon Jerusalem, who were destroyed by the Romans at the time of their passover, and so, like the Galileans, they had <i>their blood mingled with their sacrifices</i>; and many of them, both in Jerusalem and in other places, were destroyed by the fall of walls and buildings which were battered down about their ears, as those that died by the fall of the tower of Siloam. But certainly it looks further; except we repent, we shall perish eternally, as they perished out of this world. The same Jesus that calls us to <i>repent because the kingdom of heaven is at hand</i>, bids us <i>repent</i> because otherwise we shall perish; so that he has set before us life and death, good and evil, and put us to our choice. (5.) The perishing of <i>those</i> in their impenitency who have been most harsh and severe in judging others will be in a particular manner aggravated.</p>