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<p>The prophecy of this chapter is not dated, nor any of those that follow it, till <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.40.1-Ezek.40.49" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.40.1-Ezek.40.49">Ezek. 40:1-49</a> It is most probable that it was delivered after the completing of Jerusalems destruction, when it would be very seasonable to enquire into the causes of it.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. The prophet is ordered to <i>prophesy against the shepherds of Israel</i>—the princes and magistrates, the priests and Levites, the great Sanhedrim or council of state, or whoever they were that had the direction of public affairs in a higher or lower sphere, the kings especially, for there were two of them now captives in Babylon, who, as well as the people, must have their transgressions shown them, that they might repent, as Manasseh in his captivity. God has something to <i>say to the shepherds</i>, for they are but under-shepherds, accountable to him who is the great <i>Shepherd of Israel</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.80.1" href="/passage/?search=Ps.80.1">Ps. 80:1</a>. And that which he says is, <i>Woe to the shepherds of Israel</i>! Though they are shepherds, and shepherds of Israel, yet he must not spare them, must not flatter them. Note, If mens dignity and power do not, as they ought, keep them from sin, they will not serve to exempt them from reproof, to excuse their repentance, or to secure them from the judgments of God if they do not repent. We had a <i>woe to the pastors</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.23.1" href="/passage/?search=Jer.23.1">Jer. 23:1</a>. God will in a particular manner reckon with them if they be false to their trust.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. He is here directed what to charge the shepherds with, in Gods name, as the ground of Gods controversy with them; for it is not a causeless quarrel. Two things they are charged with:—1. That all their care was to advance and enrich themselves and to make themselves great. Their business was to take care of those that were committed to their charge: <i>Should not the shepherds feed the flocks</i>? No doubt they should; they betray their trust if they do not. Not that they are to put the meat into their mouths, but to provide it for them and bring them to it. But <i>these</i> shepherds made this the least of their care; they <i>fed themselves</i>, contrived every thing to gratify and indulge their own appetite, and to make themselves rich and great, fat and easy. They made sure of the profits of their places; they did <i>eat the fat</i>, the <i>cream</i> (so some), for he <i>that feeds a flock eats of the milk of it</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.9.7" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.9.7">1 Cor. 9:7</a>), and they made sure of the best of the milk. They made sure of the fleece, and <i>clothed themselves with the wool</i>, getting into their hands as much as they could of the estates of their subjects, yea, and <i>killed those that were</i> well <i>fed</i>, that what they had might be fed upon, as Naboth was put to death for his vineyard. Note, There is a woe to those who are in public trusts, but consult only their own private interest, and are more inquisitive about the benefice than about the office, what money is to be got than what good to be done. It is an old complaint, <i>All seek their own</i>, and too many <i>more than their own</i>. 2. That they took no care for the benefit and welfare of those that were committed to their charge: <i>You feed not the flock</i>. They neither knew how to do it, so ignorant were they, nor would they take any pains to do it, so lazy and slothful were they; nay, they never desired nor designed it, so treacherous and unfaithful were they. (1.) They did not do their duty to those of the flock that were distempered, did not strengthen them, nor heal them, nor bind them up, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.34.4" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.34.4">Ezek. 34:4</a>. When any of the flock were sick or hurt, worried or wounded, it was all one to them whether they lived or died; they never looked after them. The princes and judges took no care to right those that suffered wrong or to shelter injured innocency. They took no care of the poor to see them provided for; they might starve, for them. The priests took no care to instruct the ignorant, to rectify the mistakes of those that were in error, to warn the unruly, or to comfort the feeble-minded. The ministers of state took no care to check the growing distempers of the kingdom, which threatened the vitals of it. Things were amiss, and out of course, every where, and nothing was done to rectify them. (2.) They did not do their duty to those of the flock that were dispersed, that were driven away by the enemies that invaded the country, and were forced to seek for shelter where they could find a place, or that <i>wandered</i> of choice upon <i>the mountains and hills</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.34.6" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.34.6">Ezek. 34:6</a>), where they were exposed to the beasts of prey and became <i>meat to them</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.34.5" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.34.5">Ezek. 34:5</a>. Every one is ready to seize a waif and stray. Some went abroad and begged, some went abroad and traded, and thus the country became thin of inhabitants, and was weakened and impoverished, and wanted hands both in the fields of corn and in the fields of battle, both in harvest and in war: <i>My flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.34.6" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.34.6">Ezek. 34:6</a>. And they were never enquired after, were never encouraged to return to their own country: <i>None did search or seek after them</i>. Nay, <i>with force and cruelty they ruled them</i>, which drove more away, and discouraged those that were driven away from all thoughts of returning. <i>Their</i> case is bad who have reason to expect better treatment among strangers than in their own country. It may be meant of those of the flock that went astray from God and their duty; and the priests, that should have taught the good knowledge of the Lord, used no means to convince and reclaim them, so that they became an easy prey to seducers. Thus were <i>they scattered because there was no shepherd</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.34.5" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.34.5">Ezek. 34:5</a>. There were those that called themselves shepherds, but really they were not. Note, Those that do not do the work of shepherds are unworthy of the name. And if those that undertake to be shepherds are <i>foolish shepherds</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Zech.11.15" href="/passage/?search=Zech.11.15">Zech. 11:15</a>), if they are proud and above their business, idle and do not love their business, or faithless and unconcerned about it, the case of the flock is as bad as if it were without a shepherd. Better no shepherd than such shepherds. Christ complains that his flock were <i>as sheep having no shepherd</i>, when yet the scribes and Pharisees <i>sat in Moses seat</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Matt.9.36" href="/passage/?search=Matt.9.36">Matt. 9:36</a>. It is ill with the patient when his physician is his worst disease, ill with the flock when the shepherds drive them away and disperse them, <i>by ruling them with force</i>.</p>