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<p>We have no certainty concerning the date of this story, only that if this image, which Nebuchadnezzar dedicated, had any relation to that which he dreamed of, it is probable that it happened not long after that; some reckon it to be about the seventh year of Nebuchadnezzar, a year before Jehoiachins captivity, in which Ezekiel was carried away. Observe,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. A <i>golden image set up</i> to be worshipped. Babylon was full of idols already, yet nothing will serve this imperious prince but they must have one more; for those who have forsaken the one only living God, and begin to set up many gods, will find the gods they set up so unsatisfying, and their desire after them so insatiable, that they will multiply them without measure, wander after them endlessly, and never know when they have sufficient. Idolaters are fond of novelty and variety. <i>They choose new gods</i>. Those that have many will wish to have more. Nebuchadnezzar the king, that he might exert the prerogative of his crown, to make what god he thought fit, <i>set up</i> this image, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.3.1" href="/passage/?search=Dan.3.1">Dan. 3:1</a>. Observe, 1. The <i>valuableness</i> of it; it was <i>an image of gold</i>, not all gold surely; rich as he was, it is probable that he could not afford that, but overlaid with gold. Note, The worshippers of false gods are not wont to mind charges in setting up images and worshipping them; they <i>lavish gold out of the bag</i> for that purpose (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.46.6" href="/passage/?search=Isa.46.6">Isa. 46:6</a>), which shames our niggardliness in the worship of the true God. 2. The vastness of it; it was <i>threescore cubits high and six cubits broad</i>. It exceeded the ordinary stature of a man fifteen times (for that is reckoned but four cubits, or six feet), as if its being monstrous would make amends for its being lifeless. But why did Nebuchadnezzar set up this image? Some suggest that it was to clear himself from the imputation of having turned a Jew, because he had lately spoken with great honour of the God of Israel and had preferred some of his worshippers. Or perhaps he set it up as an image of himself, and designed to be himself worshipped in it. Proud princes affected to have divine honours paid them; Alexander did so, pretending himself to be the son of Jupiter Olympius. He was told that in the image he had seen in his dream he was represented by the <i>head of gold</i>, which was to be succeeded by kingdoms of baser metal; but here he sets up to be himself the whole image, for he makes it all of gold. See here, (1.) How the good impressions that were then made upon him were quite lost, and quickly. He then acknowledged that the God of Israel is of a truth a <i>God of gods</i> and a <i>Lord of kings</i>; and yet now, in defiance of the express law of that God, he sets up an image to be worshipped, not only continues in his former idolatries, but contrives new ones. Note, Strong convictions often come short of a sound conversion. Many a pang have owned the absurdity and dangerousness of sin, and yet have gone on in it. (2.) How that very dream and the interpretation of it, which then made such good impressions upon him, now had a quite contrary effect. Then it made him fall down as a humble worshipper of God; now it made him set up for a bold competitor with God. Then he thought it a great thing to be the golden head of the image, and owned himself obliged to God for it; but, his mind rising with his condition, now he thinks that too little, and, in contradiction to God himself and his oracle, he will be <i>all in all</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. A general convention of the states summoned to attend the solemnity of the dedication of this image, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.3.2,Dan.3.3" href="/passage/?search=Dan.3.2,Dan.3.3"><span class="bibleref" title="Dan.3.2">Dan. 3:2</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Dan.3.3">3</span></a>. Messengers are despatched to all parts of the kingdom to <i>gather together the princes</i>, dukes, and lords, all the peers of the realm, with all officers civil and military, <i>the captains</i> and commanders of the forces, <i>the judges, the treasurers or general receivers, the counsellors</i>, and <i>the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces</i>; they must all <i>come to the dedication of this image</i> upon pain and peril of what shall fall thereon. He summons the great men, for the great honour of his idol; it is therefore mentioned to the glory of Christ that <i>kings shall bring presents unto him</i>. If he can bring them to pay homage to his golden image, he doubts not but the inferior people will follow of course. In obedience to the kings summons all the magistrates and officers of that vast kingdom leave the services of their particular countries, and come to Babylon, to the dedication of this golden image; long journeys many of them took, and expensive ones, upon a very foolish errand; but, as the idols are senseless things, such are the worshippers.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. A proclamation made, commanding all manner of persons present before the image, upon the signal given, to fall down prostrate, and worship the image, under the style and title of <i>The golden image which Nebuchadnezzar the king has set up</i>. A herald proclaims this aloud throughout this vast assembly of grandees, with their numerous train of servants and attendants, and a great crowd of people, no doubt, that were not sent for; let them all take notice, 1. That the king does strictly charge and command all manner of persons to fall down and <i>worship the golden image</i>; whatever other gods they worship at other times, now they must worship this. 2. That they must all do this just at the same time, in token of their communion with each other in this idolatrous service, and that, in order hereunto, notice shall be given by a concert of music, which would likewise serve to adorn the solemnity and to sweeten and soften the minds of those that were loth to yield and bring them to comply with the kings command. This mirth and gaiety in the worship would be very agreeable to carnal sensual minds, that are strangers to that spiritual worship which is due to God who is a spirit.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. The general compliance of the assembly with this command, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.3.7" href="/passage/?search=Dan.3.7">Dan. 3:7</a>. They heard the sound of the musical instruments, both wind-instruments and hand-instruments, <i>the cornet and flute</i>, with the <i>harp, sackbut, psaltery</i>, and <i>dulcimer</i>, the melody of which they thought was ravishing (and fit enough it was to excite such a devotion as they were then to pay), and immediately they all, as one man, as soldiers that are wont to be exercised by beat of drum, <i>all the people, nations, and languages, fell down and worshipped the golden image</i>. And no marvel when it was proclaimed, That whosoever would not <i>worship this golden image</i> should be immediately thrown <i>into the midst of a burning fiery furnace</i>, ready prepared for that purpose, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.3.6" href="/passage/?search=Dan.3.6">Dan. 3:6</a>. Here were the charms of music to allure them into a compliance and the terrors of the fiery furnace to frighten them into a compliance. Thus beset with temptation, they all yielded. Note, That way that sense directs the most will go; there is nothing so bad which the careless world will not be drawn to by a concert of music, or driven to by a fiery furnace. And by such methods as these false worship has been set up and maintained.</p>