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<p>Samuel is here executing the office of a prophet, giving Saul full assurance from God that he should be king, as he was afterwards, according to these prophecies which went before of him.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. He <i>anointed him</i> and <i>kissed him</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.10.1" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.10.1">1 Sam. 10:1</a>. This was not done in a solemn assembly, but it was done by divine appointment, which made up the want of all external solemnities, nor was it ever the less valid for its being done in private, under a hedge, or, as the Jews say, by <i>a fountain</i>. Gods institutions are great and honourable, though the circumstances of their administration be ever so mean and despicable. 1. Samuel, by anointing Saul, assured him that it was Gods act to make him king: <i>Isa. it not because the Lord hath anointed thee</i>? And, in token of that, the high priest was anointed to his office, to signify the conferring of those gifts upon him that were requisite for the discharge of its duties, and the same was intimated in the anointing of kings; for whom God calls he qualifies, and suitable qualifications furnish good proof of a commission. These sacred unctions, then used, pointed at the great Messiah, or anointed one, the king of the church, and high priest of our profession, who was anointed with the oil of the Spirit, not by measure, but without measure, and above all the priests and princes of the Jewish church. It was common oil, no doubt, which Samuel used, and we read not of his blessing it or praying over it. But it was only a vial of oil that he anointed him with, the vessel brittle, because his kingdom would soon be cracked and broken, and the quantity small, because he had but little of the Spirit conferred upon him to what David had, who was therefore anointed with a horn of oil, as were Solomon and Jehu with a box of oil. 2. By kissing him, he assured him of his own approbation of the choice, not only his consent to it, but his complacency in it, though it abridged his power and eclipsed his glory and the glory of his family. “<i>God has anointed thee</i>,” says Samuel, “<i>to be king</i>, and I am satisfied and very well pleased, in pledge of which take this kiss.” It was likewise a kiss of homage and allegiance; hereby he not only owns him to be king, but his king, and in this sense we are commanded to <i>kiss the Son</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.2.12" href="/passage/?search=Ps.2.12">Ps. 2:12</a>. God has anointed him, and therefore we must thus acknowledge him and do homage to him. In Samuels explication of the ceremony, he reminds him, (1.) Of the nature of the government to which he is called. He was anointed to be a captain, a commander indeed, which bespeaks honour and power, but a commander in war, which bespeaks care, and toil, and danger. (2.) Of the origin of it: <i>The Lord hath anointed thee</i>. By him he ruled, and therefore must rule for him, in dependence on him, and with an eye to his glory. (3.) Of the end of it. It is over his inheritance, to take care of that, protect it, and order all the affairs of it for the best, as a steward whom a great man sets over his estate, to manage it for his service and give an account of it to him.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. For his further satisfaction he gives him some signs, which should come to pass immediately, this very day; and they were such as would not only confirm the word of Samuel in general, and prove him a true prophet, but would confirm this word to Saul in particular, that he should be king. 1. He should presently meet with some that would bring him intelligence from home of the care his fathers house was in concerning him, <a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.10.2" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.10.2">1 Sam. 10:2</a>. These he would meet hard by Rachels sepulchre. The first place Samuel directed him to was a sepulchre, the sepulchre of one of his ancestors, for Rachel died in travail with Benjamin; there he must read a lecture of his own mortality, and now that he had a crown in his eye must think of his grave, in which all his honour would be laid in the dust. Here two men would meet him, perhaps sent on purpose to look after him, and would tell him the asses were found, and his father was in pain concerning him, saying, <i>What shall I do for my son</i>? He would reckon it happened well that he met with these messengers; and it is good to eye Providence in favourable conjunctures (though the matter be minute) and to be encouraged to trust it in greater matters. 2. He should next meet with others going to Bethel, where, it should seem, there was a high place for religious worship, and these men were bringing their sacrifices thither, <a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.10.3,1Sam.10.4" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.10.3,1Sam.10.4"><span class="bibleref" title="1Sam.10.3">1 Sam. 10:3</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="1Sam.10.4">4</span></a>. It was a token for good to one that was designed for the government of Israel, wherever he came, to meet with people going to worship God. It is supposed that those kids and loaves, and the bottle of wine which the three men had with them, were designed for sacrifice, with the meat-offerings and drink-offerings that were to attend the sacrifice; yet Samuel tells Saul that they will give him two of their loaves, and he must take them. Such a present would look to us now like the relieving of a beggar. Saul must hereafter remember the time when he received alms, and must therefore be humble and charitable to the poor. But perhaps it would then be construed a fit present for a prince; and, as such, Saul must receive it, the first present that was brought to him, by such as knew not what they did, nor why they did it, but God put it into their hearts, which made it the more fit to be a sign to him. These two loaves, which were the first tribute paid to this newly-anointed king, might serve for an admonition to him not to spend the wealth of his crown in luxury, but still to be content with plain food. Bread is the staff of life. 3. The most remarkable sign of all would be his joining with a company of prophets that he should meet with, under the influence of a spirit of prophecy, which should at that time come upon him. What God works in us by his Spirit serves much more for the confirming of faith than any thing wrought for us by his providence. He here (<a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.10.5,1Sam.10.6" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.10.5,1Sam.10.6"><span class="bibleref" title="1Sam.10.5">1 Sam. 10:5</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="1Sam.10.6">6</span></a>) tells him, (1.) Where this would happen: <i>At the hill of God</i>, where there was a <i>garrison of the Philistines</i>, which is supposed to be near Gibeah, his own city, for there was the Philistines garrison, <a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.13.3" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.13.3">1 Sam. 13:3</a>. Perhaps it was one of the articles of Samuels agreement with them that they should have a garrison there, or, rather, after they were subdued in the beginning of his time they got ground again, so far as to force this garrison into that place, and thence God raised up the man that should chastise them. There was a place that was called the <i>hill of God</i>, because of one of the schools of the prophets built upon it; and such respect did even Philistines themselves pay to religion that a garrison of their soldiers suffered a school of Gods prophets to live peaceably by them, and did not only not dislodge them, but not restrain nor disturb the public exercises of their devotion. (2.) Upon what occasion; he should meet <i>a company of prophets with music before them, prophesying</i>, and with them he should join himself. These prophets were not (as it should seem) divinely inspired to foretel things to come, nor did God reveal himself to them by dreams and visions, but they employed themselves in the study of the law, in instructing their neighbours, and in the acts of piety, especially in praising God, wherein they were wonderfully assisted and enlarged by the Spirit of God. It was happy for Israel that they had not only prophets, but companies of prophets, who gave them good instructions and set them good examples, and helped very much to keep up religion among them. Now the word of the Lord was not precious, as it had been when Samuel was first raised up, who had been instrumental in founding these colleges, or religious houses, whence, it is probable, the synagogues took their rise. What a pity was it that Israel should be weary of the government of such a man, who though he had not, as a man of war, expelled the Philistines, yet (which was a greater kindness to Israel) had, as a man of God, settled the schools of the prophets! Music was then used as a proper means to dispose the mind to receive the impressions of the good Spirit, as it did Elishas, <a class="bibleref" title="2Kgs.3.15" href="/passage/?search=2Kgs.3.15">2 Kgs. 3:15</a>. But we have no reason to look for the same benefit by it now, unless we saw it as effectual as it was then in Sauls case, to drive away the evil spirit. These prophets had been at the high place, probably offering sacrifice, and now they came back singing psalms. We should come from holy ordinances with our hearts greatly enlarged in holy joy and praise. See <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.138.5" href="/passage/?search=Ps.138.5">Ps. 138:5</a>. Saul should find himself strongly moved to join with them, and should be turned thereby <i>into another man</i> from what he had been while he lived in a private capacity. The Spirit of God, by his ordinances, changes men, wonderfully transforms them; Saul, by praising God in the communion of saints, became another man, but whether a new man or no may be questioned.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. He directs him to proceed in the administration of his government as Providence should lead him, and as Samuel should advise him. 1. He must follow Providence in ordinary cases (<a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.10.7" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.10.7">1 Sam. 10:7</a>): “<i>Do as occasion shall serve thee</i>. Take such measures as thy own prudence shall direct thee.” But, 2. In an extraordinary strait that would hereafter befal him at Gilgal, and would be the most critical juncture of all, when he would have special need of divine aids, he must wait for Samuel to come to him, and must tarry <i>seven days</i> in expectation of him, <a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.10.8" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.10.8">1 Sam. 10:8</a>. How his failing in this matter proved his fall we find afterwards, <a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.13.11" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.13.11">1 Sam. 13:11</a>. It was now a plain intimation to him that he was upon his good behaviour, and, though a king, must act under the direction of Samuel, and do as he should order him. The greatest of men must own themselves in subjection to God and his word.</p>