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<p>Here we have,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. A privilege belonging to faith in Christ, namely, audience in prayer: <i>This is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1John.5.14" href="/passage/?search=1John.5.14">1 John 5:14</a>. The Lord Christ emboldens us to come to God in all circumstances, with all our supplications and requests. Through him our petitions are admitted and accepted of God. The matter of our prayer must be agreeable to the declared will of God. It is not fit that we should ask what is contrary either to his majesty and glory or to our own good, who are his and dependent on him. And then we may have confidence that the prayer of faith shall be heard in heaven.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The advantage accruing to us by such privilege: <i>If we know that he heareth us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1John.5.15" href="/passage/?search=1John.5.15">1 John 5:15</a>. Great are the deliverances, mercies, and blessings, which the holy petitioner needs. To know that his petitions are heard or accepted is as good as to know that they are answered; and therefore that he is so pitied, pardoned, or counselled, sanctified, assisted, and saved (or shall be so) as he is allowed to ask of God.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. Direction in prayer in reference to the sins of others: <i>If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for those that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1John.5.16" href="/passage/?search=1John.5.16">1 John 5:16</a>. Here we may observe, 1. We ought to pray for others as well as for ourselves; for our brethren of mankind, that they may be enlightened, converted, and saved; for our brethren in the Christian profession, that they may be sincere, that their sins may be pardoned, and that they may be delivered from evils and the chastisements of God, and preserved in Christ Jesus. 2. There is a great distinction in the heinousness and guilt of sin: <i>There is a sin unto death</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="1John.5.16" href="/passage/?search=1John.5.16">1 John 5:16</a>), <i>and there is a sin not unto death</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1John.5.17" href="/passage/?search=1John.5.17">1 John 5:17</a>. (1.) <i>There is a sin unto death</i>. All sin, as to the merit and legal sentence of it, is unto death. <i>The wages of sin is death</i>; and <i>cursed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the law, to do them</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Gal.3.10" href="/passage/?search=Gal.3.10">Gal. 3:10</a>. But there is a sin unto death in opposition to such sin as is here said <i>not to be unto death</i>. There is therefore, (2.) <i>A sin not unto death</i>. This surely must include all such sin as by divine or human constitution may consist with life; in the human constitution with temporal or corporal life, in the divine constitution with corporal or with spiritual evangelical life. [1.] There are sins which, by human righteous constitution, are not unto death; as divers pieces of injustice, which may be compensated without the death of the delinquent. In opposition to this there are sins which, by righteous constitution, are to death, or to a legal forfeiture of life; such as we call <i>capital crimes</i>. [2.] Then there are sins which, by divine constitution, are unto death; and that either death corporal or spiritual and evangelical. <i>First</i>, Such as are, or may be, to death corporal. Such may the sins be either of gross hypocrites, as Ananias and Sapphira, or, for aught we know, of sincere Christian brethren, as when the apostle says of the offending members of the church of Corinth, <i>For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.11.30" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.11.30">1 Cor. 11:30</a>. There may be sin unto corporal death among those who may not be condemned with the world. Such sin, I said, is, or may be, to corporal death. The divine penal constitution in the gospel does not positively and peremptorily threaten death to the more visible sins of the members of Christ, but only some gospel-chastisement; <i>for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Heb.12.6" href="/passage/?search=Heb.12.6">Heb. 12:6</a>. There is room left for divine wisdom or goodness, or even gospel severity, to determine how far the chastisement or the scourge shall proceed. And we cannot say but that sometimes it may (<i>in terrorem—for warning to others</i>) proceed even to death. Then, <i>Secondly</i>, There are sins which, by divine constitution, are unto death spiritual and evangelical, that is, are inconsistent with spiritual and evangelical life, with spiritual life in the soul and with an evangelical right to life above. Such are total impenitence and unbelief for the present. Final impenitence and unbelief are infallibly to death eternal, as also a blaspheming of the Spirit of God in the testimony that he has given to Christ and his gospel, and a total apostasy from the light and convictive evidence of the truth of the Christian religion. These are sins involving the guilt of everlasting death. Then comes,</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. The application of the direction for prayer according to the different sorts of sin thus distinguished. The prayer is supposed to be for life: <i>He shall ask, and he</i> (God) <i>shall give them life</i>. Life is to be asked of God. He is the God of life; he gives it when and to whom he pleases, and takes it away either by his constitution or providence, or both, as he thinks meet. In the case of a brothers sin, which is not (in the manner already mentioned) unto death, we may in faith and hope pray for him; and particularly for the life of soul and body. But, in case of the sin unto death in the forementioned ways, we have no allowance to pray. Perhaps the apostles expression, <i>I do not say, He shall pray for it</i>, may intend no more than, “I have no promise for you in that case; no foundation for the prayer of faith.” 1. The laws of punitive justice must be executed, for the common safety and benefit of mankind: and even an offending brother in such a case must be resigned to public justice (which in the foundation of it is divine), and at the same time also to the mercy of God. 2. The removal of evangelical penalties (as they may be called), or the prevention of death (which may seem to be so consequential upon, or inflicted for, some particular sin), can be prayed for only conditionally or provisionally, that is, with proviso that it consist with the wisdom, will, and glory of God that they should be removed, and particularly such death prevented. 3. We cannot pray that the sins of the impenitent and unbelieving should, while they are such, be forgiven them, or that any mercy of life or soul, that suppose the forgiveness of sin, should be granted to them, while they continue such. But we may pray for their repentance (supposing them but in the common case of the impenitent world), for their being enriched with faith in Christ, and thereupon for all other saving mercies. 4. In case it should appear that any have committed the irremissible blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and the total apostasy from the illuminating convictive powers of the Christian religion, it should seem that they are not to be prayed for at all. For <i>what remains but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, to consume such adversaries</i>? <a class="bibleref" title="Heb.10.27" href="/passage/?search=Heb.10.27">Heb. 10:27</a>. And these last seem to be the sins chiefly intended by the apostle by the name of <i>sins unto death</i>. Then, 5. The apostle seems to argue that there is sin that is not unto death; thus, <i>All unrighteousness is sin</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="1John.5.17" href="/passage/?search=1John.5.17">1 John 5:17</a>); but, were all unrighteousness unto death (since we have all some unrighteousness towards God or man, or both, in omitting and neglecting something that is their due), then we were all peremptorily bound over to death, and, since it is not so (the Christian brethren, generally speaking, having right to life), there must be sin that is not to death. Though there is no venial sin (in the common acceptation), there is pardoned sin, sin that does not involve a plenary obligation to eternal death. If it were not so, there could be no justification nor continuance of the justified state. The gospel constitution or covenant abbreviates, abridges, or rescinds the guilt of sin.</p>