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<div2 id="Jos.iii" n="iii" next="Jos.iv" prev="Jos.ii" progress="0.96%" title="Chapter II">
<h2 id="Jos.iii-p0.1">J O S H U A</h2>
<h3 id="Jos.iii-p0.2">CHAP. II.</h3>
<p class="intro" id="Jos.iii-p1">In this chapter we have an account of the scouts
that were employed to bring an account to Joshua of the posture of
the city of Jericho. Observe here, I. How Joshua sent them,
<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p1.1" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.1" parsed="|Josh|2|1|0|0" passage="Jos 2:1">ver. 1</scripRef>. II. How Rahab
received them, and protected them, and told a lie for them
(<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p1.2" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.2-Josh.2.7" parsed="|Josh|2|2|2|7" passage="Jos 2:2-7">ver. 2-7</scripRef>), so that they
escaped out of the hands of the enemy. III. The account she gave
them of the present posture of Jericho, and the panic-fear they
were struck with upon the approach of Israel, <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p1.3" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.8-Josh.2.11" parsed="|Josh|2|8|2|11" passage="Jos 2:8-11">ver. 8-11</scripRef>. IV. The bargain she made with
them for the security of herself and her relations in the ruin she
saw coming upon her city, <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p1.4" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.12-Josh.2.21" parsed="|Josh|2|12|2|21" passage="Jos 2:12-21">ver.
12-21</scripRef>. V. Their safe return to Joshua, and the account
they gave him of their expedition, <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p1.5" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.22-Josh.2.24" parsed="|Josh|2|22|2|24" passage="Jos 2:22-24">ver. 22-24</scripRef>. And that which makes this
story most remarkable is that Rahab, the person principally
concerned in it, is twice celebrated in the New Testament as a
great believer (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p1.6" osisRef="Bible:Heb.11.31" parsed="|Heb|11|31|0|0" passage="Heb 11:31">Heb. xi.
31</scripRef>) and as one whose faith proved itself by good works,
<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p1.7" osisRef="Bible:Jas.2.25" parsed="|Jas|2|25|0|0" passage="Jam 2:25">James ii. 25</scripRef>.</p>
<scripCom id="Jos.iii-p0.1_1" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2" parsed="|Josh|2|0|0|0" passage="Jos 2" type="Commentary"/>
<scripCom id="Jos.iii-p0.2_1" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.1-Josh.2.7" parsed="|Josh|2|1|2|7" passage="Jos 2:1-7" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Josh.2.1-Josh.2.7">
<h4 id="Jos.iii-p1.10">The Two Spies and Rahab. (<span class="smallcaps" id="Jos.iii-p1.11">b. c.</span> 1451.)</h4>
<p class="passage" id="Jos.iii-p2">1 And Joshua the son of Nun sent out of Shittim
two men to spy secretly, saying, Go view the land, even Jericho.
And they went, and came into a harlot's house, named Rahab, and
lodged there.   2 And it was told the king of Jericho, saying,
Behold, there came men in hither to night of the children of Israel
to search out the country.   3 And the king of Jericho sent
unto Rahab, saying, Bring forth the men that are come to thee,
which are entered into thine house: for they be come to search out
all the country.   4 And the woman took the two men, and hid
them, and said thus, There came men unto me, but I wist not whence
they <i>were:</i>   5 And it came to pass <i>about the
time</i> of shutting of the gate, when it was dark, that the men
went out: whither the men went I wot not: pursue after them
quickly; for ye shall overtake them.   6 But she had brought
them up to the roof of the house, and hid them with the stalks of
flax, which she had laid in order upon the roof.   7 And the
men pursued after them the way to Jordan unto the fords: and as
soon as they which pursued after them were gone out, they shut the
<p class="indent" id="Jos.iii-p3">In these verses we have,</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jos.iii-p4">I. The prudence of Joshua, in sending spies
to observe this important pass, which was likely to be disputed at
the entrance of Israel into Canaan (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p4.1" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.1" parsed="|Josh|2|1|0|0" passage="Jos 2:1"><i>v.</i> 1</scripRef>). Go <i>view the land, even
Jericho.</i> Moses had sent spies (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p4.2" osisRef="Bible:Num.13.1-Num.13.33" parsed="|Num|13|1|13|33" passage="Nu 13:1-33">Num. xiii.</scripRef>) Joshua himself was one of them
and it proved of ill consequence. Yet Joshua now sent spies, not,
as the former were sent, to survey the whole land, but Jericho
only; not to bring the account to the whole congregation, but to
Joshua only, who, like a watchful general, was continually
projecting for the public good, and, was particularly careful to
take the first step well and not to stumble at the threshold. It
was not fit that Joshua should venture over Jordan, to make his
remarks <i>incognito</i><i>in disguise;</i> but he sends two men
(two young men, says the LXX.), to view the land, that from their
report he might take his measures in attacking Jericho. Observe, 1.
There is no remedy, but great men must see with other people's
eyes, which makes it very necessary that they be cautious in the
choice of those they employ, since so much often depends upon their
fidelity. 2. Faith in God's promise ought not to supersede but
encourage our diligence in the use of proper means. Joshua is sure
he has God with him, and yet sends men before him. We do not trust
God, but tempt him, if our expectations slacken our endeavours. 3.
See how ready these men were to go upon this hazardous enterprise.
Though they put their lives in their hands yet they ventured in
obedience to Joshua their general, in zeal for the service of the
camp, and in dependence upon the power of that God who, being the
keeper of Israel in general, is the protector of every particular
Israelite in the way of his duty.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jos.iii-p5">II. The providence of God directing the
spies to the house of Rahab. How they got over Jordan we are not
told; but into Jericho they came, which was about seven or eight
miles from the river, and there seeking for a convenient inn were
directed to the house of Rahab, here called a <i>harlot,</i> a
woman that had formerly been of ill fame, the reproach of which
stuck to her name, though of late she had repented and reformed.
Simon the leper (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p5.1" osisRef="Bible:Matt.26.6" parsed="|Matt|26|6|0|0" passage="Mt 26:6">Matt. xxvi.
6</scripRef>), though cleansed from his leprosy, wore the reproach
of it in his name at long as he lived; so Rahab the harlot; and she
is so called in the New Testament, where both her faith and her
good works are praised, to teach us, 1. That the greatness of sin
is no bar to pardoning mercy if it be truly repented of in time. We
read of publicans and harlots entering into the kingdom of the
Messiah, and being welcomed to all the privileged of that kingdom,
<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p5.2" osisRef="Bible:Matt.21.31" parsed="|Matt|21|31|0|0" passage="Mt 21:31">Matt. xxi. 31</scripRef>. 2. That
there are many who before their conversion were very wicked and
vile, and yet afterwards come to great eminence in faith and
holiness. 3. Even those that through grace have repented of the
sins of their youth must expect to bear the reproach of them, and
when they hear of their old faults must renew their repentance,
and, as an evidence of that, hear of them patiently. God's Israel,
for aught that appears, had but one friend, but one well-wisher in
all Jericho, and that was Rahab a harlot. God has often served his
own purposes and his church's interests by men of different morals.
Had these scouts gone to any other house than this they would
certainly have been betrayed and put to death without mercy. But
God knew where they had a friend that would be true to them, though
they did not, and directed them thither. Thus that which seems to
us most contingent and accidental is often over-ruled by the divine
providence to serve its great ends. And those that faithfully
acknowledge God in their ways he will <i>guide with his eye.</i>
See <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p5.3" osisRef="Bible:Jer.36.19 Bible:Jer.36.26" parsed="|Jer|36|19|0|0;|Jer|36|26|0|0" passage="Jer 36:19,26">Jer. xxxvi. 19,
<p class="indent" id="Jos.iii-p6">III. The piety of Rahab in receiving and
protecting these Israelites. Those that keep public-houses
entertain all comers, and think themselves obliged to be civil to
their guests. But Rahab showed her guests more than common
civility, and went upon an uncommon principle in what she did; it
was <i>by faith</i> that she received those with peace against whom
her king and country had denounced war, <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p6.1" osisRef="Bible:Heb.11.31" parsed="|Heb|11|31|0|0" passage="Heb 11:31">Heb. xi. 31</scripRef>. 1. She bade them welcome to her
house; they lodged there, though it appears by what she said to
them (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p6.2" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.9" parsed="|Josh|2|9|0|0" passage="Jos 2:9"><i>v.</i> 9</scripRef>) she knew
both whence they came and what their business was. 2. Perceiving
that they were observed coming into the city, and that umbrage was
taken at it, she hid them upon the roof of the house, which was
flat, and covered them with stalks of flax (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p6.3" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.6" parsed="|Josh|2|6|0|0" passage="Jos 2:6"><i>v.</i> 6</scripRef>), so that, if the officers should
come thither to search for them, there they might lie undiscovered.
By these stalks of flax, which she herself had lain in order upon
the roof to dry in the sun, in order to the beating of it and
making it ready for the wheel, it appears she had one of the good
characters of the virtuous woman, however in others of them she
might be deficient, that she <i>sought wool and flax, and wrought
willingly with her hands,</i> <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p6.4" osisRef="Bible:Prov.31.13" parsed="|Prov|31|13|0|0" passage="Pr 31:13">Prov.
xxxi. 13</scripRef>. From this instance of her honest industry one
would hope that, whatever she had been formerly, she was not now a
harlot. 3. When she was examined concerning them, she denied they
were in her house, turned off the officers that had a warrant to
search for them with a sham, and so secured them. No marvel that
the king of Jericho sent to enquire after them (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p6.5" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.2-Josh.2.3" parsed="|Josh|2|2|2|3" passage="Jos 2:2,3"><i>v.</i> 2, 3</scripRef>); he had cause to fear when
the enemy was at his door, and his fear made him suspicious and
jealous of all strangers. He had reason to demand from Rahab that
she should <i>bring forth the men</i> to be dealt with as spies;
but Rahab not only disowned that she knew them, or knew where they
were, but, that no further search might be made for them in the
city, told the pursuers they had gone away again and in all
probability might be overtaken, <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p6.6" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.4-Josh.2.5" parsed="|Josh|2|4|2|5" passage="Jos 2:4,5"><i>v.</i> 4, 5</scripRef>. Now, (1.) We are sure this
was a good work: it is canonized by the apostle (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p6.7" osisRef="Bible:Jas.2.25" parsed="|Jas|2|25|0|0" passage="Jam 2:25">James ii. 25</scripRef>), where she is said to be
<i>justified by works,</i> and this is specified, that <i>she
received the messengers, and sent them out another way,</i> and she
did it by faith, such a faith as set her above the fear of man,
even of the wrath of the king. She believed, upon the report she
had heard of the wonders wrought for Israel, that their God was the
only true God, and that therefore their declared design upon Canaan
would undoubtedly take effect and in this faith she sided with
them, protected them, and courted their favour. Had she said, "I
believe God is yours and Canaan yours, but I dare not show you any
kindness," her faith had been dead and inactive, and would not have
justified her. But by this it appeared to be both alive and lively,
that she exposed herself to the utmost peril, even of life, in
obedience to her faith. Note, Those only are true believers that
can find in their hearts to venture for God; and those that by
faith take the Lord for their God take his people for their people,
and cast in their lot among them. Those that have God for their
refuge and hiding-place must testify their gratitude by their
readiness to shelter his people when there is occasion. <i>Let my
outcasts dwell with thee,</i> <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p6.8" osisRef="Bible:Isa.16.3-Isa.16.4" parsed="|Isa|16|3|16|4" passage="Isa 16:3,4">Isa.
xvi. 3, 4</scripRef>. And we must be glad of an opportunity of
testifying the sincerity and zeal of our love to God by hazardous
services to his church and kingdom among men. But, (2.) There is
that in it which it is not easy to justify, and yet it must be
justified, or else it could not be so good a work as to justify
her. [1.] It is plain that she betrayed her country by harbouring
the enemies of it, and aiding those that were designing its
destruction, which could not consist with her allegiance to her
prince and her affection and duty to the community she was a member
of. But that which justifies her in this is that <i>she knew the
Lord had given Israel this land</i> (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p6.9" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.9" parsed="|Josh|2|9|0|0" passage="Jos 2:9"><i>v.</i> 9</scripRef>), knew it by the incontestable
miracles God had wrought for them, which confirmed that grant; and
her obligations to God were higher than her obligations to any
other. If she knew <i>God had given them this land,</i> it would
have been a sin to join with those that hindered them from
possessing it. But, since no such grant of any land to any people
can now be proved, this will by no means justify any such
treacherous practices against the public welfare. [2.] It is plain
that she deceived the officers that examined her with an
untruth—That she knew not whence the men were, that they had gone
out, that she knew not whither they had gone. What shall we say to
this? If she had either told the truth or been silent, she would
have betrayed the spies, and this would certainly have been a great
sin; and it does not appear that she had any other way of
concealing them that by this ironical direction to the officers to
pursue them another way, which if they would suffer themselves to
be deceived by, let them be deceived. None are bound to accuse
themselves, or their friends, of that which, though enquired after
as a crime, they know to be a virtue. This case was altogether
extraordinary, and therefore cannot be drawn into a precedent; and
that my be justified here which would be by no means lawful in a
common case. Rahab knew, by what was already done on the other side
Jordan, that no mercy was to be shown to the Canaanites, and thence
inferred that, if mercy was not owing them, truth was not; those
that might be destroyed might be deceived. Yet divines generally
conceive that it was a sin, which however admitted of this
extenuation, that being a Canaanite she was not better taught the
evil of lying; but God accepted her faith and pardoned her
infirmity. However it was in this case, we are sure it is our duty
to speak every man the truth to his neighbour, to dread and detest
lying, and never to <i>do evil, that</i> evil, <i>that good may
come of it,</i> <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p6.10" osisRef="Bible:Rom.3.8" parsed="|Rom|3|8|0|0" passage="Ro 3:8">Rom. iii. 8</scripRef>.
But God accepts what is sincerely and honestly intended, though
there be a mixture of frailty and folly in it, and is not extreme
to mark what we do amiss. Some suggest that what she said might
possibly be true of some other men.</p>
</div><scripCom id="Jos.iii-p0.3" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.8-Josh.2.21" parsed="|Josh|2|8|2|21" passage="Jos 2:8-21" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Josh.2.8-Josh.2.21">
<p class="passage" id="Jos.iii-p7">8 And before they were laid down, she came up
unto them upon the roof;   9 And she said unto the men, I know
that the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jos.iii-p7.1">Lord</span> hath given you the
land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the
inhabitants of the land faint because of you.   10 For we have
heard how the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jos.iii-p7.2">Lord</span> dried up the
water of the Red sea for you, when ye came out of Egypt; and what
ye did unto the two kings of the Amorites, that <i>were</i> on the
other side Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed.  
11 And as soon as we had heard <i>these things,</i> our hearts did
melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because
of you: for the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jos.iii-p7.3">Lord</span> your God, he
<i>is</i> God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.   12 Now
therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jos.iii-p7.4">Lord</span>, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye
will also shew kindness unto my father's house, and give me a true
token:   13 And <i>that</i> ye will save alive my father, and
my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have,
and deliver our lives from death.   14 And the men answered
her, Our life for yours, if ye utter not this our business. And it
shall be, when the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jos.iii-p7.5">Lord</span> hath given
us the land, that we will deal kindly and truly with thee.  
15 Then she let them down by a cord through the window: for her
house <i>was</i> upon the town wall, and she dwelt upon the wall.
  16 And she said unto them, Get you to the mountain, lest the
pursuers meet you; and hide yourselves there three days, until the
pursuers be returned: and afterward may ye go your way.   17
And the men said unto her, We <i>will be</i> blameless of this
thine oath which thou hast made us swear.   18 Behold,
<i>when</i> we come into the land, thou shalt bind this line of
scarlet thread in the window which thou didst let us down by: and
thou shalt bring thy father, and thy mother, and thy brethren, and
all thy father's household, home unto thee.   19 And it shall
be, <i>that</i> whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house
into the street, his blood <i>shall be</i> upon his head, and we
<i>will be</i> guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the
house, his blood <i>shall be</i> on our head, if <i>any</i> hand be
upon him.   20 And if thou utter this our business, then we
will be quit of thine oath which thou hast made us to swear.  
21 And she said, According unto your words, so <i>be</i> it. And
she sent them away, and they departed: and she bound the scarlet
line in the window.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jos.iii-p8">The matter is here settled between Rahab
and the spies respecting the service she was now to do for them,
and the favour they were afterwards to show to her. She secures
them on condition that they should secure her.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jos.iii-p9">I. She gives them, and by them sends to
Joshua and Israel, all the encouragement that could be desired to
make their intended descent upon Canaan. This was what they came
for, and it was worth coming for. Having got clear of the officers,
she comes up to them to the <i>roof of the house</i> where they lay
hid, finds them perhaps somewhat dismayed at the peril they
apprehended themselves in from the officers, and scarcely recovered
from the fright, but has that to say to them which will give them
abundant satisfaction. 1. She lets them know that the report of the
great things God had done for them had come to Jericho (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p9.1" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.10" parsed="|Josh|2|10|0|0" passage="Jos 2:10"><i>v.</i> 10</scripRef>), not only that they had
an account of their late victories obtained over the Amorites in
the neighbouring country, on the other side of the river, but that
their miraculous deliverance out of Egypt, and passage through the
Red Sea, a great way off, and forty years ago, were remembered and
talked of afresh in Jericho, to the amazement of every body. Thus
<i>this</i> Joshua and his fellows were <i>men wondered at,</i>
<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p9.2" osisRef="Bible:Zech.3.8" parsed="|Zech|3|8|0|0" passage="Zec 3:8">Zech. iii. 8</scripRef>. See how God
<i>makes his wonderful works to be remembered</i> (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p9.3" osisRef="Bible:Ps.111.4" parsed="|Ps|111|4|0|0" passage="Ps 111:4">Ps. cxi. 4</scripRef>), so that <i>men shall
speak of the might of his terrible acts,</i> <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p9.4" osisRef="Bible:Ps.145.6" parsed="|Ps|145|6|0|0" passage="Ps 145:6">Ps. cxlv. 6</scripRef>. 2. She tells them what
impressions the tidings of these things had made upon the
Canaanites: Your <i>terror has fallen upon us</i> (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p9.5" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.9" parsed="|Josh|2|9|0|0" passage="Jos 2:9"><i>v.</i> 9</scripRef>); <i>our hearts did
melt,</i> <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p9.6" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.11" parsed="|Josh|2|11|0|0" passage="Jos 2:11"><i>v.</i> 11</scripRef>. If
she kept a public house, this would give her an opportunity of
understanding the sense of various companies and of travellers from
other parts of the country, so that they could not know this any
way better than by her information; and it would be of great use to
Joshua and Israel to know it; it would put courage into the most
cowardly Israelite to hear how their enemies were dispirited, and
it was easy to conclude that those who now fainted before them
would infallibly fall before them, especially because it was the
accomplishment of a promise God had made them, that he would <i>lay
the fear and dread of them upon all this land</i> (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p9.7" osisRef="Bible:Deut.11.25" parsed="|Deut|11|25|0|0" passage="De 11:25">Deut. xi. 25</scripRef>), and so it would be an
earnest of the accomplishment of all the other promises God had
made to them. Let not the stout man glory in his courage, any more
than the strong man in his strength; for God can weaken both mind
and body. Let not God's Israel be afraid of their most powerful
enemies; for their God can, when he pleases, make their most
powerful enemies afraid of them. Let none think to harden their
hearts against God and prosper; for he that made man's soul can at
any time make the sword of his terrors approach to it. 3. She
hereupon makes profession of her faith in God and his promise; and
perhaps <i>there was not found so great faith</i> (all things
considered), <i>no, not in Israel,</i> as in this woman of Canaan.
(1.) who believes God's power and dominion over all the world
(<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p9.8" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.11" parsed="|Josh|2|11|0|0" passage="Jos 2:11"><i>v.</i> 11</scripRef>): "Jehovah
your God, whom you worship and call upon, is so far above all gods
that he is the only true God; for <i>he is God in heaven above and
in earth beneath,</i> and is served by all the hosts of both." A
vast distance there is between heaven and earth, yet both are
equally under the inspection and government of the great Jehovah.
Heaven is not above his power, nor is earth below his cognizance.
(2.) She believes his promise to his people Israel (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p9.9" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.9" parsed="|Josh|2|9|0|0" passage="Jos 2:9"><i>v.</i> 9</scripRef>): <i>I know that the Lord
hath given you the land.</i> The king of Jericho had heard as much
as she had of the great things God had done for Israel, yet he
cannot infer thence that the Lord had given them this land, but
resolves to hold it out against them to the last extremity; for the
most powerful means of conviction will not of themselves attain the
end without divine grace, and by that grace Rahab the harlot, who
had only heard of the wonders God had wrought, speaks with more
assurance of the truth of the promise made to the fathers than all
the elders of Israel had done who were eye-witnesses of those
wonders, many of whom perished through unbelief of this promise.
<i>Blessed are those that have not seen, and yet have believed;</i>
so Rahab did. <i>O woman, great is thy faith!</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="Jos.iii-p10">II. She engaged them to take her and her
relations under their protection, that they might not perish in the
destruction of Jericho, <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p10.1" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.12-Josh.2.13" parsed="|Josh|2|12|2|13" passage="Jos 2:12,13"><i>v.</i>
12, 13</scripRef>. Now, 1. It was an evidence of the sincerity and
strength of her faith concerning the approaching revolution in her
country that she was so solicitous to make an interest for herself
with the Israelites, and courted their kindness. She foresaw the
conquest of her country, and in the belief of that bespoke in time
the favour of the conquerors. Thus Noah, being <i>moved with fear,
prepared an ark to the saving of his house, and the condemning of
the world,</i> <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p10.2" osisRef="Bible:Heb.11.7" parsed="|Heb|11|7|0|0" passage="Heb 11:7">Heb. xi. 7</scripRef>.
Those who truly believe the divine revelation concerning the ruin
of sinners, and the grant of the heavenly land to God's Israel,
will give diligence to flee from the wrath to come, and to lay hold
of eternal life, by joining themselves to God and to his people. 2.
The provision she made for the safety of her relations, as well as
for her own, is a laudable instance of natural affection, and an
intimation to us in like manner to do all we can for the salvation
of the souls of those that are dear to us, and, with ourselves, to
bring them, if possible, into the bond of the covenant. No mention
is made of her husband and children, but only her parents, and
brothers, and sisters, for whom, though she was herself a
housekeeper, she retained a due concern. 3. Her request that they
would swear unto her by Jehovah is an instance of her acquaintance
with the only true God, and her faith in him and devotion towards
him, one act of which is religiously to <i>swear by his name.</i>
4. Her petition is very just and reasonable, that, since she had
protected them, they should protect her, and since her kindness to
them extended to their people, for whom they were now negotiating,
their kindness to her should take in all hers. It was the least
they could do for one that had saved their lives with the hazard of
her own. Note, Those that show mercy may expect to find mercy.
Observe, She does not demand any preferment by way of reward for
her kindness to them, though they lay so much at her mercy that she
might have made her own terms, but only indents for her Life, which
in a general destruction would be a singular favour. Thus God
promised Ebed-Melech, in recompence for his kindness to Jeremiah,
that in the worst of times he should have <i>his life for a
prey,</i> <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p10.3" osisRef="Bible:Jer.39.18" parsed="|Jer|39|18|0|0" passage="Jer 39:18">Jer. xxxix. 18</scripRef>.
Yet this Rahab was afterwards advanced to be a princess in Israel,
the wife of Salmon, and one of the ancestors of Christ, <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p10.4" osisRef="Bible:Matt.1.5" parsed="|Matt|1|5|0|0" passage="Mt 1:5">Matt. i. 5</scripRef>. Those that faithfully serve
Christ and suffer for him he will not only protect, but prefer, and
will do for them <i>more than they are able to ask or
<p class="indent" id="Jos.iii-p11">III. They solemnly engaged for her
preservation in the common destruction (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p11.1" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.14" parsed="|Josh|2|14|0|0" passage="Jos 2:14"><i>v.</i> 14</scripRef>): "<i>Our life for yours.</i> We
will take as much care of your lives as of our own, and would as
soon hurt ourselves as any of you." Nay, they imprecate God's
judgments on themselves if they should violate their promise to
her. She had pawned her life for theirs, and now they in requital
pawn their lives for hers, and (as public persons) with them they
pawn the public faith and the credit of their nation, for they
plainly interest all Israel in the engagement in those words,
<i>When the Lord has given us the land,</i> meaning not themselves
only, but the people whose agents they were. No doubt they knew
themselves sufficiently authorized to treat with Rahab concerning
this matter, and were confident that Joshua would ratify what they
did, else they had not dealt honestly; the general law that they
should make no covenant with the Canaanites (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p11.2" osisRef="Bible:Deut.7.2" parsed="|Deut|7|2|0|0" passage="De 7:2">Deut. vii. 2</scripRef>) did not forbid them to take under
their protection a particular person, that had heartily come into
their interests and had done them real kindnesses. The law of
gratitude is one of the laws of nature. Now observe here, 1. The
promises they made her. In general, "<i>We will deal kindly and
truly with thee,</i> <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p11.3" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.14" parsed="|Josh|2|14|0|0" passage="Jos 2:14"><i>v.</i>
14</scripRef>. We will not only be kind in promising now, but true
in performing what we promise; and not only true in performing just
what we promise, but kind in out-doing thy demands and
expectations." The goodness of God is often expressed by his
kindness and truth (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p11.4" osisRef="Bible:Ps.117.2" parsed="|Ps|117|2|0|0" passage="Ps 117:2">Ps. cxvii.
2</scripRef>), and in both these we must be followers of him. In
particular, "<i>If a hand be upon any in the house with thee,</i>
his <i>blood shall be on our head,</i>" <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p11.5" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.19" parsed="|Josh|2|19|0|0" passage="Jos 2:19"><i>v.</i> 19</scripRef>. If hurt come through our
carelessness to those whom we are obliged to protect, we thereby
contract guilt, and blood will be found a heavy load. 2. The
provisos and limitations of their promises. Though they were in
haste, and it may be in some confusion, yet we find them very
cautious in settling this agreement and the terms of it, not to
bind themselves to more than was fit for them to perform. Note,
Covenants must be made with care, and we must swear in judgment,
lest we find ourselves perplexed and entangled when it is too late
<i>after vows to make enquiry.</i> Those that will be conscientious
in keeping their promises will be cautious in making them, and
perhaps may insert conditions which others may think frivolous.
Their promise is here accompanied with three provisos, and they
were necessary ones. They will protect Rahab, and all her relations
always, provided, (1.) That she tie the scarlet cord with which she
was now about to let them down in the window of her house,
<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p11.6" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.18" parsed="|Josh|2|18|0|0" passage="Jos 2:18"><i>v.</i> 18</scripRef>. This was to
be a mark upon the house, which the spies would take care to give
notice of to the camp of Israel, that no soldier, how hot and eager
soever he was in military executions, might offer any violence to
the house that was thus distinguished. This was like the blood
sprinkled upon the door-post, which secured the first-born from the
destroying angel, and, being of the same colour, some allude to
this also to represent the safety of believers under the protection
of the blood of Christ sprinkled on the conscience. The same cord
that she made use of for the preservation of these Israelites was
to be made use of for her preservation. What we serve and honour
God with we may expect he will bless and make comfortable to us.
(2.) That she should have all those whose safety she had desired in
the house with her and keep them there, and that, at the time of
taking the town, none of them should dare to stir out of doors,
<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p11.7" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.18-Josh.2.19" parsed="|Josh|2|18|2|19" passage="Jos 2:18,19"><i>v.</i> 18, 19</scripRef>. This
was a <i>necessary</i> proviso, for Rahab's kindred could not be
distinguished any other way than by being in her distinguished
house; should they mingle with their neighbours, there was no
remedy, but the sword would devour <i>one as well as another.</i>
It was a <i>reasonable</i> proviso that, since they were saved
purely for Rahab's sake, her house should have the honour of being
their castle, and that, if they would not <i>perish with those that
believed not,</i> they should thus far believe the certainty and
severity of the ruin coming upon their city as to retire into a
place made safe by promise, as Noah into the ark and Lot into Zoar,
and should <i>save themselves from this untoward generation,</i> by
separating from them. It was likewise a <i>significant</i> proviso,
intimating to us that those who are added to the church that they
may be saved must keep close to the society of the faithful, and,
having <i>escaped the corruption that is in the world through
lust,</i> must take heed of being again entangled therein. (3.)
That she should keep counsel (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p11.8" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.14 Bible:Josh.2.20" parsed="|Josh|2|14|0|0;|Josh|2|20|0|0" passage="Jos 2:14,20"><i>v.</i> 14, 20</scripRef>): <i>If thou utter this
our business,</i> that is, "If thou betray us when we are gone, or
if thou make this agreement public, so as that others tie scarlet
lines in their windows and so confound us, then we will be clear of
thy oath." Those are unworthy of <i>the secret of the Lord</i> that
know now how to keep it to themselves when there is occasion.</p>
<p class="indent" id="Jos.iii-p12">IV. She then took effectual care to secure
her new friends, and <i>sent them out another way,</i> <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p12.1" osisRef="Bible:Jas.2.25" parsed="|Jas|2|25|0|0" passage="Jam 2:25">James ii. 25</scripRef>. Having fully understood
the bargain they made with her, and consented to it (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p12.2" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.21" parsed="|Josh|2|21|0|0" passage="Jos 2:21"><i>v.</i> 21</scripRef>), she then <i>let them
down by a cord</i> over the city wall (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p12.3" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.15" parsed="|Josh|2|15|0|0" passage="Jos 2:15"><i>v.</i> 15</scripRef>), the situation of her house
befriending them herein: thus Paul made his escape out of Damascus,
<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p12.4" osisRef="Bible:2Cor.11.33" parsed="|2Cor|11|33|0|0" passage="2Co 11:33">2 Cor. xi. 33</scripRef>. She also
directed them which way to go for their own safety, being better
acquainted with the country than they were, <scripRef id="Jos.iii-p12.5" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.16" parsed="|Josh|2|16|0|0" passage="Jos 2:16"><i>v.</i> 16</scripRef>. She directs them to leave the
high road, and abscond in the mountains till the pursuers returned,
for till then they could not safely venture over Jordan. Those that
are in the way of God and their duty may expect that Providence
will protect them, but this will not excuse them from taking all
prudent methods for their own safety. God will keep us, but then we
must not wilfully expose ourselves. Providence must be trusted, but
not tempted. Calvin thinks that their charge to Rahab to keep this
matter secret, and not to utter it, was intended for her safety,
lest she, boasting of her security from the sword of Israel,
should, before they came to protect her, fall into the hands of the
king of Jericho and be put to death for treason: thus do they
prudently advise her for her safety, as she advised them for
theirs. And it is good advice, which we should at any time be
thankful for, to <i>take heed to ourselves.</i></p>
</div><scripCom id="Jos.iii-p0.4" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.22-Josh.2.24" parsed="|Josh|2|22|2|24" passage="Jos 2:22-24" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Josh.2.22-Josh.2.24">
<p class="passage" id="Jos.iii-p13">22 And they went, and came unto the mountain,
and abode there three days, until the pursuers were returned: and
the pursuers sought <i>them</i> throughout all the way, but found
<i>them</i> not.   23 So the two men returned, and descended
from the mountain, and passed over, and came to Joshua the son of
Nun, and told him all <i>things</i> that befell them:   24 And
they said unto Joshua, Truly the <span class="smallcaps" id="Jos.iii-p13.1">Lord</span> hath delivered into our hands all the land;
for even all the inhabitants of the country do faint because of
<p class="indent" id="Jos.iii-p14">We have here the safe return of the spies
Joshua had sent, and the great encouragement they brought with them
to Israel to proceed in their descent upon Canaan. Had they been
disposed to discourage the people, as the evil spies did that Moses
sent, they might have told them what they had observed of the
height and strength of the walls of Jericho, and the extraordinary
vigilance of the king of Jericho, and how narrowly they escaped out
of his hands; but they were of another spirit, and, depending
themselves upon the divine promise, they animated Joshua likewise.
1. Their return in safety was itself an encouragement to Joshua,
and a token for good. That God provided for them so good a friend
as Rahab was in an enemy's country, and that notwithstanding the
rage of the king of Jericho and the eagerness of the pursuers they
had come back in peace, was such an instance of God's great care
concerning them for Israel's sake as might assure the people of the
divine guidance and care they were under, which should undoubtedly
make the progress of their arms glorious. He that so wonderfully
protected their scouts would preserve their men of war, and cover
their heads in the day of battle. 2. The report they brought was
much more encouraging (<scripRef id="Jos.iii-p14.1" osisRef="Bible:Josh.2.24" parsed="|Josh|2|24|0|0" passage="Jos 2:24"><i>v.</i>
24</scripRef>): "<i>All the inhabitants of the country,</i> though
resolved to stand it out, yet <i>do faint because of us,</i> they
have neither wisdom to yield nor courage to fight," whence they
conclude, "<i>Truly the Lord has delivered into our hands all the
land,</i> it is all our own; we have nothing to do, in effect, but
to take possession." Sinners' frights are sometimes sure presages
of their fall. If we resist our spiritual enemies they will flee
before us, which will encourage us to hope that in due time we
shall be more than conquerors.</p>