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<div2 id="" n="vi" next="Mark.vii" prev="Mark.v" progress="38.86%" title="Chapter V">
<h2 id="">M A R K.</h2>
<h3 id="">CHAP. V.</h3>
<p class="intro" id="">In this chapter, we have, I. Christ's casting the
legion of devils out of the man possessed, and suffering them to
enter into the swine, <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.1-Mark.5.20" parsed="|Mark|5|1|5|20" passage="Mk 5:1-20">ver.
1-20</scripRef>. II. Christ's healing the woman with the bloody
issue, in the way as he was going to raise Jairus's daughter to
life, <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.21-Mark.5.43" parsed="|Mark|5|21|5|43" passage="Mk 5:21-43">ver. 21-43</scripRef>. These
three miracles we had the story of before (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Matt.8.28 Bible:Matt.9.18" parsed="|Matt|8|28|0|0;|Matt|9|18|0|0" passage="Mt 8:28,9:18">Matt. viii. 28, &amp;c. and Matt. ix. 18</scripRef>,
&amp;c.) but more fully related here.</p>
<scripCom id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5" parsed="|Mark|5|0|0|0" passage="Mr 5" type="Commentary"/>
<scripCom id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.1-Mark.5.20" parsed="|Mark|5|1|5|20" passage="Mr 5:1-20" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Mark.5.1-Mark.5.20">
<h4 id="">The Expulsion of Legion.</h4>
<p class="passage" id="">1 And they came over unto the other side of the
sea, into the country of the Gadarenes.   2 And when he was
come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a
man with an unclean spirit,   3 Who had <i>his</i> dwelling
among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no, not with chains:
  4 Because that he had been often bound with fetters and
chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the
fetters broken in pieces: neither could any <i>man</i> tame him.
  5 And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in
the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.   6 But
when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him,   7 And
cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee,
Jesus, <i>thou</i> Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God,
that thou torment me not.   8 For he said unto him, Come out
of the man, <i>thou</i> unclean spirit.   9 And he asked him,
What <i>is</i> thy name? And he answered, saying, My name <i>is</i>
Legion: for we are many.   10 And he besought him much that he
would not send them away out of the country.   11 Now there
was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding.
  12 And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the
swine, that we may enter into them.   13 And forthwith Jesus
gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into
the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the
sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea.
  14 And they that fed the swine fled, and told <i>it</i> in
the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was
that was done.   15 And they come to Jesus, and see him that
was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and
clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.   16 And
they that saw <i>it</i> told them how it befell to him that was
possessed with the devil, and <i>also</i> concerning the swine.
  17 And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts.
  18 And when he was come into the ship, he that had been
possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him.
  19 Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go
home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath
done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.   20 And he
departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus
had done for him: and all <i>men</i> did marvel.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">We have here an instance of Christ's
dispossessing the strong man armed, and disposing of him as he
pleased, to make it appear that he was <i>stronger than he.</i>
This he did when he was come <i>to the other side,</i> whither he
went through a storm; his business there was to rescue this poor
creature out of the hands of Satan, and when he had done that, he
returned. Thus he came from heaven to earth, and returned, in a
storm, to redeem a remnant of mankind out of the hands of the
devil, though but a <i>little remnant,</i> and did not think his
pains <i>ill bestowed.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="">In Matthew, they were said to be <i>two</i>
possessed with devils; here it is said to be a <i>man</i> possessed
with an unclean spirit. If there were <i>two,</i> there was one,
and Mark doth not say that there was <i>but one;</i> so that this
difference cannot give us any just offence; it is probable that one
of them was much more remarkable than the other, and said what was
said. Now observe here,</p>
<p class="indent" id="">I. The miserable condition that this poor
creature was in; he was under the power of an <i>unclean
spirit,</i> the devil got possession of him, and the effect of it
was not, as in many, a silent melancholy, but a raging frenzy; he
was raving mad; his condition seems to have been worse than any of
the possessed, that were Christ's patients.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">1. He had <i>his dwelling among the
tombs,</i> among the graves of dead people. Their tombs were out of
the cities, in <i>desolate places</i> (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Job.3.14" parsed="|Job|3|14|0|0" passage="Job 3:14">Job iii. 14</scripRef>); which gave the devil great
advantage: for <i>woe to him that is alone.</i> Perhaps the devil
drove him to <i>the tombs,</i> to make people fancy that the souls
of the dead were turned into dæmons, and did what mischief was
done, so to excuse themselves from it. The touch of a grave was
polluting, <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Num.19.16" parsed="|Num|19|16|0|0" passage="Nu 19:16">Num. xix. 16</scripRef>.
The <i>unclean spirit</i> drives people into that company that is
<i>defiling,</i> and so keeps possession of them. Christ, by
rescuing souls out of Satan's power, <i>saves the living from among
the dead.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="">2. He was very strong and ungovernable;
<i>No man could bind him,</i> as it is requisite both for their own
good, and for the safety of others, that those who are distracted
should be. Not only cords would not hold him, but <i>chains</i> and
<i>fetters of iron</i> would not, <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.3-Mark.5.4" parsed="|Mark|5|3|5|4" passage="Mk 5:3,4"><i>v.</i> 3, 4</scripRef>. Very deplorable is the case
of such as <i>need to be</i> thus <i>bound,</i> and of all
miserable people in this world they are most to be pitied; but his
case was worst of all, in whom the devil was so strong, that he
could not be <i>bound.</i> This sets forth the sad condition of
those souls in which the devil has dominion; those <i>children of
disobedience,</i> in whom that unclean spirit works. Some
notoriously wilful sinners are like this madman; all are herein
<i>like the horse and the mule,</i> that they need to be <i>held in
with bit and bridle;</i> but some are like the <i>wild ass,</i>
that will not be so held. The commands and curses of the law are as
<i>chains</i> and <i>fetters,</i> to restrain sinners from their
wicked courses; but they <i>break those bands in sunder,</i> and it
is an evidence of the power of the devil in them.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">3. He was a terror and torment to himself
and to all about him, <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.5" parsed="|Mark|5|5|0|0" passage="Mk 5:5"><i>v.</i>
5</scripRef>. The devil is a <i>cruel</i> master to those that are
<i>led captive</i> by him, a perfect tyrant; this wretched creature
was <i>night and day in the mountains and in the tombs, crying, and
cutting himself with stones,</i> either bemoaning his own
deplorable case, or in a rage and indignation against heaven. Men
in frenzies often wound and destroy themselves; what is a man, when
reason is <i>de</i>throned and Satan <i>en</i>throned? The
worshippers of Baal in their fury <i>cut themselves,</i> like this
madman in his. The voice of God is, <i>Do thyself no harm;</i> the
voice of Satan is, <i>Do thyself all the harm thou canst;</i> yet
God's word is despised, and Satan's regarded. Perhaps his
<i>cutting himself with stones</i> was only cutting his feet with
the sharp stones he ran barefoot upon.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">II. His application to Christ (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.6" parsed="|Mark|5|6|0|0" passage="Mk 5:6"><i>v.</i> 6</scripRef>); <i>When he saw Jesus afar
off,</i> coming ashore, he <i>ran, and worshipped him.</i> He
usually <i>ran upon</i> others with <i>rage,</i> but he <i>ran
to</i> Christ with <i>reverence.</i> That was done by an invisible
hand of Christ, which could not be done with chains and fetters;
his fury was all on a sudden curbed. Even the devil, in this poor
creature, was forced to tremble before Christ, and bow to him: or,
rather, the poor man came, and <i>worshipped Christ,</i> in a sense
of the need he had of his help, the power of Satan in and over him
being, for this instant, suspended.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">III. The word of command Christ gave to the
unclean spirit, to quit his possession (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.8" parsed="|Mark|5|8|0|0" passage="Mk 5:8"><i>v.</i> 8</scripRef>); <i>Come out of him, thou unclean
spirit.</i> He made the man desirous to be relieved, when he
enabled him to <i>run, and worship him,</i> and then put forth his
power for his relief. If Christ <i>work in us</i> heartily to pray
for a deliverance from Satan, he will work for us that deliverance.
Here is an instance of the power and authority with which Christ
<i>commanded the unclean spirits, and they obeyed him,</i>
<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.1.27" parsed="|Mark|1|27|0|0" passage="Mk 1:27"><i>ch.</i> i. 27</scripRef>. He said,
<i>Come out of the man.</i> The design of Christ's gospel is to
<i>expel</i> unclean spirits out of the souls of people; "<i>Come
out of the man, thou unclean spirit,</i> that the Holy Spirit may
enter, may take possession of the heart, and have dominion in
<p class="indent" id="">IV. The dread which the devil had of
Christ. The <i>man ran,</i> and <i>worshipped Christ;</i> but it
was the devil in the man, that <i>cried with a loud voice</i>
(making use of the poor man's tongue), <i>What have I to do with
thee?</i> <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.7" parsed="|Mark|5|7|0|0" passage="Mk 5:7"><i>v.</i> 7</scripRef>. Just
as that other unclean spirit, <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.1.24" parsed="|Mark|1|24|0|0" passage="Mk 1:24"><i>ch.</i> i. 24</scripRef>. 1. He calls God the <i>most
high God,</i> above all other gods. By the name <i>Elion—the Most
High,</i> God was <i>known</i> among the Phœnicians, and the
other nations that bordered upon Israel; and by that name the devil
calls him. 2. He owns Jesus to be the <i>Son of God.</i> Note, It
is no strange thing to hear the best words drop from the worst
mouths. There is such a way of saying this as none can attain to
but <i>by the Holy Ghost</i> (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:1Cor.12.3" parsed="|1Cor|12|3|0|0" passage="1Co 12:3">1 Cor.
xii. 3</scripRef>); yet it may be said, after a sort, by the
<i>unclean spirit.</i> There is no judging of men by their loose
sayings; but by their fruits ye shall know them. Piety from the
teeth outward is an easy thing. The most fair-spoken hypocrite
cannot say better than to call Jesus the Son of God, and yet that
the devil did. 3. He disowns any design against Christ; "<i>What
have I to do with thee?</i> I have no need of thee, I pretend to
none; I desire to have nothing to do with thee; I <i>cannot
stand</i> before thee, and <i>would not</i> fall." 4. He deprecates
his wrath; I <i>adjure thee,</i> that is, "I earnestly beseech
thee, by all that is sacred, I beg of thee for God's sake, by whose
permission I have got possession of this man, that, though thou
drive me out hence, yet that thou <i>torment me not,</i> that thou
do not restrain me from doing mischief somewhere else; though I
know I am <i>sentenced,</i> yet let me not be <i>sent</i> to the
chains of darkness, or hindered from going to and fro, to
<p class="indent" id="">V. The account Christ took from this
unclean spirit of his name. This we had not in Matthew. Christ
asked him, <i>What is thy name?</i> Not but that Christ could call
all the <i>fallen</i> stars, as well as the <i>morning</i> stars,
by their names; but he demands this, that the standers by might be
affected with the vast numbers and power of those malignant
infernal spirits, as they had reason to be, when the answer was,
<i>My name is Legion, for we are many;</i> a <i>legion</i> of
soldiers among the Romans consisted, some say, of six thousand men,
others of twelve thousand and five hundred; but the number of a
legion with them, like that of a regiment with us, was not always
the same. Now this intimates that the devils, the infernal powers,
are, 1. <i>Military</i> powers; a legion is a number of soldiers in
arms. The devils war against God and his glory, Christ and his
gospel, men and their holiness and happiness. They are such as we
are to <i>resist</i> and <i>wrestle against,</i> <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Eph.6.12" parsed="|Eph|6|12|0|0" passage="Eph 6:12">Eph. vi. 12</scripRef>. 2. That they are
<i>numerous;</i> he <i>owns,</i> or rather he <i>boasts—We are
many;</i> as if he hoped to be <i>too many</i> for Christ himself
to deal with. What multitudes of apostate spirits were there, and
all enemies to God and man; when here were a legion posted to keep
garrison in one poor wretched creature against Christ! Many there
are that rise up against us. 3. That they are <i>unanimous;</i>
they are <i>many</i> devils, and yet but <i>one legion</i> engaged
in the same wicked cause; and therefore that cavil of the
Pharisees, which supposed Satan to cast out Satan, and to be
divided against himself, was altogether groundless. It was not
<i>one</i> of this legion that betrayed the rest, for they all
said, as one man, <i>What have I to do with thee?</i> 4. That they
are very <i>powerful;</i> Who can stand before a <i>legion?</i> We
are not a match for our spiritual enemies, in our own strength; but
<i>in the Lord, and in the power of his might,</i> we shall be able
to <i>stand against them,</i> though there are legions of them. 5.
That there is <i>order</i> among them, as there is in a
<i>legion;</i> there are <i>principalities, and powers, and rulers
of the darkness of this world,</i> which supposes that there are
those of a lower rank; the <i>devil</i> and his angels; the
<i>dragon</i> and his; the prince of the devils and his subjects:
which makes those enemies the more formidable.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">VI. The request of this legion, that Christ
would suffer them to go into a herd of swine that was <i>feeding
nigh unto the mountains</i> (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.11" parsed="|Mark|5|11|0|0" passage="Mk 5:11"><i>v.</i>
11</scripRef>), those mountains which the demoniacs haunted,
<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.5" parsed="|Mark|5|5|0|0" passage="Mk 5:5"><i>v.</i> 5</scripRef>. Their request
was, 1. That he <i>would not send them away out of the country</i>
(<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.10" parsed="|Mark|5|10|0|0" passage="Mk 5:10"><i>v.</i> 10</scripRef>); not only
that he would not <i>commit</i> them, or <i>confine</i> them, to
their infernal prison, and so <i>torment them before the time;</i>
but that he would not <i>banish</i> them <i>that country,</i> as
justly he might, because in this poor man they had been such a
terror to it, and done so much mischief. They seem to have had a
particular affection for <i>that country;</i> or, rather, a
particular spite to it; and to have liberty to walk <i>to and fro
through</i> the rest of <i>the earth,</i> will not serve (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Job.1.7" parsed="|Job|1|7|0|0" passage="Job 1:7">Job i. 7</scripRef>), unless the <i>range of
those mountains</i> be allowed them for their pasture, <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Job.39.8" parsed="|Job|39|8|0|0" passage="Job 39:8">Job xxxix. 8</scripRef>. But why would they
abide in <i>that country?</i> Grotius saith, Because in <i>that
country</i> there were many <i>apostate Jews,</i> who had thrown
themselves out of the covenant of God, and had thereby given Satan
power over them. And some suggest, that, having by experience got
the knowledge of the dispositions and manners of the people of that
country, they could the more effectually do them mischief by their
temptations. 2. That he would suffer them to <i>enter into the
swine,</i> by destroying which they hoped to do more mischief to
the souls of all the people in the country, than they could by
entering into the body of any particular person, which therefore
they did not ask leave to do, for they knew Christ would not grant
<p class="indent" id="">VII. The permission Christ gave them to
enter into the swine, and the immediate destruction of the swine
thereby; <i>He gave them leave</i> (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.13" parsed="|Mark|5|13|0|0" passage="Mk 5:13"><i>v.</i> 13</scripRef>), he did not forbid or restrain
them, he let them do as they had a mind. Thus he would let the
Gadarenes see what powerful spiteful enemies devils are, that they
might thereby be induced to make him their Friend, who alone was
able to control and conquer them, and had made it appear that he
was so. Immediately the <i>unclean spirits entered into the
swine,</i> which by the law were unclean creatures, and naturally
love to <i>wallow in the mire,</i> the fittest place for them.
Those that, like the swine, delight in <i>the mire</i> of sensual
lusts, are fit habitations for Satan, and are, like Babylon, the
<i>hold of every foul spirit,</i> and a <i>cage of every unclean
and hateful bird</i> (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Rev.18.2" parsed="|Rev|18|2|0|0" passage="Re 18:2">Rev. xviii.
2</scripRef>), as pure souls are habitations of the Holy Spirit.
The consequence of the devils entering into the swine, was, that
they all <i>ran mad</i> presently, and ran headlong into the
adjoining sea, where they were all drowned, to the number of <i>two
thousand.</i> The man they possessed did only <i>cut himself,</i>
for God had said, <i>He is in your hands, only save his life.</i>
But thereby it appeared, that, if he had not been so restrained,
the poor man would have <i>drowned himself.</i> See how much we are
indebted to the providence of God, and the ministration of good
angels, for our preservation from malignant spirits.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">VIII. The report of all this dispersed
through the country immediately. They that <i>fed the swine,</i>
hastened to the owners, to give an account of their charge,
<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.14" parsed="|Mark|5|14|0|0" passage="Mk 5:14"><i>v.</i> 14</scripRef>. This drew the
people together, to see what was done: and, 1. When they saw how
wonderfully the poor man was cured, they hence conceived a
<i>veneration for Christ,</i> <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.15" parsed="|Mark|5|15|0|0" passage="Mk 5:15"><i>v.</i>
15</scripRef>. They saw him that was <i>possessed with the
devil,</i> and knew him well enough, by the same token that they
had many a time been frightened at the sight of him; and were now
as much surprised to see him <i>sitting clothed and in his right
mind;</i> when Satan was cast out, he came to himself, and was his
own man presently. Note, Those who are grave and sober, and live by
rule and with consideration, thereby make it appear that by the
power of Christ the devil's power is broken in their souls. The
sight of this <i>made them afraid;</i> it astonished them, and
forced them to own the power of Christ, and that he is <i>worthy to
be feared.</i> But, 2. When they found that their swine were lost,
they thence conceived a <i>dislike of Christ,</i> and wished to
have rather his room than his company; they prayed him to <i>depart
out of their coasts,</i> for they think not any good he can do them
sufficient to make them amends for the loss of so many swine, fat
swine, it may be, and ready for the market. Now the devils had what
they would have; for by no handle do these evil spirits more
effectually manage sinful souls than by that of the love of the
world. They were afraid of some further punishment, if Christ
should tarry among them, whereas, if they would but part with their
sins, he had life and happiness for them; but, being loth to quit
either their sins or their swine, they chose rather to abandon
their Saviour. Thus <i>they</i> do, who, rather than let go a base
lust, will throw away their interest in Christ, and their
expectations from him. They should rather have argued, "If he has
such a power as this over devils and all creatures, it is good
having him our Friend; if the devils have leave to tarry <i>in our
country</i> (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.10" parsed="|Mark|5|10|0|0" passage="Mk 5:10"><i>v.</i> 10</scripRef>),
let us entreat <i>him</i> to tarry in it too, who alone can control
them." But, instead of this, they wished him further off. Such
strange misconstructions do carnal hearts make of the just
judgments of God; instead of being by them driven to him as they
ought, they set him at so much the greater distance; though he hath
said, <i>Provoke me not, and I will do you no hurt,</i> <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Jer.25.6" parsed="|Jer|25|6|0|0" passage="Jer 25:6">Jer. xxv. 6</scripRef>.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">IX. An account of the conduct of the poor
man after his deliverance. 1. He <i>desired that he might go along
with Christ</i> (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.18" parsed="|Mark|5|18|0|0" passage="Mk 5:18"><i>v.</i>
18</scripRef>), perhaps for fear lest the evil spirit should again
seize him; or, rather, that he might receive instruction from him,
being unwilling to stay among those heathenish people that desired
him to depart. Those that are freed from the evil spirit, cannot
but covet acquaintance and fellowship with Christ. 2. Christ
<i>would not suffer him</i> to go with him, lest it should savour
of ostentation, and to let him know that he could both protect and
instruct him at a distance. And besides, he had other work for him
to do; he must go home to his friends, and tell them what <i>great
things the Lord had done for him,</i> the Lord Jesus had done; that
Christ might be honoured, and his neighbours and friends might be
edified, and invited to believe in Christ. He must take particular
notice rather of Christ's <i>pity</i> than of his <i>power,</i> for
that is it which especially he glories in; he must tell them what
<i>compassion</i> the Lord had had on him in his misery. 3. The
man, in a transport of joy, proclaimed, all the country over, what
<i>great things Jesus had done for him,</i> <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.20" parsed="|Mark|5|20|0|0" passage="Mk 5:20"><i>v.</i> 20</scripRef>. This is a debt we owe both to
Christ and to our brethren, that he may be glorified and they
edified. And see what was the effect of it; <i>All men did
marvel,</i> but few went any further. Many that cannot but wonder
at the works of Christ, yet do not, as they ought, <i>wonder after
</div><scripCom id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.21-Mark.5.34" parsed="|Mark|5|21|5|34" passage="Mr 5:21-34" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Mark.5.21-Mark.5.34">
<h4 id="">The Healing of the Bloody
<p class="passage" id="">21 And when Jesus was passed over again by ship
unto the other side, much people gathered unto him: and he was nigh
unto the sea.   22 And, behold, there cometh one of the rulers
of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and when he saw him, he fell at
his feet,   23 And besought him greatly, saying, My little
daughter lieth at the point of death: <i>I pray thee,</i> come and
lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live.
  24 And <i>Jesus</i> went with him; and much people followed
him, and thronged him.   25 And a certain woman, which had an
issue of blood twelve years,   26 And had suffered many things
of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing
bettered, but rather grew worse,   27 When she had heard of
Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.   28
For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.
  29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up;
and she felt in <i>her</i> body that she was healed of that plague.
  30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had
gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who
touched my clothes?   31 And his disciples said unto him, Thou
seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched
me?   32 And he looked round about to see her that had done
this thing.   33 But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing
what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him
all the truth.   34 And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith
hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">The Gadarenes having desired Christ to
leave their country, he did not stay to trouble them long, but
presently went by water, as he came, back <i>to the other side</i>
(<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.21" parsed="|Mark|5|21|0|0" passage="Mk 5:21"><i>v.</i> 21</scripRef>), and there
<i>much people gathered to him.</i> Note, If there be some that
reject Christ, yet there are others that receive him, and bid him
welcome. A despised gospel will <i>cross the water,</i> and go
where it will have better entertainment. Now among the many that
applied themselves to him,</p>
<p class="indent" id="">I. Here is one, that comes <i>openly</i> to
<i>beg</i> a cure for a sick child; and it is no less a person than
one of the <i>rulers of the synagogue,</i> one that presided in the
synagogue-worship or, as some think, one of the judges of the
consistory court, which was in every city, consisting of
<i>twenty-three.</i> He was not named in Matthew, he is here,
<i>Jairus,</i> or <i>Jair,</i> <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Judg.10.3" parsed="|Judg|10|3|0|0" passage="Jdg 10:3">Judg.
x. 3</scripRef>. He addressed himself to Christ, though a ruler,
with great humility and reverence; <i>When he saw him, he fell at
his feet,</i> giving honour to him as one really greater than he
appeared to be; and with great importunity, he <i>besought him
greatly,</i> as one in earnest, as one that not only valued the
mercy he came for, but that knew he could obtain it no where else.
The case is this, He has a <i>little daughter,</i> about twelve
years old, the darling of the family, and she <i>lies a dying;</i>
but he believes that if Christ will but come, and <i>lay his hands
upon her,</i> she will return even from the gates of the grave. He
said, at first, when he came, <i>She lies a dying</i> (so Mark);
but afterward, upon fresh information sent him, he saith, <i>She is
even now dead</i> (so Matthew); but he still prosecutes his suit;
see <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Luke.8.42-Luke.8.49" parsed="|Luke|8|42|8|49" passage="Lu 8:42-49">Luke viii. 42-49</scripRef>.
Christ readily agreed, and went with him, <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.24" parsed="|Mark|5|24|0|0" passage="Mk 5:24"><i>v.</i> 24</scripRef>.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">II. Here is another, that comes
<i>clandestinely</i> to <i>steal</i> a cure (if I may so say) for
herself; and she got the relief she came for. This cure was wrought
by <i>the way,</i> as he was going to raise the ruler's daughter,
and was followed by a crowd. See how Christ improved his time, and
lost none of the precious moments of it. Many of his discourses,
and some of his miracles, are dates <i>by the way-side;</i> we
should be doing good, not only when we <i>sit in the house,</i> but
when we <i>walk by the way,</i> <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Deut.6.7" parsed="|Deut|6|7|0|0" passage="De 6:7">Deut.
vi. 7</scripRef>. Now observe,</p>
<p class="indent" id="">1. The piteous case of this poor woman. She
had a constant <i>issue of blood</i> upon her, for <i>twelve
years,</i> which had thrown her, no doubt, into great weakness, had
embittered the comfort of her life, and threatened to be her death
in a little time. She had had the best advice of physicians, that
she could get, and had made use of the many medicines and methods
they prescribed: as long as she had any thing to give them, they
had kept her in hopes that they could cure her; but now that she
had spent all she had among them, they gave her up as incurable.
See here, (1.) That skin for skin, and all that a man has, will be
give for life and health; she spent all she had upon physicians.
(2.) It is ill with those patients whose physicians are their worst
disease; who <i>suffer</i> by their physicians, instead of being
relieved by them. (3.) Those that are not <i>bettered</i> by
medicines, commonly <i>grow worse,</i> and the disease gets the
more ground. (4.) It is usual with people not to apply themselves
to Christ, till they have tried in vain all other helpers, and find
them, as certainly they will, <i>physicians of no value.</i> And he
will be found a <i>sure refuge,</i> even to those who make him
their <i>last refuge.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="">2. The strong faith that she had in the
power of Christ to heal her; she said within herself, though it
doth not appear that she was encouraged by any preceding instance
to say it, <i>If I may but touch his clothes, I shall be whole,</i>
<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.28" parsed="|Mark|5|28|0|0" passage="Mk 5:28"><i>v.</i> 28</scripRef>. She believed
that he cured, not as a prophet, by virtue <i>derived</i> from God,
but as the Son of God, by a virtue <i>inherent</i> in himself. Her
case was such as she could not in modesty tell him publicly, as
others did their grievances, and therefore a private cure was what
she wished for, and her faith was suited to her case.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">3. The wonderful effect produced by it;
<i>She came in the</i> crowd <i>behind</i> him, and with much ado
got to <i>touch his garment,</i> and immediately she felt the cure
wrought, <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.29" parsed="|Mark|5|29|0|0" passage="Mk 5:29"><i>v.</i> 29</scripRef>. The
flux of blood was <i>dried up,</i> and she felt herself perfectly
well all over her, as well as ever she was in her life, in an
instant; by this it appears that the cure was altogether
miraculous; for those that in such cases are cured by natural
means, recover their strength slowly and gradually, and not <i>per
saltum—all at once;</i> but <i>as for God, his work is
perfect.</i> Note, Those whom Christ heals of the disease of sin,
that bloody issue, cannot but experience in themselves a universal
change for the better.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">4. Christ's enquiry after his concealed
patient, and the encouragement he gave her, upon the discovery of
her; Christ <i>knew in himself that virtue had gone out of him,</i>
<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.30" parsed="|Mark|5|30|0|0" passage="Mk 5:30"><i>v.</i> 30</scripRef>. He knew it not
by any deficiency of spirits, through the exhausting of this
virtue, but rather by an agility of spirits, in the exerting of it,
and the innate and inseparable pleasure he had in doing good. And
being desirous to see his patient, he asked, not in displeasure, as
one affronted, but in tenderness, as one concerned, <i>Who touched
my clothes?</i> The disciples, not without a show of rudeness and
indecency, almost ridiculed his question (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.31" parsed="|Mark|5|31|0|0" passage="Mk 5:31"><i>v.</i> 31</scripRef>); <i>The multitudes throng thee,
and sayest thou, Who touched me?</i> As if it had been an improper
question. Christ passed by the affront, and <i>looks around</i> to
<i>see her that had done this thing;</i> not that he might
<i>blame</i> her for her presumption, but that he might
<i>commend</i> and <i>encourage</i> her faith, and by his own act
and deed might <i>warrant</i> and <i>confirm</i> the cure, and
<i>ratify</i> to her that which she had <i>surreptitiously</i>
obtained. He needed not that any should inform him, for he had
presently his eye upon her. Note, As secret acts of sin, so secret
acts of faith, are known to the Lord Jesus, and are under his eye.
If believers derive virtue from Christ ever so closely, he knows
it, and is pleased with it. The poor woman, hereupon, presented
herself to the Lord Jesus (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.33" parsed="|Mark|5|33|0|0" passage="Mk 5:33"><i>v.</i>
33</scripRef>), <i>fearing and trembling,</i> not knowing how he
would take it. Note, Christ's patients are often trembling, when
they have reason to be triumphing. She might have come boldly,
<i>knowing what was done in her;</i> yet, <i>knowing that,</i> she
<i>fears</i> and <i>trembles.</i> It was a <i>surprise,</i> and was
not yet, as it should have been, a <i>pleasing</i> surprise.
However, she <i>fell down before him.</i> Note, There is nothing
better for those that fear and tremble, than to throw themselves at
the feet of the Lord Jesus; to humble themselves before him, and
refer themselves to him. And she <i>told him all the truth.</i>
Note, We must not be ashamed to own the secret transactions between
Christ and our souls; but, when called to it, mention, to his
praise, and the encouragement of others, what he has done for our
souls, and the experience we have had of <i>healing virtue</i>
derived from him. And the consideration of this, that nothing can
be hid from Christ, should engage us to confess all to him. See
what an encouraging word he gave her (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.34" parsed="|Mark|5|34|0|0" passage="Mk 5:34"><i>v.</i> 34</scripRef>); <i>Daughter, thy faith hath
made thee whole.</i> Note, Christ puts honour upon faith, because
faith gives honour to Christ. But see how <i>what is done by
faith</i> on earth is ratified in heaven; Christ saith, <i>Be whole
of thy disease.</i> Note, If our faith sets the seal of its
<i>amen</i> to the power and promise of God, saying, "So it is, and
so let it be to me;" God's grace will set the seal of its
<i>amen</i> to the prayers and hopes of faith, saying, "So be it,
and so it shall be, to thee." And therefore, "<i>Go in peace;</i>
be well satisfied that thy cure is honestly come by, is effectually
wrought, and take the comfort of it." Note, They that by faith are
healed of their spiritual diseases, have reason to <i>go in
</div><scripCom id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.35-Mark.5.43" parsed="|Mark|5|35|5|43" passage="Mr 5:35-43" type="Commentary"/><div class="Commentary" id="Bible:Mark.5.35-Mark.5.43">
<h4 id="">The Daughter of Jairus Restored to
<p class="passage" id="">35 While he yet spake, there came from the ruler
of the synagogue's <i>house certain</i> which said, Thy daughter is
dead: why troublest thou the Master any further?   36 As soon
as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of
the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe.   37 And he
suffered no man to follow him, save Peter, and James, and John the
brother of <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Jas.38" parsed="|Jas|38|0|0|0" passage="James. 38">James.   38</scripRef> And he cometh to the house of the ruler
of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and them that wept and
wailed greatly.   39 And when he was come in, he saith unto
them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but
sleepeth.   40 And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had
put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the
damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the
damsel was lying.   41 And he took the damsel by the hand, and
said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I
say unto thee, arise.   42 And straightway the damsel arose,
and walked; for she was <i>of the age</i> of twelve years. And they
were astonished with a great astonishment.   43 And he charged
them straitly that no man should know it; and commanded that
something should be given her to eat.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">Diseases and deaths came into the world by
the sin and disobedience of the first Adam; but by the grace of the
second Adam both are conquered. Christ, having healed an incurable
disease, here goes on to triumph over death, as in the beginning of
the chapter he had triumphed over an outrageous devil.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">I. The melancholy news is brought to
Jairus, that his <i>daughter is dead,</i> and therefore, if Christ
be as other physicians, he comes too late. While there is life,
there is hope, and room for the use of means; but when life is
gone, it is past recall; <i>Why troublest thou the Master any
further?</i> <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.35" parsed="|Mark|5|35|0|0" passage="Mk 5:35"><i>v.</i> 35</scripRef>.
Ordinarily, the proper thought in this case, is, "The matter is
determined, the will of God is done, and I submit, I acquiesce;
<i>The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away. While the child was
alive, I fasted and wept; for I said, Who can tell but God will yet
be gracious to me,</i> and <i>the child shall live?</i> But <i>now
that it is dead, wherefore should I weep?</i> I <i>shall go to it,
but it shall not return to me.</i>" With such words we should
<i>quiet ourselves</i> at such a time, that our souls may be <i>as
a child that is weaned from his mother:</i> but there the case was
extraordinary; the death of the child doth not, as usually, put an
end to the narrative.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">II. Christ encourageth the afflicted father
yet to hope that his application to Christ on the behalf of his
child should not be in vain. Christ had staid to work a cure by the
way, but he shall be no sufferer by that, nor loser by the gain of
others; <i>Be not afraid, only believe.</i> We may suppose Jairus
at a pause, whether he should ask Christ to go on or no; but have
we not as much occasion for the grace of God, and his consolations,
and consequently of the prayers of our ministers and Christian
friends, when death is in the house, as when sickness is? Christ
therefore soon determines this matter; "<i>Be not afraid</i> that
my coming will be to no purpose, only believe that I will make it
turn to a good account." Note, 1. We must not despair concerning
our relations that are dead, nor <i>sorrow</i> for them <i>as those
that have no hope.</i> See what is said to Rachel, who <i>refused
to be comforted concerning her children,</i> upon the presumption
that they <i>were not; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine
eyes from tears; for there is hope in thine end, that thy children
shall come again,</i> <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Jer.31.16-Jer.31.17" parsed="|Jer|31|16|31|17" passage="Jer 31:16,17">Jer. xxxi.
16, 17</scripRef>. Therefore fear not, faint not. 2. Faith is the
only remedy against disquieting grief and fear at such a time: let
that silence them, <i>Only believe.</i> Keep up a confidence in
Christ, and a dependence upon him, and he will do what is for the
best. Believe the resurrection, and then be not afraid.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">III. He went with a select company to the
house where the dead child was. He had, by the crowd that attended
him, given advantage to the poor woman he last healed, and, having
done that, now he shook off the crowd, and <i>suffered no man to
follow him</i> (to <i>follow with him,</i> so the word is), but his
three bosom-disciples, Peter, and James, and John; a competent
number to be witnesses of the miracle, but not such a number as
that his taking them with him might look like vainglory.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">IV. He raised the dead child to life; the
circumstances of the narrative here are much the same as we had
them in Matthew; only here we may observe,</p>
<p class="indent" id="">1. That the child was extremely well
beloved, for the relations and neighbours <i>wept and wailed
greatly.</i> It is very afflictive when that which is come forth
like a flower is so <i>soon cut down,</i> and withereth before it
is grown up; when that grieves us, of which we said, <i>This same
shall comfort us.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="">2. That it was evident beyond dispute, that
the child was really and truly dead. Their <i>laughing</i> Christ
to <i>scorn,</i> for saying, <i>She is not dead, but sleepeth,</i>
though highly reprehensible, serves for the proof of this.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">3. That Christ put those out as unworthy to
be witnesses of the miracle, who were noisy in their sorrow, and
were so ignorant in the things of God, as not to understand him
when he spoke of death as a <i>sleep,</i> or so scornful, as to
ridicule him for it.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">4. That he took the parents of the child to
be witnesses of the miracle, because in it he had an eye to
<i>their faith,</i> and designed it for <i>their</i> comfort, who
were the <i>true,</i> for they were the <i>silent</i> mourners.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">5. That Christ raised the child to life by
a word of power, which is recorded here, and recorded in Syriac,
the language in which Christ spoke, for the greater certainty of
the thing; <i>Talitha, cumi; Damsel, I say unto thee, Arise.</i>
Dr. Lightfoot saith, It was customary with the Jews, when they gave
physic to one that was <i>sick,</i> to say, <i>Arise from thy
disease;</i> meaning, <i>We wish</i> thou mayest arise: but to one
that was <i>dead,</i> Christ said, <i>Arise from the dead;</i>
meaning, <i>I command</i> that thou arise; nay, there is more in
it—the dead have not power to arise, therefore power goes along
with this word, to make it effectual. <i>Da quod jubes, et jube
quod vis—Give what thou commandest, and command what thou
wilt.</i> Christ works while he commands, and works by the command,
and therefore may command what he pleaseth, even the dead to arise.
Such is the gospel call to those that are by nature dead in
trespasses and sins, and can no more rise from that death by their
own power, than this child could; and yet that word, <i>Awake, and
arise from the dead,</i> is neither vain, nor in vain, when it
follows immediately, <i>Christ shall give thee light,</i> <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Eph.5.14" parsed="|Eph|5|14|0|0" passage="Eph 5:14">Eph. v. 14</scripRef>. It is by the word of
Christ that spiritual life is given, <i>I said unto thee, Live,</i>
<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Ezek.16.6" parsed="|Ezek|16|6|0|0" passage="Eze 16:6">Ezek. xvi. 6</scripRef>.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">6. That the damsel, as soon as life
returned, <i>arose, and walked,</i> <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Mark.5.42" parsed="|Mark|5|42|0|0" passage="Mk 5:42"><i>v.</i> 42</scripRef>. Spiritual life will appear by
our <i>rising</i> from the bed of sloth and carelessness, and our
<i>walking</i> in a religious conversation, our walking <i>up and
down</i> in Christ's name and strength; even from those that are
<i>of the age of twelve years,</i> it may be expected that they
should walk as those whom Christ has <i>raised to life,</i>
otherwise than in the native <i>vanity of their minds.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="">7. That all who saw it, and heard of it,
admired the miracle, and him that wrought it; <i>They were
astonished with a great astonishment.</i> They could not but
acknowledge that there was something in it extraordinary and very
great, and yet they knew not what to make of it, or to infer from
it. Their wonder should have worked forward to a lively faith, but
it rested in a <i>stupor</i> or <i>astonishment.</i></p>
<p class="indent" id="">8. That Christ endeavoured to conceal it;
<i>He charged them straitly, that no man should know it.</i> It was
sufficiently known to a competent number, but he would not have it
as yet <i>proclaimed</i> any further; because his own resurrection
was to be the great instance of his power over death, and therefore
the divulging of other instances must be reserved till that great
proof was given: let one part of the evidence be kept private, till
the other part, on which the main stress lies, be made ready.</p>
<p class="indent" id="">9. That Christ took care something should
be <i>given her to eat.</i> By this it appeared that she was raised
not only to life, but to a good state of health, that she had an
appetite to her meat; even the new-born babes in Christ's house
desire the sincere milk, <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:1Pet.2.1-1Pet.2.2" parsed="|1Pet|2|1|2|2" passage="1Pe 2:1,2">1 Pet. ii.
1, 2</scripRef>. And it is observable, that, as Christ, when at
first he had made man, presently provided food for him, and food
out of the earth of which he was made (<scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Gen.1.29" parsed="|Gen|1|29|0|0" passage="Ge 1:29">Gen. i. 29</scripRef>), so now when he had given a new
life, he took care that something should be given to eat; for is he
has given <i>life,</i> he may be trusted to give <i>livelihood,</i>
because <i>the life is more than meat,</i> <scripRef id="" osisRef="Bible:Matt.6.25" parsed="|Matt|6|25|0|0" passage="Mt 6:25">Matt. vi. 25</scripRef>. Where Christ hath given
<i>spiritual life,</i> he will provide food for the support and
nourishment of it unto life eternal, for he will <i>never
forsake,</i> or be wanting to, the <i>work of his own