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<p>Boaz now sees his way clear, and therefore delays not to perform his promise made to Ruth that he would do the kinsmans part, but in the gate of the city, before the elders and all the people, publishes a marriage-contract between himself and Ruth the Moabitess, and therewith the purchase of all the estate that belonged to the family of Elimelech. If he had not been (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.2.1" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.2.1">Ruth 2:1</a>) <i>a mighty man of wealth</i>, he could not have compassed this redemption, nor done this service to his kinsmans family. What is a great estate good for, but that it enables a man to do so much the more good in his generation, and especially to those of his own household, if he have but a heart to use it so! Now concerning this marriage it appears,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. That it was solemnized, or at least published, before many witnesses, <a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.9,Ruth.4.10" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.4.9,Ruth.4.10"><span class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.9">Ruth 4:9</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.10">10</span></a>. “You are witnesses,” 1. “That I have bought the estate. Whoever has it, or any part of it, mortgaged to him, let him come to me and he shall have his money, according to the value of the land,” which was computed by the number of years to the year of jubilee (<a class="bibleref" title="Lev.25.15" href="/passage/?search=Lev.25.15">Lev. 25:15</a>), when it would have returned of course to Elimelechs family. The more public the sales of estates are the better they are guarded against frauds. 2. “That I have purchased the widow to be my wife.” He had no portion with her; what jointure she had was encumbered, and he could not have it without giving as much for it as it was worth, and therefore he might well say he purchased her; and yet, being a virtuous woman, he reckoned he had a good bargain. <i>House and riches are the inheritance of fathers</i>, but a prudent wife is more valuable, is from the Lord as a special gift. He designed, in marrying her, to preserve the memory of the dead, that the name of Mahlon, though he left no son to bear it up, might not be cut off from the gate of his place, but by this means might be preserved, that it should be inserted in the public register that Boaz married Ruth the widow of Mahlon, the son of Elimelech, which posterity, whenever they had occasion to consult the register, would take particular notice of. And this history, being preserved for the sake of that marriage and the issue of it, proved an effectual means to perpetuate the name of Mahlon, even beyond the thought or intention of Boaz, to the worlds end. And observe that because Boaz did this honour to the dead, as well as this kindness to the living, God did him the honour to bring him into the genealogy of the Messiah, by which his family was dignified above all the families of Israel; while the other kinsman, that was so much afraid of diminishing himself, and marring his inheritance, by marrying the widow, has his name, family, and inheritance, buried in oblivion and disgrace. A tender and generous concern for the honour of the dead and the comfort of poor widows and strangers, neither of which can return the kindness (<a class="bibleref" title="Luke.14.14" href="/passage/?search=Luke.14.14">Luke 14:14</a>), is sure what God will be well pleased with and will surely recompense. Our Lord Jesus is our <i>Goel</i>, our <i>Redeemer</i>, our everlasting Redeemer. He looked, like Boaz, with compassion on the deplorable state of fallen mankind. At a vast expense he redeemed the heavenly inheritance for us, which by sin was mortgaged, and forfeited into the hands of divine justice, and which we should never have been able to redeem. He likewise purchased a peculiar people, whom he would espouse to himself, though strangers and foreigners, like Ruth, poor and despised, that the name of that dead and buried race might not be cut off for ever. He ventured the marring of his own inheritance, to do this, for, <i>though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor</i>; but he was abundantly recompensed for it by his Father, who, because he thus humbled himself, hath <i>highly exalted him, and given him a name above every name</i>. Let us own our obligations to him, make sure our contract with him, and study all our days how to do him honour. Boaz, by making a public declaration of this marriage and purchase, not only secured his title against all pretenders, as it were by a fine with proclamations, but put honour upon Ruth, showed that he was not ashamed of her, and her parentage and poverty, and left a testimony against clandestine marriages. It is only that which is evil that hates the light and comes not to it. Boaz called witnesses to what he did, for it was what he could justify, and would never disown; and such regard was then had, even to the contemned crowd, that not only the elders, but all the people that were in the gate, passing and re-passing, were appealed to (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.9" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.4.9">Ruth 4:9</a>), and hearkened to (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.11" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.4.11">Ruth 4:11</a>) when they said, <i>We are witnesses</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. That it was attended with many prayers. The elders and all the people, when they witnessed to it, wished well to it, and blessed it, <a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.11,Ruth.4.12" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.4.11,Ruth.4.12"><span class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.11">Ruth 4:11</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.12">12</span></a>. Ruth, it should seem, was now sent for; for they speak of her (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.4.12" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.4.12">Ruth 4:12</a>) as present: <i>This young woman</i>; and, he having taken her to wife, they look upon her as already come into his house. And very heartily they pray for the new-married couple.</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. The senior elder, it is likely, made this prayer, and the rest of the elders, with the people, joined in it, and therefore it is spoken of as made by them all; for in public prayers, though but one speaks, we must all pray. Observe, (1.) Marriages ought to be blessed, and accompanied with prayer, because every creature and every condition are that to us, and no more, that God makes them to be. It is civil and friendly to wish all happiness to those who enter into that condition; and what good we desire we should pray for from the fountain of all good. The minister who gives himself to the word and prayer, as he is the fittest person to exhort, so he is the fittest to bless and pray for those that enter into this relation. (2.) We ought to desire and pray for the welfare and prosperity one of another, so far from envying or grieving at it.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. Now here, (1.) They prayed for Ruth: <i>The Lord make the woman that has come into thy house like Rachel and Leah</i>, that is, “God make her a good wife and a fruitful mother.” Ruth was a virtuous woman, and yet needed the prayers of her friends, that by the grace of God she might be made a blessing to the family she had come into. They prayed that she might be like Rachel and Leah, rather than like Sarah and Rebekah, for Sarah had but one son, and Rebekah but one that was in covenant, the other was Esau, who was rejected; but Rachel and Leah did <i>build up the house of Israel</i>: all their children were in the church, and their offspring was numerous. “May she be a flourishing, fruitful, faithful <i>vine by thy house side</i>.” (2.) They prayed for Boaz, that he might continue to do worthily in the city to which he was an ornament, and might there be more and more famous. They desired that the wife might be a blessing in the private affairs of the house, and the husband a blessing in the public business of the town, that she in her place, and he in his, might be wise, virtuous, and successful. Observe, The way to be famous is to do worthily. Great reputation must be obtained by great merits. It is not enough not to do unworthily, to be harmless and inoffensive, but we must do worthily, be useful and serviceable to our generation. Those that would be truly illustrious must in their places shine as lights. (3.) They prayed for the family: “<i>Let thy house be like the house of Pharez</i>,” that is, “let it be very numerous, let it greatly increase and multiply, as the house of Pharez did.” The Bethlehemites were of the house of Pharez, and knew very well how numerous it was; in the distribution of the tribes, that grandson of Jacob had the honour which none of the rest had but Manasseh and Ephraim, that his posterity was subdivided into two distinct families, Hezron and Hamul, <a class="bibleref" title="Num.26.21" href="/passage/?search=Num.26.21">Num. 26:21</a>. Now they prayed that the family of Boaz, which was one branch of that stock, might in process of time become as numerous and great as the whole stock now was.</p>