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<p>Here is, I. Boazs good management of his common affairs. It is probable, according to the common usage, 1. When his servants winnowed, he was with them, and had his eye upon them, to prevent, not their stealing any of his corn (he had no reason to fear that), but their waste of it through carelessness in the winnowing of it. Masters may sustain great losses by servants that are heedless, though they be honest, which is a reason why men should be diligent to <i>know the state of their own flocks</i>, and look well to them. 2. When he had more than ordinary work to be done, he treated his servants with extraordinary entertainments, and, for their encouragement, did <i>eat and drink with them</i>. It well becomes those that are rich and great to be generous to, and also to be familiar with, those that are under them, and employed for them. 3. When Boaz had supped with his workmen, and been awhile pleasant with them, he <i>went to bed in due time</i>, so early that by midnight he had his first sleep (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.3.8" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.3.8">Ruth 3:8</a>), and thus he would be fit for his business betimes next morning. All that are good husbands will keep good hours, and not indulge themselves nor their families in unseasonable mirth. The Chaldee paraphrase tell us (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.3.7" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.3.7">Ruth 3:7</a>) that <i>Boaz ate and drank and his heart was good</i> (and so the Hebrew word is), <i>and he blessed the name of the Lord, who had heard his prayers, and taken away the famine from the land of Israel</i>. So that he went sober to bed, his heart was in a good frame, and not overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness. And he did not go to bed without prayer. Now that he had eaten and was full he blessed the Lord, and now that he was going to rest he committed himself to the divine protection; it was well he did, for he had an unusual temptation before him, though he knew not of it. 4. He had his bed or couch laid <i>at the end of the heap of corn</i>; not because he had set his heart upon it, nor only that he might watch and keep it safe from thieves, but it was too late to go home to the city, and here he would be near his work, and ready for it next morning, and he would show that he was not nice or curious in his lodging, neither took state nor consulted his ease, but was, like his father Jacob, a plain man, that, when there was occasion, could make his bed in a barn, and, if need were, sleep contentedly in the straw.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. Ruths good assurance in the management of her affair. She observed her mothers orders, went and laid herself down, not by his side, but overcross his beds feet, in her clothes, and kept awake, waiting for an opportunity to tell her errand. When he awaked in the night, and perceived there was somebody at his feet, and enquired who it was, she told him her name and then her errand (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.3.9" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.3.9">Ruth 3:9</a>), that she came to put herself under his protection, as the person appointed by the divine law to be her protector: “<i>Thou art he that has a right to redeem</i> a family and an estate from perishing, and therefore <i>let this ruin be under thy hand</i>: and <i>spread thy skirt over me</i>—be pleased to espouse me and my cause.” Thus must we by faith apply ourselves to Jesus Christ as our next kinsman, that is able to redeem us, come under his wings, as we are invited (<a class="bibleref" title="Matt.23.37" href="/passage/?search=Matt.23.37">Matt. 23:37</a>), and beg of him to <i>spread his skirt over us</i>. “Lord Jesus, take me into thy covenant and under thy care. <i>I am oppressed, undertake for me</i>.”</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. The good acceptance Ruth gained with Boaz. What she did had no ill-effect, either one way or other, so that Naomi was not mistaken in her good opinion of her kinsman. He knew her demand was just and honourable, and treated her accordingly, and did not <i>deal with</i> his <i>sister as with a harlot</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.34.31" href="/passage/?search=Gen.34.31">Gen. 34:31</a>. For,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. He did not offer to violate her chastity, though he had all the opportunity that could be. The Chaldee paraphrase thus descants upon it:—He <i>subdued his concupiscence, and did not approach to her, but did as Joseph the Just, who would not come near to his Egyptian mistress, and as Phaltiel the Pious, who, when Saul had given him Michal, Davids wife</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.25.44" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.25.44">1 Sam. 25:44</a>), <i>put a sword between himself and her, that he might not touch her</i>. Boaz knew it was not any sinful lust that brought her thither, and therefore bravely maintained both his own honour and hers.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. He did not put any ill construction upon what she did, did not reproach her as an impudent woman and unfit to make an honest man a wife. She having approved herself well in the fields, and all her conduct having been modest and decent, he would not, from this instance, entertain the least suspicion of her character nor seem to do so, perhaps blaming himself that he had not offered the service of a kinsman to these distressed widows, and saved her this trouble, and ready to say as Judah concerning his daughter-in-law, <i>She is more righteous than I</i>. But on the contrary,</p>
<p class="tab-1">(1.) He commended her, spoke kindly to her, called her his <i>daughter</i>, and spoke honourably of her, as a woman of eminent virtue. She had shown in this instance more kindness to her mother-in-law, and to the family into which she had matched, than in any instance yet. It was very kind to leave her own country and come along with her mother to the land of Israel, to dwell with her, and help to maintain her. For this he had blessed her (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.2.12" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.2.12">Ruth 2:12</a>); but now he says, Thou hast <i>shown more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.3.10" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.3.10">Ruth 3:10</a>), in that she consulted not her own fancy, but her husbands family, in marrying again. She received not the addresses of <i>young men</i> (much less did she seek them) <i>whether poor or rich</i>, but was willing to marry as the divine law directed, though it was to an old man, because it was for the honour and interest of the family into which she had matched, and for which she had an entire kindness. Young people must aim, in disposing of themselves, not so much to please their own eye as to please God and their parents.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(2.) He promised her marriage (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.3.11" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.3.11">Ruth 3:11</a>): “<i>Fear not</i> that I will slight thee, or expose thee; no, <i>I will do all that thou requirest</i>, for it is the same that the law requires, from the next of kin, and I have no reason to decline it, <i>for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman</i>,” <a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.3.11" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.3.11">Ruth 3:11</a>. Note, [1.] Exemplary virtue ought to have its due praise (<a class="bibleref" title="Phil.4.8" href="/passage/?search=Phil.4.8">Phil. 4:8</a>), and it will recommend both men and women to the esteem of the wisest and best. Ruth was a poor woman, and poverty often obscures the lustre of virtue; yet Ruths virtues, even in a mean condition, were generally taken notice of and could not be hid; nay, her virtues took away the reproach of her poverty. If poor people be but good people, they shall have honour from God and man. Ruth had been remarkable for her humility, which paved the way to this honour. The less she proclaimed her own goodness the more did her neighbours take notice of it. [2.] In the choice of yoke-fellows, virtue should especially be regarded, known approved virtue. Let religion determine the choice, and it will certainly crown the choice and make it comfortable. <i>Wisdom is better than gold</i>, and, when it is said to be <i>good with an inheritance</i>, the meaning is that an inheritance is worth little without it.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(3.) He made his promise conditional, and could not do otherwise, for it seems there was a kinsman that was nearer than he, to whom the right of redemption did belong, <a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.3.12" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.3.12">Ruth 3:12</a>. This he knew, but we may reasonably suppose Naomi (who had been long abroad, and could not be exact in the pedigree of her husbands family) was ignorant of it, otherwise she would never have sent her daughter to make her claim of Boaz. Yet he does not bid her go herself to this other kinsman; this would have been to put too great a hardship upon her: but he promises, [1.] That he would himself propose it to the other kinsman, and know his mind. The Hebrew word for a widow signifies <i>one that is dumb</i>. Boaz will therefore <i>open his mouth for the dumb</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Prov.31.8" href="/passage/?search=Prov.31.8">Prov. 31:8</a>), and will say that for this widow which she knew not how to say for herself. [2.] That, if the other kinsman refused to do the kinsmans part, he would do it, would marry the widow, redeem the land, and so repair the family. This promise he backs with a solemn oath, for it was a conditional contract of marriage (<a class="bibleref" title="Ruth.3.13" href="/passage/?search=Ruth.3.13">Ruth 3:13</a>): <i>As the Lord liveth</i>. Thus keeping the matter in suspense, he bade her wait till morning. Bishop Hall thus sums up this matter in his contemplations:—“Boaz, instead of touching her as a wanton, blesseth her as a father, encourageth her as a friend, promiseth her as a kinsman, rewards her as a patron, and sends her away laden with hopes and gifts, no less chaste, more happy, than she came. O admirable temperance, worthy the progenitor of him in whose lips and heart there was no guile!”</p>