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<p>St. Paul here declares his purpose to come and see the Christians at Rome. Upon this head his matter is but common and ordinary, appointing a visit to his friends; but the manner of his expression is gracious and savoury, very instructive, and for our imitation. We should learn by it to speak of our common affairs in the language of Canaan. Even our common discourse should have an air of grace; by this it will appear what country we belong to. It should seem that Pauls company was very much desired at Rome. He was a man that had as many friends and as many enemies as most men ever had: he passed through evil report and good report. No doubt they had heard much of him at Rome, and longed to see him. Should the apostle of the Gentiles be a stranger at Rome, the metropolis of the Gentile world? Why as to this he excuses it that he had not come yet, he promises to come shortly, and gives a good reason why he could not come now.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. He excuses it that he never came yet. Observe how careful Paul was to keep in with his friends, and to prevent or anticipate any exceptions against him; not as one that lorded it over Gods heritage. 1. He assures them that he had a great desire to see them; not to see Rome, though it was now in its greatest pomp and splendour, nor to see the emperors court, nor to converse with the philosophers and learned men that were then at Rome, though such conversation must needs be very desirable to so great a scholar as Paul was, but <i>to come unto you</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Rom.15.3" href="/passage/?search=Rom.15.3">Rom. 15:3</a>), a company of poor despised saints in Rome, hated of the world, but loving God, and beloved of him. These were the men that Paul was ambitious of an acquaintance with at Rome; they were the excellent ones in whom he delighted, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.16.3" href="/passage/?search=Ps.16.3">Ps. 16:3</a>. And he had a special desire to see them, because of the great character they had in all the churches for faith and holiness; they were men that excelled in virtue, and therefore Paul was so desirous to come to them. This desire Paul had had for many years, and yet could never compass it. The providence of God wisely overrules the purposes and desires of men. Gods dearest servants are not always gratified in every thing that they have a mind to. Yet all that delight in God have the desire of their heart fulfilled (<a class="bibleref" title="Ps.37.4" href="/passage/?search=Ps.37.4">Ps. 37:4</a>), though all the desires in their heart be not humoured. 2. He tells them that the reason why he could not come to them was because he had so much work cut out for him elsewhere. <i>For which cause</i>, that is, because of his labours in other countries, he was so much <i>hindered</i>. God had opened a wide door for him in other places, and so turned him aside. Observe in this, (1.) The gracious providence of God conversant in a special manner about his ministers, casting their lot, not according to their contrivance, but according to his own purpose. Paul was several times crossed in his intentions; sometimes hindered by Satan (as <a class="bibleref" title="1Thess.2.18" href="/passage/?search=1Thess.2.18">1 Thess. 2:18</a>), sometimes forbidden by the Spirit (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.16.7" href="/passage/?search=Acts.16.7">Acts 16:7</a>), and here diverted by other work. Man purposes but God disposes, <a class="bibleref" title="Prov.16.9,Prov.19.21,Jer.10.23" href="/passage/?search=Prov.16.9,Prov.19.21,Jer.10.23"><span class="bibleref" title="Prov.16.9">Prov. 16:9</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Prov.19.21">19:21</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Jer.10.23">Jer. 10:23</span></a>. Ministers purpose, and their friends purpose concerning them, but God overrules both, and orders the journeys, removals, and settlements, of his faithful ministers as he pleases. The stars are in the right hand of Christ, to shine where he sets them. The gospel does not come by chance to any place, but by the will and counsel of God. (2.) The gracious prudence of Paul, in bestowing his time and pains where there was most need. Had Paul consulted his own ease, wealth, and honour, the greatness of the word would never have hindered him from seeing Rome, but would rather have driven him thither, where he might have had more preferment and taken less pains. But Paul sought the things of Christ more than his own things, and therefore would not leave his work of planting churches, no, not for a time, to go and see Rome. The Romans were whole, and needed not the physician as other poor places that were sick and dying. While men and women were every day dropping into eternity, and their precious souls perishing for lack of vision, it was no time for Paul to trifle. There was now a gale of opportunity, the fields were white unto the harvest; such a season slipped might never be retrieved; the necessities of poor souls were pressing, and called aloud, and therefore Paul must be busy. It concerns us all to do that first which is most needful. True grace teaches us to prefer that which is necessary before that which is unnecessary, <a class="bibleref" title="Luke.10.41,Luke.10.42" href="/passage/?search=Luke.10.41,Luke.10.42"><span class="bibleref" title="Luke.10.41">Luke 10:41</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Luke.10.42">42</span></a>. And Christian prudence teaches us to prefer that which is more necessary before that which is less so. This Paul mentions as a sufficient satisfying reason. We must not take it ill of our friends if they prefer necessary work, which is pleasing to God, before unnecessary visits and compliments, which may be pleasing to us. In this, as in other things, we must deny ourselves.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. He promised to come and see them shortly, <a class="bibleref" title="Rom.15.23,Rom.15.24,Rom.15.29" href="/passage/?search=Rom.15.23,Rom.15.24,Rom.15.29"><span class="bibleref" title="Rom.15.23">Rom. 15:23</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Rom.15.24">24</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Rom.15.29">29</span></a>. <i>Having no more place in these parts</i>, namely, in Greece, where he then was. The whole of that country being more or less leavened with the savour of the gospel, churches being planted in the most considerable towns and pastors settled to carry on the work which Paul had begun, he had little more to do there. He had driven the chariot of the gospel to the sea-coast, and having thus conquered Greece he is ready to wish there were another Greece to conquer. Paul was one that went through with his work, and yet then did not think of taking his ease, but set himself to contrive more work, to devise liberal things. Here was a workman that needed not to be ashamed. Observe,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. How he forecasted his intended visit. His project was to see them in his way to Spain. It appears by this that Paul intended a journey into Spain, to plant Christianity there. The difficulty and peril of the work, the distance of the place, the danger of the voyage, the other good works (though less needful, he thinks) which Paul might find to do in other places, did not quench the flame of his holy zeal for the propagating of the gospel, which did even eat him up, and make him forget himself. But it is not certain whether ever he fulfilled his purpose, and went to Spain. Many of the best expositors think he did not, but was hindered in this as he was in others of his purposes. He did indeed come to Rome, but he was brought thither a prisoner, and there was detained two years; and whither he went after is uncertain: but several of his epistles which he wrote in prison intimate his purpose to go eastward, and not towards Spain. However, Paul, forasmuch as it was in thine heart to bring the light of the gospel into Spain, thou didst well, in that it was in thine heart; as God said to David, <a class="bibleref" title="2Chr.6.8" href="/passage/?search=2Chr.6.8">2 Chron. 6:8</a>. The grace of God often with favour accepts the sincere intention, when the providence of God in wisdom prohibits the execution. And do not we serve a good Master then? <a class="bibleref" title="2Cor.8.12" href="/passage/?search=2Cor.8.12">2 Cor. 8:12</a>. Now, in his way to Spain he proposed to come to them. Observe his prudence. It is wisdom for every one of us to order our affairs so that we may do the most work in the least time. Observe how doubtfully he speaks: <i>I trust to see you</i>: not, “I am resolved I will,” but, “I hope I shall.” We must purpose all our purposes and make all our promises in like manner with a submission to the divine providence; not boasting ourselves of to-morrow, because we know not what a day may bring forth, <a class="bibleref" title="Prov.27.1,Jas.4.13-Jas.4.15" href="/passage/?search=Prov.27.1,Jas.4.13-Jas.4.15"><span class="bibleref" title="Prov.27.1">Prov. 27:1</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Jas.4.13-Jas.4.15">Jas. 4:13-15</span></a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. What he expected in his intended visit. (1.) What he expected from them. He expected they would bring him on his way towards Spain. It was not a stately attendance, such as princes have but a loving attendance, such as friends give, that Paul expected. Spain was then a province of the empire, well known to the Romans, who had a great correspondence with it, and therefore they might be helpful to Paul in his voyage thither; and it was not barely their accompanying him part of the way, but their furthering him in his expedition, that he counted upon: not only out of their respect to Paul, but out of respect to the souls of those poor Spaniards that Paul was going to preach to. It is justly expected from all Christians that they should lay out themselves for the promoting and furthering of every good work, especially that blessed work of the conversion of souls, which they should contrive to make as easy as may be to their ministers, and as successful as may be to poor souls. (2.) What he expected in them: to <i>be somewhat filled with their company</i>. That which Paul desired was their company and conversation. The good company of the saints is very desirable and delightful. Paul was himself a man of great attainments in knowledge and grace, taller by head and shoulders than other Christians in these things, and yet see how he pleased himself with the thoughts of good company; for as iron sharpens iron so does a man the countenance of his friend. He intimates that he intended to make some stay with them, for he would be filled with their company; not just look at them, and away: and yet he thinks their converse so pleasant that he should never have enough of it; it is but somewhat filled, he thought he should leave them with a desire of more of their company. Christian society, rightly managed and improved, is a heaven upon earth, a comfortable earnest of our gathering together unto Christ at the great day. Yet observe, It is but somewhat filled, <b><i>apo merous</i></b><i>in part</i>. The satisfaction we have in communion with the saints in this world is but partial; we are but somewhat filled. It is partial compared with our communion with Christ; that, and that only, will completely satisfy, that will fill the soul. It is partial compared with the communion we hope to have with the saints in the other world. When we shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, with all the saints, and none but saints, and saints made perfect, we shall have enough of that society, and be quite filled with that company. (3.) What he expected from God with them, <a class="bibleref" title="Rom.15.29" href="/passage/?search=Rom.15.29">Rom. 15:29</a>. He expected to come <i>in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ</i>. Observe, Concerning what he <i>expected</i> from <i>them</i> he speaks doubtfully: <i>I trust to be brought on my way, and to be filled with your company</i>. Paul had learnt not to be too confident of the best. These very men slipped from him afterwards, when he had occasion to use them (<a class="bibleref" title="2Tim.4.16" href="/passage/?search=2Tim.4.16">2 Tim. 4:16</a>), <i>At my first answer, no man stood by me</i>; none of the Christians at Rome. The Lord teach us to cease from man. But concerning what he expected from God he speaks confidently. It was uncertain whether he should come or no, but <i>I am sure when I do come I shall come in the fulness</i>, etc. We cannot expect too little from man, nor too much from God. Now Paul expected that God would bring him to them, loaded with blessings, so that he should be an instrument of doing a great deal of good among them, and fill them with the blessings of the gospel. Compare <a class="bibleref" title="Rom.1.11" href="/passage/?search=Rom.1.11">Rom. 1:11</a>; <i>That I may impart unto you some spiritual gift</i>. The blessing of the gospel of Christ is the best and most desirable blessing. When Paul would raise their expectation of something great and good in his coming, he directs them to hope for the blessings of the gospel, spiritual blessings, knowledge, and grace, and comfort. There is then a happy meeting between people and ministers, when they are both under the fulness of the blessing. The blessing of the gospel is the treasure which we have in earthen vessels. When ministers are fully prepared to give out, and people fully prepared to receive, this blessing, both are happy. Many have the gospel who have not the blessing of the gospel, and so they have it in vain. The gospel will not profit, unless God bless it to us; and it is our duty to wait upon him for that blessing, and for the fulness of it.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. He gives them a good reason why he could not come and see them now, because he had other business upon his hands, which required his attendance, upon which he must first make a journey to Jerusalem, <a class="bibleref" title="Rom.15.25-Rom.15.28" href="/passage/?search=Rom.15.25-Rom.15.28">Rom. 15:25-28</a>. He gives a particular account of it, to show that the excuse was real. He was going to Jerusalem, as the messenger of the churchs charity to the poor saints there. Observe what he says,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. Concerning this charity itself. And he speaks of that upon this occasion probably to excite the Roman Christians to do the like, according to their ability. Examples are moving, and Paul was very ingenious at begging, not for himself, but for others. Observe, (1.) For whom it was intended: <i>For the poor saints which are at Jerusalem</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Rom.15.26" href="/passage/?search=Rom.15.26">Rom. 15:26</a>. It is no strange thing for saints to be poor. Those whom God favours the world often frowns upon; therefore riches are not the best things, nor is poverty a curse. It seems, the saints at Jerusalem were poorer than other saints, either because the wealth of that people in general was now declining, as their utter ruin was hastening on (and, to be sure, if any must be kept poor, the saints must), or because the famine that was over all the world in the days of Claudius Caesar did in a special manner prevail in Judea, a dry country; and, God having called the poor of this world, the Christians smarted most by it. This was the occasion of that contribution mentioned <a class="bibleref" title="Acts.11.28-Acts.11.30" href="/passage/?search=Acts.11.28-Acts.11.30">Acts 11:28-30</a>. Or, because the saints at Jerusalem suffered most by persecution; for of all people the unbelieving Jews were most inveterate in their rage and malice against the Christians, wrath having come upon them to the uttermost, <a class="bibleref" title="1Thess.2.16" href="/passage/?search=1Thess.2.16">1 Thess. 2:16</a>. The Christian Hebrews are particularly noted too as having had their good spoiled (<a class="bibleref" title="Heb.10.34" href="/passage/?search=Heb.10.34">Heb. 10:34</a>), in consideration of which this contribution was made for them. Though the saints at Jerusalem were at a great distance form them, yet they thus extended their bounty and liberality to them, to teach us as we have ability, and as there is occasion, to stretch out the hand of our charity to all that are of the household of faith, though in places distant from us. Though in personal instances of poverty every church should take care to maintain their own poor (for such poor we have always with us), yet sometimes, when more public instances of poverty are presented as objects of our charity, though a great way off from us, we must extend our bounty, as the sun his beams; and, with the virtuous woman, <i>stretch out our hands to the poor, and reach forth our hands to the needy</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Prov.31.20" href="/passage/?search=Prov.31.20">Prov. 31:20</a>. (2.) By whom it was collected: <i>By those of Macedonia</i> (the chief of whom were the Philippians) <i>and Achaia</i> (the chief of whom were the Corinthians), two flourishing churches, though yet in their infancy, newly converted to Christianity. And I wish the observation did not hold that people are commonly more liberal at their first acquaintance with the gospel than they are afterwards, that, as well as other instances of the first love and the love of the espousals, being apt to cool and decay after a while. It seems those of Macedonia and Achaia were rich and wealthy, while those at Jerusalem were poor and needy, Infinite Wisdom ordering it so that some should have what others want, and so this mutual dependence of Christians one upon another might be maintained.—<i>It pleased them</i>. This intimates how ready they were to it—they were not pressed nor constrained to it, but they did it of their own accord; and how cheerful they were in it—they took a pleasure in doing good; and God loves a cheerful giver.—<i>To make a certain contribution</i>; <b><i>koinonian tina</i></b><i>a communication</i>, in token of the communion of saints, and their fellow-membership, as in the natural body one member communicates to the relief, and succour, and preservation of another, as there is occasion. Every thing that passes between Christians should be a proof and instance of that common union which they have one with another in Jesus Christ. Time was when the saints at Jerusalem were on the giving hand, and very liberal they were, when they laid their estates at the apostles feet for charitable uses, and took special care that the Grecian widows should not be neglected in the daily ministration, <a class="bibleref" title="Acts.6.1" href="/passage/?search=Acts.6.1">Acts 6:1</a> And now that the providence of God had turned the scale, and made them necessitous, they found the Grecians kind to them; for the merciful shall obtain mercy. We should give a portion to seven, and also to eight, because we know not what evil may be on the earth, which may make us glad to be beholden to others. (3.) What reason there was for it (<a class="bibleref" title="Rom.15.27" href="/passage/?search=Rom.15.27">Rom. 15:27</a>): <i>And their debtors they are</i>. Alms are called righteousness, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.112.9" href="/passage/?search=Ps.112.9">Ps. 112:9</a>. Being but stewards of what we have, we owe it where our great Master (by the calls of providence, concurring with the precepts of the word) orders us to dispose of it: but here there was a special debt owing; the Gentiles were greatly beholden to the Jews, and were bound in gratitude to be very kind to them. From the stock of Israel came Christ himself, according to the flesh, who is the light to enlighten the Gentiles; out of the same stock came the prophets, and apostles, and first preachers of the gospel. The Jews, having had the lively oracles committed to them, were the Christians library-keepers—<i>out of Zion went forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem</i>; their political church-state was dissolved, and they were cut off, that the Gentiles might be admitted in. Thus did the Gentiles partake of their spiritual things, and receive the gospel of salvation as it were at second-hand from the Jews; and therefore <i>their duty is</i>, they are bound in gratitude to <i>minister unto them in carnal things</i>: it is the least they can do: <b><i>leitourgesai</i></b><i>to minister as unto God in holy things</i>; so the word signifies. A conscientious regard to God in works of charity and almsgiving makes them an acceptable service and sacrifice to God, and fruit abounding to a good account. Paul mentions this, probably, as the argument he had used with them to persuade them to it, and it is an argument of equal cogency to other Gentile churches.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. Concerning Pauls agency in this business. He could himself contribute nothing; silver and gold he had none, but lived upon the kindness of his friends; yet he <i>ministered unto the saints</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Rom.15.25" href="/passage/?search=Rom.15.25">Rom. 15:25</a>) by stirring up others, receiving what was gathered, and transmitting it to Jerusalem. Many good works of that kind stand at a stay for want of some one active person to lead in them, and to set the wheels a going. Pauls labour in this work is not to be interpreted as any neglect of his preaching-work, nor did Paul leave the word of God, to serve tables; for, besides this, Paul had other business in this journey, to visit and confirm the churches, and took this by the bye; this was indeed a part of the trust committed to him, in which he was concerned to approve himself faithful (<a class="bibleref" title="Gal.2.10" href="/passage/?search=Gal.2.10">Gal. 2:10</a>): <i>They would that we should remember the poor</i>. Paul was one that laid out himself to do good every way, like his Master, to the bodies as well as to the souls of people. Ministering to the saints is good work, and is not below the greatest apostles. This Paul had undertaken, and therefore he resolves to go through with it, before he fell upon other work (<a class="bibleref" title="Rom.15.28" href="/passage/?search=Rom.15.28">Rom. 15:28</a>): <i>When I have sealed to them this fruit</i>. He calls the alms <i>fruit</i>, for it is one of the fruits of righteousness; it sprang from a root of grace in the givers, and redounded to the benefit and comfort of the receivers. And his sealing it intimates his great care about it, that what was given might be kept entire, and not embezzled, but disposed of according to the design of the givers. Paul was very solicitous to approve himself faithful in the management of this matter: an excellent pattern for ministers to write after, that the ministry may in nothing be blamed.</p>