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<p>We have now come to the conclusion of the whole, and that in three things:—</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. Christs farewell to his church. He seems now, after he has been discovering these things to his people on earth, to take leave of them, and return to heaven; but he parts with them in great kindness, and assures them it shall not be long before he comes again to them: <i>Behold, I come quickly</i>. As when he ascended into heaven, after his resurrection, he parted with a promise of his gracious presence, so here he parts with a promise of a speedy return. If any say, “Where is the promise of his coming, when so many ages have passed since this was written?” let them know he is not slack to his people, but long-suffering to his enemies: his coming will be sooner than they are aware, sooner than they are prepared, sooner than they desire; and to his people it will be seasonable. The vision is for an appointed time, and will not tarry. <i>He will come quickly</i>; let this word be always sounding in our ear, and let us give all diligence that we may be found of him in peace, <i>without spot and blameless</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The churchs hearty echo to Christs promise, 1. Declaring her firm belief of it: <i>Amen, so it is</i>, so it shall be. 2. Expressing her earnest desire of it: <i>Even so, come, Lord Jesus; make hast, my beloved, and be thou like a roe, or like a young hart on the mountain of spices</i>. Thus beats the pulse of the church, thus breathes that gracious Spirit which actuates and informs the mystical body of Christ; and we should never be satisfied till we find such a spirit breathing in us, and causing us to <i>look for the blessed hope, and glorious appearance of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ</i>. This is the language of the church of the first-born, and we should join with them, often putting ourselves in mind of his promise. What comes from heaven in a promise should be sent back to heaven in a prayer, “<i>Come, Lord Jesus</i>, put an end to this state of sin, sorrow, and temptation; gather thy people out of this present evil world, and take them up to heaven, that state of perfect purity, peace, and joy, and so finish thy great design, and fulfil all that word in which thou hast caused thy people to hope.”</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. The apostolical benediction, which closes the whole: <i>The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen</i>. Here observe, 1. The Bible ends with a clear proof of the Godhead of Christ, since the Spirit of God teaches the apostle to bless his people in the name of Christ, and to beg from Christ a blessing for them, which is a proper act of adoration. 2. Nothing should be more desired by us than that the grace of Christ may be with us in this world, to prepare us for the glory of Christ in the other world. It is by his grace that we must be kept in a joyful expectation of his glory, fitted for it, and preserved to it; and his glorious appearance will be welcome and joyful to those that are partakers of his grace and favour here; and therefore to this most comprehensive prayer we should all add our hearty <i>Amen</i>, most earnestly thirsting after greater measures of the gracious influences of the blessed Jesus in our souls, and his gracious presence with us, till glory has perfected all his grace towards us, for he is a sun and a shield, <i>he gives grace and glory, and no good thing will he withhold from those that walk uprightly</i>.</p>