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<p>Observe, I. That those who will make anything to purpose of their religion must first make it their serious and deliberate choice; so David did: <i>I have chosen the way of truth</i>. Note, 1. The way of serious godliness is the way of truth; the principles it is founded on are principles of eternal truth, and it is the only true way to happiness. 2. We must choose to walk in this way, not because we know no other way, but because we know no better; nay we know no other safe and good way. Let us choose that way for our way, which we will walk in, though it be narrow.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. That those who have chosen the way of truth must have a constant regard to the word of God as the rule of their walking: <i>Thy judgments have I laid before me</i>, as he who learns to write lays his copy before him, that he may write according to it, as the workman lays his model and platform before him, that he may do his work exactly. As we must have the word in our heart by an habitual conformity to it, so we must have it in our eye by an actual regard to it upon all occasions, that we may walk accurately and by rule.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. That those who make religion their choice and rule are likely to adhere to it faithfully: “<i>I have stuck to thy testimonies</i> with unchanged affection and an unshaken resolution, stuck to them at all times, through all trials. <i>I have chosen them</i>, and therefore <i>I have stuck</i> to them.” Note, The choosing Christian is likely to be the steady Christian; while those that are Christians by chance tack about if the wind turn.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. That those who stick to the word of God may in faith expect and pray for acceptance with God; for David means this when he begs, “<i>Lord, put me not to shame</i>; that is, never leave me to do that by which I shall shame myself, and do thou not reject my services, which will put me to the greatest confusion.”</p>
<p class="tab-1">V. That the more comfort God gives us the more duty he expects from us, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.119.32" href="/passage/?search=Ps.119.32">Ps. 119:32</a>. Here we have, 1. His resolution to go on vigorously in religion: <i>I will run the way of thy commandments</i>. Those that are going to heaven should make haste thither and be still pressing forward. It concerns us to redeem time and take pains, and to go on in our business with cheerfulness. We <i>then</i> run the way of our duty, when we are ready to it, and pleasant in it, and <i>lay aside every weight</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Heb.12.1" href="/passage/?search=Heb.12.1">Heb. 12:1</a>. 2. His dependence upon God for grace to do so: “I shall <i>then</i> abound in thy work, <i>when thou shalt enlarge my heart</i>.” God, by his Spirit, enlarges the hearts of his people when he gives them wisdom (for that is called <i>largeness of heart</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.4.29" href="/passage/?search=1Kgs.4.29">1 Kgs. 4:29</a>), when he <i>sheds abroad the love of God</i> in the heart, and puts gladness there. The joy of our Lord should be wheels to our obedience.</p>