2023-12-17 15:08:46 -05:00

2 lines
1.2 KiB

<p>Here we have, 1. The acknowledgment which David makes of his own condition: <i>I am a stranger in the earth</i>. We all are so, and all good people confess themselves to be so; for heaven is their home, and the world is but their inn, the land of their pilgrimage. David was a man that knew as much of the world, and was as well known in it, as most men. God built him a house, established his throne; strangers submitted to him, and people that he had not known served him; he had a name like the names of the great men, and yet he calls himself a stranger. We are all strangers on earth and must so account ourselves. 2. The request he makes to God thereupon: <i>Hide not thy commandments from me</i>. He means more: “Lord, show thy commandments to me; let me never know the want of the word of God, but, as long as I live, give me to be growing in my acquaintance with it. <i>I am a stranger</i>, and therefore stand in need of a guide, a guard, a companion, a comforter; let me have thy commandments always in view, for they will be all this to me, all that a poor stranger can desire. <i>I am a stranger</i> here, and must be gone shortly; by thy commandments let me be prepared for my removal hence.”</p>