2023-12-17 15:08:46 -05:00

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<p>Solomon here shows that there is little hope of bringing a man to wisdom that is hasty either, 1. Through rashness and inconsideration: <i>Seest thou a man that is hasty in his matters</i>, that is of a light desultory wit, that seems to take a thing quickly, but takes it by the halves, gallops over a book or science, but takes no time to digest it, no time to pause or muse upon a business? <i>There is more hope of</i> making a scholar and a wise man of one that is dull and heavy, and slow in his studies, than of one that has such a mercurial genius and cannot fix. 2. Through pride and conceitedness: <i>Seest thou a man that is</i> forward to speak to every matter that is started, and affects to speak first to it, to open it, and speak last to it, to give judgment upon it, as if he were an oracle? <i>There is more hope of a</i> modest <i>fool</i>, who is sensible of his folly, than of such a self-conceited one.</p>