2023-12-17 15:08:46 -05:00

2 lines
1.4 KiB

<p>Here, 1. We are directed in the true way to be happy, and that is to be holy and honest. He that is <i>faithful</i> to God and man shall be blessed of the Lord, and he <i>shall abound with blessings</i> of the upper and nether springs. Men shall praise him, and pray for him, and be ready to do him any kindness. He shall abound in doing good, and shall himself be a blessing to the place where he lives. Usefulness shall be the reward of faithfulness, and it is a good reward. 2. We are cautioned against a false and deceitful way to happiness, and that is, right or wrong, raising an estate suddenly. Say not, This is the way to <i>abound with blessings</i>, for <i>he that makes haste to be rich</i>, more haste than good speed, <i>shall not be innocent</i>; and, if he be not, he shall not be blessed of God, but rather bring a curse upon what he has; nor, if he be not innocent, can he long be easy to himself; he shall not be accounted innocent by his neighbours, but shall have their ill will and ill word. He does not say that he <i>cannot be innocent</i>, but there is all the probability in the world that he will not prove so: <i>He that hasteth with his feet sinneth</i>, stumbleth, falleth. <i>Sed quae reverentia legum, quis metus, aut pudor, est unquam properantis avari</i>?--<i>What reverence for law, what fear, what shame, was ever indicated by an avaricious man hasting to be rich</i>?</p>