2023-12-17 15:08:46 -05:00

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2.3 KiB

<p>Here we have, 1. The miseries of the slothful, whose <i>hands refuse to labour</i> in an honest calling, by which they might get an honest livelihood. They are as fit for labour as other men, and business offers itself, to which they might lay their hands and apply their minds, but they will not; herein they fondly think they do well for themselves, see <a class="bibleref" title="Prov.26.16" href="/passage/?search=Prov.26.16">Prov. 26:16</a>. <i>Soul, take thy ease</i>. But really they are enemies to themselves; for, besides that their slothfulness starves them, depriving them of their necessary supports, their desires at the same time stab them. Though their hands refuse to labour, their hearts cease not to covet riches, and pleasures, and honours, which yet cannot be obtained without labour. Their desires are impetuous and insatiable; they <i>covet greedily all the day long</i>, and cry, <i>Give, give</i>; they expect every body should do for them, though they will do nothing for themselves, much less for any body else. Now these <i>desires kill them</i>; they are a perpetual vexation to them, fret them to death, and perhaps put them upon such dangerous courses for the satisfying of their craving lusts as hasten them to an untimely end. Many that must have money with which to make provision for the flesh, and would not be at the pains to get it honestly, have turned highwaymen, and that has killed them. Those that are slothful in the affairs of their souls, and yet have desires towards that which would be the happiness of their souls, those <i>desires kill them</i>, will aggravate their condemnation and be witnesses against them that were convinced of the worth of spiritual blessings, but refused to be at the pains that were necessary to the obtaining of them. 2. The honours of the honest and diligent. The righteous and industrious have their desires satisfied, and enjoy not only that satisfaction, but the further satisfaction of doing good to others. The slothful are always craving and gaping to receive, <i>but the righteous</i> are always full and contriving to give; and <i>it is more blessed to give than to receive</i>. They <i>give and spare not</i>, give liberally and upbraid not; they <i>give a portion to seven and also to eight</i>, and do not spare for fear of wanting.</p>