2023-12-17 15:08:46 -05:00

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<p>See here how much it is our interest, as well as duty, 1. To submit to our God, and keep up a reverence for him: <i>The fear of the Lord</i>, as it is <i>the beginning of wisdom</i>, so it is <i>the instruction</i> and correction <i>of wisdom</i>; the principles of religion, closely adhered to, will improve our knowledge, rectify our mistakes, and be the best and surest guide of our way. An awe of God upon our spirits will put us upon the wisest counsels and chastise us when we say or do unwisely. 2. To stoop to our brethren, and keep up a respect for them. Where there is humility there is a happy presage of honour and preparative for it. Those that humble themselves shall be exalted here and hereafter.</p>