2023-12-17 15:08:46 -05:00

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<p>Here are two things to be wondered at:—1. A wise man not satisfied with his wisdom, but still seeking the increase of it; the more he has the more he would have: <i>The heart of him that has understanding</i>, rejoices so in the knowledge it has attained to that it is still coveting more, and in the use of the means of knowledge is still labouring for more, <i>growing in grace, and in the knowledge of Christ. Si dixisti, Sufficit, periisti—If you say, I have enough, you are undone</i>. 2. A fool well satisfied with his folly and not seeking the cure of it. While a good man hungers after the solid satisfactions of grace, a carnal mind feasts on the gratifications of appetite and fancy. Vain mirth and sensual pleasures are its delight, and with these it can rest contented, flattering itself in these foolish ways.</p>