2023-12-17 15:08:46 -05:00

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<p>By <i>the law of the wise</i> and righteous, here, we may understand either the principles and rules by which they govern themselves or (which comes all to one) the instructions which they give to others, which ought to be as a law to all about them; and if they be so, 1. They will be constant springs of comfort and satisfaction, as <i>a fountain of life</i>, sending forth streams of living water; the closer we keep to those rules the more effectually we secure our own peace. 2. They will be constant preservatives from the temptations of Satan. Those that follow the dictates of this law will keep at a distance from the snares of sin, and so escape <i>the snares of death</i> which those run into that forsake <i>the law of the wise</i>.</p>