2023-12-17 15:08:46 -05:00

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<p>See here, 1. What it is that keeps a fool from being wise: <i>His way is right in his own eyes</i>; he thinks he is in the right in every thing he does, and <i>therefore</i> asks no advice, because he does not apprehend he needs it; he is confident he knows the way, and cannot miss it, and therefore never enquires the way. The rule he goes by is to do that which is <i>right in his own eyes</i>, to walk in the way of his heart. <i>Quicquid libet, licet—He makes his will his law</i>. He is a fool that is governed by his eye, and not by his conscience. 2. What it is that keeps a wise man from being a fool; he is willing to be advised, desires to have counsel given him, and <i>hearkens to counsel</i>, being diffident of his own judgment and having a value for the direction of those that are wise and good. He is wise (it is a sign he is so, and he is likely to continue so) whose ear is always open to good advice.</p>