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<p>Here is, I. A law against mixtures, <a class="bibleref" title="Lev.19.19" href="/passage/?search=Lev.19.19">Lev. 19:19</a>. God in the beginning made the cattle <i>after their kind</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Gen.1.25" href="/passage/?search=Gen.1.25">Gen. 1:25</a>), and we must acquiesce in the order of nature God hath established, believing that is best and sufficient, and not covet monsters. <i>Add thou not unto his works, lest he reprove thee</i>; for it is the excellency of the work of God that nothing can, without making it worse, be either put to it or taken from it, <a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.3.14" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.3.14">Eccl. 3:14</a>. As what God has joined we must not separate, so what he has separated we must not join. The sowing of mingled corn and the wearing of linsey-woolsey garments are forbidden, either as superstitious customs of the heathen or to intimate how careful they should be not to mingle themselves with the heathen nor to weave any of the usages of the Gentiles into Gods ordinances. Ainsworth suggests that it was to lead Israel to the simplicity and sincerity of religion, and to all the parts and doctrines of the law and gospel in their distinct kinds. As faith is necessary, good works are necessary, but to mingle these together in the cause of our justification before God is forbidden, <a class="bibleref" title="Gal.2.16" href="/passage/?search=Gal.2.16">Gal. 2:16</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. A law for punishing adultery committed with one that was a bondmaid that was espoused, <a class="bibleref" title="Lev.19.20-Lev.19.22" href="/passage/?search=Lev.19.20-Lev.19.22">Lev. 19:20-22</a>. If she had not been espoused, the law appointed no punishment at all; being espoused, if she had not been a bondmaid, the punishment had been no less than death: but, being as yet a bondmaid (though before the completing of her espousals she must have been made free), the capital punishment is remitted, and they shall both be scourged; or, as some think, the woman only, and the man was to bring a sacrifice. It was for the honour of marriage, though but begun by betrothing, that the crime should be punished; but it was for the honour of freedom that it should not be punished as the debauching of a free woman was, so great was the difference then made between bond and free (<a class="bibleref" title="Gal.4.30" href="/passage/?search=Gal.4.30">Gal. 4:30</a>); but the gospel of Christ knows no such distinction, <a class="bibleref" title="Col.3.11" href="/passage/?search=Col.3.11">Col. 3:11</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. A law concerning fruit-trees, that for the first three years after they were planted, if they should happen to be so forward as to bear in that time, yet no use should be made of the fruit, <a class="bibleref" title="Lev.19.23-Lev.19.25" href="/passage/?search=Lev.19.23-Lev.19.25">Lev. 19:23-25</a>. It was therefore the practice of the Jews to pluck off the fruit, as soon as they perceived it knit, from their young trees, as gardeners do sometimes, because their early bearing hinders their growing. If any did come to perfection, it was not to be used in the service either of God or man; but what they bore the fourth year was to be holy to the Lord, either given to the priests, or eaten before the Lord with joy, as their second tithe was, and thenceforward it was all their own. Now, 1. Some think this taught them not to follow the custom of the heathen, who, they say, consecrated the very first products of their fruit-trees to their idols, saying that otherwise all the fruits would be blasted. 2. This law in the case of fruit-trees seems to be parallel with that in the case of animals, that no creature should be accepted as an offering till it was past eight days old, nor till that day were children to be circumcised; see <a class="bibleref" title="Lev.22.27" href="/passage/?search=Lev.22.27">Lev. 22:27</a>. God would have the first-fruits of their trees, but, because for the first three years they were as inconsiderable as a lamb or a calf under eight days old, therefore God would not have them, for it is fit he should have every thing at its best; and yet he would not allow them to be used, because his first-fruits were not as yet offered: they must therefore be accounted as uncircumcised, that is, as an animal under eight days old, not fit for any use. 3. We are hereby taught not to be over-hasty in catching at any comfort, but to be willing with patience to wait the time for the enjoyment of it, and particularly to acknowledge ourselves unworthy of the increase of the earth, our right to the fruits of which was forfeited by our first parents eating forbidden fruit, and we are restored to it only <i>by the word of God and prayer</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="1Tim.4.5" href="/passage/?search=1Tim.4.5">1 Tim. 4:5</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. A law against the superstitious usages of the heathen, <a class="bibleref" title="Lev.19.26-Lev.19.28" href="/passage/?search=Lev.19.26-Lev.19.28">Lev. 19:26-28</a>. 1. Eating upon the blood, as the Gentiles did, who gathered the blood of their sacrifices into a vessel for their demons (as they fancied) to drink, and then sat about it, eating the flesh themselves, signifying their communion with devils by their feasting with them. Let not this custom be used, for the blood of Gods sacrifices was to be sprinkled on the altar, and then poured at the foot of it, and conveyed away. 2. Enchantment and divination, and a superstitious observation of the times, some days and hours lucky and others unlucky. Curious arts of this kind, it is likely, had been of late invented by the Egyptian priests, to amuse the people, and support their own credit. The Israelites had seen them practised, but must by no means imitate them. It would be unpardonable in those <i>to whom were committed the oracles of God</i> to ask counsel of the devil, and yet worse in Christians, to whom <i>the Son of God is manifested</i>, who has <i>destroyed the works of the devil</i>. For Christians to have their nativities cast, and their fortunes told them, to use spells and charms for the cure of diseases and the driving away of evil spirits, to be affected with the falling of the salt, a hare crossing the way, cross days, or the like, is an intolerable affront to the Lord Jesus, a support of paganism and idolatry, and a reproach both to themselves and to that worthy name by which they are called: and those must be grossly ignorant, both of the law and the gospel, that ask, “What harm is there in these things?” Isa. it no harm for those that have fellowship with Christ to have fellowship with devils, or to learn the ways of those that have? Surely <i>we have not so learned Christ</i>. 3. There was a superstition even in trimming themselves used by the heathen, which must not be imitated by the people of God: <i>You shall not round the corners of your heads</i>. Those that worshipped the hosts of heaven, in honour of them, cut their hair so as that their heads might resemble the celestial globe; but, as the custom was foolish itself, so, being done with respect to their false gods, it was idolatrous. 4. The rites and ceremonies by which they expressed their sorrow at their funerals must not be imitated, <a class="bibleref" title="Lev.19.28" href="/passage/?search=Lev.19.28">Lev. 19:28</a>. They must not make cuts or prints in their flesh for the dead; for the heathen did so to pacify the infernal deities they dreamt of, and to render them propitious to their deceased friends. Christ by his sufferings has altered the property of death, and made it a true friend to every true Israelite; and now, as there needs nothing to make death propitious to us (for, if God be so, death is so of course), so we sorrow not as those that have no hope. Those whom the God of Israel had set apart for himself must not receive the image and superscription of these dunghill deities. <i>Lastly</i>, The prostituting of their daughters to uncleanness, which is here forbidden (<a class="bibleref" title="Lev.19.29" href="/passage/?search=Lev.19.29">Lev. 19:29</a>), seems to have been practised by the heathen in their idolatrous worships, for with such abominations those unclean spirits which they worshipped were well pleased. And when lewdness obtained as a religious rite, and was committed in their temples, no marvel that the land became full of that wickedness, which, when it entered at the temple-doors, overspread the land like a mighty torrent, and bore down all the fences of virtue and modesty. The devil himself could not have brought such abominations into their lives if he had not first brought them into their worships. And justly were those given up to vile affections who forsook the holy God, and gave divine honours to impure spirits. Those that dishonour God are thus suffered to dishonour themselves and their families.</p>