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<p>Though the last stage of Samsons life was inglorious, and one could wish there were a veil drawn over it, yet this account here given of his death may be allowed to lessen, though it does not quite roll away, the reproach of it; for there was honour in his death. No doubt he greatly repented of his sin, the dishonour he had by it done to God and his forfeiture of the honour God had put upon him; for that God was reconciled to him appears, 1. By the return of the sign of his Nazariteship (<a class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.22" href="/passage/?search=Judg.16.22">Jdg. 16:22</a>): <i>His hair began to grow again, as when he was shaven</i>, that is, to be as thick and as long as when it was cut off. It is probable that their general thanksgiving to Dagon was not long deferred, before which Samsons hair had thus grown, by which, and the particular notice taken of it, it seems to have been extraordinary, and designed for a special indication of the return of Gods favour to him upon his repentance. For the growth of his hair was neither the cause nor the sign of the return of his strength further than as it was the badge of his consecration, and a token that God accepted him as a Nazarite again, after the interruption, without those ceremonies which were appointed for the restoration of a lapsed Nazarite, which he had not now the opportunity of performing, <a class="bibleref" title="Num.6.9" href="/passage/?search=Num.6.9">Num. 6:9</a>. It is strange that the Philistines in whose hands he was were not jealous of the growth of his hair again, and did not cut it; but perhaps they were willing his great strength should return to him, that they might have so much the more work out of him, and now that he was blind they were in no fear of any hurt from him. 2. By the use God made of him for the destruction of the enemies of his people, and that at a time when it would be most for the vindication of the honour of God, and not immediately for the defence and deliverance of Israel. Observe,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. How insolently the Philistines affronted the God of Israel, 1. By the sacrifices they offered to Dagon, his rival. This Dagon they call their <i>god</i>, a god of their own making, represented by an image, the upper part of which was in the shape of a man, the lower part of a fish, purely the creature of fancy; yet it served them to set up in opposition to the true and living God. To this pretended deity they ascribe their success (<a class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.23,Judg.16.24" href="/passage/?search=Judg.16.23,Judg.16.24"><span class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.23">Jdg. 16:23</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.24">24</span></a>): <i>Our god has delivered Samson our enemy, and the destroyer of our country, into our hands</i>. So they dreamed, though he could do neither good nor evil. They knew Delilah had betrayed him, and they had paid her for doing it, yet they attribute it to their god, and are confirmed by it in their belief of his power to protect them. All people will thus walk in the name of their gods: they will give them the praise of their achievements; and shall not we pay this tribute to our God whose kingdom ruleth over all? Yet, considering what wicked arts they used to get Samson into their hands, it must be confessed it was only such a dunghill-deity as Dagon that was fit to be made a patron of the villany. Sacrifices were offered, and songs of praise sung, on the general thanksgiving day, for this victory obtained over one man; there were great expressions of joy, and all to the honour of Dagon. Much more reason have we to give the praise of all our successes to our God. <i>Thanks be to him who causeth us to triumph in Christ Jesus</i>! 2. By the sport they made with Samson, Gods champion, they reflected on God himself. When they were merry with wine, to make them more merry Samson must be fetched to make sport for them (<a class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.25,Judg.16.27" href="/passage/?search=Judg.16.25,Judg.16.27"><span class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.25">Jdg. 16:25</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.27">27</span></a>), that is, for them to make sport with. Having sacrificed to their god, and eaten and drunk upon the sacrifice, they rose up to play, according to the usage of idolaters (<a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.10.7" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.10.7">1 Cor. 10:7</a>), and Samson must be the fool in the play. They made themselves and one another laugh to see how, being blind, he stumbled and blundered. It is likely they <i>smote this judge of Israel upon the cheek</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Mic.5.1" href="/passage/?search=Mic.5.1">Mic. 5:1</a>), and said, <i>Prophesy who smote thee</i>. It was an instance of their barbarity to trample thus upon a man in misery, at the sight of whom awhile ago they would have trembled. It put Samson into the depth of misery, and as a sword in his bones were their reproaches, when they said, <i>Where is now they God</i>? Nothing could be more grievous to so great a spirit; yet, being a penitent, his godly sorrow makes him patient, and he accepts the indignity as the punishment of his iniquity. How unrighteous soever the Philistines were, he could not but own that God was righteous. He had sported himself in his own deceivings and with his own deceivers, and justly are the Philistines let loose upon him to make sport with him. Uncleanness is a sin that makes men vile, and exposes them to contempt. <i>A wound and dishonour shall he get</i> whose heart is deceived by a woman, and <i>his reproach shall not be wiped away</i>. Everlasting shame and contempt will be the portion of those that are blinded and bound by their own lusts. The devil that deceived them will insult over them.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. How justly the God of Israel brought sudden destruction upon them by the hands of Samson. Thousands of the Philistines had got together, to attend their lords in the sacrifices and joys of this day, and to be the spectators of this comedy; but it proved to them a fatal tragedy, for they were all slain, and buried in the ruins of the house: whether it was a temple or a theatre, or whether it was some slight building run up for the purpose, is uncertain. Observe,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. Who were destroyed: All the <i>lords of the Philistines</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.27" href="/passage/?search=Judg.16.27">Jdg. 16:27</a>), who had by bribes corrupted Delilah to betray Samson to them. Evil pursued those sinners. Many of the people likewise, to the number of 3000, and among them a great many women, one of whom, it is likely, was that harlot of Gaza mentioned, <a class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.1" href="/passage/?search=Judg.16.1">Jdg. 16:1</a>. Samson had been drawn into sin by the Philistine women, and now a great slaughter is made among them, as was by Mosess order among the women of Midian, because it was they that <i>caused the children of Israel to trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Num.31.16" href="/passage/?search=Num.31.16">Num. 31:16</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. When they were destroyed. (1.) When they were merry, secure, and jovial, and far from apprehending themselves in any danger. When they saw Samson lay hold of the pillars, we may suppose, his doing so served them for a jest, and they made sport with that too: <i>What will this feeble Jew do</i>? How are sinners brought to desolation in a moment! They are lifted up in pride and mirth, that their fall may be the more dreadful. Let us never envy the mirth of wicked people, but infer from this instance that their triumphing is short and their joy but for a moment. (2.) It was when they were praising Dagon their god, and giving that honour to him which is due to God only, which is no less than treason against the King of kings, his crown and dignity. Justly therefore is the blood of these traitors mingled with their sacrifices. Belshazzar was cut off when he was praising his man-made gods, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.5.4" href="/passage/?search=Dan.5.4">Dan. 5:4</a>. (3.) It was when they were making sport with an Israelite, a Nazarite, and insulting over him, persecuting him whom God had smitten. Nothing fills the measure of the iniquity of any person or people faster than mocking and misusing the servants of God, yea, though it is by their own folly that they are brought low. Those know not what they do, nor whom they affront, that make sport with a good man.</p>
<p class="tab-1">3. How they were destroyed. Samson pulled the house down upon them, God no doubt putting it into his heart, as a public person, thus to avenge Gods quarrel with them, Israels, and his own. (1.) He gained strength to do it by prayer, <a class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.28" href="/passage/?search=Judg.16.28">Jdg. 16:28</a>. That strength which he had lost by sin he, like a true penitent, recovers by prayer; as David, who, when he had provoked the Spirit of grace to withdraw, prayed (<a class="bibleref" title="Ps.51.12" href="/passage/?search=Ps.51.12">Ps. 51:12</a>), <i>Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, and uphold me with thy free Spirit</i>. We may suppose that this was only a mental prayer, and that his voice was not heard (for it was made in a noisy clamorous crowd of Philistines); but, though his voice was not heard of men, yet his prayer was heard of God and graciously answered, and though he lived not to give an account himself of this his prayer, as Nehemiah did of his, yet God not only accepted it in heaven, but, by revealing it to the inspired penmen, provided for the registering of it in his church. He prayed to God to remember him and strengthen him this once, thereby owning that his strength for what he had already done he had from God, and begged it might be afforded to him once more, to give them a parting blow. That it was not from a principle of passion or personal revenge, but from a holy zeal for the glory of God and Israel, that he desired to do this, appears from Gods accepting and answering the prayer. Samson died praying, so did our blessed Saviour; but Samson prayed for vengeance, Christ for forgiveness. (2.) He gained opportunity to do it by leaning on the two pillars which were the chief supports of the building, and were, it seems, so near together that he could take hold of them both at one time, <a class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.26,Judg.16.29" href="/passage/?search=Judg.16.26,Judg.16.29"><span class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.26">Jdg. 16:26</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.29">29</span></a>. Having hold of them, he bore them down with all his might, crying aloud, <i>Let me die with the Philistines</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Judg.16.30" href="/passage/?search=Judg.16.30">Jdg. 16:30</a>. <i>Animamque in vulnere ponit—While inflicting the wound he dies</i>. The vast concourse of people that were upon the roof looking down through it to see the sport, we may suppose, contributed to the fall of it. A weight so much greater than ever it was designed to carry might perhaps have sunk of itself, at least it made the fall more fatal to those within: and indeed few of either could escape being either stifled or crushed to death. This was done, not by any natural strength of Samson, but by the almighty power of God, and is not only marvellous, but miraculous, in our eyes. Now in this, [1.] The Philistines were greatly mortified. All their lords and great men were killed, and abundance of their people, and this in the midst of their triumph; the temple of Dagon (as many think the house was) was pulled down, and Dagon buried in it. This would give a great check to the insolence of the survivors, and, if Israel had but had so much sense and spirit left them as to improve the advantages of this juncture, they might now have thrown off the Philistines yoke. [2.] Samson may very well be justified, and brought in not guilty of any sinful murder either of himself or the Philistines. He was a public person, a declared enemy to the Philistines, against whom he might therefore take all advantages. They were now in the most barbarous manner making war upon him; all present were aiding and abetting, and justly die with him. Nor was he <i>felo de se</i>, or <i>a self-murderer</i>, in it; for it was not his own life that he aimed at, though he had too much reason to be weary of it, but the lives of Israels enemies, for the reaching of which he bravely resigned his own, <i>not counting it dear to him, so that he might finish his course</i> with honour. [3.] God was very much glorified in pardoning Samsons great transgressions, of which this was an evidence. It has been said that the princes giving a commission to one convicted amounts to a pardon. Yet, <i>though he was a God that forgave him, he took vengeance of his inventions</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ps.99.8" href="/passage/?search=Ps.99.8">Ps. 99:8</a>), and, by suffering his champion to die in fetters, warned all to take heed of those lusts which war against the soul. However, we have good reason to hope that though Samson died with the Philistines he had not his everlasting portion with them. <i>The Lord knows those that are his</i>. [4.] Christ was plainly typified. He pulled down the devils kingdom, as Samson did Dagons temple; and, when he died, he obtained the most glorious victory over the powers of darkness. Then when his arms were stretched out upon the cross, as Samsons to the two pillars, he gave a fatal shake to the gates of hell, and, <i>through death, destroyed him that had the power of death, that is, the devil</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Heb.2.14,Heb.2.15" href="/passage/?search=Heb.2.14,Heb.2.15"><span class="bibleref" title="Heb.2.14">Heb. 2:14</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Heb.2.15">15</span></a>), and herein exceeded Samson, that he not only died with the Philistines, but rose again to triumph over them.</p>
<p class="tab-1"><i>Lastly</i>, The story of Samson concludes, 1. With an account of his burial. His own relations, animated by the glories that attended his death, came and found out his body among the slain, brought it honourably to his own country, and buried it in the place of his fathers sepulchres, the Philistines being in such a consternation that they durst not oppose it. 2. With the repetition of the account we had before of the continuance of his government: <i>He judged Israel twenty years</i>; and, if they had not been as mean and sneaking as he was brave and daring, he would have left them clear of the Philistines yoke. They might have been easy, safe, and happy, if they would but have given God and their judges leave to make them so.</p>