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<p>We have here an account of the burial of the blessed body of our Lord Jesus. The solemn funerals of great men are usually looked at with curiosity; the mournful funerals of dear friends are attended with concern. Come and see an extraordinary funeral; never was the like! Come and see a burial that conquered the grave, and buried it, a burial that beautified the grave and softened it for all believers. <i>Let us turn aside now, and see this great sight</i>. Here is,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. The body begged, <a class="bibleref" title="John.19.38" href="/passage/?search=John.19.38">John 19:38</a>. This was done by the interest of <i>Joseph of Ramah</i>, or <i>Arimathea</i>, of whom no mention is made in all the New-Testament story, but only in the narrative which each of the evangelists gives us of Christs burial, wherein he was chiefly concerned. Observe, 1. The character of this Joseph. He was a disciple of Christ <i>incognito—in secret</i>, a better friend to Christ than he would willingly be known to be. It was his honour that he was a disciple of Christ; and some such there are, that are themselves great men, and unavoidably linked with bad men. But it was his weakness that he was so secretly, when he should have confessed Christ before men, yea, though he had lost his preferment by it. Disciples should openly own themselves, yet Christ may have many that are his disciples sincerely, though secretly; better secretly than not at all, especially if, like Joseph here, they grow stronger and stronger. Some who in less trials have been timorous, yet in greater have been very courageous; so Joseph here. He concealed his affection to Christ <i>for fear of the Jews</i>, lest they should put him out of the synagogue, at least out of the sanhedrim, which was all they could do. To Pilate the governor he <i>went boldly</i>, and yet <i>feared the Jews</i>. The impotent malice of those that can but censure, and revile, and clamour, is sometimes more formidable even to wise and good men than one would think. 2. The part he bore in this affair. He, having by his place access to Pilate, desired leave of him to dispose of the body. His mother and dear relations had neither spirit nor interest to attempt such a thing. His disciples were gone; if nobody appeared, the Jews or soldiers would bury him with the thieves; therefore God raised up this gentleman to interpose in it, that the scripture might be fulfilled, and the decorum owing to his approaching resurrection maintained. Note, When God has work to do he can find out such as are proper to do it, and embolden them for it. Observe it as an instance of the humiliation of Christ, that his dead body lay at the mercy of a heathen judge, and must be begged before it could be buried, and also that Joseph would not take the body of Christ till he had asked and obtained leave of the governor; for in those things wherein the power of the magistrate is concerned we must ever pay a deference to that power, and peaceably submit to it.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The embalming prepared, <a class="bibleref" title="John.19.39" href="/passage/?search=John.19.39">John 19:39</a>. This was done by Nicodemus, another person of quality, and in a public post. He brought a <i>mixture of myrrh and aloes</i>, which some think were bitter ingredients, to preserve the body, others fragrant ones, to perfume it. Here is. 1. The character of Nicodemus, which is much the same with that of Joseph; he was a secret friend to Christ, though not his constant follower. He at first <i>came to Jesus by night</i>, but now owned him publicly, as before, <a class="bibleref" title="John.7.50,John.7.51" href="/passage/?search=John.7.50,John.7.51"><span class="bibleref" title="John.7.50">John 7:50</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="John.7.51">51</span></a>. That grace which at first is like a bruised reed may afterwards become like a strong cedar, and the trembling lamb <i>bold as a lion</i>. See <a class="bibleref" title="Rom.14.4" href="/passage/?search=Rom.14.4">Rom. 14:4</a>. It is a wonder that Joseph and Nicodemus, men of such interest, did not appear sooner, and solicit Pilate not to condemn Christ, especially seeing him so loth to do it. Begging his life would have been a nobler piece of service than begging his body. But Christ would have none of his friends to endeavour to prevent his death when his hour was come. While his persecutors were forwarding the accomplishment of the scriptures, his followers must not obstruct it. 2. The kindness of Nicodemus, which was considerable, though of a different nature. Joseph served Christ with his interest, Nicodemus with his purse. Probably, they agreed it between them, that, while one was procuring the grant, the other should be preparing the spices; and this for expedition, because they were straitened in time. But why did they make this ado about Christs dead body? (1.) Some think we may see in it the weakness of their faith. A firm belief of the resurrection of Christ on the third day would have saved them this care and cost, and have been more acceptable than all spices. Those bodies indeed to whom the grave is a long home need to be clad accordingly; but what need of such furniture of the grave for one that, like a way-faring man, did but turn aside into it, to <i>tarry for a night or two</i>? (2.) However, we may plainly see in it the strength of their love. Hereby they showed the value they had for his person and doctrine, and that it was not lessened by the reproach of the cross. Those that had been so industrious to profane his crown, and lay his honour in the dust, might already see that they had imagined a vain thing; for, as God had done him honour in his sufferings, so did men too, even great men. They showed not only the charitable respect of committing his body to the earth, but the honourable respect shown to great men. This they might do, and yet believe and look for his resurrection; nay, this they might do in the belief and expectation of it. Since God designed honour for this body, they would put honour upon it. However, we must do our duty according as the present day and opportunity are, and leave it to God to fulfil his promises in his own way and time.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. The body got ready, <a class="bibleref" title="John.19.40" href="/passage/?search=John.19.40">John 19:40</a>. They <i>took it</i> into some house adjoining, and, having washed it from blood and dust, <i>wound it in linen clothes</i> very decently, with the spices melted down, it is likely, into an ointment, as <i>the manner of the Jews is to bury</i>, or to <i>embalm</i> (so Dr. Hammond), as we sear dead bodies. 1. Here was care taken of Christs body: It was <i>wound in linen clothes</i>. Among clothing that belongs to us, Christ put on even the grave-clothes, to make them easy to us, and to enable us to call them our wedding-clothes. They wound the body <i>with the spices</i>, for <i>all his garments</i>, his grave-clothes not excepted, <i>smell of myrrh and aloes</i> (the spices here mentioned) <i>out of the ivory palaces</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ps.45.8" href="/passage/?search=Ps.45.8">Ps. 45:8</a>), and an ivory palace the sepulchre hewn out of a rock was to Christ. Dead bodies and graves are noisome and offensive; hence sin is compared to a <i>body of death</i> and an <i>open sepulchre</i>; but Christs sacrifice, being to God as a sweet-smelling savour, hath taken away our pollution. No ointment or perfume can rejoice the heart so as the grave of our Redeemer does, where there is faith to perceive the fragrant odours of it. 2. In conformity to this example, we ought to have regard to the dead bodies of Christians; not to enshrine and adore their relics, no, not those of the most eminent saints and martyrs (nothing like that was done to the dead body of Christ himself), but carefully to deposit them, the dust in the dust, as those who believe that the dead bodies of the saints are still united to Christ and designed for glory and immortality at the last day. The resurrection of the saints will be in virtue of Christs resurrection, and therefore in burying them we should have an eye to Christs burial, for he, being dead, thus speaketh. <i>Thy dead men shall live</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Isa.26.19" href="/passage/?search=Isa.26.19">Isa. 26:19</a>. In burying our dead it is not necessary that in all circumstances we imitate the burial of Christ, as if we must be buried in linen, and in a garden, and be embalmed as he was; but his being buried after <i>the manner of the Jews</i> teaches us that in things of this nature we should conform to the usages of the country where we live, except in those that are superstitious.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. The grave pitched upon, in a garden which belonged to Joseph of Arimathea, very near the place where he was crucified. There was a sepulchre, or vault, prepared for the first occasion, but not yet used. Observe,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. That Christ was buried without the city, for thus the manner of the Jews was to bury, not in their cities, much less in their synagogues, which some have thought better than our way of burying: yet there was then a peculiar reason for it, which does not hold now, because the touching of a grave contracted a ceremonial pollution: but now that the resurrection of Christ has altered the property of the grave, and done away its pollution for all believers, we need not keep at such a distance from it; nor is it incapable of a good improvement, to have the congregation of the dead in the church-yard, encompassing the congregation of the living in the church, since they also are dying, and in <i>the midst of life we are in death</i>. Those that would not superstitiously, but by faith, visit the holy sepulchre, must go forth out of the noise of this world.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. That Christ was buried in a garden. Observe, (1.) That Joseph had his sepulchre in his garden; so he contrived it, that it might be a memento, [1.] To himself while living; when he was taking the pleasure of his garden, and reaping the products of it, let him think of dying, and be quickened to prepare for it. The garden is a proper place for meditation, and a sepulchre there may furnish us with a proper subject for meditation, and such a one as we are loth to admit in the midst of our pleasures. [2.] To his heirs and successors when he was gone. It is good to acquaint ourselves with the <i>place of our fathers sepulchres</i>; and perhaps we might make our own less formidable if we made theirs more familiar. (2.) That in a sepulchre in a garden Christs body was laid. In the garden of Eden death and the grave first received their power, and now in a garden they are conquered, disarmed, and triumphed over. In a garden Christ began his passion, and from a garden he would rise, and begin his exaltation. Christ fell to the ground <i>as a corn of wheat</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="John.12.24" href="/passage/?search=John.12.24">John 12:24</a>), and therefore was sown in a garden among the seeds, for <i>his dew is as the dew of herbs</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Isa.26.19" href="/passage/?search=Isa.26.19">Isa. 26:19</a>. He is the <i>fountain of gardens</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Song.4.15" href="/passage/?search=Song.4.15">Song 4:15</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">3. That he was buried in a new sepulchre. This was so ordered (1.) For the honour of Christ; he was not a common person, and therefore must not mix with common dust He that was born from a virgin-womb must rise from a virgin-tomb. (2.) For the confirming of the truth of his resurrection, that it might not be suggested that it was not he, but some other that rose now, when many bodies of saints arose; or, that he rose by the power of some other, as the man that was raised by the touch of Elishas bones, and not by his own power. He that has <i>made all things new</i> has new-made the grave for us.</p>
<p class="tab-1">V. The funeral solemnized (<a class="bibleref" title="John.19.42" href="/passage/?search=John.19.42">John 19:42</a>): <i>There laid they Jesus</i>, that is, the dead body of Jesus. Some think the calling of this <i>Jesus</i> intimates the inseparable union between the divine and human nature. Even this dead body was <i>Jesus—a Saviour</i>, for his death is our life; Jesus is still the same, <a class="bibleref" title="Heb.13.8" href="/passage/?search=Heb.13.8">Heb. 13:8</a>. There they laid him because it was the preparation day.</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. Observe here the deference which the Jews paid to the sabbath, and to the day of preparation. Before the passover-sabbath they had a solemn day of preparation. This day had been ill kept by the chief priests, who called themselves the church, but was well kept by the disciples of Christ, who were branded as dangerous to the church; and it is often so. (1.) They would not put off the funeral till the sabbath day, because the sabbath is to be a day of holy rest and joy, with which the business and sorrow of a funeral do not well agree. (2.) They would not drive it too late on the day of preparation for the sabbath. What is to be done the evening before the sabbath should be so contrived that it may neither intrench upon sabbath time, nor indispose us for sabbath work.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. Observe the convenience they took of an adjoining sepulchre; the sepulchre they made use of was <i>nigh at hand</i>. Perhaps, if they had had time, they would have carried him to Bethany, and buried him among his friends there. And I am sure he had more right to have been buried in the chief of the sepulchres of the sons of David than any of the kings of Judah had; but it was so ordered that he should be laid in a sepulchre nigh at hand, (1.) Because he was to lie there but awhile, as in an inn, and therefore he took the first that offered itself. (2.) Because this was a new sepulchre. Those that prepared it little thought who should handsel it; but the wisdom of God has reaches infinitely beyond ours, and he makes what use he pleases of us and all we have. (3.) We are hereby taught not to be over-curious in the place of our burial. Where the tree falls, why should it not lie? For Christ was buried in the sepulchre that was next at hand. It was faith in the promise of Canaan that directed the Patriarchs desires to be carried thither for a burying-place; but now, since that promise is superseded by a better, that care is over.</p>
<p class="tab-1">Thus without pomp or solemnity is the body of Jesus laid in the cold and silent grave. Here lies our surety under arrest for our debts, so that if he be released his discharge will be ours. Here is the Sun of righteousness set for awhile, to rise again in greater glory, and set no more. Here lies a seeming captive to death, but a real conqueror over death; for here lies death itself slain, and the grave conquered. <i>Thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory</i>.</p>