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<p>The prophet had been endeavouring to possess this people with a holy fear of God and his judgments, to convince them both of sin and wrath; but still they had recourse to some sorry subterfuge or other, under which to shelter themselves from the conviction and with which to excuse themselves in the obstinacy and carelessness. He therefore sets himself here to drive them from these refuges of lies and to show them the insufficiency of them.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. When they were told how inevitable the judgment would be they pleaded the defence of their politics and powers, which, with the help of their wealth and treasure, they thought made their city impregnable. In answer to this he shows them the folly of trusting to and boasting of all these stays, while they have not a God in covenant to stay themselves upon, <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.9.23,Jer.9.24" href="/passage/?search=Jer.9.23,Jer.9.24"><span class="bibleref" title="Jer.9.23">Jer. 9:23</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Jer.9.24">24</span></a>. Here he shows, 1. What we may not depend upon in a day of distress: <i>Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom</i>, as if with the help of that he could outwit or countermine the enemy, or in the greatest extremity find out some evasion or other; for a mans wisdom may fail him when he needs it most, and he may fail him when he needs it most, and he may be taken in his own craftiness. Ahithophel was befooled, and counsellors are often <i>led away spoiled</i>. But, if a mans policies fail him, yet surely he may gain his point by might and dint of courage. No: <i>Let not the strong man glory in his strength</i>, for the battle is not always to the strong. David the stripling proves too hard for Goliath the giant. All human force is nothing without God, worse than nothing against him. But may not the <i>rich mans wealth be his strong city</i>? (money answers all things) No: <i>Let not the rich man glory in his riches</i>, for they may prove so far from sheltering him that they may expose him and make him the fairer mark. Let not the people boast of the <i>wise men, and mighty men, and rich men</i> that they have among them, as if they could make their part good against the Chaldeans because they have wise men to advise concerning the war, mighty men to fight their battles, and rich men to bear the charges of the war. Let not particular persons think to escape the common calamity by their wisdom, might, or money; for all these will prove but <i>vain things for safety</i>. 2. He shows what we may depend upon in a day of distress. (1.) Our only comfort in trouble will be that we have done our duty. Those that <i>refused to know God</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Jer.9.6" href="/passage/?search=Jer.9.6">Jer. 9:6</a>) will boast in vain of their wisdom and wealth; but those that <i>know God</i>, intelligently, that <i>understand</i> aright <i>that he is the Lord</i>, that have not only right apprehensions concerning his nature, and attributes, and relations to man, but receive and retain the impressions of them, may <i>glory in this</i> it will be their rejoicing in the day of evil. (2.) Our only confidence in trouble will be that, having through grace in some measure done our duty, we shall find God a God all-sufficient to us. We may <i>glory in this</i>, that, wherever we are, we have an acquaintance with an interest in a God that <i>exercises lovingkindness, and judgment, and righteousness in the earth</i>, that is not only just to all his creatures and will do no wrong to any of them, but kind to all his children and will protect them and provide for them. <i>For in these things I delight</i>. God delights to show kindness and to execute judgment himself, and is pleased with those who herein are <i>followers of him as dear children</i>. Those that have such knowledge of the glory of God as to be changed into the same image, and to partake of his holiness, find it to be their perfection and glory; and the God they thus faithfully conform to they may cheerfully confide in, in their greatest straits. But the prophet intimates that the generality of this people took no care about this. Their wisdom, and might, and riches, were their joy and hope, which would end in grief and despair. But those few among them that had the knowledge of God might please themselves with it, and boast themselves of it; it would stand them in better stead than <i>thousands of gold and silver</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. When they were told how provoking their sins were to God they vainly pleaded the covenant of their circumcision. They were undoubtedly the people of God; as they had the temple of the Lord in their city, so they had the mark of his children in their flesh. “It is true that Chaldean army has laid such and such nations waste, because they were uncircumcised, and therefore not under the protection of the divine providence, as we are.” To this the prophet answers, That the days of visitation were now at hand, in which God would punish all wicked people, without making any distinction between the circumcised and uncircumcised, <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.9.25,Jer.9.26" href="/passage/?search=Jer.9.25,Jer.9.26"><span class="bibleref" title="Jer.9.25">Jer. 9:25</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Jer.9.26">26</span></a>. They had by sin profaned the crown of their peculiarity, and lived in common with the uncircumcised nations, and so had forfeited the benefit of that peculiarity and must expect to fare never the better for it. God will <i>punish the circumcised with the uncircumcised</i>. As the ignorance of the uncircumcised shall not excuse their wickedness, so neither shall the privileges of the circumcised excuse theirs, but they shall be punished together. Note, The Judge of all the earth is impartial, and none shall fare the better at his bar for any external advantages, but he will render to every man, circumcised or uncircumcised, according to his works. The condemnation of impenitent sinners that are baptized will be as sure as, nay, and more severe than, that of impenitent sinners that are unbaptized. It would affect one to find here Judah industriously put between Egypt and Edom, as standing upon a level with them and under the same doom, <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.9.26" href="/passage/?search=Jer.9.26">Jer. 9:26</a>. These nations were forbidden a share in the Jews privileges (<a class="bibleref" title="Deut.23.3" href="/passage/?search=Deut.23.3">Deut. 23:3</a>); but the Jews are here told that they shall share in their punishments. Those <i>in the utmost corners, that dwell in the wilderness</i>, are supposed to be the Kedarenes and those of the kingdoms of Hazor, as appears by comparing <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.49.28-Jer.49.32" href="/passage/?search=Jer.49.28-Jer.49.32">Jer. 49:28-32</a>. Some think they are so called because they dwelt as it were in a corner of the world, others because they had <i>the hair of their head polled into corners</i>. However that was, they were of those nations that were uncircumcised in flesh, and the Jews are ranked with them and are as near to ruin for their sins as they; for <i>all the house of Israel are uncircumcised in the heart</i>: they have the sign, but not the thing signified, <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.4.4" href="/passage/?search=Jer.4.4">Jer. 4:4</a>. They are heathens in their hearts, strangers to God, and enemies in their minds by wicked works. Their hearts are disposed to idols, as the hearts of the uncircumcised Gentiles are. Note, The seals of the covenant, though they dignify us, and lay us under obligations, will not save us, unless the temper of our minds and the tenour of our lives agree with the covenant. That only is circumcision, and that baptism, which is <i>of the heart</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Rom.2.28,Rom.2.29" href="/passage/?search=Rom.2.28,Rom.2.29"><span class="bibleref" title="Rom.2.28">Rom. 2:28</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Rom.2.29">29</span></a>.</p>