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<p>We are here told,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. That Jeremiah wrote to the captives in Babylon, in the name of the Lord. Jeconiah had surrendered himself a prisoner, with the queen his mother, the chamberlains of his household, called here the <i>eunuchs</i>, and many of <i>the princes of Judah and Jerusalem</i>, who were at that time the most active men; <i>the carpenters and smiths</i> likewise, being demanded, were yielded up, that those who remained might not have any proper hands to fortify their city or furnish themselves with weapons of war. By this tame submission it was hoped that Nebuchadnezzar would be pacified. <i>Satis est prostrasse leoni—It suffices the lion to have laid his antagonist prostrate</i>; but the imperious conqueror grows upon their concessions, like Benhadad upon Ahabs, <a class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.20.5,1Kgs.20.6" href="/passage/?search=1Kgs.20.5,1Kgs.20.6"><span class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.20.5">1 Kgs. 20:5</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="1Kgs.20.6">6</span></a>. And, not content with this, when these had <i>departed from Jerusalem</i> he comes again, and fetches away many more of <i>the elders, the priests, the prophets, and the people</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Jer.29.1" href="/passage/?search=Jer.29.1">Jer. 29:1</a>), such as he thought fit, or such as his soldiers could lay hands on, and carries them to Babylon. The case of these captives was very melancholy, the rather because they, being thus distinguished from the rest of their brethren who continued in their own land, looked as if they were greater sinners than all men who dwelt at Jerusalem. Jeremiah therefore writes a letter to them, to comfort them, assuring them that they had no reason either to despair of succour themselves or to envy their brethren that were left behind. Note, 1. The word of God written is as truly given by <i>inspiration of God</i> as his word spoken was; and this was the proper way of spreading the knowledge of Gods will among his <i>children scattered abroad</i>. 2. We may serve God and do good by writing to our friends at a distance pious letters of seasonable comforts and wholesome counsels. Those whom we cannot speak to we may write to; that which is written remains. This letter of Jeremiahs was sent to the captives in Babylon by the hands of the ambassadors whom king Zedekiah sent to Nebuchadnezzar, probably to pay him his tribute and renew his submission to him, or to treat of peace with him, in which treaty the captives might perhaps hope that they should be included, <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.29.3" href="/passage/?search=Jer.29.3">Jer. 29:3</a>. By such messengers Jeremiah chose to send this message, to put an honour upon it, because it was a message from God, or perhaps because there was no settled way of sending letters to Babylon, but as such an occasion as this offered, and then it made the condition of the captives there the more melancholy, that they could rarely hear from their friends and relations they had left behind, which is some reviving and satisfaction to those that are separated from one another.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. We are here told what he wrote. A copy of the letter at large follows here to <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.29.24" href="/passage/?search=Jer.29.24">Jer. 29:24</a>. In these verses,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. He assures them that he wrote in the name of the <i>Lord of hosts, the God of Israel</i>, who indited the letter; Jeremiah was but the scribe or amanuensis. It would be comfortable to them, in their captivity, to hear that God is <i>the Lord of hosts</i>, of all hosts, and is therefore able to help and deliver them; and that he is the <i>God of Israel</i> still, a God in covenant with his people, though he contend with them, and their enemies for the present are too hard for them. This would likewise be an admonition to them to stand upon their guard against all temptations to the idolatry of Babylon, because the <i>God of Israel</i>, the God whom they served, is <i>Lord of hosts</i>. Gods sending to them in this letter might be an encouragement to them in their captivity, as it was an evidence that he had not cast them off, had not abandoned them and disinherited them, though he was displeased with them and corrected them; for, if the Lord had been pleased to kill them, he would not have written to them.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. God by him owns the hand he had in their captivity: <i>I have caused you to be carried away</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Jer.29.4" href="/passage/?search=Jer.29.4">Jer. 29:4</a>. All the force of the king of Babylon could not have done it if God had not ordered it; nor could he have any power against them but what was given him from above. If God caused them to be carried captives, they might be sure that he neither did them any wrong nor meant them any hurt. Note, It will help very much to reconcile us to our troubles, and to make us patient under them, to consider that they are what God has appointed us to. <i>I opened not my mouth, because thou didst it</i>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">3. He bids them think of nothing but settling there; and therefore let them resolve to make the best of it (<a class="bibleref" title="Jer.29.5,Jer.29.6" href="/passage/?search=Jer.29.5,Jer.29.6"><span class="bibleref" title="Jer.29.5">Jer. 29:5</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Jer.29.6">6</span></a>): <i>Build yourselves houses and dwell in them</i>, etc. By all this it is intimated to them, (1.) That they must not feed themselves with hopes of a speedy return out of their captivity, for that would keep them still unsettled and consequently uneasy; they would apply themselves to no business, take no comfort, but be always tiring themselves and provoking their conquerors with the expectations of relief; and their disappointment at last would sink them into despair and make their condition much more miserable than otherwise it would be. Let them therefore reckon upon a continuance there, and accommodate themselves to it as well as they can. Let them <i>build</i>, and <i>plant</i>, and <i>marry</i>, and dispose of their children there as if they were at home in their own land. Let them take a pleasure in seeing their families built up and multiplied; for, though they must expect themselves to die in captivity, yet their children may live to see better days. If they live in the fear of God, what should hinder them but they may live comfortably in Babylon? They cannot but <i>weep</i> sometimes <i>when they remember Zion</i>. But let not weeping hinder sowing; let them not <i>sorrow as those that have no hope</i>, no joy; for they have both. Note, In all conditions of life it is our wisdom and duty to make the best of that which is, and not to throw away the comfort of what we may have because we have not all we would have. We have a natural affection for our native country; it strangely draws our minds; but it is with a <i>nescio qua dulcedine—we can give no good account of the sweet attraction</i>; and therefore, if providence remove us to some other country, we must resolve to live easy there, to bring our mind to our condition when our condition is not in every thing to our mind. If the <i>earth be the Lords</i>, then, wherever a child of God goes, he does not go off his Fathers ground. <i>Patria est ubicunque bene est—That place is our country in which we are well off</i>. If things be not as they have been, instead of fretting at that, we must live in hopes that they will be better than they are. <i>Non si male nunc, et olim sic erit—Though we suffer now we shall not always</i>. (2.) That they must not disquiet themselves with fears of intolerable hardships in their captivity. They might be ready to suggest (as persons in trouble are always apt to make the worst of things) that it would be in vain to build houses, for their lords and masters would not suffer them to dwell in them when they had built them, nor to eat the fruit of the vineyards they planted. “Never fear,” says God; “if you live peaceably with them, you shall find them civil to you.” Meek and quiet people, that work and mind their own business, have often found much better treatment, even with strangers and enemies, than they expected; and God has made his people to be <i>pitied of those that carry them captives</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ps.106.46" href="/passage/?search=Ps.106.46">Ps. 106:46</a>), and a pity it is but that those who have built houses should dwell in them. Nay,</p>
<p class="tab-1">4. He directs them to seek the good of the country where they were captives (<a class="bibleref" title="Jer.29.7" href="/passage/?search=Jer.29.7">Jer. 29:7</a>), to pray for it, to endeavour to promote it. This forbids them to attempt any thing against the public peace while they were subjects to the king of Babylon. Though he was a heathen, an idolater, an oppressor, and an enemy to God and his church, yet, while he gave them protection, they must pay him allegiance, and live <i>quiet and peaceable lives</i> under him, <i>in all godliness and honesty</i>, not plotting to shake off his yoke, but patiently leaving it to God in due time to work deliverance for them. Nay, they must pray to God for the peace of the places where they were, that they might oblige them to continue their kindness to them and disprove the character that had been given their nation, that they were <i>hurtful to kings and provinces</i>, and <i>moved sedition</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezra.4.15" href="/passage/?search=Ezra.4.15">Ezra 4:15</a>. Both the wisdom of the serpent and the innocency of the dove required them to be true to the government they lived under: <i>For in the peace thereof you shall have peace</i>; should the country be embroiled in war, they would have the greatest share in the calamitous effects of it. Thus the primitive Christians, according to the temper of their holy religion, prayed for the powers that were, though they were persecuting powers. And, if they were to pray for and seek the peace of the land of their captivity, much more reason have we to pray for the welfare of the land of our nativity, where we are a free people under a good government, <i>that in the peace thereof</i> we and ours <i>may have peace</i>. Every passenger is concerned in the safety of the ship.</p>