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<p>I. We are here taught that God is not the author of any mans sin. Whoever they are who raise persecutions against men, and whatever injustice and sin they may be guilty of in proceeding against them, God is not to be charged with it. And, whatever sins good men may themselves be provoked to by their exercises and afflictions, God is not the cause of them. It seems to be here supposed that some professors might fall in the hour of temptation, that the rod resting upon them might carry some into ill courses, and make them put forth their hands unto iniquity. But though this should be the case, and though such delinquents should attempt to lay their fault on God, yet the blame of their misconduct must lie entirely upon themselves. For, 1. There is nothing in the nature of God that they can lay the blame upon: <i>Let no man say, when he is tempted</i> to take any evil course, or do any evil thing, <i>I am tempted of God; for God cannot be tempted with evil</i>. All moral evil is owing to some disorder in the being that is chargeable with it, to a want of wisdom, or of power, or of decorum and purity in the will. But who can impeach the holy God with the want of these, which are his very essence? No exigence of affairs can ever tempt him to dishonour or deny himself, and therefore he cannot be tempted with evil. 2. There is nothing in the providential dispensations of God that the blame of any mans sin can be laid upon (<a class="bibleref" title="Jas.1.13" href="/passage/?search=Jas.1.13">Jas. 1:13</a>): <i>Neither tempteth he any man</i>. As God cannot be tempted with evil himself, so neither can he be a tempter of others. He cannot be a promoter of what is repugnant to his nature. The carnal mind is willing to charge its own sins on God. There is something hereditary in this. Our first father Adam tells God, <i>The woman thou gavest me</i> tempted me, thereby, in effect, throwing the blame upon God, for giving him the tempter. Let no man speak thus. It is very bad to sin; but is much worse, when we have done amiss, to charge it upon God, and say it was owing to him. Those who lay the blame of their sins either upon their constitution or upon their condition in the world, or who pretend they are under a fatal necessity of sinning, wrong God, as if he were the author of sin. Afflictions, as sent by God, are designed to draw out our graces, but not our corruptions.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. We are taught where the true cause of evil lies, and where the blame ought to be laid (<a class="bibleref" title="Jas.1.14" href="/passage/?search=Jas.1.14">Jas. 1:14</a>): <i>Every man is tempted</i> (in an ill sense) <i>when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed</i>. In other scriptures the devil is called <i>the tempter</i>, and other things may sometimes concur to tempt us; but neither the devil nor any other person or thing is to be blamed so as to excuse ourselves; for the true original of evil and temptation is in our own hearts. The combustible matter is in us, though the flame may be blown up by some outward causes. And therefore, <i>if thou scornest, thou alone shalt bear it</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Prov.9.12" href="/passage/?search=Prov.9.12">Prov. 9:12</a>. Observe here, 1. The method of sin in its proceeding. First it draws away, then entices. As holiness consists of two parts—forsaking that which is evil and cleaving to that which is good, so these two things, reversed, are the two parts of sin. The heart is carried from that which is good, and enticed to cleave to that which is evil. It is first by corrupt inclinations, or by lusting after and coveting some sensual or worldly thing, estranged from the life of God, and then by degrees fixed in a course of sin. 2. We may observe hence the power and policy of sin. The word here rendered <i>drawn away</i> signifies a being forcibly haled or compelled. The word translated <i>enticed</i> signifies being wheedled and beguiled by allurements and deceitful representations of things, <b><i>exelkomenos kai deleazomenos</i>.</b> There is a great deal of violence done to conscience and to the mind by the power of corruption: and there is a great deal of cunning and deceit and flattery in sin to gain us to its interests. The force and power of sin could never prevail, were it not for its cunning and guile. Sinners who perish are wheedled and flattered to their own destruction. And this will justify God for ever in their damnation, that they destroyed themselves. Their sin lies at their own door, and therefore their blood will lie upon their own heads. 3. The success of corruption in the heart (<a class="bibleref" title="Jas.1.15" href="/passage/?search=Jas.1.15">Jas. 1:15</a>): <i>Then, when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin</i>; that is, sin being allowed to excite desires in us, it will son ripen those desires into consent, and then it is said to have <i>conceived</i>. The sin truly exists, though it be but in embryo. And, when it has grown it its full size in the mind, it is then brought forth in actual execution. Stop the beginnings of sin therefore, or else all the evils it produces must be wholly charged upon us. 4. The final issue of sin, and how it ends: <i>Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death</i>. After sin is brought forth in actual commissions, the <i>finishing of it</i> (as Dr. Manton observes) is its being strengthened by frequent acts and settled into a habit. And, when the iniquities of men are thus filled up, death is brought forth. There is a death upon the soul, and death comes upon the body. And, besides death spiritual and temporal, the wages of sin is eternal death too. Let sin therefore be repented of and forsaken, before it be finished. <i>Why will you die, O house of Israel</i>! <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.33.11" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.33.11">Ezek. 33:11</a>. God has no pleasure in your death, as he has no hand in your sin; but both sin and misery are owing to yourselves. Your own hearts lusts and corruptions are your tempters; and when by degrees they have carried you off from God, and finished the power and dominion of sin in you, then they will prove your destroyers.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. We are taught yet further that, while we are the authors and procurers of all sin and misery to ourselves, <i>God is the Father and fountain of all good</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Jas.1.16,Jas.1.17" href="/passage/?search=Jas.1.16,Jas.1.17"><span class="bibleref" title="Jas.1.16">Jas. 1:16</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Jas.1.17">17</span></a>. We should take particular care not to err in our conceptions of God: “<i>Do not err, my beloved brethren</i>, <b><i>me lanasthe</i></b><i>do not wander</i>, that is, from the word of God, and the accounts of him you have there. Do not stray into erroneous opinions, and go off from the standard of truth, the things which you have received from the Lord Jesus and by the direction of his Spirit.” The loose opinions of Sinon, and the Nicolaitans (from whom the Gnostics, a most sensual corrupt set of people, arose afterwards), may perhaps, by the apostle here, be more especially cautioned against. Those who are disposed to look into these may consult the first book of Irenaeus against heresies. Let corrupt men run into what notions they will, the truth, as it is in Jesus, stands thus: That God is not, cannot be, the author and patronizer of any thing that is evil; but must be acknowledged as the cause and spring of every thing that is good: <i>Every good and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Jas.1.17" href="/passage/?search=Jas.1.17">Jas. 1:17</a>. Here observe, 1. God is the Father of lights. The visible light of the sun and the heavenly bodies is from him. He said, <i>Let there be light, and there was light</i>. Thus God is at once represented as the Creator of the sun and in some respects compared to it. “As the sun is the same in its nature and influences, though the earth and clouds, oft interposing, make it seem to us as varying, by its rising and setting, and by its different appearances, or entire withdrawment, when the change is not in it; so God is unchangeable, and our changes and shadows are not from any mutability or shadowy alterations in him, but from ourselves.”—<i>Baxter</i>. The Father of lights, <i>with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning</i>. What the sun is in nature, God is in grace, providence, and glory; aye, and infinitely more. For, 2. Every good gift is from him. As the Father of lights, he gives the light of reason. <i>The inspiration of the Almighty giveth understanding</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Job.32.8" href="/passage/?search=Job.32.8">Job 32:8</a>. He gives also the light of learning: Solomons wisdom in the knowledge of nature, in the arts of government, and in all his improvements, is ascribed to God. The light of divine revelation is more immediately from above. The light of faith, purity, and all manner of consolation is from him. So that we have nothing good but what we receive from God, as there is no evil or sin in us, or done by us, but what is owing to ourselves. We must own God as the author of all the powers and perfections that are in the creature, and the giver of all the benefits which we have in and by those powers and perfections: but none of their darknesses, their imperfections, or their ill actions are to be charged on the Father of lights; from him proceeds every good and perfect gift, both pertaining to this life and that which is to come. 3. As every good gift is from God, so particularly the renovation of our natures, our regeneration, and all the holy happy consequences of it, must be ascribed to him (<a class="bibleref" title="Jas.1.18" href="/passage/?search=Jas.1.18">Jas. 1:18</a>): <i>Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth</i>. Here let us take notice, (1.) A true Christian is a creature begotten anew. He becomes as different a person from what he was before the renewing influences of divine grace as if he were formed over again, and born afresh. (2.) The original of this good work is here declared: it is of Gods own will; not by our skill or power; not from any good foreseen in us, or done by us, but purely from the good-will and grace of God. (3.) The means whereby this is affected are pointed out: <i>the word of truth</i>, that is, the gospel, as Paul expresses it more plainly, <a class="bibleref" title="1Cor.4.15" href="/passage/?search=1Cor.4.15">1 Cor. 4:15</a>; <i>I have begotten you in Jesus Christ through the gospel</i>. This gospel in indeed a word of truth, or else it could never produce such real, such lasting, such great and noble effects. We may rely upon it, and venture our immortal souls upon it. And we shall find it a means of our sanctification as it is a word of truth, <a class="bibleref" title="John.17.17" href="/passage/?search=John.17.17">John 17:17</a>. (4.) The end and design of Gods giving renewing grace is here laid down: <i>That we should be a kind of first-fruits of his creatures</i>—that we should be Gods portion and treasure, and a more peculiar property to him, as the first-fruits were; and that we should become holy to the Lord, as the first-fruits were consecrated to him. Christ is the first-fruits of Christians, Christians are the first-fruits of creatures.</p>