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<p>Tyre being a sea-port town, this prophecy of its overthrow fitly begins and ends with, <i>Howl, you ships of Tarshish</i>; for all its business, wealth, and honour, depended upon its shipping; if that be ruined, they will be all undone. Observe,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. Tyre flourishing. This is taken notice of that her fall may appear the more dismal. 1. <i>The merchants of Zidon</i>, who traded at sea, had at first <i>replenished her</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.2" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.2">Isa. 23:2</a>. Zidon was the more ancient city, situated upon the same sea-cost, a few leagues more to the north, and Tyre was at first only a colony of that; but the daughter had outgrown the mother, and become much more considerable. It may be a mortification to great cities to think how they were at first replenished. 2. Egypt had helped very much to raise her, <a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.3" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.3">Isa. 23:3</a>. Sihor was the river of Egypt: by that river, and the ocean into which it ran, the Egyptians traded with Tyre; and the harvest of that river was her revenue. The riches of the sea, and the gains by goods exported and imported, are as much the harvest to trading towns as that of hay and corn is to the country; and sometimes <i>the harvest of the river</i> proves a better revenue than the harvest of the land. Or it may be meant of all the products of the Egyptian soil, which the men of Tyre traded in, and which were the harvest of the river Nile, owing themselves to the overflowing of that river. 3. She had become the mart of the nations, the great emporium of that part of the world. Some of every known nation might be found there, especially at certain times of the year, when there was a general rendezvous of merchants. This is enlarged upon by another prophet, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.27.2,Ezek.27.3" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.27.2,Ezek.27.3"><span class="bibleref" title="Ezek.27.2">Ezek. 27:2</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Ezek.27.3">3</span></a> See how the hand of the diligent, by the blessing of God upon it, makes rich. Tyre became rich and great by industry, though she had no other ploughs going than those that plough the waters. 4. She was a <i>joyous city</i>, noted for mirth and jollity, <a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.7" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.7">Isa. 23:7</a>. Those that were so disposed might find there all manner of sports and diversions, all the delights of the sons and daughters of men, balls, and plays, and operas, and every thing of that kind that a man had a fancy to. This made them secure and proud, and they despised the country people, who neither knew nor relished any joys of that nature. This also made them very loth to believe and consider what warnings God gave them by his servants; they were too merry to mind them. Her <i>antiquity</i> likewise was <i>of ancient days</i>, and she was proud of that, and that helped to make her secure; as if because she had been a city time out of mind, and her antiquity had been of ancient days, therefore she must continue a city time without end, and her continuance must be to the days of eternity. 5. She was <i>a crowning city</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.8" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.8">Isa. 23:8</a>), that crowned herself. Such were the power and pomp of her magistrates that they crowned those who had dependence on her and dealings with her. It is explained in the following words: <i>Her merchants are princes</i>, and live like princes for the ease and state they take; and <i>her traffickers</i>, whatever country they go to, <i>are the honourable of the earth</i>, who are respected by all. How slightly soever some now speak of tradesmen, it seems formerly, and among the wisest nations, there were merchants, and traders, and men of business, that were the honourable of the earth.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. Here is Tyre falling. It does not appear that she brought trouble upon herself by provoking her neighbours with her quarrels, but rather by tempting them with her wealth; but, if it was this that induced Nebuchadnezzar to fall upon Tyre, he was disappointed; for after it had stood out a siege of thirteen years, and could hold out no longer, the inhabitants got away by sea, with their families and goods, to other places where they had an interest, and left Nebuchadnezzar nothing but the bare city. See a history of Tyre in Sir Walter Raleighs History of the World, <i>lib</i>. 2. <i>cap</i>. 7. <i>sect</i>. 3, 43. <i>page</i>. 283, which will give much light to this prophecy and that in Ezekiel concerning Tyre.</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. See how the destruction of Tyre is here foretold. (1.) The haven shall be no convenient harbour for the reception of the ships of Tarshish, but all <i>laid waste</i> (1.), so that there shall be no house, no dock for the ships to ride in, no inns, or public houses for the seamen, no entering into the port. Perhaps it was choked with sand or blocked up by the enemy. Or, Tyre being destroyed and laid waste, the ships that used to come from Tarshish and Chittim into that port shall now no more enter in; for <i>it is revealed</i> or made known <i>to them</i>, they have received the dismal news, that Tyre is destroyed and laid waste; so that there is now no more business for them there. See how it is in this world; those that are spoiled by their enemies are commonly slighted by their old friends. (2.) The inhabitants are struck with astonishment. Tyre was an island. The inhabitants of it, who had made a mighty noise and bustle in the world, and revelled with loud huzzas, shall now be still and silent (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.2" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.2">Isa. 23:2</a>); they shall sit down as mourners, so overwhelmed with grief that they shall not be able to express it. Their proud boasts of themselves, and defiances of their neighbours, shall be silenced. God can soon quiet those, and strike them dumb, that are the noisy busy people of the world. Be still; for God will do his work (<a class="bibleref" title="Ps.46.10,Zech.2.13" href="/passage/?search=Ps.46.10,Zech.2.13"><span class="bibleref" title="Ps.46.10">Ps. 46:10</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Zech.2.13">Zech. 2:13</span></a>), and you cannot resist him. (3.) The neighbours are amazed, blush, and are in pain for them: <i>Zidon is ashamed</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.4" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.4">Isa. 23:4</a>), by whom Tyre was at first replenished; for the rolling waves of the sea brought to Zidon this news from Tyre; and there <i>the strength of the sea</i>, a high spring-tide, proclaimed saying, “<i>I travail not, nor bring forth children</i> now, as I have done. I do not now, as I used to do, bring ship-loads of young people to Tyre, to be bred up there in trade and business,” which was the thing that had made Tyre so rich and populous. Or the sea, that used to be loaded with fleets of ships about Tyre, shall not be as desolate as a sorrowful widow that is bereaved of all her children, and has none about her to nourish and bring up. Egypt indeed was a much larger and more considerable kingdom than Tyre was; and yet Tyre had so large a correspondence, upon the account of trade, that all the nations about shall be as much in pain, upon the report of the ruin of that one city, as they would have been, and not long after were, upon the report of the ruin of all Egypt, <a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.5" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.5">Isa. 23:5</a>. Or, as some read it, <i>When the report shall reach to the Egyptians they shall be sorely pained to hear it of Tyre</i>, both because of the loss of their trade with that city and because it was a threatening step towards their own ruin; when their neighbours house was on fire their own was in danger. (4.) The merchants, as many as could, should transmit their effects to other places, and abandon Tyre, where they had raised their estates, and thought they had made them sure (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.6" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.6">Isa. 23:6</a>): “<i>You</i> that have long been <i>inhabitants of this isle</i>” (for it lay off in the sea about half a mile from the continent); “It is time to howl now, for you must pass over to Tarshish. The best course you can take is to make the best of your way to Tarshish, to the sea” (to Taressus, a city in Spain; so some), “or to some other of your plantations.” Those that think their mountain stands strong, and cannot be moved, will find that here they have no continuing city. <i>The mountains shall depart and the hills be removed</i>. (5.) Those that could not make their escape must expect no other than to be carried into captivity; for it was the way of conquerors, in those times, to take those they conquered to be bondmen in their own country, and send of their own to be freemen in theirs (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.7" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.7">Isa. 23:7</a>): <i>Her own feet shall carry her afar off to sojourn</i>; they shall be hurried away on foot into captivity, and many a weary step they shall take towards their own misery. Those that have lived in the greatest pomp and splendour know not what hardships they may be reduced to before they die. (6.) Many of those that attempted to escape should be pursued and fall into the hands of the enemy. Tyre shall <i>pass through her land as a river</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.10" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.10">Isa. 23:10</a>), running down, one company after another, into the ocean or abyss of misery. Or, though they hasten away as a river, with the greatest swiftness, hoping to outrun the danger, yet <i>there is no more strength</i>; they are quickly tired, and cannot get forward, but fall an easy prey into the hands of the enemy. And, as Tyre has no more strength, so her sister Zidon has no more comfort (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.12" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.12">Isa. 23:12</a>): “<i>Thou shalt no more rejoice, O oppressed virgin, daughter of Zidon</i>, that art now ready to be overpowered by the victorious Chaldeans! Thy turn is next; therefore <i>arise; pass over to Chittim</i>; flee to Greece, to Italy, any where to shift for thy own safety; yet <i>there also shalt thou have no rest</i>; thy enemies shall disturb thee, and thy own fears shall disquiet thee, where thou hopedst to find some repose.” Note, We deceive ourselves if we promise ourselves rest any where in this world. Those that are uneasy in one place will be so in another; and, when Gods judgments pursue sinners, they will overtake them.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. But whence shall all this trouble come?</p>
<p class="tab-1">(1.) God will be the author of it; it is a <i>destruction from the Almighty</i>. It will be asked (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.8" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.8">Isa. 23:8</a>), “<i>Who has taken this counsel against Tyre</i>? Who has contrived it? Who has resolved it? Who can find in his heart to lay such a stately lovely city in ruins? And how is it possible that its ruin should be effected?” To this it will be answered, [1.] God has designed it, who is infinitely wise and just, and never did, nor ever will do, any wrong to any of his creatures (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.9" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.9">Isa. 23:9</a>). <i>The Lord of hosts</i>, that has all things at his disposal and gives not account of any of his matters, he <i>has purposed it</i>. It shall be done according to the counsel of his will; and that which he aims at herein is <i>to stain the pride of all glory</i>, to pollute it, profane it, and throw it to be trodden upon; <i>and to bring into contempt</i> and make despicable <i>all the honourable ones of the earth</i>, that they may not admire themselves and be admired by others as usual. God did not bring those calamities upon Tyre in a way of sovereignty, to show an arbitrary and irresistible power; but he did it to punish the Tyrians for their pride. Many other sins, no doubt, reigned among them—idolatry, sensuality, and oppression; but the sin of pride is fastened upon as that which was the particular ground of Gods controversy with Tyre; for he resists the proud. All the world observing and being surprised at the desolation of Tyre, we have here an exposition of it. God tells the world what he meant by it. <i>First</i>, He designed to convince men of the vanity and uncertainty of all earthly glory, to show them what a withering, fading, perishing thing it is even when it seems most substantial. It were well if men would be thoroughly taught this lesson, though it were at the expense of so great a destruction. Are mens learning and wealth, their pomp and power, their interest in, and influence upon, all about them, their glory? Are their stately houses, rich furniture, and splendid appearances, their glory? Look up on the ruins of Tyre, and see all this glory stained, and sullied, and buried in the dust. The honourable ones of heaven will be for ever such; but see the grandees of Tyre, some fled into banishment, others forced into captivity, and all impoverished, and you will conclude that the honourable of the earth, even the most honourable, know not how soon they may be brought into contempt. <i>Secondly</i>, He designed hereby to prevent their being proud of that glory, their being puffed up, and confident of the continuance of it. Let the ruin of Tyre be a warning to all places and persons to take heed of pride; for it proclaims to all the world that he who exalts himself shall be abased. [2.] God will do it, who has all power in his hand and can do it effectually (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.11" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.11">Isa. 23:11</a>): <i>He stretched out his hand over the sea</i>. He has done so many a time, witness the dividing of the Red Sea and the drowning of Pharaoh in it. He has often shaken the kingdoms that were most secure; and he has now given commandment concerning this merchant-city, to destroy the strongholds thereof. As its beauty shall not intercede for it, but that shall be stained, so its strength shall not protect it, but that shall be broken. If any think it strange that a city so well fortified, and that has so many powerful allies, should be so totally ruined, let them know that it is the Lord of hosts that has given a commandment to destroy the strongholds thereof: and who can gainsay his orders or hinder the execution of them?</p>
<p class="tab-1">(2.) The Chaldeans shall be the instruments of it (<a class="bibleref" title="Isa.23.13" href="/passage/?search=Isa.23.13">Isa. 23:13</a>): <i>Behold the land of the Chaldeans</i>; how easily they and their land were destroyed by the Assyrians. Though their own hands <i>founded it, set up the towers</i> of Babylon, and <i>raised up its palaces</i>, yet the Assyrians brought it to ruin, whence the Tyrians might infer that as easily as the old Chaldeans were subdued by the Assyrians so easily shall Tyre be vanquished by those new Chaldeans. Babel was built by the Assyrians for <i>those that dwelt in the wilderness</i>. It may be rendered <i>for the ships</i> (the Assyrians founded it for ships and shipmen that traffic upon those vast rivers Tigris and Euphrates to the Persian and Indian seas), <i>for men of the desert</i>, for Babylon is called the <i>desert of the sea</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Isa.21.1" href="/passage/?search=Isa.21.1">Isa. 21:1</a>. Thus Tyrus was built upon the sea for the like purpose. But the Assyrians (says Dr. Lightfoot) brought that to ruin, now lately, in Hezekiahs time, and so shall Tyre hereafter be brought to ruin by Nebuchadnezzar. If we looked more upon the falling and withering of others, we should not be so confident as we commonly are of the continuance of our own flourishing and standing.</p>