2023-12-17 15:08:46 -05:00

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<p>Here is, 1. The kindness of Pharaoh to Joseph, and to his relations for his sake: he bade his brethren welcome (<a class="bibleref" title="Gen.45.16" href="/passage/?search=Gen.45.16">Gen. 45:16</a>), though it was a time of scarcity, and they were likely to be a charge to him. Nay, because it pleased Pharaoh, it pleased his servants too, at least they pretended to be pleased because Pharaoh was. He engaged Joseph to send for his father down to Egypt, and promised to furnish them with all conveniences both for his removal thither and his settlement there. If the good of all the land of Egypt (as it was not better stocked than any other land, thanks to Joseph, under God) would suffice him, he was welcome to it all, it was all his own, even <i>the fat of the land</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Gen.45.18" href="/passage/?search=Gen.45.18">Gen. 45:18</a>), so that they need not <i>regard their stuff</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.45.20" href="/passage/?search=Gen.45.20">Gen. 45:20</a>. What they had in Canaan he reckoned but stuff, in comparison with what he had for them in Egypt; and therefore if they should be constrained to leave some of that behind them, let them not be discontented; Egypt would afford them enough to make up the losses of their removal. Thus those for whom Christ intends shares in his heavenly glory ought not to regard the stuff of this world: The best of its enjoyments are but stuff, but lumber; we cannot make sure of it while we are here, much less can we carry it a way with us; let us not therefore be solicitous about it, nor set our eyes or hearts upon it. There are better things reserved for us in that blessed land whither our Joseph has gone to prepare a place.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The kindness of Joseph to his father and brethren. Pharaoh was respectful to Joseph, in gratitude, because he had been an instrument of much good to him and his kingdom, not only preserving it from the common calamity, but helping to make it considerable among the nations; for all their neighbours would say, “Surely the Egyptians are a wise and an understanding people, that are so well stocked in a time of scarcity.” For this reason Pharaoh never thought any thing too much that he could do for Joseph. Note, There is a gratitude owing even to inferiors; and when any have shown us kindness we should study to requite it, not only to them, but to their relations. And Joseph likewise was respectful to his father and brethren in duty, because they were his near relations, though his brethren had been his enemies, and his father long a stranger. 1. He furnished them for necessity, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.45.21" href="/passage/?search=Gen.45.21">Gen. 45:21</a>. He gave them wagons and provisions for the way, both going and coming; for we never find that Jacob was very rich, and, at this time, when the famine prevailed, we may suppose he was rather poor. 2. He furnished them for ornament and delight. To his brethren he gave two suits apiece of good clothes, to Benjamin five suits, and money besides in his pocket, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.45.22" href="/passage/?search=Gen.45.22">Gen. 45:22</a>. To his father he sent a very handsome present of the varieties of Egypt, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.45.23" href="/passage/?search=Gen.45.23">Gen. 45:23</a>. Note, Those that are wealthy should be generous, and devise liberal things; what is an abundance good for, but to do good with it? 3. He dismissed them with a seasonable caution: <i>See that you fall not out by the way</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.45.24" href="/passage/?search=Gen.45.24">Gen. 45:24</a>. He knew they were but too apt to be quarrelsome; and what had lately passed, which revived the remembrance of what they had done formerly against their brother, might give them occasion to quarrel. Joseph had observed them to contend about it, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.42.22" href="/passage/?search=Gen.42.22">Gen. 42:22</a>. To one they would say, “It was you that first upbraided him with his dreams;” to another, “It was you that said, Let us kill him;” to another, “It was you that stripped him of his fine coat;” to another, “It was you that threw him into the pit,” etc. Now Joseph, having forgiven them all, lays this obligation upon them, not to upbraid one another. This charge our Lord Jesus has given to us, <i>that we love one another</i>, that we live in peace, that whatever occurs, or whatever former occurrences are remembered, we fall not out. For, (1.) We are brethren, we have all one Father. (2.) We are his brethren, and we shame our relation to him <i>who is our peace</i>, if we fall out. (3.) We are guilty, <i>verily guilty</i>, and, instead of quarrelling with one another, have a great deal of reason to fall out with ourselves. (4.) We are, or hope to be, forgiven of God whom we have all offended, and therefore should be ready to forgive one another. (5.) We are <i>by the way</i>, a way that lies through the land of Egypt, where we have many eyes upon us, that seek occasion and advantage against us, a way that leads to Canaan, where we hope to be for ever in perfect peace.</p>