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<p>Here is, I. The danger Sarai was in of having her chastity violated by the king of Egypt: and without doubt the peril of sin is the greatest peril we can be in. <i>Pharaohs princes</i> (his pimps rather) <i>saw her, and</i>, observing what a comely woman she was, they <i>commended her before Pharaoh</i>, not for that which was really her praise—her virtue and modesty, her faith and piety (these were no excellencies in their eyes), but for her beauty, which they thought too good for the embraces of a subject. They recommended her to the king, and she was presently taken into Pharaohs house, as Esther into the seraglio of Ahasuerus (<a class="bibleref" title="Esth.2.8" href="/passage/?search=Esth.2.8">Est. 2:8</a>), in order to her being taken into his bed. Now we must not look upon Sarai as standing fair for preferment, but as entering into temptation; and the occasions of it were her own beauty (which is a snare to many) and Abrams equivocation, which is a sin that commonly is an inlet to much sin. While Sarai was in this danger, Abram fared the better for her sake. Pharaoh gave him sheep, oxen, etc. (<a class="bibleref" title="Gen.12.16" href="/passage/?search=Gen.12.16">Gen. 12:16</a>), to gain his consent, that he might the more readily prevail with her whom he supposed to be his sister. We cannot think that Abram expected this when he came down into Egypt, much less that he had an eye to it when he denied his wife; but God brought good out of evil. And thus the wealth of the sinner proves, in some way or other, to be laid up for the just.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The deliverance of Sarai from this danger. For if God did not deliver us, many a time, by prerogative, out of those straits and distresses which we bring ourselves into by our own sin and folly, and which therefore we could not expect any deliverance from by promise, we should soon be ruined, nay, we should have been ruined long before this. He deals not with us according to our deserts.</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. God chastised Pharaoh, and so prevented the progress of his sin. Note, Those are happy chastisements that hinder us in a sinful way, and effectually bring us to our duty, and particularly to the duty of restoring that which we have wrongfully taken and detained. Observe, Not Pharaoh only, but his house, was plagued, probably those princes especially that had commended Sarai to Pharaoh. Note, Partners in sin are justly made partners in the punishment. Those that serve others lusts must expect to share in their plagues. We are not told particularly what these plagues were; but doubtless there was something in the plagues themselves, or some explication added to them, sufficient to convince them that it was for Sarais sake that they were thus plagued.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. Pharaoh reproved Abram, and then dismissed him with respect.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(1.) The reproof was calm, but very just: <i>What is this that thou hast done</i>? What an improper thing! How unbecoming a wise and good man! Note, If those that profess religion do that which is unfair and disingenuous, especially if they say that which borders upon a lie, they must expect to hear of it, and have reason to thank those that will tell them of it. We find a prophet of the Lord justly reproved and upbraided by a heathen ship-master, <a class="bibleref" title="Jonah.1.6" href="/passage/?search=Jonah.1.6">Jonah 1:6</a>. Pharaoh reasons with him: <i>Why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife</i>? intimating that, if he had known this, he would not have taken her into his house. Note, It is a fault too common among good people to entertain suspicions of others beyond what there is cause for. We have often found more of virtue, honour, and conscience, in some people than we thought they possessed; and it ought to be a pleasure to us to be thus disappointed, as Abram was here, who found Pharaoh to be a better man than he expected. Charity teaches us to hope the best.</p>
<p class="tab-1">(2.) The dismission was kind and very generous. He restored him his wife without offering any injury to her honour: <i>Behold thy wife, take her</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Gen.12.19" href="/passage/?search=Gen.12.19">Gen. 12:19</a>. Note, Those that would prevent sin must remove the temptation, or get out of the way of it. He also sent him away in peace, and was so far from any design to kill him, as he apprehended, that he took particular care of him. Note, We often perplex and ensnare ourselves with fears which soon appear to have been altogether groundless. We often fear where no fear is. We fear the <i>fury of the oppressor, as though he were ready to destroy</i>, when really there is no danger, <a class="bibleref" title="Isa.51.13" href="/passage/?search=Isa.51.13">Isa. 51:13</a>. It would have been more for Abrams credit and comfort to have told the truth at first; for, after all, <i>honesty is the best policy</i>. Nay, it is said (<a class="bibleref" title="Gen.12.20" href="/passage/?search=Gen.12.20">Gen. 12:20</a>), <i>Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him</i>, that is, [1.] He charged them not to injure him in any thing. Note, It is not enough for those in authority to do no hurt themselves, but they must restrain their servants, and those about them, from doing hurt. Or, [2.] He appointed them, when Abram was disposed to return home, after the famine, to conduct him safely out of the country, as his convoy. Probably he was alarmed by the plagues (<a class="bibleref" title="Gen.12.17" href="/passage/?search=Gen.12.17">Gen. 12:17</a>), and inferred from them that Abram was a particular favourite of Heaven, and therefore, through fear of their return, took special care he should receive no injury in his country. Note, God has often raised up friends for his people, by making men know that it is at their peril if they hurt them. It is a dangerous thing to offend Christs little ones. <a class="bibleref" title="Matt.18.6" href="/passage/?search=Matt.18.6">Matt. 18:6</a>. To this passage, among others, the Psalmist refers, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.105.13-Ps.105.15" href="/passage/?search=Ps.105.13-Ps.105.15">Ps. 105:13-15</a>, <i>He reproved kings for their sakes, saying, Touch not my anointed</i>. Perhaps if Pharaoh had not <i>sent him away</i>, he would have been tempted to stay in Egypt and to forget the land of promise. Note, Sometimes God makes use of the enemies of his people to convince them, and remind them, that this world is not their rest, but that they must think of departing.</p>
<p class="tab-1"><i>Lastly</i>, Observe a resemblance between this deliverance of Abram out of Egypt and the deliverance of his seed thence: 430 years after Abram went into Egypt on occasion of a famine they went thither on occasion of a famine also; he was fetched out with great plagues on Pharaoh, so were they; as Abram was dismissed by Pharaoh, and enriched with the spoil of the Egyptians, so were they. For Gods care of his people is the same <i>yesterday, to-day, and for ever</i>.</p>