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<p>After all this large and magnificent discovery which God had made of himself to the prophet, and the full instructions he had given him how to deal with those to whom he sent him with an ample commission, we should have expected presently to see him preaching the word of God to a great congregation of Israel; but here we find it quite otherwise. his work here, at first, seems not at all proportionable to the pomp of his call.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. We have him here retired for further learning. By his unwillingness to go it should seem as if he were not so thoroughly convinced as he might have been of the ability of him that sent him to bear him out; and therefore, to encourage him against the difficulties he foresaw, God will favour him with another vision of his glory, which (if any thing) would put life into him and animate him for his work. In order for this, God calls him out <i>to the plain</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.3.22" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.3.22">Ezek. 3:22</a>) and there he will have some <i>talk with him</i>. See and admire the condescension of God in conversing thus familiarly with a man, a <i>son of man</i>, a poor captive, nay, with a sinful man, who, when God sent him <i>went in bitterness of spirit</i>, and was at this time out of humour with his work. And let us own ourselves for ever indebted to the mediation of Christ for this blessed intercourse and communion between God and man, between heaven and earth. See here the benefit of solitude, and how much it befriends contemplation. It is very comfortable to be alone with God, withdrawn from the word for converse with him, to hear from him, to speak to him; and a good man will say that he is never less along than when thus alone. Ezekiel <i>went forth into the plain</i> more willingly than he went <i>among those of the captivity</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.3.15" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.3.15">Ezek. 3:15</a>); for those that know what it is to have communion with God cannot but prefer that before any converse with this world, especially such as is commonly met with. He <i>went out into the plain</i>, and there he saw the same vision that he had seen <i>by the river of Chebar</i>; for God is not tied to places. Note, Those who follow God shall meet with his consolations, wherever they go. God called him out to <i>talk with him</i>, but did more than that: he showed him his <i>glory</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.3.23" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.3.23">Ezek. 3:23</a>. We are not now to expect such visions, but we must own that we have a favour done us no way inferior if we so by faith <i>behold the glory of the Lord</i> as to be <i>changed into the same image, by the Spirit of the Lord</i>; and this <i>honour have all his saints. Praise you the Lord</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="2Cor.3.18" href="/passage/?search=2Cor.3.18">2 Cor. 3:18</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. We have him here restrained from further teaching for the present. When he saw <i>the glory of the Lord</i> he <i>fell on his face</i>, being struck with an awe of Gods majesty and a dread of his displeasure; but <i>the Spirit entered into</i> him to raise him up, and then he recovered himself and got <i>upon his feet</i> and heard what the Spirit whispered to him, which is very surprising. One would have expected now that God would send him directly to the chief place of concourse, would give him favour in the eyes of his brethren, and make him and his message acceptable to them, that he would have a wider door of opportunity opened to him and that God would give him a door of utterance to open his mouth boldly; but what is here said to him is the reverse of all this.</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. Instead of sending him to a public assembly, he orders him to confine himself to his own lodgings: <i>Go, shut thyself within thy house</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.3.24" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.3.24">Ezek. 3:24</a>. He was not willing to appear in public, and, when he did, the people did not regard him, nor show him the respect he deserved, and as a just rebuke both to him and them, to him for his shyness of them and to them for their coldness towards him, God forbids him to appear in public. Note, Our choice is often made our punishment; and it is a righteous thing with God to remove teachers into corners when they, or their people, or both, grow indifferent to solemn assemblies. Ezekiel must shut up himself, some think, to give a sign of the besieging of Jerusalem, in which the people should be closely shut up as he was in his house, and which he speaks of in the next chapter. He must <i>shut himself within his house</i>, that he might receive further discoveries of the mind of God and might abundantly furnish himself with something to say to the people when he went abroad. We find that <i>the elders of Judah</i> visited him and <i>sat before</i> him sometimes <i>in his house</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.8.1" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.8.1">Ezek. 8:1</a>), to be witnesses of his ecstasies; but it was not till <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.11.25" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.11.25">Ezek. 11:25</a> that he <i>spoke to those of the captivity all the things that the Lord had shown him</i>. Note, Those that are called to preach must find time to study, and a great deal of time too, must often shut themselves up in their houses, that they may give attendance to reading and meditation, and so their profiting may appear to all.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. Instead of securing him an interest in the esteem and affections of those to whom he sent him he tells him that <i>they shall put bands upon him and bind him</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.3.25" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.3.25">Ezek. 3:25</a>), either (1.) As a criminal. <i>They shall bind him</i> in order to the further punishing of him as a disturber of the peace; though they were themselves sent into bondage in Babylon for persecuting the prophets, yet there they continue to persecute them. Or, rather, (2.) As a distracted man. <i>They</i> would go about to <i>bind him</i> as one beside himself; for to that they imputed his violent motions in his raptures. The captains asked Jehu, <i>Wherefore came this mad fellow unto thee</i>? Festus said to Paul, <i>Thou art beside thyself</i>; and so the Jews said of our Lord Jesus, <a class="bibleref" title="Mark.3.21" href="/passage/?search=Mark.3.21">Mark 3:21</a>. Perhaps this was the reason why he must keep within doors, because otherwise they would bind him, under pretence of his being mad, and therefore he must not <i>go out among them</i>. Justly are prophets forbidden to go to those that will abuse them.</p>
<p class="tab-1">3. Instead of opening his lips that his mouth might show forth Gods praise, God silence him, made his <i>tongue cleave to the roof of his mouth</i>, so that he was dumb for a considerable time, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.3.26" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.3.26">Ezek. 3:26</a>. The pious captives in Babylon used this imprecation upon themselves, that, <i>if</i> they should <i>forget Jerusalem</i>, there <i>tongue</i> might <i>cleave to the roof of their mouth</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ps.137.6" href="/passage/?search=Ps.137.6">Ps. 137:6</a>. Ezekiel remembers Jerusalem more than any of them, and yet his <i>tongue cleaves to the roof of his mouth</i>, and he that can speak best is forbidden to speak at all; and the reason given is because <i>they are a rebellious house</i> to whom he is sent, and they are not worthy to have him for <i>a reprover</i>. He shall not give them instructions and admonitions, for they are lost and thrown away upon them. He is before commanded to speak boldly to them because <i>they are most rebellious</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.2.7" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.2.7">Ezek. 2:7</a>); but, since that proves to no purpose, he is now for that reason enjoined silence and shall not speak at all to them. Note, Those whose hearts are hardened against conviction are justly deprived of the mans of conviction. Why should not the reprovers be dumb, if, after long trials, it be found that the reproved resolve to be deaf? If Ephraim be <i>joined to idols, let him alone. Thou shalt be dumb, and not be a reprover</i>, implying that unless he were dumb he would be reproving; if he could speak at all, he would witness against the wickedness of the wicked. <i>But when</i> God <i>speaks with</i> him, and designs to speak by him, he <i>will open</i> his <i>mouth</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.3.27" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.3.27">Ezek. 3:27</a>. Note, Though Gods prophets may be silenced awhile, there will come a time when God will give them the opening of the mouth again. And, when God speaks to his ministers, he not only opens their ears to hear what he says, but opens their mouth to return an answer. Moses, who had a veil on his face when he went down to the people, took it off when he went up again to God, <a class="bibleref" title="Exod.34.34" href="/passage/?search=Exod.34.34">Exod. 34:34</a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">4. Instead of giving him assurance of success when he should at any time speak to the people, he here leaves the matter very doubtful, and Ezekiel must not perplex and disquiet himself about it, but let it be as it will. <i>He that hears, let him hear</i>, and he is welcome to the comfort of it; <i>let him hear, and his soul shall live</i>; but <i>he that forbears, let him forbear</i> at his peril, and take what comes. If <i>thou scornest, thou alone shalt bear it</i>; neither God nor his prophet shall be any losers by it; but the prophet shall be rewarded for his faithfulness in reproving the sinner, and God will have the glory of his justice in condemning him for not taking the reproof.</p>