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<p>Here the prophet goes on with the story of their rebellions, for their further humiliation, and shows,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. That they had persisted in them after they were settled in the land of Canaan. Though God had so many times testified his displeasure against their wicked courses, “yet <i>in this</i> (that is, in the very same thing) <i>your fathers have blasphemed me</i>, continued to affront me, that they <i>also have trespassed a trespass against me</i>,” <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.20.27" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.20.27">Ezek. 20:27</a>. Note, It is a great aggravation of sin when men will not take warning by the mischievous consequences of sin in those that have gone before them: this is <i>blaspheming God</i>; it is speaking reproachfully of his judgments, as if they were of no significancy and were not worth regarding. 1. God had made good his promise: <i>I brought them into the land</i> that I had sworn to give them. Though their unbelief and disobedience had made the performance slow, and much retarded it, yet it did not <i>make the promise of no effect</i>. They were often very near being cut off in the wilderness, but a step between them and ruin, and yet they came to Canaan at last. Note, Even Gods Israel get to heaven by hell-gates; so many are their transgressions, and so strong their corruptions, that it is a miracle of mercy they are happy at last; as hypocrites go to hell by heaven-gates. <i>The righteous scarcely are saved. Per tot discrimina rerum tendimus ad coelum—Ten thousand dangers fill the road to haven</i>. 2. They had broken his precept by their abominable idolatries. God had appointed them to destroy all the monuments of idolatry, that they might not be tempted to desert his sanctuary; but, instead of defacing them, they fell in love with them, and when they <i>saw every high hill</i> whence they had the most delightful prospects, and all the <i>thick trees</i> where they had the most delightful shades (the former to show forth their pompous idolatries, the latter to conceal their shameful ones), <i>there they offered their sacrifices</i> and <i>made their sweet savour</i>, which should have been presented upon Gods altar only. <i>There they presented the provocation of their offering</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.20.28" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.20.28">Ezek. 20:28</a>), that is, their offerings, which, instead of pacifying God, or pleasing him, were highly provoking-sacrifices which, though costly, yet being misplaced, were an abomination to the Lord. 3. They obstinately persisted herein notwithstanding all the admonitions that were given them (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.20.29" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.20.29">Ezek. 20:29</a>): “<i>Then I told them</i>, by my servants the prophets, told them <i>where the high place was, to which they went</i>; nay, I put them upon considering it, and asking their own consciences concerning it, by putting this question to them, <i>Which is the high place whereunto you go</i>? What do you find there so inviting that you will leave Gods altars, where he requires your attendance, to frequent such places as he has forbidden you to worship in? Do you not know that those high places are of a heathenish extraction, and that the things which the Gentiles sacrificed they sacrificed to devils and not to God? Did not Moses tell you so? <a class="bibleref" title="Deut.32.17" href="/passage/?search=Deut.32.17">Deut. 32:17</a>. <i>And will you have fellowship with devils? What is that high place to which you go</i> when you turn your back on Gods altars? <i>O foolish</i> Israelites, <i>who</i> or what <i>has bewitched you</i>, that you will forsake the fountain of life for broken cisterns, that worship which God appoints, and will accept, for that which he forbids, which he abhors, and which he will punish?” And yet <i>the name is called Bamah unto this day</i>; they will have their way, let God and his prophets say what they please to the contrary. They are wedded to their <i>high places</i>; even in the best reigns those were not taken away; you could not prevail to take away the name of <i>Bamah—the high place</i>, out of their mouths, but still they would have that in the place of their worship. The sin and the sinner are with difficulty parted.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. That this generation, after they were unsettled, continued under the dominion of the same corrupt inclinations to idolatry, <a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.20.30" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.20.30">Ezek. 20:30</a>. He must <i>say to</i> the present <i>house of Israel</i>, some of whose elders were now sitting before him, “<i>Are you polluted after the manner of your fathers</i>? After all that God has said against you by a succession of prophets, and done against you by a series of judgments, yet will you take no warning? Will you still be as bad as your fathers were, and commit the same abominations that they committed? I see you will; you are bent upon returning to the old abominations; you <i>offer your gifts</i> in the high places, and you <i>make your sons to pass through the fire</i>; either you actually do it or you do it in purpose and imagination, and so you continue idolaters <i>to this day</i>.” These elders seem now to have been projecting a coalition with the heathen; their hearts they will reserve for the God of Israel, but their knees they will be at liberty to bow to the gods of the nations among whom they live, that they may have the more respect and the fairer quarter among them. Now the prophet is here ordered to tell those who were forming this scheme, and were for compounding the matter between God and Baal, that they should have no comfort or benefit from either. 1. They should have no benefit by their consulting in private with the prophets of the Lord; for, because they were hearkening after idols, God would have nothing to do with them (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.20.31" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.20.31">Ezek. 20:31</a>): <i>As I live, saith the Lord God, I will not be enquired of by you</i>. What he had said before (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.20.3" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.20.3">Ezek. 20:3</a>), having largely shown how just it was, he here repeats, as that which he would abide by. Let them not think that they honoured him by their enquiries, nor expect an answer of peace from him, as long as they continued in love and league with their idols. Note, Those reap no benefit by their religion that are not entire and sincere in it; nor can we have any comfortable communion with God in ordinances of worship unless we be inward and upright with him therein. We make nothing of our profession if it be but a profession. Nay, 2. They should have no benefit from their conforming in public to the practice of their neighbours (<a class="bibleref" title="Ezek.20.32" href="/passage/?search=Ezek.20.32">Ezek. 20:32</a>): “<i>That which comes into your mind</i> as a piece of refined politics in the present difficult juncture, and which you would be advised to for your own preservation, and that you may not by being singular expose yourselves to abuses, it <i>shall not be at all</i>, it shall turn to no account to you. You say, <i>We will be as the heathen</i>, we will join with them in worshipping their gods, though at the same time we do not believe them to be gods, but <i>wood and stone</i>, and then we should be taken <i>as the families of the countries</i>; they will not know, or in a little while will have forgotten, that we are Jews, and will allow us the same privileges with their own countrymen. Tell them,” says God, “that this project shall <i>never prosper</i>. Either their neighbours will not admit them to join with them in their worship, or, if they do, will think never the better, but the worse, of them for it, and will look upon them as dissemblers, and not fit to be trusted, who are thus false to their God, and put a cheat upon their neighbours.” Note, There is nothing got by sinful compliances; and the carnal projects of hypocrites will stand them in no stead. It is only integrity and uprightness that will preserve men, and recommend them to God and man.</p>