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<p>We have here a damp to all the mirth of Ahasueruss feast; it ended in heaviness, not as Jobs childrens feast by a wind from the wilderness, not as Belshazzars by a hand-writing on the wall, but by is own folly. An unhappy falling out there was, at the end of the feast, between the king and queen, which broke of the feast abruptly, and sent the guests away silent and ashamed.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. It was certainly the kings weakness to send for Vashti into his presence when he was drunk, and in company with abundance of gentlemen, many of whom, it is likely, were in the same condition. <i>When his heart was merry with wine</i> nothing would serve him but Vashti must come, well dressed as she was, with <i>the crown on her head</i>, that the princes and people might see what a handsome woman she was, <a class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.10,Esth.1.11" href="/passage/?search=Esth.1.10,Esth.1.11"><span class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.10">Est. 1:10</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.11">11</span></a>. Hereby, 1. He dishonoured himself as a husband, who ought to protect, but by no means expose, the modesty of his wife, who ought to be to her <i>a covering of the eyes</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Gen.20.16" href="/passage/?search=Gen.20.16">Gen. 20:16</a>), not to uncover them. 2. He diminished himself as a king, in commanding that from his wife which she might refuse, much to the honour of her virtue. It was against the custom of the Persians for the women to appear in public, and he put a great hardship upon her when he did not court, but command her to do so uncouth a thing, and make her a show. If he had not been put out of the possession of himself by drinking to excess, he would not have done such a thing, but would have been angry at any one that should have mentioned it. When the wine is in the wit is out, and mens reason departs from them.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. However, perhaps it was not her wisdom to deny him. <i>She refused to come</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.12" href="/passage/?search=Esth.1.12">Est. 1:12</a>); though he sent his command by seven honourable messengers, and publicly, and Josephus says sent again and again, yet she persisted in her denial. Had she come, while it was evident that she did it in pure obedience, it would have been no reflection upon her modesty, nor a bad example. The thing was not in itself sinful, and therefore to obey would have been more her honour than to be so precise. Perhaps she refused in a haughty manner, and then it was certainly evil; she <i>scorned to come at the kings commandment</i>. What a mortification was this to him! While he was showing the glory of his kingdom he showed the reproach of his family, that he had a wife that would do as she pleased. Strifes between yoke-fellows are bad enough at any time, but before company they are very scandalous, and occasion blushing and uneasiness.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. The king thereupon grew outrageous. He that had rule over 127 provinces had no rule over his own spirit, but his <i>anger burned in him</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.12" href="/passage/?search=Esth.1.12">Est. 1:12</a>. He would have consulted his own comfort and credit more if he had stifled his resentment, had passed by the affront his wife gave him, and turned it off with a jest.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. Though he was very angry, he would not do any thing in this matter till he advised with his privy-counsellors; as he had seven chamberlains to execute his orders, who are named (<a class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.10" href="/passage/?search=Esth.1.10">Est. 1:10</a>), so he had seven counsellors to direct his orders. The greater power a man has the greater need he has of advice, that he may not abuse his power. Of these counsellors it is said that they were learned men, for they <i>knew law</i> and <i>judgment</i>,that they were wise men, for they <i>knew the times</i>,and that the king put great confidence in them and honour upon them, for they <i>saw the kings face and sat first in the kingdom</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.13,Esth.1.14" href="/passage/?search=Esth.1.13,Esth.1.14"><span class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.13">Est. 1:13</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.14">14</span></a>. In the multitude of such counsellors there is safety. Now here is,</p>
<p class="tab-1">1. The question proposed to this cabinet-council (<a class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.15" href="/passage/?search=Esth.1.15">Est. 1:15</a>): <i>What shall we do to the queen Vashti according to the law</i>? Observe, (1.) Though it was the queen that was guilty, the law must have its course. (2.) Though the king was very angry, yet he would do nothing but what he was advised was according to law.</p>
<p class="tab-1">2. The proposal which Memucan made, that Vashti should be divorced for her disobedience. Some suggest that he gave this severe advice, and the rest agreed to it, because they knew it would please the king, would gratify both his passion now and his appetite afterwards. But Josephus says that, on the contrary, he had a strong affection for Vashti, and would not have put her away for this offence if he could legally have passed it by; and then we must suppose Memucan, in his advice, to have had a sincere regard to justice and the public good. (1.) He shows what would be the bad consequences of the queens disobedience to her husband, if it were passed by and not animadverted upon, that it would embolden other wives both to disobey their husbands and to domineer over them. Had this unhappy falling out between the king and his wife, wherein she was conqueror, been private, the error would have remained with themselves and the quarrel might have been settled privately between themselves; but it happening to be public, and perhaps the ladies that were now feasting with the queen having shown themselves pleased with her refusal, her bad example would be likely to have a bad influence upon all the families of the kingdom. If the queen must have her humour, and the king must submit to it (since the houses of private persons commonly take their measures from the courts of princes), the wives would be haughty and imperious and would scorn to obey their husbands, and the poor despised husbands might fret at it, but could not help themselves; for the <i>contentions of a wife are a continual dropping</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Prov.19.13,Prov.27.15" href="/passage/?search=Prov.19.13,Prov.27.15"><span class="bibleref" title="Prov.19.13">Prov. 19:13</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Prov.27.15">27:15</span></a>; and see <a class="bibleref" title="Prov.21.9,Prov.25.24" href="/passage/?search=Prov.21.9,Prov.25.24"><span class="bibleref" title="Prov.21.9">Prov. 21:9</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Prov.25.24">25:24</span></a>. When wives <i>despise their husbands</i>, whom they ought to <i>reverence</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Eph.5.33" href="/passage/?search=Eph.5.33">Eph. 5:33</a>), and contend for <i>dominion</i> over those to whom they ought to be in <i>subjection</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="1Pet.3.1" href="/passage/?search=1Pet.3.1">1 Pet. 3:1</a>), there cannot but be continual guilt and grief, confusion and every evil work. And great ones must take heed of setting copies of this kind, <a class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.16-Esth.1.18" href="/passage/?search=Esth.1.16-Esth.1.18">Est. 1:16-18</a>. (2.) He shows what would be the good consequence of a decree against Vashti that she should be divorced. We may suppose that before they proceeded to this extremity they sent to Vashti to know if she would yet submit, cry <i>Peccavi—I have done wrong</i>, and ask the kings pardon, and that, if she had done so, the mischief of her example would have been effectually prevented, and process would have been stayed; but it is likely she continued obstinate, and insisted upon it as her prerogative to do as she pleased, whether it pleased the king or no, and therefore they gave this judgment against her, that she <i>come no more before the king</i>, and this judgment so ratified as never to be reversed, <a class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.19" href="/passage/?search=Esth.1.19">Est. 1:19</a>. The consequence of this, it was hoped, would be that <i>the wives would give to their husbands honour</i>, even the wives of the <i>great</i>, notwithstanding their own greatness, and the wives of the <i>small</i>, notwithstanding the husbands meanness (<a class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.20" href="/passage/?search=Esth.1.20">Est. 1:20</a>); and thus every man would bear rule in his own house, as he ought to do, and, the wives being subject, the children and servants would be so too. It is the interest of states and kingdoms to provide that good order be kept in private families.</p>
<p class="tab-1">3. The edict that passed according to this proposal, signifying that the queen was divorced for contumacy, according to the law, and that, if other wives were in like manner undutiful to their husbands, they must expect to be in like manner disgraced (<a class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.21,Esth.1.22" href="/passage/?search=Esth.1.21,Esth.1.22"><span class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.21">Est. 1:21</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Esth.1.22">22</span></a>): were they better than the queen? Whether it was the passion or the policy of the king that was served by this edict, Gods providence served its own purpose by it, which was to make way for Esther to the crown.</p>