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<p>We have seen what changes there are in the world, and must not expect to find the world more sure to us than it has been to others. Now here Solomon shows the hand of God in all those changes; it is he that has made every creature to be that to us which it is, and therefore we must have our eye always upon him.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. We must make the best of <i>that which is</i>, and must believe it best for the present, and accommodate ourselves to it: <i>He has made every thing beautiful in his time</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.3.11" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.3.11">Eccl. 3:11</a>), and therefore, while its time lasts, we must be reconciled to it: nay, we must please ourselves with the beauty of it. Note, 1. Every thing is as God has made it; it is really as he appointed it to be, not as it appears to us. 2. That which to us seems most unpleasant is yet, in its proper time, altogether becoming. Cold is as becoming in winter as heat in summer; and the night, in its turn, is a black beauty, as the day, in its turn, is a bright one. 3. There is a wonderful harmony in the divine Providence and all its disposals, so that the events of it, when they come to be considered in their relations and tendencies, together with the seasons of them, will appear very beautiful, to the glory of God and the comfort of those that trust in him. Though we see not the complete beauty of Providence, yet we shall see it, and a glorious sight it will be, when the mystery of God shall be finished. Then every thing shall appear to have been done in the most proper time and it will be the wonder of eternity, <a class="bibleref" title="Deut.32.4,Ezek.1.18" href="/passage/?search=Deut.32.4,Ezek.1.18"><span class="bibleref" title="Deut.32.4">Deut. 32:4</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Ezek.1.18">Ezek. 1:18</span></a>.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. We must wait with patience for the full discovery of that which to us seems intricate and perplexed, acknowledging that we <i>cannot find out the work that God makes from the beginning to the end</i>, and therefore must judge nothing before the time. We are to believe that God has made all beautiful. Every thing is done well, as in creation, so in providence, and we shall see it when the end comes, but till then we are incompetent judges of it. While the picture is in drawing, and the house in building, we see not the beauty of either; but when the artist has put his last hand to them, and given them their finishing strokes, then all appears very good. We see but the middle of Gods works, not from the beginning of them (then we should see how admirably the plan was laid in the divine counsels), nor to the end of them, which crowns the action (then we should see the product to be glorious), but we must wait till the veil be rent, and not arraign Gods proceedings nor pretend to pass judgment on them. <i>Secret things belong not to us</i>. Those words, <i>He has set the world in their hearts</i>, are differently understood. 1. Some make them to be a reason why we may know more of Gods works than we do; so Mr. Pemble: “God has not left himself without witness of his righteous, equal, and beautiful ordering of things, but has set it forth, to be observed in the book of <i>the world</i>, and this he has <i>set in mens hearts</i>, given man a large desire, and a power, in good measure, to comprehend and understand the history of nature, with the course of human affairs, so that, if men did but give themselves to the exact observation of things, they might in most of them perceive an admirable order and contrivance.” 2. Others make them to be a reason why we do not know so much of Gods works as we might; so bishop Reynolds: “We have the world so much in our hearts, are so taken up with thoughts and cares of worldly things, and are so exercised in our travail concerning them, that we have neither time nor spirit to eye Gods hand in them.” The world has not only gained possession of the heart, but has formed prejudices there against the beauty of Gods works.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. We must be pleased with our lot in this world, and cheerfully acquiesce in the will of God concerning us, and accommodate ourselves to it. <i>There is no</i> certain, lasting, <i>good in</i> these things; what good there is in them we are here told, <a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.3.12,Eccl.3.13" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.3.12,Eccl.3.13"><span class="bibleref" title="Eccl.3.12">Eccl. 3:12</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Eccl.3.13">13</span></a>. We must make a good use of them, 1. For the benefit of others. All the <i>good</i> there is <i>in them</i> is <i>to do good</i> with them, to our families, to our neighbours, to the poor, to the public, to its civil and religious interests. What have we our beings, capacities, and estates for, but to be some way serviceable to our generation? We mistake if we think we were born for ourselves. No; it is our business <i>to do good</i>; it is in doing good that there is the truest pleasure, and what is so laid out is best laid up and will turn to the best account. Observe, It is <i>to do good in this life</i>, which is short and uncertain; we have but a little time to be doing good in, and therefore had need to redeem time. It is <i>in this life</i>, where we are in a state of trial and probation for another life. Every mans life is his opportunity of doing that which will make for him in eternity. 2. For our own comfort. Let us make ourselves easy, <i>rejoice, and enjoy the good of our labour</i>, as <i>it is the gift of God</i>, and so enjoy God in it, and taste his love, return him thanks, and make him the centre of our joy, <i>eat and drink</i> to his glory, and <i>serve him with joyfulness of heart, in the abundance of all things</i>. If all things in this world be so uncertain, it is a foolish thing for men sordidly to spare for the present, that they may hoard up all for hereafter; it is better to live cheerfully and usefully upon what we have, and let to-morrow <i>take thought for the things of itself</i>. Grace and wisdom to do this <i>is the gift of God</i>, and it is a good gift, which crowns the gifts of his providential bounty.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. We must be entirely satisfied in all the disposals of the divine Providence, both as to personal and public concerns, and bring our minds to them, because God, in all, performs the thing that is appointed for us, acts according to the counsel of his will; and we are here told, 1. That that counsel cannot be altered, and therefore it is our wisdom to make a virtue of necessity, by submitting to it. It must be as God wills: <i>I know</i> (and every one knows it that knows any thing of God) <i>that whatsoever God does it shall be for ever</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.3.14" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.3.14">Eccl. 3:14</a>. <i>He is in one mind, and who can turn him</i>? His measures are never broken, nor is he ever put upon new counsels, but what he has purposed shall be effected, and all the world cannot defeat nor disannul it. It behoves us therefore to say, “Let it be as God wills,” for, how cross soever it may be to our designs and interests, Gods will is his wisdom. 2. That that counsel needs not to be altered, for there is nothing amiss in it, nothing that can be am ended. If we could see it altogether at one view, we should see it so perfect that <i>nothing can be put to it</i>, for there is no deficiency in it, <i>nor any thing taken from it</i>, for there is nothing in it unnecessary, or that can be spared. As the word of God, so the works of God are every one of them perfect in its kind, and it is presumption for us either to add to them or to diminish from them, <a class="bibleref" title="Deut.4.2" href="/passage/?search=Deut.4.2">Deut. 4:2</a>. It is therefore as much our interest, as our duty, to bring our wills to the will of God.</p>
<p class="tab-1">V. We must study to answer Gods end in all his providences, which is in general to make us religious. <i>God does</i> all <i>that men should fear before him</i>, to convince them that there is a God above them that has a sovereign dominion over them, at whose disposal they are and all their ways, and in whose hands their times are and all events concerning them, and that therefore they ought to have their eyes ever towards him, to worship and adore him, to acknowledge him in all their ways, to be careful in every thing to please him, and afraid of offending him in any thing. God thus changes his disposals, and yet is unchangeable in his counsels, not to perplex us, much less to drive us to despair, but to teach us our duty to him and engage us to do it. That which God designs in the government of the world is the support and advancement of religion among men.</p>
<p class="tab-1">VI. Whatever changes we see or feel in this world, we must acknowledge the inviolable steadiness of Gods government. The sun rises and sets, the moon increases and decreases, and yet both are where they were, and their revolutions are in the same method from the beginning according to <i>the ordinances of heaven</i>; so it is with the events of Providence (<a class="bibleref" title="Eccl.3.15" href="/passage/?search=Eccl.3.15">Eccl. 3:15</a>): <i>That which has been is now</i>. God has not of late begun to use this method. No; things were always as mutable and uncertain as they are now, and so they will be: <i>That which is to be has already been</i>; and therefore we speak inconsiderately when we say, “Surely the world was never so bad as it is now,” or “None ever met with such disappointments as we meet with,” or “The times will never mend;” they may mend with us, and after a time to mourn there may come a time to rejoice, but that will still be liable to the common character, to the common fate. The world, as it has been, is and will be constant in inconstancy; for <i>God requires that which is past</i>, that is, repeats what he has formerly done and deals with us no otherwise than as he has used to deal with good men; and <i>shall the earth be forsaken for us, or the rock removed out of his place</i>? There has no change befallen us, nor any temptation by it overtaken us, <i>but such as is common to men</i>. Let us not be proud and secure in prosperity, for God may recall a past trouble, and order that to seize us and spoil our mirth (<a class="bibleref" title="Ps.30.7" href="/passage/?search=Ps.30.7">Ps. 30:7</a>); nor let us despond in adversity, for God may call back the comforts that are past, as he did to Job. We may apply this to our past actions, and our behaviour under the changes that have affected us. God will call us to account for <i>that which is past</i>; and therefore, when we enter into a new condition, we should judge ourselves for our sins in our former condition, prosperous or afflicted.</p>