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<p>We have here Nebuchadnezzars recovery from his distraction, and his return to his right mind, <i>at the end of the days</i> prefixed, that is, of the seven years. So long he continued a monument of Gods justice and a trophy of his victory over the children of pride, and he was made more so by being struck mad than if he had been in an instant struck dead with a thunderbolt; yet it was a mercy to him that he was kept alive, for while there is life there is hope that we may yet praise God, as he did here: <i>At the end of the days</i> (says he), <i>I lifted up my eyes unto heaven</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.4.34" href="/passage/?search=Dan.4.34">Dan. 4:34</a>), looked no longer down towards the earth as a beast, but begun to look up as a man. <i>Os homini sublime dedit—Heaven gave to man an erect countenance</i>. But there was more in it than this; he looked up as a devout man, as a penitent, as a humble petitioner for mercy, being perhaps never till now made sensible of his own misery. And now,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. He has the use of his reason so far restored to him that with it he glorifies God, and humbles himself under his mighty hand. He was told that he should continue in that forlorn case till he should know that the Most High rules, and here we have him brought to the knowledge of this: <i>My understanding returned to me, and I blessed the Most High</i>. Note, Those may justly be reckoned void of understanding that do not bless and praise God; nor do men ever rightly use their reason till they begin to be religious, nor live as men till they live to the glory of God. As reason is the substratum or subject of religion (so that creatures which have no reason are not capable of religion), so religion is the crown and glory of reason, and we have our reason in vain, and shall one day wish we had never had it, if we do not glorify God with it. This was the first act of Nebuchadnezzars returning reason; and, when this became the employment of it, he was then, and not till then, qualified for all the other enjoyments of it. And till he was for a great while disabled to exercise it in other things he never was brought to apply it to this, which is the great end for which our reason is given us. His folly was the means whereby he became wise; he was not recovered by his dream of this judgment (that was soon forgotten like a dream), but he is made to feel it, and then his <i>ear is opened to discipline</i>. To bring him to himself, he must first be <i>beside himself</i>. And by this it appears that what good thoughts there were in his mind, and what good work was wrought there, were not of himself (for he was not his own man), but it was the gift of God. Let us see what Nebuchadnezzar is now at length effectually brought to the acknowledgment of; and we may learn from it what to believe concerning God. 1. That the <i>most high</i> God <i>lives for ever</i>, and his being knows neither change nor period, for he has it of himself. His flatterers often complimented him with, <i>O king! live for ever</i>. But he is now convinced that no king lives for ever, but the God of Israel only, who is still the same. 2. That his kingdom is like himself, <i>everlasting</i>, and his <i>dominion from generation to generation</i>; there is no succession, no revolution, in his kingdom. As he lives, so he reigns, for ever, and of his government there is no end. 3. That <i>all nations</i> before him are <i>as nothing</i>. He has no need of them; he makes no account of them. The greatest of men, in comparison with him, are less than nothing. Those that think highly of God think meanly of themselves. 4. That his kingdom is universal, and both <i>the armies of heaven</i> and <i>the inhabitants of the earth</i> are his subjects, and under his check and control. Both angels and men are employed by him, and are accountable to him; the highest angel is not above his command, nor the meanest of the children of men beneath his cognizance. The angels of heaven are his armies, the inhabitants of the earth his tenants. 5. That his power is irresistible, and his sovereignty uncontrollable, for he <i>does according to his will</i>, according to his design and purpose, according to his decree and counsel; whatever he pleases that he does; whatever he appoints that he performs; and none can resist his will, change his counsel, nor <i>stay his hand, nor say unto him, What doest thou</i>? None can arraign his proceedings, enquire into the meaning of them, nor demand a reason for them. Woe to him that strives with his Maker, that says to him, <i>What doest thou</i>? Or, <i>Why doest thou so</i>? 6. That every thing which God does is well done: His <i>works are truth</i>, for they all agree with his word. <i>His ways are judgment</i>, both wise and righteous, exactly consonant to the rules both of prudence and equity, and no fault is to be found with them. 7. That he has power to humble the haughtiest of his enemies that act in contradiction to him or competition with him: <i>Those that walk in pride he is able to abuse</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.4.37" href="/passage/?search=Dan.4.37">Dan. 4:37</a>); he is able to deal with those that are most confident of their own sufficiency to contend with him.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. He has the use of his reason so far restored to him as with it to re-enjoy himself, and the pleasures of his re-established prosperity (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.4.36" href="/passage/?search=Dan.4.36">Dan. 4:36</a>): <i>At the same time my reason returned to me</i>; he had said before (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.4.34" href="/passage/?search=Dan.4.34">Dan. 4:34</a>) that his <i>understanding returned</i> to him, and here he mentions it again, for the use of our reason is a mercy we can never be sufficiently thankful for. Now his <i>lords sought to him</i>; he did not need to seek to them, and they soon perceived, not only that he had recovered his reason and was fit to rule, but that he had recovered it with advantage, and was more fit to rule than ever. It is probable that the dream and the interpretation of it were well known, and much talked of, at court; and the former part of the p e97 rediction being fulfilled, that he should go distracted, they doubted not but that, according to the prediction, he should come to himself again at seven years end, and, in confidence of that, when the time had expired they were ready to receive him; and then <i>his honour and brightness returned to him</i>, the same that he had before his madness seized him. He is now established in his kingdom as firmly as if there had been no interruption given him. <i>He becomes a fool, that he may be wise</i>, wiser than ever; and he that but the other day was in the depth of disgrace and ignominy has now <i>excellent majesty added to him</i>, beyond what he had when he went from kingdom to kingdom conquering and to conquer. Note, 1. When men are brought to honour God, particularly by a penitent confession of sin and a believing acknowledgment of his sovereignty, then, and not till then, they may expect that God will put honour upon them, will not only restore them to the dignity they lost by the sin of the first Adam, but <i>add excellent majesty to them</i> from the righteousness and grace of the second Adam. 2. Afflictions shall last no longer than till they have done the work for which they were sent. When this prince is brought to own Gods dominion over himself. 3. All the accounts we take and give of Gods dealing with us ought to conclude with praises to him. When Nebuchadnezzar is restored to his kingdom he <i>praises, and extols, and honours the King of heaven</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.4.37" href="/passage/?search=Dan.4.37">Dan. 4:37</a>), before he applies himself to his secular business. Therefore we have our reason, that we may be in a capacity of praising him, and therefore our prosperity, that we may have cause to praise him.</p>
<p class="tab-1">It was not long after this that Nebuchadnezzar ended his life and reign. Abydenus, quoted by Eusebius (Praep. Evang. 1. 9), reports, from the tradition of the Chaldeans, that upon his death-bed he foretold the taking of Babylon by Cyrus. Whether he continued in the same good mind that here he seems to have been in we are not told, nor does any thing appear to the contrary but that he did: and, if so great a <i>blasphemer and persecutor</i> did find mercy, he was not the last. And, if our charity may reach so far as to hope he did, we must admire free grace, by which he lost his wits for a while that he might save his soul for ever.</p>