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<p>The strict observations that were made, <i>super visum corporis—on inspecting their bodies</i>, by the princes and governors, and all the great men who were present upon this public occasion, and who could not be supposed partial in favour of the confessors, contributed much to the clearing of this miracle and the magnifying of the power and grace of God in it. <i>That indeed a notable miracle has been done is manifest, and we cannot deny it</i>, <a class="bibleref" title="Acts.4.16" href="/passage/?search=Acts.4.16">Acts 4:16</a>. Let us now see what effect it had upon Nebuchadnezzar.</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. He gives glory to the God of Israel as a God able and ready to protect his worshippers (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.3.28" href="/passage/?search=Dan.3.28">Dan. 3:28</a>): “<i>Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego</i>. Let him have the honour both of the faithful allegiance which his subjects bear to him and the powerful protection he grants to them, neither of which can be paralleled by any other nation and their gods.” The king does himself acknowledge and adore him, and thinks it is fit that he should be acknowledged and adored by all. <i>Blessed be thee God of Shadrach</i>. Note, God can extort confessions of his blessedness even from those that have been ready to curse him to his face. 1. He gives him the glory of his power, that he was able to protect his worshippers against the most mighty and malign ant enemies: <i>There is no other God that can deliver after this sort</i> (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.3.29" href="/passage/?search=Dan.3.29">Dan. 3:29</a>), no, not this golden image which he had set up. For this reason there was no other god that obliged his worshippers to cleave to him only, and to suffer death rather than worship any other, as the God of Israel did, for they could not engage to bear them out in so doing, as he could. If God can work such deliverance as no other can, he may demand such obedience as no other may. 2. He gives him the glory of his goodness, that he was ready to do it (<a class="bibleref" title="Dan.3.28" href="/passage/?search=Dan.3.28">Dan. 3:28</a>): <i>He has sent his angel and delivered his servants</i>. Bel could not save his worshippers from being burnt at the mouth of the furnace, but the God of Israel saved his from being burnt when they were cast into the midst of the furnace because they refused to <i>worship any other god</i>. By this Nebuchadnezzar was plainly given to understand that all the great success which he had had, and should yet have, against the people of Israel, which he gloried in, as he had therein overpowered the God of Israel, was owing purely <i>to their sin</i>: if the body of that nation had faithfully adhered to their own God and the worship of him only, as these three men did, they would all have been delivered out of his hand as these three men were. And this was a necessary instruction for him at this time.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. He applauds the constancy of these three men in their religion, and describes it to their honour, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.3.28" href="/passage/?search=Dan.3.28">Dan. 3:28</a>. Though he is not himself persuaded to own their God for his and to worship him, because, if he do so, he knows he must worship him only and renounce all others, and he calls him <i>the God of Shadrach</i>, not <i>my</i> God, yet he commends them for cleaving to him, and <i>not serving nor worshipping any other God but their own</i>. Note, There are many who are not religious themselves, and yet will own that those are clearly in the right that are religious and are stedfast in their religion. Though they are not themselves persuaded to close with it, they will commend those who, having closed with it, cleave to it. If men have given up their names to that God who will alone be served, let them keep to their principles, and serve him only, whatever it cost them. Such a constancy in the true religion will turn to mens praise, even among those that are without, when unsteadiness, treachery, and double dealing, are what all men will cry shame on. He commends them that they did this, 1. With a generous contempt of their lives, which they valued not, in comparison with the favour of God and the testimony of a good conscience. The <i>yielded their</i> own <i>bodies</i> to be cast into the fiery furnace rather than they would not only not forsake their God, but not affront him, by once paying that homage to any other which is due to him alone. Note, Those shall have their praise, if not of men, yet of God, who prefer their souls before their bodies, and will rather lose their lives than forsake their God. Those know not the worth and value of religion who do not think it worth suffering for. 2. They did it with a glorious contradiction to their prince: They <i>changed the kings word</i>, that is, they were contrary to it, and thereby put contempt upon both his precepts and threatenings, and made him repent and revoke both. Note, Even kings themselves must own that, when their commands are contrary to the commands of God, he is to be obeyed and not they. (3.) They did it with a gracious confidence in their God. They <i>trusted in him</i> that he would stand by them in what they did, that he would either bring them out of the fiery furnace back to their place on earth or lead them through the fiery furnace forward to their place in heaven; and in this confidence they became fearless of the kings wrath and regardless of their own lives. Note, A stedfast faith in God will produce a stedfast faithfulness to God. Now this honourable testimony, thus publicly borne by the king himself to these servants of God, we may well think, would have a good influence upon the rest of the Jews that were, or should be, captives in Babylon. Their neighbours could not with any confidence urge them to do that, nor could they for shame do that, which their brethren were so highly applauded by the king himself for not doing. Nay, and what God did for these his servants would help not only to keep the Jews close to their religion while they were in captivity, but to cure them of their inclination to idolatry, for which end they were sent into captivity; and, when it had had that blessed effect upon them, they might be assured that God would deliver them out of that furnace, as now he delivered their brethren out of this.</p>
<p class="tab-1">III. He issues a royal edict, strictly forbidding any to speak evil of the God of Israel, <a class="bibleref" title="Dan.3.29" href="/passage/?search=Dan.3.29">Dan. 3:29</a>. We have reason to think that both the sins and the troubles of Israel had given great occasion, though no just occasion, to the Chaldeans to blaspheme the God of Israel, and, it is likely, Nebuchadnezzar himself had encouraged it; but now, though he is no true convert, nor is wrought upon to worship him, yet he resolves never to speak ill of him again, nor to suffer others to do so: “<i>Whoever shall speak any thing amiss</i>, any <i>error</i> (so some), or rather any reproach or blasphemy, whoever shall speak with contempt of <i>the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego</i>, they shall be counted the worst of malefactors, and dealt with accordingly, they shall be <i>cut in pieces</i>, as Agag was by the sword of Samuel, and their houses shall be demolished and made a <i>dunghill</i>.” The miracle now wrought by the power of this God in defence of his worshippers, publicly in the sight of the thousands of Babylon, was a sufficient justification of this edict. And it would contribute much to the ease of the Jews in their captivity to be by this law screened from the fiery darts of reproach and blasphemy, with which otherwise they would have been continually annoyed. Note, It is a great mercy to the church, and a good point gained, when its enemies though they have not their hearts turned, yet have their mouths stopped and their tongues tied. If a heathen prince laid such a restraint upon the proud lips of blasphemers, much more should Christian princes do it; nay, in this thing, one would think that men should be a law to themselves, and that those who have so little love to God that they care not to speak well of him, yet could never find in their hearts, for we are sure they could never find cause, to <i>speak an 757 y thing amiss</i> of him.</p>
<p class="tab-1">IV. He not only reverses the attainder of these three men, but restores them to their places in the government (<i>makes them to prosper</i>, so the word is), and prefers them to greater and more advantageous trusts than they had been in before: He <i>promoted them in the province</i> of Babylon, which was much to their honour and the comfort of their brethren in captivity there. Note, It is the wisdom of princes to prefer and employ men of stedfastness in religion; for those are most likely to be faithful to them who are faithful to God, and it is likely to be well with them when Gods favourites are made theirs.</p>