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<p>I. The inscription of this epistle is much the same with the rest; only it is observable that, 1. He calls himself an <i>apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God</i>. An apostle is a prime-minister in the kingdom of Christ, immediately called by Christ, and extraordinarily qualified; his work was peculiarly to plant the Christian church, and confirm the Christian doctrine. He attributes this not to his own merit, strength, or sufficiency; but to the free grace and good-will of God. He thought himself engaged to do his utmost, as an apostle, because he was made so by the will of God. 2. He joins Timothy in commission with himself, which is another instance of his humility; and, though he elsewhere calls him his son (<a class="bibleref" title="2Tim.2.1" href="/passage/?search=2Tim.2.1">2 Tim. 2:1</a>), yet here he calls him his brother, which is an example to the elder and more eminent ministers to look upon the younger and more obscure as their brethren, and to treat them accordingly with kindness and respect. 3. He calls the Christians at Colosse <i>saints, and faithful brethren in Christ</i>. As all good ministers, so all good Christians, are brethren one to another, who stand in a near relation and owe a mutual love. Towards God they must be saints, consecrated to his honour and sanctified by his grace, bearing his image and aiming at his glory. And in both these, as saints to God and as brethren to one another, they must be faithful. Faithfulness runs through every character and relation of the Christian life, and is the crown and glory of them all.</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. The apostolical benediction is the same as usual: <i>Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ</i>. He wishes them <i>grace and peace</i>, the free favour of God and all the blessed fruits of it; every kind of spiritual blessings, and that <i>from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ</i>; jointly from both, and distinctly from each; as in the former epistle.</p>