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<p>Paul, with a great deal of expense and hazard, is brought a prisoner to Rome, and when he has come nobody appears to prosecute him or lay any thing to his charge; but he must call his own cause; and here he represents it to the chief of the Jews at Rome. It was not long since, by an edict of Claudius, all the Jews were banished from Rome, and kept out till his death; but, in the five years since then, many Jews had come thither, for the advantage of trade, though it does not appear that they were allowed any synagogue there or place of public worship; but these <i>chief of the Jews</i> were those of best figure among them, the most distinguished men of that religion, who had the best estates and interests. <i>Paul called them together</i>, being desirous to stand right in their opinion, and that there might be a good understanding between him and them. And here we are told,</p>
<p class="tab-1">I. What he said to them, and what account he gave them of his cause. He speaks respectfully to them, calls them men and brethren, and thereby intimates that he expects to be treated by them both as a man and as a brother, and engages to treat them as such and to tell them nothing but the truth; for <i>we are members one of another—all we are brethren</i>. Now, 1. He professes his own innocency, and that he had not given any just occasion to the Jews to bear him such an ill will as generally they did: “I have <i>committed nothing against the people</i> of the Jews, have done nothing to the prejudice of their religion or civil liberties, have added no affliction to their present miseries, they know I have not; nor have I committed any thing <i>against the customs of our fathers</i>, either by abrogating or by innovating in religion.” It is true Paul did not impose the customs of the fathers upon the Gentiles: they were never intended for them. But it is as true that he never opposed them in the Jews, but did himself, when he was among them, conform to them. He never quarrelled with them for practising according to the usages of their own religion, but only for their enmity to the Gentiles, <a class="bibleref" title="Gal.2.12" href="/passage/?search=Gal.2.12">Gal. 2:12</a>. Paul had the testimony of his conscience for him that he had done his duty to the Jews. 2. He modestly complains of the hard usage he had met with—that, though he had given them no offence, yet <i>he was delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans</i>. If he had spoken the whole truth in this matter, it would have looked worse than it did upon the Jews, for they would have murdered him without any colour of law or justice if the Romans had not protected him; but, however, they accused him as a criminal, before Felix the governor, and, demanding judgment against him, were, in effect delivering him prisoner into the hands of the Romans, when he desired no more than a fair and impartial trial by their own law. 3. He declares the judgment of the Roman governors concerning him, <a class="bibleref" title="Acts.28.18" href="/passage/?search=Acts.28.18">Acts 28:18</a>. They examined him, enquired into his case, heard what was to be said against him, and what he had to say for himself. The chief captain examined him, so did Felix, and Festus, and Agrippa, and they could find no cause of death in him; nothing appeared to the contrary but that he was an honest, quiet, conscientious, good man, and therefore they would never gratify the Jews with a sentence of death upon him; but, on the contrary, would have let him go, and have let him go on in his work too, and have given him no interruption, for they all heard him and liked his doctrine well enough. It was for the honour of Paul that those who most carefully examined his case acquitted him, and none condemned him but unheard, and such as were prejudiced against him. 4. He pleads the necessity he was under to remove himself and his cause to Rome; and that it was only in his own defence, and not with any design to recriminate, or exhibit a cross bill against the complainants, (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.28.19" href="/passage/?search=Acts.28.19">Acts 28:19</a>): <i>When the Jews spoke against it</i>, and entered a caveat against his discharge, designing, if they could not have him condemned to die, yet to have him made a prisoner for life, he was <i>constrained to appeal unto Caesar</i>, finding that the governors, one after another, stood so much in awe of the Jews that they could not discharge him, for fear of making him their enemies, which made it necessary for him to pray the assistance of the higher powers. This was all he aimed at in this appeal; not to accuse his nation, but only to vindicate himself. Every man has a right to plead in his own defence, who yet ought not to find fault with his neighbours. It is an invidious thing to accuse, especially to accuse a nation, such a nation. Paul made intercession for them, but never against them. The Roman government had at this time an ill opinion of the Jewish nation, as factious, turbulent, disaffected, and dangerous; and it had been an easy thing for a man with such a fluent tongue as Paul had, a citizen of Rome, and so injured as he was, to have exasperated the emperor against the Jewish nation. But Paul would not for ever so much do such a thing; he was for making the best of every body, and not making bad worse. 5. He puts his sufferings upon the true footing, and gives them such an account of the reason of them as should engage them not only not to join with his persecutors against him, but to concern themselves for him, and to do what they could on his behalf (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.28.20" href="/passage/?search=Acts.28.20">Acts 28:20</a>): “<i>For this cause I have called for you</i>, not to quarrel with you, for I have no design to incense the government against you, but to <i>see you and speak with you</i> as my countrymen, and men that I would keep up a correspondence with, because<i>for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain</i>.” He carried the mark of his imprisonment about with him, and probably was chained to the soldier that kept him; and it was, (1.) Because he preached that the Messiah was come, who was the hope of Israel, he whom Israel hoped for. “Do not all the Jews agree in this, that the Messiah will be the glory of his people Israel? And therefore he is to be hoped for, and this Messiah I preach, and prove he is come. They would keep up such a hope of a Messiah yet to come as must end in a despair of him; I preach such a hope in a Messiah already come as must produce a joy in him.” (2.) Because he preached that the resurrection of the dead would come. This also was the hope of Israel; so he had called it, <a class="bibleref" title="Acts.23.6,Acts.24.15,Acts.26.6,Acts.26.7" href="/passage/?search=Acts.23.6,Acts.24.15,Acts.26.6,Acts.26.7"><span class="bibleref" title="Acts.23.6">Acts 23:6</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Acts.24.15">24:15</span>; <span class="bibleref" title="Acts.26.6">26:6</span>, <span class="bibleref" title="Acts.26.7">7</span></a>. “They would have you still expect a Messiah that would free you from the Roman yoke, and make you great and prosperous upon earth, and it is this that occupies their thoughts; and they are angry at me for directing their expectations to the great things of another world, and persuading them to embrace a Messiah who will secure those to them, and not external power and grandeur. I am for bringing you to the spiritual and eternal blessedness upon which our fathers by faith had their eye, and this is what they hate me for,—because I would take you off from that which is the cheat of Israel, and will be its shame and ruin, the notion of a temporal Messiah, and lead you to that which is the true and real hope of Israel, and the genuine sense of all the promises made to the fathers, a spiritual kingdom of holiness and love set up in the hearts of men, to be the pledge of, and preparative for, the joyful resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.”</p>
<p class="tab-1">II. What was their reply. They own, 1. That they had nothing to say in particular against him; nor had any instructions to appear as his prosecutors before the emperor, either by letter or word of mouth (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.28.21" href="/passage/?search=Acts.28.21">Acts 28:21</a>): “<i>We have neither received letters out of Judea concerning thee</i> (have no orders to prosecute thee) <i>nor have any of the brethren</i> of the Jewish nation that have lately come up to Rome (as many occasions drew the Jews thither now that their nation was a province of that empire) <i>shown or spoken any harm of thee</i>.” This was very strange, that that restless and inveterate rage of the Jews which had followed Paul wherever he went should not follow him to Rome, to get him condemned there. Some think they told a lie here, and had orders to prosecute him, but durst not own it, being themselves obnoxious to the emperors displeasure, who though he had not, like his predecessors, banished them all from Rome, yet gave them no countenance there. But I am apt to think that what they said was true, and Paul now found he had gained the point he aimed at in appealing to Caesar, which was to remove his cause into a court to which they durst not follow it. This was Davids policy, and it was his security (<a class="bibleref" title="1Sam.27.1" href="/passage/?search=1Sam.27.1">1 Sam. 27:1</a>): <i>There is nothing better for me than to escape into the land of the Philistines, and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coasts of Israel; so shall I escape out of his hands</i>: and it proved so, <a class="bibleref" title="Acts.28.4" href="/passage/?search=Acts.28.4">Acts 28:4</a>. <i>When Saul heard that David had fled to Gath, he sought no more again for him</i>. Thus did Paul by his appeal: he fled to Rome, where he was out of their reach; and they said, “Even let him go.” 2. That they desired to know particularly concerning the doctrine he preached, and the religion he took so much pains to propagate in the face of so much opposition (<a class="bibleref" title="Acts.28.22" href="/passage/?search=Acts.28.22">Acts 28:22</a>): “<i>We desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest</i><b><i>ha phroneis</i></b> what thy opinions or sentiments are, what are those things which thou art so wise about, and hast such a relish of and such a zeal for; for, though we know little else of Christianity, we know <i>it is a sect every where spoken against</i>.” Those who said this scornful spiteful word of the Christian religion were Jews, <i>the chief of the Jews at Rome</i>, who boasted of their knowledge (<a class="bibleref" title="Rom.2.17" href="/passage/?search=Rom.2.17">Rom. 2:17</a>), and yet this was all they knew concerning the Christian religion, that it was a <i>sect every where spoken against</i>. They put it into an ill name, and then ran it down. (1.) They looked upon it to be a sect, and this was false. True Christianity establishes that which is of common concern to all mankind, and is not built upon such narrow opinions and private interests as sects commonly owe their original to. It aims at no worldly benefit or advantage as sects do; but all its gains are spiritual and eternal. And, besides, it has a direct tendency to the uniting of the children of men, and not the dividing of them, and setting them at variance, as sects have. (2.) They said it was every where spoken against, and this was too true. All that they conversed with spoke against it, and therefore they concluded every body did: most indeed did. It is, and always has been, the lot of Christs holy religion to be every where spoken against.</p>